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Lodged au Greffe on 19th December 2011 by the Minister for Social Security
2011 Price code: A P.190
THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion
to appoint, further to a process overseen by the Jersey Appointments Commission and in accordance with the Employment Tribunal (Jersey) Regulations 2005, the following persons as members of the Jersey Employment Tribunal, each for a period of 5 years from the dates indicated –
Mrs. Angela Swindell (1st February 2012) Mr. Ian Carr (1st February 2012)
Mr. Timothy Allen (1st April 2012).
The Employment Tribunal (Jersey) Regulations 2005 (as amended by the Employment Tribunal (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2011) set out the composition of the Jersey Employment Tribunal and the terms of appointment of its members. Members may hold office for 2 terms, each term not exceeding 5 years.
An Employment Tribunal Panel consists of a legally qualified Chairman with 2 Side Members; one from a pool of 8 "employee" representative Side Members who have knowledge or experience of or interest in trade unions or matters relating to employees generally, and one from a pool of 8 "employer" representative Side Members who have knowledge or experience of or interest in employers' associations, or matters relating to employers generally.
The recruitment of members must be overseen by, and conducted in accordance with, the guidelines produced by the Jersey Appointments Commission. Members are appointed by the States on the recommendation of the Minister for Social Security, after consultation with the Jersey Appointments Commission.
The Employment Tribunal has 2 current vacancies and one forthcoming vacancy for Side Members. After a period of open recruitment and structured interviews that were chaired by a representative of the Appointments Commission, 3 new Side Members were proposed for the Minister's approval. The Minister is satisfied that the appointees have the required knowledge or experience.
It is proposed that initial terms of 5 years are offered, as follows –
- Mrs. Angela Swindell as an employee representative Side Member, from 1st February 2012.
- Mr. Ian Carr as an employer representative Side Member, from 1st February 2012.
- Mr. Tim Allen as an employer representative Side Member, from 1st April 2012, to replace a member who is resigning effective from 31st March 2012.
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Mrs. Angela Swindell
Having taught for over 30 years in a variety of schools, Mrs. Angela Swindell is currently retired, but is an occasional supply teacher. In her most recent employment, Mrs. Swindell was a teacher of Geography and Religious Education at Victoria College from 1998 to 2010. During that time, Mrs. Swindell was President and Negotiating Secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, Jersey, and was involved in the negotiation of pay settlements and terms and conditions of employment. During that time, Mrs. Swindell was also a Victoria College Housemaster and School Governor. Other positions that Mrs. Swindell has held include: member of the Teachers and Officers Liaison Group, Chairman of the Jersey Teachers' Panel and member of the Education Consultative Council which she frequently chaired from the employee side.
Mr. Ian Carr
Mr. Ian Carr is the Managing Director of Carrdian Consulting Limited, an independent management consultancy business, and is a member of the Institute of Directors. From 1975 to 2011, Mr. Carr worked for Jersey Post, starting as a postman from 1975 to 1991, during which time he was a union official with the Communication Workers' Union and became the Jersey Branch Secretary in the late 1980s. On moving into management in 1991, Mr. Carr progressed through a number of operational management positions, and was ultimately appointed as Group Chief Executive Officer in 2010. With over 400 employees at Jersey Post, Mr. Carr's experience has included staff management, engagement with trade unions, planning, redesign and introduction of new business processes. Recently, he was responsible for developing and implementing a Strategic Business Transformation Plan to secure the future sustainability of Jersey Post.
Mr. Tim Allen
Mr. Tim Allen has been employed at a senior level in the Law Officers' Department since 1999, and is the Director of Finance and Administration. Mr. Allen has experience of judicial proceedings and human resource management and, as the Accounting Officer for the Department, he is responsible for financial management. As a trained HAY job evaluator, Mr. Allen sits on evaluation appeal boards to review independently job evaluation decisions. Mr. Allen is also a trained investigator of workplace incidents, such as bullying and harassment, and is an assessor of candidates undertaking States of Jersey recruitment training. In his early career, Mr. Allen was a teacher of hearing-impaired children for 19 years, culminating in 1996 as Teacher in charge of the Partially Hearing Unit at Grainville School.