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Migration Control Policy [P.137/2020]

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Lodged au Greffe on 20th October 2020 by the Chief Minister


2020  P.137


THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

  1. to agree that action should be taken to provide more responsive controls on the number of migrants who acquire the right to settle permanently in Jersey and to remove the automatic graduation' from one CHWL permission to another;
  2. to request the Chief Minister to bring forward amendments to the States of Jersey Law 2005 to require the Council of Ministers to develop a common policy on population;
  3. to request the Chief Minister to bring forward the following amendments to the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 (CHWL):
  1. to introduce a 9 month CHWL permission that does not lead to permanent residential status;
  2. to introduce a 4 year CHWL permission that does not lead to permanent residential status;
  3. to introduce a 10 year CHWL permission that may lead to permanent residential status;
  4. to introduce a long-term CHWL permission that does provide permanent residential status;
  5. to require the applicant for a new permit to make a declaration of any unspent criminal convictions;
  6. to introduce enhanced identity requirements for all CHWL cards issued to new residents;
  7. to provide for an independent, statutory, expert panel  to  research  and  advise  on  population matters; and

(viii)  to provide for a Committee of States members to

hold responsibility for determining applications under  the  CHW  law  that  fall  outside  formal guidelines.


Page - 2


Ministerial foreword

Firstly, I would like to acknowledge the thorough work of the Migration Policy Development Board ("MPDB"). The Board members represented a wide range of views and received evidence from many local organisations and individuals during their work. In the development of its recommendations the Board has given this sensitive and important topic the serious consideration that it deserves.

I have taken forward almost all of the MPDB's recommendations to produce this migration control policy. It should be made clear at the start that this is not a population policy. As the report will show, without the appropriate statistics and controls at its disposal, any future government will continue to struggle to set a population policy that can be implemented.

The policies set out in this document describe the first crucial step to setting the foundations on which a population policy can be developed. It is clear that the measures currently in place have not controlled migration adequately. Improving these controls and gathering sufficient data to inform the operation of a population policy is vital. One key aspect that needs addressing is the automatic graduation of migrant workers into "entitled to work" and then "entitled" status under the current law. The proposals set out in this proposition will provide much greater control over the number of workers who receive permission to remain permanently in Jersey. At the same time our current ability to monitor the flow of workers in and out of Jersey is limited and investment in appropriate IT systems will allow the government to exercise much finer control over ongoing migration in line with economic conditions from time to time.

We are in uncertain times and the impacts of Brexit and the coronavirus on the future of the island are not yet fully understood. The proposed migration controls are sufficiently robust to restrict the net inward migration rate where required to do so, but also offer the flexibility to allow targeted migration as may be required for our future needs. 2021 will bring fresh challenges. The economy has contracted during 2020 and  during the time  we will be encouraging and supporting economic recovery there will also, therefore, be time to design and implement these proposed legal and administrative changes to create a new system that is fit for the future.

This policy paper does not attempt to set a population target. This will require wider public and political debate on how the island wants to move forward in our post Brexit and Covid-19 world.

These proposals do give the foundations upon which to build a population policy. If approved, for the first time we will be in a position to develop a population policy that will take into consideration all the areas of ministerial responsibility, and will be backed up by political, legal and IT structures to control the rate of net inward migration and access to permanent residency to suit the needs of current and future generations.

If approved by the States Assembly, the legal, administrative and technological tasks set out in this proposition can be substantially completed during 2021.

The island faces considerable economic uncertainty during 2021 as we recover from Covid and the impact of Brexit is understood. Initial estimates suggest that the number of workers in Jersey has fallen by several thousand between summer 2019 and summer 2020. It is likely that migration is likely to continue to be depressed during 2021 due to both Covid and Brexit.

Our focus in 2021 will be on developing the migration control proposals set out in this document. Existing and new controls will be rigorously applied during this time to prevent a new influx of migrant workers as job opportunities start to become available again.

At the same time Ministers will also start to develop the broader range of policies that will be needed to support a full population policy including:- an economic framework that shifts activity towards higher productivity sectors; a skills strategy that supports reskilling as jobs are lost from some existing sectors; a fiscal policy that acknowledges the increasing cost of public services due to the ageing of our population; a housing policy that provides good quality accommodation for all local residents.

Ministers will work individually and jointly on this project during 2021 providing a strong framework for the next Council of Ministers to develop its own population policy. If this proposition is adopted in December, we will then be in a position to produce an interim population policy in advance of the statutorily required policy that will be required under the proposed law changes.

Following the election in 2022, the new Council of Ministers will be required to make full use of the new legal and political structures available to them and will be obliged to publish their full population proposals during 2022.

The proposals laid out in this proposition, if approved, therefore represent the creation of a strong foundation of improved controls, and better data collection, that together will finally enable a robust population policy to be developed.

Senator John le Fondré Chief Minister


  1. Executive Summary......................................................................................................................... 6
  1. Flexible and responsive migration controls ........................................................................... 6
  2. Criminal record checks & identity validation .......................................................................... 7
  3. Coordinated common population policy ................................................................................. 7
  4. Customer focus .......................................................................................................................... 8
  5. Migrants' rights ........................................................................................................................... 8
  1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 9
  1. Overarching population principles ............................................................................................... 11
  1. Population Projections ............................................................................................................ 11
  2. Dependency ratio..................................................................................................................... 12
  3. Benefits ..................................................................................................................................... 15
  4. Productivity ............................................................................................................................... 16
  5. Qualitative factors .................................................................................................................... 17
  1. Flexible and responsive migration controls................................................................................ 18
  1. Current migration control ........................................................................................................ 19
  2. Controls on individuals ............................................................................................................ 20
  3. Controls on businesses .......................................................................................................... 20
  4. Entitled status on social & economic grounds .................................................................... 25
  5. Coordination with Immigration permissions ......................................................................... 25
  1. Criminal record checks & identity validation .............................................................................. 27
  1. Criminal record checks ........................................................................................................... 27
  2. Identification ............................................................................................................................. 28
  1. Coordinated common population policy ..................................................................................... 29
  1. Customer focus .............................................................................................................................. 33

7.1 Transitional provisions ............................................................................................................ 34

  1. Migrants' rights ........................................................................................................................... 35
  1. Healthcare................................................................................................................................. 35
  2. Social Security ......................................................................................................................... 35
  3. Family life .................................................................................................................................. 36
  1. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 37
  1. Next steps ................................................................................................................................ 38
  2. Financial and manpower implications ...................................................................................... 39 Appendix 1: Migration Policy Development Board: Final Report ....................................... 40
  1. Executive Summary

For many decades continued economic growth in Jersey has driven a demand for migrant workers in order to source skills and labour that have not been available on the island. At the end of 2019 figures for total job count' and the overall population' were at their highest recorded level, with net inward migration accounting for 80% of the increase in population over the last 10 years.

An increasing population upon an area of finite land presents clear challenges to island living, and a need to increase permanent population numbers to drive economic growth creates an unsustainable position for the island.

Balanced against this is the need to have population levels at a high enough level to maintain a healthy economy and sufficient financial inputs to provide the services and support that islanders require to secure their financial, social, mental and physical security. For example, there are challenges in balancing a population at a sufficient level, and at an improved level of productivity, to provide support for increasing health and pension costs of an ageing demographic, that does not impact upon the environment and ecology in an unacceptable manner.

Migration and population issues have been the subject of numerous debates within the States Assembly over many decades, are consistently raised by the electorate as a primary concern at hustings and frequently feature as a priority in States members' manifestos. Despite these considerations and discussions population in Jersey has continued to rise to record levels. If the States Assembly is committed to reducing the rate of population growth in Jersey then decisions must be made to give Jersey clear, proportionate, responsive controls to enable government to be more selective in meeting the needs of Jersey's economy and society and to set and monitor the future rate at which migrants can acquire the right to live permanently in Jersey.

These proposals are for a migration control policy, not a population policy. They will enable us to develop:

the legal framework to provide more responsive migration controls to allow us to monitor and maintain an appropriate level of population growth,

the political structure to support the decision-making needed to create and maintain an agreed population policy across all areas of government, and

the administrative systems needed to operate a simple and effective application process, accessible to businesses and individuals, which collects timely and comprehensive data on the current level of inward migration.

  1. Flexibleand responsive migration controls

Jersey's membership of the Common Travel area (CTA)[1] allows free travel for islanders across the UK and Ireland, and is highly valued by government, businesses and many families who live here. Our presence in the CTA prevents the introduction of immigration controls on British and Irish citizens, and in the absence of an autonomous immigration system the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 (CHWL) continues to be the most effective way of controlling the overall population density of Jersey.

The main driver of the recent growth in Jersey's population has been the automatic graduation' of migrant workers who arrive in the island to take up registered employment and who, when they become Entitled To Work (ETW) after five years, can move into the wider job market – freeing up registered employment permissions that employers use again for new inward migrants. This allows one registered permission to be used repeatedly by the employer allowing more than one migrant to take advantage of the permission at different times. This means that the total number of workers in the Island continues to increase even if no new registered permissions are granted to businesses.

Amendments to the statuses available to workers and the permissions granted to businesses under the Control and Housing of Work (Jersey) Law 2012 will prevent this automatic graduation, and provide responsive controls to enable government to be more selective in meeting the needs of Jersey's economy and society:

  1. A 9-month CHWL permission that does not lead to permanent residence status
  2. A 4-year CHWL permission that does not lead to permanent residence status
  3. A 10-year CHWL permission that may lead to permanent residence status
  4. A long-term CHWL permission that does provide permanent residence status.
  1. Criminal record checks & identity validation

The introduction of a requirement to declare any unspent' criminal convictions as part of the CHWL application process will allow Jersey to better determine who should be able to access housing and work here, and the addition of biometric data or a photograph to registration cards issued to new residents and the ability to utilise a digital registration card will improve security in accessing government services.

  1. Coordinated common population policy

The population and demographic makeup of the island are intrinsically linked with the sustainable well-being of islanders, and all policies developed by Government impact upon, or are impacted by, these areas at some level. Truly reducing the island's reliance upon net inward migration in order to address population growth requires a joined-up approach across multiple Ministerial areas, and as such the States of Jersey Law should be amended to include an explicit requirement for the Council of Ministers to establish a joint policy on population.

The current statutory responsibilities for migration (Chief Minister) and immigration (Minister for Home Affairs) will be reviewed with a view to consolidating the intertwined implications of the roles, and to identify whether one minister should hold overall responsibility for all the legal controls that provide access into, and employment and housing in, Jersey.

So that the many complex policy issues to be considered in drawing up an overarching population policy can be developed and adapted to take account of emerging issues, an independent panel of experts will be legally established to take evidence and provide recommendations to the Council of Ministers. A review will identify the most appropriate composition of this panel.

