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Lodged au Greffe on 14th June 2019
by the Privileges and Procedures Committee
2019 P.60
THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion
in accordance with Article 41(3) of the States of Jersey Law 2005, to consent to the extension of Dr. Mark Egan's term of office as Greffier of the States for a period of 4 years from the date of the expiry of his current contract, namely 6th December 2020.
Article 41(3) of the States of Jersey Law 2005 provides that the Greffier of the States is appointed by the Bailiff with the consent of the States.
The appointment of the present Greffier, Dr. Mark Egan, was ratified by the States on 23rd September 2015, on adopting P.101/2015. The appointment was made for a fixed- term 5 year contract, following an approved recruitment process overseen by the Jersey Appointments Commission. As was said in P.101/2015, Dr. Egan was at that time Deputy Head of the Table Office in the House of Commons in Westminster, leading a team of 7 clerks responsible for the tabling of Parliamentary questions and motions in a fast-moving highly political environment.
He was responsible for the recruitment of graduate fast-stream staff for the House of Commons, jointly with a colleague, and his other duties at that time in Parliament were that he was Secretary of the History of the Parliament Trust, a charitable trust overseeing one of the United Kingdom's largest historical research projects, and diversity champion for the Chamber business directorate, leading work on flexible working and the recruitment of BME staff.
The Committee considers that the Greffier's appointment has been an unqualified success. In the last 3½ years there have been some practical innovations introduced under his leadership, following political endorsement, namely the webcasting of meetings of the States Assembly and the public meetings of Panels and Committees; the introduction of e-petitions; the introduction in 2018 of an online voter registration facility; the successful introduction of legislation for the appointment of a Commissioner for Standards, with associated changes in procedure; and the setting-up of a Referendum Commission.
In addition to these practical enhancements of our democracy, the Greffier has also been responsible, either alone or with the Committee, for leading a number of strategy innovations. He has devised and implemented a new strategy on enhancing public engagement with Jersey's democracy. He has created a departmental business planning process, and introduced in the States Greffe a performance management process. He has introduced a new strategy for the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association ("CPA") Jersey Branch, and has been instrumental in the development of a programme for historical commemorations, including the centenary of Women's Suffrage in 2019.
The Greffier has re-tendered the Hansard contract, and led the process for the Island's hosting of the Commonwealth Youth Parliament in Jersey in 2018 and the CPA Regional Conference in 2016. He has supported the States Assembly Diversity Forum, including measures to encourage more people, particularly women, to stand for election in Jersey.
The work which the Greffier currently has in hand includes the following –
- The implementation of enhanced resources for States Members, subject to agreement to resources under the Government Plan.
- Assisting the Principal Legislative Drafter with changes in her office administration, including the digital transformation of law drafting and publication though the Jerseylaw website.
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- Preparing responses to recommendations of the election observers, including the introduction of automatic electoral registration, for political consideration, and preparing for the 2022 Election.
- The commemoration of the 250th Anniversary in 2019 of the corn riots; and of the 1771 Code of Laws in 2021.
- Reforms to legislative scrutiny to create more inclusive and effective policy- making through law.
- Managing the refurbishment of the States Greffe offices in Morier House.
- The development of a data strategy, thus enabling States Assembly data to be linked and shared digitally.
- The development of a strategy for States Assembly education initiatives.
- The development of a drafting brief for new legislation on parliamentary privilege.
All these various initiatives are at different stages of progress at present.
The appointment of Dr. Egan as Greffier of the States in 2015 marked a change from the past. Going back at least as far as the 1960s all previous Greffiers had been appointed from within the States Greffe; and while the Committee is of the view that this would be a desirable outcome in the future, there have been real advantages in an appointment from outside. Indeed, the appointment of the present Greffier has ensured the continuation of the previous commitment to high standards within the States Greffe, coupled with the innovation which becomes possible where there has been recruitment from another Parliament, where things are done in some ways slightly differently. The innovations which have followed are a merger of experience of Jersey and experience of Parliament in Westminster, and have been entirely positive for the Island, as the Committee is confident Members will agree.
It is understood that the introduction of the apparatus, mechanisms and code of practice for succession planning within the public service is to be considered by the Chief Executive Officer. Although he has not been asked hitherto to take on responsibility for succession planning, the Greffier is happy to accept this as one of his responsibilities during an extended term of office, to ensure effective local competition when he moves on.
The Chairman of the Jersey Appointments Commission has confirmed her approval for this extension.
The Committee unhesitatingly commends this proposition to Members. Financial and manpower implications
There are no additional financial or manpower implications for the States arising from the adoption of this proposition.