To ensure that exceptional cases are considered with relevant political input we intend to establish a committee of executive and non-executive States Members to hold responsibility for determining applications under the CHW law that fall outside formal guidelines.

  1. Customer focus

The current processes for applying for immigration and migration permission can be confusing and time-consuming for businesses and workers seeking to move to Jersey. The exit of the UK from the EU will significantly increase the number of migrant workers who need both immigration and migration permission.

To reduce this confusion surrounding the processes for migration and immigration we have already started a joint review of the customer facing aspects of CHW applications and immigration entry clearances to provide a single, clear and transparent application process across both sets of legislation for businesses and migrants.

Investment in a tech based migration control system will bring data together from all areas of government activity to give a more accurate view of housing, immigration, migration and population issues to aid the development of ongoing immigration / migration control policies and to inform the public of the outcomes of these policies.

  1. Migrants' rights

Migrants who have skills that are in short supply operate in a global market with multiple jurisdictions competing for their services. A fair package of rights and benefits is important to ensure that migrants feel valued and integrated members of our community, and that Jersey remains an attractive destination for the essential migrants that we require.

We will undertake a  review of all government funded services that include residency requirements with the aim that access to services is aligned across all areas.

The importance of family life should be clearly recognised within the migration controls and we will undertake a separate workstream to consider the impact of the proposed CHW changes on family life and children.

  1. Introduction

The issue of migration controls has been a sensitive and high-profile issue for many years, and there have been numerous States Assembly debates, reports and propositions on the subject over several decades. This migration control policy takes account of the concerns raised by these previous considerations and looks to build upon the recommendations and the extensive research undertaken by the Migration Policy Development Board.

The last major reform was in 2013 with the introduction of the Control of Housing and Work Law. Since then Jersey has experienced a continued growth in economic activity and in December  2019  the  total  number  of  jobs  in  Jersey  was  61,500,  the  highest  recorded December figure to date.

Sector  Dec-14  Dec-15  Dec-16  Dec-17  Dec-18  Dec-19 Private  48,220  49,860  50,950  52,010  53,070  53,450 Public  8,320  7,960  7,690  7,780  7,780  8,060 Total  56,540  57,820  58,640  59,790  60,850  61,500

Table 1: Total job count for the private and public sectors, December 2014 – December 2019[1]

The resident population of Jersey at year-end 2019 was estimated at 107,800.

Figure 1: Total resident population at year-end, 2000 - 2019[2]

This has meant that during the last 10 years the resident population is estimated to have increased by 11,700, with net inward migration accounting for 80% of this increase. The natural excess of births over deaths accounts for the remaining increase.

Whilst the population and the Island's workforce have reached record levels there has been a significant decline in the productivity of the Jersey economy throughout most of the last two decades (see section 3.4).

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the importance of a healthy economy in providing the essential services that give us financial, social and physical security, and of the benefits of a strong economy in building the strategic reserves to temper the impacts of such a crisis. It has also highlighted the importance of the natural environment and a supportive community in maintaining the physical health and mental wellbeing of all Islanders.

Due to its finite resources, the need to increase permanent population numbers to drive economic growth creates an unsustainable position for the island. This Government is committed to the goal of reducing the current reliance on inward migration.

Recent financial crises, Brexit and the coronavirus pandemic clearly show that Jersey is not immune to the impacts of unexpected external factors and how they can swiftly and dramatically impact life and the economy in Jersey, and that future migration controls need to be sufficiently agile to allow Jersey to react appropriately and to be able to implement new migration policies quickly.

The United Kingdom (UK) has now left the European Union (EU), and the transition period after Brexit comes to an end on 31st December 2020. This will fundamentally impact the relationship that Jersey has with the EU and the way in which Jersey controls the ability for European nationals to live and work here. It represents an opportunity to consider how government wishes to deal with the issues of migration and immigration controls in the future.

This proposition introduces systems and frameworks to provide clear, proportionate, responsive controls that will enable government to be more selective in meeting the needs of Jersey's economy and society, welcoming those that Jersey requires to fill its labour and skills gaps, whilst better controlling the rate at which migrants can acquire the right to live permanently in Jersey in the post-Brexit era.

  1. Overarching population principles
  1. Population Projections

Over the 10-year period to year-end 2019, the population in Jersey is estimated to have increased by 11,700, with four-fifths (80%) of the increase being from net inward migration (9,300).

Table 2: Change in Jersey's resident population, 2001 – 2019[1]

The average increase in the resident population during the four year period (2016 to 2019 inclusive) at 1,300 per year, is around four times that at the start of the previous decade (2001 to 2004: 400 per year).

In the most recent population prediction, from 2016, Statistics Jersey estimated that if the net inward migration rate continued at +1000 per year, then the Jersey population would be 128,800 in 2035.

Figure 2: Total projected population size from 2015 to 2065 under different levels of net migration (Statistics Jersey)[1]

These recent changes reflect a much longer-term trend of population growth in Jersey, as this analysis by the British Irish Council in 2016 shows:

Figure 3: Population change across BIC members using 1951 data as base reference

  1. Dependencyratio

By applying different rates of net inward migration to the 2015 population statistics, Statistics Jersey has provided a range of forecasts that indicate the possible impact upon the relative increase in the proportion of elderly people, and subsequent impacts on the ratio of working age people to the total population (the dependency ratio)[2].

Figure 4: Dependency ratio 2015-2065 under different levels of net migration (Statistics Jersey)[1]

Figure 4 shows the rapid growth in dependency ratio between 2015 and 2035 as the post war "baby boom" generation reaches pension age. The dependency ratio provides useful statistical information, but it does not attempt to measure the ongoing economic value of pensioners.

However, an ageing population will put pressure on our health services. It has been estimated that over the period 2016-2026[2], at least an additional 280 full time public sector employees will be needed to meet the demand for doctors, nurses, paramedics and social workers. In addition, many more care workers are expected to be needed across both public and private sector care provision.

increase in pensionable age to 67 by 2031 has not been taken account of in these projections. This change in pensionable age would reduce the effective dependency ratio seen from 2031 onwards by approximately 6 percentage points.

(Estimates of the number of people in each age and sex group have been produced by applying the age-sex distributions of the population projections[3] to the estimate of the total population).

Figure 5: Population by age and sex, year-end 2019[4]

In 2011, when discussing the impact of the planet's population growth, Sir David Attenborough described "The notion of ever more old people needing ever more young people, who will in turn grow old and need even more young people, and so on ad infinitum, is an obvious ecological Ponzi scheme".[5] On an island with finite resources the same logic can be applied to bringing in more long-term migrants to grow the economy and to fill skills and labour gaps in the island. A failure to manage high levels of migration in the working age population now is likely to lead to further ageing demographic bulges in the future. A significant increase of migrants in their 20s and 30s over the next ten years would lead to another pensioner bulge in the 2070s and 2080s leading to increased health and pension costs to be met by following generations of workers.

These statistics indicate the extent of the overall population issues. In an island with limited land mass and resources, Ministers do not believe that the solution to tackling these issues can be based solely upon an ever-increasing number of migrants providing financial support through taxes to an increasingly ageing demographic.  

  1. Benefits

The Social Security Fund (SSF) provides old age pensions and a range of other benefits to those who have paid the required contributions. The SSF is financed by a combination of social security contributions from individuals and employers and a States grant.

An actuarial review of the SSF as at 31st December 2017[6] (published March 2019) includes projections over the period from 2017 to 2077. The review considered the impact of a range of populations scenarios in projecting the health of the Fund over the next 60 years. The next graph shows the total value of the Fund as a multiple of annual expenditure, assuming that the current rates of contribution remain unchanged.

Figure 6: Total Social Security Funds balance as multiple of annual expenditure under various migration scenarios 2017 – 2077 (SSF actuarial review 31 December 2017)

With net migration remaining at +700 over the 60-year period, this projection shows that the Fund remains stable at just under 6 years' worth of expenditure, based on the current contribution rates. If net migration is experienced at a higher level, the projections show that the Fund would increase significantly over time.

With net migration at +325, the Fund is exhausted towards the end of the 60-year period, assuming that social security contributions do not increase. To maintain an old age pension and other benefits, it would be necessary to increase contribution rates at some point to maintain a viable Fund. For example, if the Fund was allowed to reduce to zero, the contribution rate would need to increase by 2.6% from 10.5% to 13.1% to provide the funding to maintain old age pensions and other benefits.

Note that recent changes to the level of contributions and States Grant into the Fund to support the cost of Covid measures are not reflected in this graph. Reduced income into the Fund will have an impact on the long-term performance of the Fund. However, the overall effect of different migration levels on the Fund will be similar.

  1. Productivity[7]

Since 1998 the Island's workforce has increased by more than 8,000 full time workers, but there has been a decline in the productivity of the Jersey economy throughout most of the last two decades. The long-term decline in productivity has occurred particularly since 2007. Between 2007 and 2019 the productivity of the Island's economy fell by more than a fifth (22%) in real terms.

This decline in the productivity of the Island's economy overall has been driven by a decline in the productivity of the financial services sector. Much of this decline is connected with the reduction in interest rates since 2007 which led to lower net interest income in the banking sub-sector.

Figure 7: Productivity (GVA per FTE) of Jersey's economy in real terms and total employment, 1998-2019

A separate factor in the decrease in productivity of non-finance sectors since 2007 has been the greater proportion of the Island's workforce being employed in lower productivity sectors; the private sector service industries accounted for 15% of the island's workforce in 2007 (on a full time equivalent worker basis - FTE) rising to 22% in 2019, representing an increase of more than 5,000 FTEs over the period. Easy access to migrant workers over this period, particularly for some of the low productivity sectors, may have encouraged some businesses to continue to rely on a supply of lower paid migrants rather than investing in new working practices or using technology to become more productive.

  1. Qualitative factors

Matters of migration and population in Jersey are often measured in terms of the impact that they have on the economy. There are other factors that are harder to measure, but no less important, when considering migration and an increasing population such as feelings of community, fairness and equality, the impact to people of the loss of open fields and green spaces, the impacts upon the environment and ecology, and real and psychological concerns about the pressures on services such as schools, roads, and hospitals.

There are also moral considerations for Jersey about the utilisation of skills and labour from other countries, the dependency of some sectors on "cheap labour", and the desire to continually look further afield to meet this demand.

Proposition (a): to agree that action should be taken to provide more responsive controls on the number of migrants who acquire the right to settle permanently in Jersey and to remove the automatic graduation' from one CHWL permission to another.

  1. Flexible and responsive migration controls

Australia, New Zealand and Canada are often quoted as exemplars of immigration systems. These systems control the immigration of foreign migrants who make up the vast majority of migrants into their countries. Little account needs to be given to the free movement of citizens from outside of their own countries, as they do not have similar arrangements to the Common Travel Area.

The Common Travel Area (CTA) is established as a matter of law to facilitate the free movement of individuals between the UK, Republic of Ireland and the Crown Dependencies. There are no formal immigration border controls within the CTA and an individual arriving through a Jersey Customs and Immigration control has unfettered movement after that point throughout the whole of the CTA.

Membership of the CTA provides significant financial advantage to Jersey and is highly valued by businesses as well as individuals. It allows Jersey to make use of the U.K.'s border security technical solutions to facilitate workers coming to Jersey from many different countries. In order to remain within the CTA, which allows this freedom of travel for islanders across the UK and Ireland, Jersey cannot introduce immigration controls on Irish citizens.

Jersey aligns its immigration controls to that of the UK as part of its obligations as a member of the CTA. As such the Island has selected the relevant parts of primary UK immigration legislation and extended those parts to Jersey. Further the Island ensures it has equally robust border controls as elsewhere in the CTA.

Although the free movement of EEA nationals, without settled status, will end on 31st December 2020[8], the continued free movement of individuals within the Common Travel Area (CTA), and Jersey's reliance upon the UK's immigration system makes the implementation of a unique Jersey immigration system' to control inward migration impractical in Jersey.

In the absence of an autonomous immigration system, the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey)Law (CHW Law) was introduced on 1st July 2013 with the intention of controlling:

  1. The overall population density of Jersey; and
  2. The availability of work and housing in Jersey for people with strong connections or associations with Jersey and, more generally, in such a way that is in the best interests of the community of Jersey.

The CHW Law provides a framework for the registration of Jersey residents and makes provision for controls on who can access work and housing. It is a relatively new, accepted and sound piece of legislation that provides an appropriate legal basis to control access to housing and work in Jersey. Drafting a new law from scratch would be likely to duplicate much of the existing CHW Law and would represent a poor use of public resources.

Due to the terms of membership of the Common Travel Area (CTA) and the desire to prevent citizens of the CTA from having free and open access to living in Jersey, controlling people's access to work and housing through the CHW law continues to be the most effective way of controlling the overall population density of Jersey.

This proposition seeks approval to bring forward amendments to the existing CHW Law to create a more responsive and simplified migration system, that is easier to understand.

  1. Current migration control

The Control of Housing & Work (Jersey) Law 2012 (CHWL) is designed to control access to employment and housing for adults who are legally resident in Jersey. The CHWL requires all persons who are, or who intend to be, in Jersey for a continuous period of 3 months or more to have an appropriate valid registration card, and creates four main types of legal permission with each type able to access the employment and housing market with different degrees of freedom.


Residential / employment status





Someone who has lived in Jersey for 10 years[9]

Can buy, sell or lease any property

Can work anywhere; doesn't need permission to be employed


Someone who is currently employed in a post that has been identified as a licensed' post under the CHW Law

Can buy, sell or lease any property, apart from assisted purchase or social rented housing, in their own name while they keep their licensed' status

Employer must hold CHW licensed permission

Entitled for work

Someone who has lived in Jersey for 5 consecutive years immediately before the date the card is issued, or is married to / in a civil partnership with someone who is entitled', licensed' or entitled for work'

Can buy property jointly with an entitled' spouse / civil partner. Can lease registered' property as a main place of residence.

Can work anywhere and doesn't need permission to be employed


Someone who does not qualify under the other categories

Can lease registered' property as a main place of residence

Employer needs CHW permission to employ a registered' person

Figure 8: Employment and housing rights by CHWL status 2020[10]

  1. Controlson individuals

Most migrants enter Jersey with "registered" status and are limited to taking employment with a business that holds a "registered" permission.

Under the current law, there is free access to the labour market once a person with "registered" status has lived in Jersey for five years and they are granted "entitled to work" status.

Entitled' status can be gained after a minimum of ten years' residence in Jersey, giving free access to the housing market. There are different detailed rules depending on whether the individual was born in Jersey, the age at which they first arrived in Jersey, the status of their parents, and any gaps in residence.

Table 3: Number of jobs by residential status of current post holder, December 2019[11]

Whilst the current CHW Law does provide for controls in this area, in practice, "registered" permissions held by businesses are often "recycled" and the same permission used for a new migrant employee once the original postholder gains ETW status and no longer requires a specific employment permission. Many permissions are currently allocated to businesses without the need to name individual workers and so can be re-used. This has reduced the effectiveness of the CHW Law in controlling the total size of the labour market and allowed for ongoing inward migration at a high level.

A main driver of the recent growth in Jersey's population has been the graduation' of migrant workers who arrive in the island to take up registered employment and who, when they become Entitled To Work (ETW) after five years, no longer need to remain within  their  registered  employment  and  free  up  those  registered  employment permissions to employers to use again for new inward migrants.

  1. Controlson businesses

Under the CHW Law, every business operating in Jersey requires a CHW licence. Licences are usually granted by CLS officers working under delegated authority. The main condition applied to business licences is in terms of the number of migrant workers that can be employed by the business. There are no controls on the number of ETW workers employed by a business, who constitute approximately 80% of the total labour market.

The main function of the business licensing process is therefore to assess applications from new and existing businesses that wish to increase the number of migrant workers in their organisation.  

The distribution of permissions across businesses is based on a variety of historical factors. Some businesses have permissions that are not currently being used. These permissions can be retained by the business and used to recruit a new licensed or registered worker in the future. To discourage businesses from holding on to empty permissions, an annual fee is applied  to  each  permission,  at  £50  per  registered  permission  per  year,  and  licensed permissions at £225 per year.

Business licences are issued with a 3-year review date. The number of migrant workers in post is actively managed as part of the licence review process. A business's need to retain vacant permissions is challenged and where possible, vacant permissions are removed in line with the average proportion of permissions held by other businesses in the same sector. In 2018,  745  registered  permissions  were  removed,  and  113  licensed  permissions  were removed.

Despite these steps to improve the balance of permissions held by local businesses, there are still many vacant  permissions within the system and an uneven distribution of  existing permissions within and across sectors. New businesses can struggle to obtain additional permissions whilst more established businesses may be holding vacant licences. In some situations, this could distort the market.

At the end of December 2018, of the 5,896 permanent registered permissions issued to businesses, 4,279 were filled, leaving 1,617 registered permissions vacant (27%).

Overall, the total number of licensed and registered permissions has only risen slowly over the  last few  years  as permissions  have  been kept  under tight control.   In  total  5,606 permissions have been granted and 4,876 permissions withdrawn between 2013 and 2018. Annual totals are shown in the two graphs below.

Changes in registered permissions 2013 - 2018

1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

added removed net

Figure 9: Registered permissions agreed and removed 2013 – 2018 (internal)

Changes in licensed permissions 2013 - 2018

350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

added removed net

Figure 10: Licensed permissions agreed and removed 2013 – 2018 (internal)

Statistics Jersey estimate that in 2018 and 2019 12% of all registered staff graduated' each year and were subsequently replaced by new migrants with registered status. This automatic graduation to ETW status led to around 615 registered workers remaining in Jersey each year as they reached their five-year anniversary in Jersey, leading to an annual increase in the resident population of approximately 800 (including non-working partners and children). This explainer  video  by  Statistics  Jersey  offers  a  more  detailed  explanation:

The  current  CHW  Law  does  not  provide  any  specific  control  in  respect  of  the "graduation" of "registered" migrant workers to entitled to work (ETW) status. The regular supply of extra ETW workers into the local labour market has fuelled the expansion of many business areas over the last five years.

Comparing Jersey labour market statistics between December 2013 and December 2018 shows an increase of 4,940 private sector Entitled/ETW jobs. Over the same period the total number of licensed jobs in use increased by 310 and the total number of registered jobs by 820.

As at December  Licensed  Registered  Entitled/ETW 2013  1,190  4,340  41,370 2018  1,500  5,160  46,310 Growth over 5  + 310  + 820  + 4,940


Table 4: Number of jobs by residential status of post holder: Private sector Dec 2013 to Dec 2018 Jersey Labour Market, (Statistics Jersey)

The table clearly indicates that where the CHWL exercises controls, i.e. in the licensed and registered categories, it is effective in controlling the number of jobs available, but where controls are absent, i.e. in ETW and Entitled categories, there has been a significant growth.

There is a valid need for migrant workers to undertake a wide variety of jobs in the local economy to support labour shortages but the automatic transfer to ETW status will need to be addressed in order to give the government more responsive control over the total population.

It is proposed to amend the statuses available to workers and the permissions granted to businesses under the Control and Housing of Work (Jersey) Law 2012 to prevent automatic graduation, to provide responsive controls and to enable government to be more selective in meeting the needs of Jersey's economy and society.

The proposed new statuses available to workers and the permissions granted to businesses under the Control of Housing and Work Law (CHWL) are described briefly below:

A 9-month CHWL permission to support the need for additional staff to cope with peak workflows, typically associated with a particular time of year Christmas retail, potato harvesting et cetera. This status lasts for no longer than nine months for any one period of work. A worker could undertake another spell of work under a 9-month status but only after at least a three-month gap. No residency rights will be built up during the periods of work under this status.

A 4-year CHWL permission to support the provision for additional staff needed for year-round work requirements. This status will last for no longer than four years. A worker could return to Jersey for another spell of work but only after at least a twelve-month gap from the island. Residency rights will be built up during the periods of work. If a worker applies for a second 4-year permission following an absence, their residency rights would start again – the previous time spent in the island would not count towards any future residency rights.

These two new statuses will not lead to the right for the worker to remain in Jersey permanently.

Once the required IT application and control systems are in place the intent is to provide permissions to businesses on a named worker basis. A business will then apply each time a new 9 month or 4-year CHWL permission worker is employed. Businesses will no longer hold vacant permissions for these categories of worker. To support the effective introduction and administration of this control for both businesses and the government, new IT systems will be required, and the introduction of this control will be phased in as processes are agreed and systems are developed.

If required, the Employment Law will be amended to clarify the position of the employer and employee at the end of a permission period in respect of both 9 month and 4-year permissions. The Employment Law previously provided for the termination of employment at the end of a "J" category permission and a similar provision will be used to provide clarity at the end of a 9 month and 4-year permission.

A 10-year CHWL permission to support the provision of staff needed to fill specific skill gaps in the Jersey labour market. The permission will last for up to 10 years and allows the worker to apply for the right to long-term residency in Jersey.

Businesses will apply for permissions to employ 10-year status workers on a named individual basis. The business will apply for a new permission each time a new 10-year status worker is employed. Businesses will no longer hold vacant permissions for this category of worker. The individual must continue to work in the same type and level of occupation throughout the 10-year period in order to maintain their 10-year status. Once an individual has completed 10 years continuously under this status, and provided they have maintained a good character (e.g. they do not have an unspent' serious criminal conviction, and did not make a false declaration on their CHW applications), they will be able to transfer to a long term CHWL permission.

Areas currently covered by licensed' permissions will typically receive a 10-year permission immediately. This will apply to specific areas such as qualified health professionals (including social workers, nurses and doctors) and teachers, as well as qualified finance, legal and digital professionals.

A new feature of this proposal is the ability of a business to be able to apply to transfer an employee from a 4-year CHWL permission into a 10-year CHWL permission. The ability to apply for a transfer after 4 years acknowledges that many employers support their workers to acquire additional skills whilst in Jersey and take on more responsibility.

The application to move from the 4-year CHWL permission to a 10-year CHWL permission will not be granted automatically. An employer will be required to demonstrate that an employee has acquired a level of skill and/or responsibility that would justify a transfer to a 10- year CHWL permission.

Employees who transfer in this way will have their initial 4 years recognised towards their total 10-year period and can remain in Jersey for up to 10 years in total. The individual must continue to work in the same type and level of occupation throughout the remainder of the 10- year period in order to maintain their ten-year status. After ten years the worker will able to apply for a long term CHWL permission, provided they have maintained a good character (e.g. they do not have an unspent' serious criminal conviction, and did not make a false declaration on their CHW applications), and will be free to take up any employment and access the local housing market without restriction.

Under these proposals only named workers who are granted a 10-year permission are able to apply to remain in Jersey permanently. This will allow the government to choose the skill mix of workers and the total number of workers entering this route each year. Whereas there will be a varying number of 9 month and 4-year workers also resident at any one time, these workers cannot automatically gain the right to remain permanently in Jersey and do not add to the long-term population growth.

A long term CHWL permission will be available to people who have lived in Jersey for at least 10 years, giving them full access to the local housing and job markets. This will only be available to people who have been brought up in Jersey and to people transferring from a 10- year status permission. The existing CHW rules relating to children born in Jersey and those moving to Jersey at a young age will continue to apply. These children will continue to move to a long term CHW permission after ten years of ordinary residence.

These permissions will allow the government to maintain a much closer control on the number of workers settling permanently in Jersey. The number of any permissions granted could be varied to reflect the overall population policy of the island from time to time.

In all cases, the CHW status of an individual and length of residency will only count towards a long-term residency permission while they hold a valid CHW status under the law.
















9 month Permission


























4 year Permission

4 year job only


4 year job only


4 year job



4 year Permission

4 year job only

transfer to 10 year job only



10 year Permission

10 year job only


CHWL application No CHWL permission Full access to Housing & Work

Figure 11: Chart of proposed CHWL permissions

  1. Entitled status on social & economic grounds

These proposals do not suggest any changes to the current application route for high net worth individuals applying for CHWL permission under Regulation 2(1)(e) of the CHW (Residential and Employment Status) (Jersey) Regulations 2013.

Entitled status based on social and/or economic grounds and being considered to be in the best interests of the community are covered by different levels of scrutiny to the proposed permissions  considered  above  and  are  not  covered  within  the  considerations  of  this proposition.

  1. Coordination with Immigration permissions

With the end of the transition period in respect of the exit of the UK from the European Union on 31 December 2020, any EU worker seeking to take up employment in Jersey will need to have immigration permission as well as CHW permission. The only exception is Irish citizens, as  the  existing  arrangements  of  the  Common  Travel  Area  will  continue,  allowing  free movement across the UK, Ireland and Crown Dependencies.

Many parts of the Jersey economy draw heavily on European workers and from the beginning of 2021 the worker and the employing business will need additional permissions.

The Minister for Home Affairs has published details of the immigration routes available to enter Jersey for work purposes from 1 January 2021. These routes need to sit within the overall UK immigration system although Jersey does have autonomy in providing for some variations on the main system.

Ministers have worked together to ensure that there is close alignment between the proposed CHW and the new immigration routes and that the administration of the two systems will be co-ordinated as far as possible.

Both systems would include a nine-month seasonal route with a mandatory three-month minimum gap between successive applications.

Both systems will include a longer route which does not automatically lead to long term residency. The immigration system will provide a 3-year permission for a skilled worker route, requiring a minimum salary of £30,000 per annum and a qualification level equivalent to A level. The equivalent UK route has a minimum salary level of £25,600 for most occupations. A separate essential worker route will provide for sectors that experience labour shortages but do not meet the requirements of the skilled worker route.

In all cases, immigration permission will only be granted if the business already holds an appropriate CHW permission for the proposed job. The Minister for Home Affairs will not impose additional immigration caps. At the end of the three-year permit, the worker may apply for permission to extend their immigration permission. This will allow them to apply to transfer from a four-year CHW permission to a 10-year permission.

 After five years' continuous residence, an immigrant can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain. If this is granted, the immigrant is no longer subject to immigration controls but remains subject to requirements of the CHW permission. This would allow the immigrant to settle anywhere in the CTA without restriction but, to remain in Jersey, the individual will still need to satisfy the requirements of his/her CHW permission – for example to continue to work in the same type and level of occupation throughout the remainder of the 10 year period.

An immigrant who is granted a 10-year CHW permission on entry will follow a similar immigration route as above - an initial three-year permission, a two-year extension, and then an application for Indefinite Leave to Remain.

Whereas it is inevitable that an EU citizen applying for immigration permission will be subject to additional requirements compared to a CTA citizen who has the legal right to enter Jersey at any time, the alignment of the CHW proposals and the new immigration rules will help businesses to continue to use migrant workers effectively with the minimum of additional bureaucracy. (See also section 7).

Proposition (c) : to request the Chief Minister to bring forward the following amendments to the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 (CHWL):

  1. to introduce a 9-month CHWL permission that does not lead to permanent residential status;
  2. to introduce a 4-year CHWL permission that does not lead to permanent residential status;
  3. to introduce a 10-year CHWL permission that may lead to permanent residential status;
  4. to introduce a long-term CHWL permission that does provide permanent residential status;
  1. Criminal record checks & identity validation
  1. Criminal record checks

The impact of harm caused by crime can be significant in a smaller community such as Jersey. Crime also brings associated costs for law enforcement agencies, courts, prison and the probation service.

Guernsey and the Isle of Man give consideration to a migrant's previous criminal record when they apply for permission to live or work in their islands. Applications from non-EU citizens looking to live and work in Jersey currently give consideration to any previous criminal record as part of the application process for the relevant immigration permission, and this will be extended to all EU citizens (except British & Irish) from 1st January 2021. No consideration is currently given to the possible criminal record of EU and British migrants looking to live and work in Jersey for permissions under CHW Law.

The Migration Policy Development Board reported universal agreement from stakeholders that the potential criminal record of a migrant should form part of the decision-making process to issue a CHW Law permission in order to restrict the ability of anyone with a serious criminal record to live and work in Jersey.

There are some challenges to introducing criminal record checks for new migrants. The constitutional arrangements of being a member of the Common Travel Area means that Jersey cannot prevent a British or Irish citizen from entering Jersey, and until the end of 2020 EU citizens enjoy rights to travel freely to Jersey.

Further constraints include restrictions in accessing the relevant databases of other jurisdictions, the time taken to receive checks, and the bona fides of any information provided.

Whilst our proposals will introduce a more secure approach to the previous criminality of a migrant, we must ensure that any controls on those with a previous criminal record are fair and proportionate and give account for those migrants with strong family links to the island.

In order to restrict the ability of anyone with a serious criminal record to live and work in Jersey, it is proposed that the criminal record of a migrant will form part of the decision-making process to issue a CHW Law permission.

Guernsey operates a system based upon the self-declaration of unspent' criminal convictions when applying for permission to work on the island, and a similar system utilising the rehabilitation periods and sentencing guidelines laid out in the Rehabilitation of Offenders (Jersey) Law 2001 could be used in Jersey when considering applications for a CHW Law permission.

It is proposed to amend the CHW Law to provide that:

a migrant is required to make a self-declaration of their unspent criminal convictions when applying for a CHW Law permission;

anyone with a serious criminal record' would have their CHW application refused, unless in exceptional circumstances;

a false declaration on the CHW application will be a criminal offence in Jersey and will automatically remove the individual's current CHW permission;

a conviction leading to a serious criminal record whilst working in Jersey on any migrant permission will lead to the removal of the individual's current CHW permission, except in exceptional circumstances.

  1. Identification

From school leaving age[12] all persons working, buying or renting property, or who are new to Jersey and intend to remain for three months or more, are required to have a registration card under the current CHW Law. The current registration card does not have a photograph and therefore it can be difficult to ensure that the person who presents it is the rightful holder.

The Migration Policy Development Board reported that during stakeholder engagement there was universal agreement that the registration card should contain a photograph of the holder and/or a form of digital identification. Using a secure digital ID to access services would improve the person's service experience by allowing for on-line changes or cancellation and quicker updating of their residential or work status, as well as affording government more accurate records.

Following the introduction of YOTI as a digital ID to access government services, it is possible to explore the ability to have a secure digital ID for all new CHWL applications and for the issuance of future cards, and that in due course steps can be taken to introduce the information on the registration card in an electronic format that can be stored on a person's smart phone, so that the use of a secure digital ID to access Government services (e.g. health care, education, benefits) is expanded, and can be utilised to access work and buy/rent property. The use of biometric data as part of the registration card will also be investigated.

This will need to be a phased process and it is acknowledged that not all existing residents will wish to apply for a digital ID. The current proposal is restricted to applications for new residents who apply for a CHW card and it is likely that the first phase will allow for a physical card to be issued, including a photograph of the cardholder.

Proposition (c): to request the Chief Minister to bring forward the following amendments to the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 (CHWL):

  1. to require the applicant for a new permit to make a declaration of any unspent criminal convictions;
  2. to introduce enhanced identity requirements for all CHWL cards issued to new residents;
  1. Coordinated common population policy

The  population  and  demographic  makeup  of the  island  are  intrinsically  linked  with  the sustainable well-being of islanders. The health of the economy will always play a major role in determining the demand for and level of inward migration. At the same time, government policies to control population growth will have consequences across many areas; for example, a reduction in population growth may preserve green fields but may also have a negative impact on tax revenues. Public services are paid for by the economic activity of islanders: fewer workers and the same level of public service provision is likely to lead to an increased tax burden on those already here.

Not all decisions on migration can be based purely on the financial benefit or cost of an individual or family coming to the island. The cultural and social influences of migrants are now part of our history and have made Jersey the unique island that it is today.

Ministers are committed to reducing the reliance on inward migration. Difficult decisions will need to be made in order to give a balance that provides sustainable well-being to all islanders. This issue has been discussed for many years and will not be solved overnight. Concerted and sustained actions will be needed across government.

Truly reducing the island's reliance upon net inward migration in order to slow population growth requires a joined-up approach across multiple policy areas. For example, an economic framework to identify the businesses and sectors that the island requires, the identification of the skills required to fill these roles, whether these skills can be sourced from the resident population, and how these skills might be developed in local residents if they are currently absent. Where all local skills and labour are utilised, any expansion would require the importation of migrant skills and labour. Government must then decide if the importation of those skills or labour is in the best interests of the island.

Some of these tensions are already being explored by government and are illustrated in the diagram below.

Figure 12: Interplay between government policy areas (internal)

Reducing the island's reliance upon inward migration, requires coordination across all areas of government:

Benefit policy - Minister for Social Security

Digital policy - Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport & Culture

Economic policy - Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport & Culture

Environment policy - Minister for the Environment

Health policy - Minister for Health and Social Services

Housing policy - Minister for Children & Housing

Infrastructure – Minister for Infrastructure

International agreements – Minister for External Relations

International engagement – Minister for International Development

Skills policy - Minister for Education

Taxation policy – Minister for Treasury & Resources

as well as

Immigration controls - Minister for Home Affairs

Migration controls - Chief Minister

The interplay between population policy and all areas of ministerial responsibility is so wide that it is proposed that this should be specifically referred to in the responsibilities of the Council of Ministers. Article 18[1] of the States of Jersey Law currently includes a specific function of the Council of Ministers to discuss and agree their common policy in relation to external affairs.

In order that all government policies will take account of the potential impact that they may have upon the population level of the island it is proposed that the States of Jersey Law 2005 should be amended to include an explicit requirement for the Council of Ministers to agree and publish their joint policy on population.

A requirement for the Council of Ministers to agree a common policy on population would also provide a focus for discussion with environmental, business and community leaders as to the policy direction being taken.

Proposition (b): to request the Chief Minister to bring forward amendments to the States of Jersey Law 2005 to require the Council of Ministers to develop a common policy on population.

There are many complex policy issues to be considered in drawing up a common policy on population with multiple connections and dependencies between the different areas. It is proposed that an independent panel of experts should be established under the CHW Law to take evidence and provide recommendations to the Council of Ministers on the impact of their agreed population policy and proposals for changes to policy as needed.

The expert population panel would take evidence from local business, environmental and social groups as well as collecting statistics and examining international factors. The panel will make use of the expanded data collection available from the improved CHW administration system (see section 7) and will provide advice based on an analysis of this data and other survey evidence as needed. It would report to the Council of Ministers on a regular basis to ensure that the overarching population policy can be developed and adapted to take account of emerging issues. Given the breadth of the subject matter, the panel may also use subgroups to investigate specific topics such as skills development or specific sectors such as tourism.

The panel would ensure that research and advice on population matters were guided by and took account of parallel workstreams such as a periodic objective assessment of future labour market needs - which would inform the Island Plan Review, migration policy, and skills strategy

- and  how  recommendations  would  impact  previous  modelling  such  as  the  objective assessment of housing needs and population projections. Ministers could also request the independent  expert  panel  to carry  out research  into  a  specific  area, wherever  specific concerns on the current population policy were highlighted.

Ministers will undertake a review of the most appropriate model for Jersey, taking into consideration existing advisory bodies such as the UK's Migration Advisory Committee[1] (which  consists  of  an  independent  chair,  4  independent  members  and  a  Home  Office representative and provides transparent, independent and evidence-based advice to the government on migration issues) and similar independent bodies that provide expert advice in Jersey including the Fiscal Policy Panel, (a panel of 3 economists who provide independent economic advice to the Council of Ministers) and the Employment Forum (made up of employee, employer and independent members who advise the Social Security Minister on Employment law issues).

Setting up an expert body will require funding, and this will be investigated as part of the overall review in this area. CHW fees provide an income stream and it is possible that fee levels can be set at a level to support the full cost of the administration of the CHW system and the accompanying expert advisory body.

Proposition (c): to request the Chief Minister to bring forward the following amendments to the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 (CHWL):

  1. to provide for an independent, statutory, expert panel to research and advise on population matters.

There are two areas of legal responsibility that will always sit at the heart of any population policy. Currently, the Chief Minister holds responsibility for the CHW law which controls access to employment and housing for people who are legally present in Jersey; the Home Affairs Minister is responsible for immigration matters and controls the legal entry into Jersey of non-CTA citizens.

Decisions on migration and immigration policy have long-term intertwined implications on the population which are often irreversible, e.g. housing and infrastructure cannot be unbuilt, and permanent entitlement to stay in Jersey cannot be taken away. It is essential that fundamental decisions on who can access housing and work in Jersey are aligned across these two important policy areas. Under these proposals, the full Council of Ministers will develop an agreed policy on population, but a political champion will also be needed to steer this important area and, in particular, co-ordinate the legal controls that maintain our immigration and migration systems.

The UK has now left the EU and following the end of the transition period, many more migrants (all those who are not British or Irish citizens) will require immigration permission as well as CHW permission to enter and take up employment in Jersey. This provides an opportunity to review the current split ministerial responsibilities between immigration and migration controls.

The Chief Minister will review the current statutory responsibilities of the Home Affairs Minister and the Chief Minister in respect of the legal controls that provide access into, and employment and housing in, Jersey.

With a much clearer understanding of CHW and immigration rules, (see Customer Focus section 7 below), and the production and regular review of formal guidelines by the responsible Minister, decision making under the revised legal framework should be more transparent and undertaken by officers through delegated powers, wherever possible.

This would reduce the opportunities for special pleading directly to Ministers by individual businesses or interest groups and maintain fairness and transparency in the system.

However, unusual situations will always arise, and which require direct political input. It is proposed that a committee of States members, drawn from both executive and non-executive areas, would provide an accountable route for these exceptional individual decisions.

This committee could have a similar make-up as the States Employment Board[1], with officers making a recommendation on exceptional cases, with the committee being responsible for the final decision, by majority voting.  

Proposition (c): to request the Chief Minister to bring forward the following amendments to the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 (CHWL):

(viii)  to provide for a Committee of States members to hold responsibility for

determining applications under the CHW law that fall outside formal guidelines.

  1. Customer focus

There is much confusion, across multiple business sectors, surrounding the processes for migration and immigration, and current processes are difficult to understand, especially for those who do not have English as their first language. Clear application processes, that do not require prior knowledge of the CHW Law or Jersey's immigration rules, through a single point that provides a service to all persons seeking to live, work, or employ an individual in Jersey would simplify and demystify the processes, and give greater transparency to the actions taken by government to manage the island's population.

The UK has now left the EU and the UK's Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill will end the free movement of EU nationals in the UK at the end of the transition period (31 December 2020). For Jersey this means that the relationship with the EU that extended to Jersey via the UK, will also fall away.

Brexit has meant the most significant changes to the UK immigration system in more than 40 years. In Jersey EU citizens will lose the right to move to Jersey to work[2] without an immigration permission to do so, and this is likely to considerably increase the number of applications received by the Jersey Customs and Immigration Service.

These changes present drivers and opportunities to simplify and streamline the current CHWL and immigration processes.

A joint review is already underway of the customer facing aspects of CHW applications and immigration entry clearances to provide a single, clear and transparent application process across both sets of existing legislation for businesses and migrants.

For instance, consideration is being given to how the CHW law and immigration rules could be amended to allow for the lawful sharing of data between the two application processes, so that information can be gathered just once by the government.

While the current underlying framework of the CHW law is sound, there is an urgent need for more  detailed  written  guidance  across  each  area  of  decision-making  within  the  law. Straightforward, written guides across each relevant area will be developed to ensure that potential applicants fully understand the decision-making process, to reduce the number of abortive applications and to allow officers to provide a better service. Regular updates to the guidelines will ensure that decision-making is responsive to changing external conditions and that these guidelines are in line with the overall population policy of the Council of Ministers.

To enable the Council of Ministers to maintain a coherent population policy across government as a whole, and to allow the Minister or Ministers with political responsibility in this area to maintain meaningful guidelines on immigration and migration controls, Ministers have also started a review of the range and accessibility of migration and population statistics available to the Government and the public.

Funding has been requested in the 2021 Government Plan to provide an initial £1 million budget to support the provision of an improved IT system to ensure decisions for business and individual CHW permissions can be made expeditiously under the new controls, and to gather data and provide statistics on CHW applications and the characteristics of businesses and workers holding current CHW permissions.

The planned development of an e-census and the introduction of monthly reporting to government of manpower information will also improve the monitoring of the working population.

As these separate projects are completed, they will be incorporated with other existing information sources to provide a regular, comprehensive report that brings data together from all areas of government activity to give a more accurate view of housing, immigration, migration and population issues to aid the development of ongoing immigration / migration control policies and to inform the public of the outcomes of these policies. Investment in a tech-based migration control system and database will support the provision of forecasts, modelling and evidence-based decision making to support future population, migration and immigration policies.

Data sharing protocols covering both technical and legal aspects will be reviewed and updated to allow the sharing of relevant information across government departments. Particular care will be taken in the recording of migrant children to allow for long-term planning analysis, and to ensure that all children living in Jersey are allocated the care and services to which they are entitled.

7.1 Transitional provisions

Transitioning to a new CHW system will require careful management, taking account of the existing permissions held by business and the current cohort of migrants working under CHW permissions. We intend that:

all existing CHW licences will be transferred to 10 year permissions and granted on a named worker basis: This will apply to existing workers who hold a "licensed" permission under the current CHW law at the time the law is changed, such as doctors, teachers and finance and digital professionals. They will be able to continue to work in Jersey to complete ten years' residency and then move to a long-term permission;

vacant licences held by businesses will not be transferred to the new system;

all existing CHW registered workers will be given transitional rights to continue to work in Jersey for up to 5 years, in order to gain access to the local labour market (ETW status). This will apply to workers who have been in Jersey for less than 5 years at the time that the law is changed and are working under a "registered" permission. After they have completed 5 years continuous residency, they will retain the right to access the local job market. After 10 years continuous residence they will be able to move to

a long-term permission;

the management of vacant registered permissions held by businesses will be considered to ensure a smooth transfer to the new system.

  1. Migrants' rights

Migrants form a valued part of the island community, having made large contributions to our culture, society and economy over many centuries. Jersey is always likely to require the qualifications, experience, skills and talents that migrants bring to fill vital roles that the resident population is unable to provide for.

The Common Strategic Policy[3] agreed by the States Assembly includes a commitment (4.2.2) to "provide clear rights to new residents as part of an agreed migration policy" and recognises that the failure to support the integration of new migrants into Jersey society can exacerbate income equality and lead to social divisions, as it hampers people achieving their full potential.

Migrant access to services such as healthcare, education and benefits is currently complicated and can be confusing with different rules operating in different parts of government.

It is right to ensure that those accessing public services have paid/or will pay a fair amount of contributions into the system that they are using, and also that those who have paid a fair amount of contributions into the system should be able to access public services appropriately.

Workers today are operating in a global market where multiple jurisdictions are competing for their services. A migrant considering moving to work in Jersey will wish to be fully aware of the services that they can, or cannot access, prior to their arrival. Therefore, the services that a migrant can access in Jersey need to be clear, fair, attractive and well communicated.

A fair package of rights and benefits is important to ensure that migrants see themselves as valued and integrated members of our community, and that Jersey remains an attractive destination for the essential migrants that we require.

Ministers will undertake a review of all government funded services that include residency requirements with the aim that access to benefits and services is fair and aligned across all areas.

This will include:

  1. Healthcare

Research to establish the cost implications of a worker's valid CHW card giving a right to free / subsidised healthcare from day one in Jersey, and the cost of this being extended to a civil or married partner and dependent children (up to 25 if in education) living in Jersey and whether a health premium, mandatory health insurance scheme or health declaration should be included as part of the CHW application process.

  1. Social Security

Research to establish whether Social Security contributions should continue to be recognised after the first 6 months with future contributory benefit eligibility taking account of seasonal work patterns, provided there is a limited gap between individual periods of residence.

  1. Family life

The MPDB identified tensions that exist between our pledge to put children first' and the CHW Law's intent for controlling the availability of work and housing in Jersey for people with strong connections or associations with Jersey and, more generally, in such a way that is in the best interests of the community in Jersey'.

It is important to recognise the need, in a small community with limited resources, to impose controls that limit population growth by making Jersey less attractive for some migrant workers

- a failure to do so appropriately is likely to impact adversely upon both current and potential islanders. Balanced against this is the need to ensure that those migrants who provide essential skills to the island and their families receive the correct level of support to feel welcome and valued members of the Jersey community.

The importance of family life should be clearly recognised within the proposed migration controls and Ministers will undertake a separate workstream to consider the impact of the proposed CHW changes on family life and children.

This review will include:

Research to identify whether the CHW law should provide for the older children of a worker to be allocated a permission at least equivalent to the permission of the worker across all employment areas, in a similar way to spouses and civil partners.

Research to identify the overall impact of a relaxation in flexibility to 10 year migrants who  want  to  work  part-time  whilst  caring  for  a  young  family,  including  detailed guidelines to cover the age of the child, the extent and duration of the flexibility that could be achieved whilst balancing the need to limit additional migration.

Research on how the CHW law, or associated guidelines, should clarify the status of a  worker,  their  spouse  /  civil  partner  and  any  dependent  children  following  the breakdown of a relationship and how best to support children in these circumstances.

  1. Conclusion

As an island, we should be proud that our lifestyle and economy has been so successful that Jersey is seen as an attractive destination for many businesses and migrants. The island needs to maintain a healthy economy to finance the support mechanisms that give islanders financial, social, mental and physical security. However, historic and recent population growth has created pressures on limited island resources, and we cannot let future economic growth dictate the population without considering the social and environmental impacts.

The effective management of net inward migration is currently hindered by the lack of a coherent population policy and appropriate migration control mechanisms, in particular the ability for all migrants to automatically gain a right to permanently settle in Jersey simply based upon the amount of time they have spent in the island.

This Government is committed to the goal of reducing the current reliance on inward migration. This will only be achieved by coordinated actions across all areas of government.

Proposed CHWL permissions will remove automatic graduation for migrants, reduce the number of migrants remaining permanently, but importantly maintain a selective route for migrants, that bring vital skills and fill important roles, to be able to settle permanently in Jersey.

The impact of external factors such as coronavirus and Brexit on our island has demonstrated the importance of having controls that can be adapted as needed to respond to changing circumstances in the future.

Criminal checks for CHWL permissions will provide assurance to the public that the safety and security of islanders remains our top priority, and enhanced registration cards for new residents will ensure that all those who require access to services are doing so appropriately and fairly.

Establishing the correct balance between the economy, the environment and the community is a difficult task as it requires coordination and agreement across all policy areas of government. A common population policy and a review of Ministerial responsibilities for migration and immigration will give the correct political structure to develop a balanced population policy that provides sustainable well-being to all islanders.

Investment in improved and integrated IT systems will allow simpler, more transparent and efficient application processes that will improve services to businesses and individuals, and automated and accessible migration and population statistics will allow the review, planning and projection of data to guide policy and measure its impact.

Migration is always likely to be required whenever we cannot provide vital skills and labour from within the island. We should not presume that Jersey will always be able to attract migrants as easily as it has done in the past Our review of migrants' rights will ensure that those migrants that provide essential skills to the island and their families receive the correct level of support to feel welcome and valued members of the Jersey community.

This migration control policy provides responsive and well-informed migration controls to help government to manage inward migration in Jersey's best interests as part of a move towards a coordinated and government wide population policy.

  1. Next steps




October 2020

Lodge migration control policy proposals

October - December 2020

Amend CHW Law in line with end of UK transition period and exit from EU


Start to align CHWL and FBIS application processes

October 2020 – May 2021

Develop legal amendments to introduce new CHWL permissions, criminal record checks, ID requirements and transitional arrangements


Develop legal amendments to support COM responsibility for population policy, establishment of independent expert panel and appeal committee of States Members.

October 2020 – Sept 2021

Develop and implement new IT system with associated operational processes and collation of migration data


Liaise with businesses and community stakeholders on all aspects of proposed changes

December 2020

States debate on migration control policy

January to June 2021

Review migrant access to government funded services

January to October 2021

Review and further coordination of CHWL and immigration processes post Brexit


Agree terms of reference for independent expert panel

April 2021

Lodge CHW and SOJ law amendments

June 2021

States debate for CHWL and SOJ amendments

June - October 2021

Finalise and make CHW Orders in respect of agreed changes including fee levels to support cost of new controls

July to December 2021

Undertake review of impact of CHW rules on family life


Recruit and appoint expert panel


Review future role of MHA and CM

October – December 2021

Implement new CHW permissions and enhanced security on new CHWL cards

Jan to March 2022

Expert panel produces initial report on population issues


Interim population policy published by current COM

May 2022

General election

July to December 2022

New COM publishes population policy

  1. Financial and manpower implications

The financial and manpower implications of this proposition have been secured within the Government Plan.

The 2021 Government Plan provides for:

£1 million initial capital bid to support IT development in 2021.

£108,000 recurring from 2022 to support operational costs of improved control system

The 2020 Government Plan provided for:

£78,000 recurring to support policy development

£108,000 in 2021 to support project costs associated with new migration controls.

A more detailed analysis of ongoing costs will be available during 2021 following scoping work on the proposed changes.

Appendix 1: Migration Policy Development Board: Final Report







Presented to the States on 6th March 2020 by the Chief Minister



2020  R.20


Migration Policy Development Board

Final report to Chief Minister 31 January 2020


Foreword ................................................................................................................................ 4  Executive summary ..................................................................................................... 5

  1. Permissions – Applying CHW controls to businesses and individuals .................................... 5
  2. Inclusion and family life .......................................................................................................... 6
  3. Government structure to support population and migration policy ...................................... 7
  4. Implementation of proposed changes .................................................................................... 7

 Introduction & background ......................................................................................... 9

  1. Migration Policy Development Board ..................................................................................... 9
  2. Jersey's resident population ................................................................................................... 9
  3. Future population scenarios ................................................................................................. 11
  4. Immigration and migration policy......................................................................................... 15
  5. The United Kingdom's exit from the European Union .......................................................... 16
  6. Migration controls today ....................................................................................................... 17
  7. Consideration of previous policy recommendations ............................................................. 19

 Permissions - Applying CHW controls to businesses ............................................ 21

  1. Business permissions ............................................................................................................. 21
  2. Business fees ......................................................................................................................... 25
  3. Minimum wage ..................................................................................................................... 26
  4. Permission to set up a new business .................................................................................... 27

 Permissions - Applying controls to individuals ....................................................... 29

  1. Identity validation ................................................................................................................. 30
  2. Criminal record checks .......................................................................................................... 31
  3. Permission to work ............................................................................................................... 33  9 month seasonal workers ............................................................................................ 38  4 year short term workers ............................................................................................ 40  10 year medium term workers – transfer from 4 year status ...................................... 42  10 year workers - day one status .................................................................................. 43  Long term residents ...................................................................................................... 45  High net worth residents .............................................................................................. 46

 Inclusion and family life ............................................................................................ 47

  1. Welcoming migrants ............................................................................................................. 48
  2. Access to services for migrants ............................................................................................. 49
  3. Family life .............................................................................................................................. 51
  4. Caring responsibilities ........................................................................................................... 52
  5. Family breakdown ................................................................................................................. 53
  1. International conventions ..................................................................................................... 54
  2. Housing restrictions .............................................................................................................. 54

 Government structure to support population and migration policy....................... 56

  1. Government oversight – population policy ........................................................................... 57
  2. Should there be a population target? ................................................................................... 60
  3. Island Plan - Planning assumption ........................................................................................ 65
  4. Migration controls ................................................................................................................ 66
  5. Oversight of CHW law ........................................................................................................... 67

 Implementation of proposed changes ...................................................................... 72

  1. One application process ("one front door") ......................................................................... 73
  2. Performance management ................................................................................................... 74
  3. Public information................................................................................................................. 75
  4. Transition .............................................................................................................................. 76
  5. Unintended consequences ................................................................................................... 78
  6. Indicative timetable .............................................................................................................. 79


On behalf of the Migration Policy Development Board, I am pleased to present this final report to the Chief Minister. Over the last 11 months the Board has received evidence from many local organisations and individuals, mostly through face-to-face meetings and rich discussions with representatives who have given us detailed information about their areas of expertise. We are very grateful to everyone who has contributed to our work.

The question of migration control has been both sensitive and high profile for many years and a range of policies have been applied to the issue. The last major reform was in 2013 when the Control of Housing and Work (CHW) Law was brought into force. Since then the Island has seen six years of continued economic growth. However the population has continued to grow in line with this increasing economic activity. As a result, GDP per head has not improved over this period - reflecting no sustained improvement in productivity levels.

The work of the Board has been focused on identifying the areas of the current legal framework where rules could be adjusted to provide more responsive migration controls to help restrain overall population growth. Our recommendations aim to provide the Government with sufficient legal powers to create a clear and responsive migration control system that will help to deliver an agreed population policy. At the same time, the Board has had regard to the impact of migration control on individuals and families and has aimed to ensure that the overall impact of its recommendations are proportionate. On their own, these proposals are not a complete population policy; we do however make some recommendations for a political structure that would support the decision-making needed to create and maintain a holistic population policy.

The members of the Board represent a wide range of views and every Board member has actively participated in the discussions leading up to this final report. In most areas there is a strong consensus within the Board as to its recommendations. Where the Board feels it is appropriate we have also made recommendations or suggestions for further work. There are also some parts of this report that represent the views of the majority of the Board where it was not possible to reach a consensus.

I would like to thank all the Board members for their enthusiasm and hard work over the last 11 months.

Deputy Judy Martin,

Chair – Migration Policy Development Board January 2020

 Executive summary

The Board has gathered evidence over the last 11 months and has held meetings with a wide range of stakeholders. The Board published an interim report (Appendix A) in October 2019 setting out this evidence and including a range of hypothetical work permissions for discussion with the stakeholders. The evidence gathered by the Board suggests that the main driver of the recent growth in Jersey's population has been the graduation' of migrant workers who arrive in the island to take up registered employment and who, when they become Entitled To Work (ETW) after five years, leave their registered employment and move into the wider job market – freeing up registered employment permissions that employers use again for new inward migrants. Further key themes from our research include a lack of clear information on the current rules and decision making and the need for greater co-ordination at a strategic level. Sections 2.2 to 2.7 provide more details of the work of the Board and the background evidence that it has collated.

The recommendations of the Board are set out in chapters 3 to 7 of this report. Key areas are summarised below.

  1. Permissions – Applying CHW controls to businesses and individuals

The Board recommends that the statuses available to workers and the permissions granted to businesses under the Control of Housing and Work (CHW) Law should be amended as follows:

A 9 month status to support the need for additional staff to cope with peak workflows, typically associated with a particular time of year – Christmas retail, potato harvesting et cetera. This status would last for no longer than nine months for any one period of work. A worker could undertake another spell of work under a 9 month status but only after a three- month gap. No residency rights would be built up during the periods of work under this status.

A 4 year status to support the provision for additional staff needed for year-round work requirements. This status would last for no longer than four years. A worker could return to Jersey for another spell of work but only after a twelve-month gap from the island. Residency rights would be built up during the periods of work but lost during absences.

These two new statuses would not lead to the right for the worker to remain in Jersey permanently.

Businesses would apply for permission to employ 9 month and 4 year status workers. These permissions would be held by businesses for 3 years and the number of permissions held would be subject to regular review. At the review date, the number of permissions would be adjusted in line with the current migration policy at that time.

A 10 year status to support the provision of staff needed to fill specific skill gaps in the Jersey labour market. The permission would last for up to 10 years and would lead to the right to long-term residency in Jersey. Some workers would receive 10 year status immediately, (workers who currently use "licensed" permissions) and others would be transferred from 4 year status. The ability to transfer after 4 years would acknowledge that many employers support their workers to acquire additional skills whilst in Jersey and take on more responsibility. The 10 year permission would allow the worker to remain in Jersey for up to 10 years in total. At this point the worker would gain a long term status and would be free to take up any employment and access the local housing market without restriction.

Businesses would apply for permissions to employ 10 year status workers on a named individual basis. The business would apply for a new permission each time a new 10 year status worker is employed. Businesses would no longer hold vacant permissions for this category of worker.

A long term status available to people who have lived in Jersey for at least 10 years, giving them full access to the local housing and job markets. In the future this will only be available to people who have been brought up in Jersey and to people transferring from a 10 year status permission.

The Board considers that these permissions would allow the government to maintain a much closer control of the number of workers settling permanently in Jersey. The number of any permissions granted could be varied to reflect the overall population policy of the island from time to time.

Every migrant adult applying for a CHW permission would require a digital ID and would be subject to some form of criminal record check.

  1. Inclusion and family life

Migrants form a valued part of our island community. The Board believes that Jersey would be a socially, culturally and financially poorer place without them, and that those migrants that come to Jersey to fill essential skills gaps should feel welcomed as valued members of the Jersey community.

The Board considers that whilst it is right to ensure that those accessing public services have paid/or will pay a fair amount of contributions in to the system that they are using, it is also right that those who have paid a fair amount of contributions in to the system should be able to access those services appropriately.

The Board shares particular concerns about the current rules on a migrant's access to healthcare in their first 6 months in the island, and recommends that a worker's valid CHW card should give a right to free / subsidised healthcare from day one in Jersey, and that this is extended to civil or married partners and dependent children living in Jersey.

The Board does not feel it is fair for returning migrants to be unable to access benefits for which they have already paid in to for the required qualifying' period and recommends that contributory benefit eligibility should take account of seasonal work patterns.

The Board has found it difficult to find the appropriate balance between the Government's pledge to put children first', the current CHW Law and the remit of the Board to produce more responsive migration controls. It has also heard evidence on the difficulties faced by migrant families associated with the current two-tier housing system. It recommends that a separate workstream is set up to consider the detailed impact of the proposed CHW changes on children. The Board also makes recommendations regarding updating the CHW Law to take account of more flexible working for those migrants with caring responsibilities.

  1. Government structure to support population and migration policy

Delivering a more responsive and consistent migration control system, which will help to reduce the island's reliance upon inward migration, requires coordination across all areas of government.

All government policies should take account of the potential impact that they may have upon the population level of the island and the Board recommends that the States of Jersey Law should be amended to include an explicit requirement for the Council of Ministers (COM) to establish a common policy on population.

The Board notes that consultation with business leaders, environmental and community based groups can be inconsistent, and to address this issue an independent expert population panel should be established to research population issues and gather detailed evidence from local and external sources in order to provide regular, informed advice to the Council of Ministers to support the maintenance of a common population policy.

Decisions in respect of immigration and migration controls are closely linked and the Board recommends that a single Minister should hold both areas of legal responsibility.

The Board considers that the existing Control of Housing and Work Law is fundamentally sound and that it can be adapted to provide more responsive migration controls, However, full written guidelines should be published on decision making under the Law to ensure that the great majority of decisions can be taken by officers working with published guidelines. Where a decision genuinely falls outside of guidelines, the Board recommends a committee of three elected States Members provides the final decision.  

Previous attempts to set a numeric population limit or annual target have met with little success and the Board considers that the government should focus on the positive measures it can take in aligning all government policies that affect the overall population level.

  1. Implementationof proposed changes

To simplify the process for a new migrant, the customer-facing operations of the Jersey Customs & Immigration Service and the Customer & Local Services department should be combined to provide a single, integrated service to all individuals seeking to live and work in Jersey and their employers. Data sharing between the two areas should be strengthened to allow an applicant to provide information once in respect of both legal application processes wherever possible.

Transitioning to a new system will require careful management and the Board recommends:

that all existing licences be transferred to 10 year permissions and granted on a named worker basis;

that vacant licences are not transferred to the new system; and

that all existing registered workers are given transitional rights to continue to work in Jersey for up to 5 years, in order to gain access to the local labour market (ETW status).

The Board has noted that there is little knowledge of the measures that government is taking to monitor and control inward migration, that the impacts of differing net inward migration rates are not well understood, and that confidence in the ability of current measures to control migration and population is low. Clear information on the operation of the CHW Law should be publicly available in the main languages for businesses and individuals.

The Board expects that the development of an e-census and the introduction of monthly reporting to government of manpower information will improve the monitoring of the working population, but recommends that additional functionality is added to the CHW IT systems to facilitate the automatic collection and analysis of relevant data.

The Board recommends that the range and accessibility of migration and population statistics available to the Government and the public is thoroughly reviewed and updated, and that regular, comprehensive reports should be produced to aid the development of ongoing immigration / migration control policies and to inform the public of the outcomes of these policies.

An indicative timetable of proposed steps is set out below:




Gaining political agreement


Board presents report to Chief Minister

January 2020

Chief Minister reviews findings and publishes policy paper

April 2020

States Assembly debates policy paper

June 2020

Law drafting in respect of agreed changes to CHW law

July to December 2020

States Assembly debates CHW law changes

Early 2021



Stage 1 Planning for first stage of implementation of CHW changes

July to December 2020

Stage 1: CHW law changes in force; first stage of implementation operational

Early 2021

Stage 2: Planning for second stage of implementation of CHW changes


Second stage of changes operational


 Introduction & background

  1. Migration Policy Development Board

The Chief Minister signed a Ministerial Decision (MD-C-2019-0022) on 8th February 2019 to approve a Migration Policy Development Board (MPDB), and the MPDB was established on 7th March 2019. Its terms of reference state that its purpose is:

To develop comprehensive migration policy proposals which will deliver more responsive controls over who can come to live, work and access public services in Jersey, improving consistency wherever practical and helping to reduce the Island's reliance on inward migration'.

The MPDB acts as an advisory panel for the Chief Minister on policies relating to more responsive controls over who can live and work in Jersey; it is not a decision-making body.

The Board has sought to be transparent in its work and has published all the data that it has collected, reports that it has produced, and minutes of its meetings online at

On 24th October 2019 the Board published an interim report which summarised the Board's research to that point, surrounding migration controls, and how any changes could be used to help reduce the island's reliance on inward migration. That report contained a large amount of data and research. The Board does not intend to repeat that information but does refer to the relevant information within that report where appropriate.

Board members

Connétable Christopher Taylor – States Member[1]

Deputy Judy Martin – Minister for Social Security[2]

Deputy John Young – Minister for Environment

Senator Sarah Ferguson – States Member[3]

Deputy Rowland Huelin – States Member

Dr Michael Oliver – lay member

Murray Norton – lay member, nominated by Chamber of Commerce

John Shenton – lay member, nominated by the Institute of Directors[4]

  1. Jersey's resident population

The resident population of Jersey at year-end 2018 was estimated as 106,800[5]. During 2018 the resident population was estimated to have increased by 1,200 persons, with net inward migration accounting for 1,100 of the annual increase, and natural change (births minus deaths) accounting for 100 of the estimated annual increase.

Jersey's resident population increased by 11,400 over the 10 year period to 2018:

Figure1: Resident Population 2000 to 2018 (Statistics Jersey)

Net inward migration has averaged approximately 900 per annum over the last 10 years and accounted for more than three-quarters (78%) of the increase in the resident population over this period. These recent changes reflect a much longer term trend of population growth in Jersey. An analysis by the British Irish Council in 2016 produced the graphic overleaf:

Figure 2: Growth in population 1951 – 2015 across BIC jurisdictions (BIC)

  1. Future population scenarios

Whilst Statistics Jersey cannot predict the future population of Jersey, it can apply different rates of net inward migration to the current population to give a range of forecasts to indicate the possible impact upon the overall population level, the relative increase in the proportion of elderly people, and subsequent impacts on the ratio of working age people to the total population (the dependency ratio)[6].

The following chart estimates the future Jersey resident population based upon different assumed levels of migration:

Net nil migration +325 +700 +1,000 +1,500 +2,000 2065 233,400

 240,000 2055

 220,000 205,400


 200,000 178,400

 180,000 2035


 160,000 2025

 140,000 2015 126,600

 120,000 102,700


 80,000 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055  2065

102,700  104,900  105,500  104,500  101,900

 60,000 98,600




2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 2065

Figure 3: Projection of resident population 2015 – 2065 under various migration scenarios (Statistics Jersey)

The estimates suggest the following:

as the population ages the dependency ratio increases;

as the net migration rate increases the dependency ratio decreases;

as the net migration rate increases, the rate of increase in population increases.

The rate of inward migration has little impact on the ageing of the resident population in the short to medium term. The number of people aged over 65 will increase steadily over the next 30 years, whatever migration controls are in place. With no inward migration this would lead to a reduction in the number of working age people, as more older people leave the work force compared to the number of younger people joining the workforce.

An increase in the older population has implications for the Jersey economy in terms of providing services and pensions. The level of impact upon the economy will be affected by the extent to which people are living healthier lives for longer and economic activity is maintained at older ages.

The dependency ratio is often used as an indicator of the ratio of the non-working to the working population, which is not always a true reflection, and this measure may become less useful as more people work beyond State Pension age.

Those who are economically active are not always entirely economically independent, and those working in low-paid jobs or part-time may be in receipt of social security payments or, if working past State Pension age, may be in receipt of a State Pension. Additionally, some people in Jersey who are economically inactive may be economically independent.

The Office for National Statistics is considering alternative measures such as the Active Dependency Ratio' based on the ratio of the economically inactive population to the economically active population.[7]

Figure 4 shows the impact of nil net migration – a balance between the people leaving and entering the island. Overall population declines slowly over the projection period.

Figure 4: Resident population projection showing age groups based on nil net migration 2015 – 2065 (Statistics Jersey)

A net inward migration rate of approximately +325 a year will maintain the working age population at around today's level: the number of 16-64 year olds reduces slightly from 68,600 in 2015 to 67,400 by 2035, a decrease of 1,200 over 20 years.

Inward migration below +325 would lead to a smaller working age population; migration above +325 would lead to a larger working age population.

240,000 Aged 65 or over Working Age 0-15 years Total





2065 140,000 2015 2025 2035 121064,5500  121085,8500  120,500

120,000 102,700  108,400  113,100





20,000 0

Figure 5: Resident population projection showing age groups based on +325 migration 2015 – 2065 (Statistics Jersey)

For example, with net inward migration of +700 people per year, the number of 16-64 year olds increases from 68,600 in 2015 to 74,000 by 2035, an increase of 5,400 over 20 years.

Figure 6: Resident population projection showing age groups based on +700 migration 2015 – 2065 (Statistics Jersey)

If net migration were set at +1,000 per year, the 16-64 population would grow to 79,200 by 2035, an increase of 9,400 over the 20 year period.

Figure 7: Resident population projection showing age groups based on +1,000 migration 2015 – 2065 (Statistics Jersey)

The table below shows the impact on dependency ratio of different migration scenarios. In all the modelled scenarios the dependency ratio increases (gets worse) between 2015 and 2035. Even with significant inward migration, at higher levels than previously experienced, the proportion of people aged over 65 will increase in the next 20 years.

Figure 8: Dependency ratio projections across various migration scenarios in 2035 (Statistics Jersey)

  1. Immigration and migration policy

Throughout the Board's discussions with stakeholders, it has encountered confusion between migration' and immigration' and the way in which these operate in Jersey. It is therefore helpful to clarify these briefly.

Throughout the Board's discussions with stakeholders, it has encountered confusion between migration' and immigration' and the way in which these operate in Jersey. It is therefore helpful to clarify these briefly.

In the Jersey context, immigration policy refers to controls placed on non-British citizens' ability to travel to the UK and Jersey, for which they may require an immigration permission, visa or entry clearance. This is primarily controlled by the UK's immigration legislation as extended to Jersey by Orders in Council. Migration policy predominantly refers to controls placed on all individuals not born in Jersey, who come to Jersey to live and work. Therefore, this category includes all British, Irish, EEA and 3rd country nationals[8], and their immediate family, who leave their country of birth and come to work and/or reside in Jersey. Whether a person is subject to immigration control or not, the person's ability to take up employment and to occupy property as a tenant or owner in Jersey is controlled by Jersey's CHW Law.

The UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and the Republic of Ireland collectively form the Common Travel Area (CTA). The CTA is established as a matter of law to facilitate the principle of free movement of British and Irish citizens between the UK, Republic of Ireland and the Islands. There are no formal immigration border controls within the CTA. To maintain its membership of the CTA, Jersey is obliged to align its immigration system to that of the UK, and the continued membership of the CTA has been supported by Ministers. This arrangement predates the European Union and will continue following the exit of the United Kingdom from the EU.

Whilst there are local differences (mainly in the areas of work permits for non – EEA citizens) the immigration rules of the Crown Dependencies[9] are heavily reliant upon, and largely based on, the UK's immigration legislation and rules. Currently EEA nationals and their family members enjoy free movement rights in the UK and Republic of Ireland and are therefore able to enter, live and work in the CTA and therefore also in the Crown Dependencies. Jersey's relationship with the EU is governed by Protocol 3 to the UK's Act of Accession to the EU and this relationship and the arrangements for EEA nationals will be retained when the UK leaves the EU on 31s January 2020 for the duration of the transition period provided for in the Withdrawal Agreement (i.e. until at least 31st December 2020).

The free movement of British, Irish and EEA nationals causes some challenges to the Crown Dependencies in protecting the resident workforce, controlling population and the access to finite resources such as land, housing and infrastructure. Each of the Crown Dependencies have tackled these challenges in slightly different ways, but all allow those with free movement, and valid immigration permissions, to enter but then control access to employment and/or housing through local legislation.

  1. The United Kingdom's exit from the European Union

The Board has sought to take into account the outcomes of the United Kingdom's decision to withdraw from the European Union (Brexit') as far as is possible; owing to changing proposed withdrawal dates, and a change of UK Government, it has only been able to do this in general terms.

The original date upon which the UK proposed to cease to be a member state of the European Union was 29 March 2019. This deadline was delayed twice and pushed back to 31 October 2019; following a UK general election a new deadline of 31 January 2020 has been set when the UK intends to formally leave the EU. The UK, and Jersey, will then enter into a transition period until 31 December 2020. During this period the free movement of EU nationals will continue.

Senator Ian Gorst , the Minister for External Relations, has signed a Ministerial Decision giving effect to the European Union (Regulations Related to United Kingdom Exit - Commencement) (Jersey) Order. The Order brings into force, at 11pm on Friday, 31 January 2020, a set of Regulations that will amend the Island's legislation to account for the effects of the UK ceasing to be a member of the EU. The Regulations will make necessary amendments to a range of Jersey Laws to recognise the United Kingdom as a third country, distinct from the European Union.

From 1 January 2021, the UK intends to introduce a points-based immigration system and to remove the right of EU nationals to live and work freely in the UK. It is likely this will require EU nationals to have immigration permissions to live and work in the UK. We expect that these changes will be mirrored in Jersey.

The impact of these potential changes upon the flow of EU migrants to Jersey is not yet clear. Some stakeholders, notably in the hospitality and agricultural industries, have raised concerns that these changes might impact their traditional supply of workers. The UK's Migration Advisory Committee reported to the Home Secretary on its recommendations[10] regarding a points based system on 28th January 2020. We await a final decision on which recommendations the UK government will adopt. The Board has recognised the importance of flexibility within the controls and system we are recommending, so that Jersey can be agile in the face of changing circumstances.

  1. Migration controls today

The Control of Housing & Work (Jersey) Law 2012 is designed to control access to employment and housing for adults who are legally resident in Jersey. It creates four main types of legal permission with each type able to access the employment and housing market with different degrees of freedom.

Figure 9: Employment and housing rights by CHW status (

An entitled' status can be gained after a minimum of ten years' residence in Jersey. There are different detailed rules depending on whether the individual was born in Jersey, the age at which they first arrived in Jersey, the status of their parents, and any gaps in residence.

Under the current law, there is free access to the labour market once a person has lived in Jersey for five years and there is free access to the housing market after 10 years of residence. When the Minister grants a business licence under the CHW Law the Minister must specify the number of people with Licenced and Registered status who may be employed by the business. It is also possible for a business licence to limit the periods of time for which a person with Licenced or Registered status may work for the business. Whilst the current CHW Law does provide for controls in this area, in practice, permissions

are often "recycled" and the same status conferred on a new employee once the original postholder gains ETW status and no longer requires a specific permission. This approach has reduced the effectiveness of the CHW Law in controlling access to the labour market for new migrants to the island.

The Chief Minister is responsible for the CHW Law and delegates those responsibilities to an Assistant Chief Minister, who also chairs the Housing and Work Advisory Group (HAWAG). HAWAG meets approximately every two weeks to advise the Assistant Chief Minister on applications and the development of polices in support of the Law.

Customer & Local Services (CLS) administers controls on behalf of the Chief Minister. Officers have delegated powers to make decisions under the Law, but may refer applications to the Assistant Chief Minister - in particular, where there is a concern about Jersey's reputation in commercial or financial matters; or where an applicant appeals a decision; or for larger applications where there may be a significant impact. Guidelines are published under the CHW Law in some areas but decision making is not transparent under the current system. This leads to a significant volume of enquiries from businesses, as well as the need to refer a significant proportion of individual cases to HAWAG.

  1. Consideration of previous policy recommendations

The terms of reference for the Board include:

"The Board should review the migration policy lodged by the previous Council of Ministers".  

The previous Council of Ministers published its migration policy P.70/2018 on 15/3/2018. Following the general election in June 2018, the proposition was withdrawn by the current Council of Ministers on 18/7/2018.

The Board generally supports the proposals set out in P.70 and its own proposals address many of the same themes. In particular, the Board agrees that migration controls need to be considered within a coherent vision for Jersey, supporting a sustainable balance between the economy, the community and the environment.

The Board notes that P.70 suggests that annual net migration over the next 20 years should be lower than 700 per year, the average figure experienced since 2001. Whereas P.70 does make proposals for changes to the current CHW rules with a view to reducing the number of people who will eventually retire in the island, it does not set out any explicit mechanism for maintaining net migration at any particular level.

The Board agrees that where CHW permissions are granted, businesses that invest in skills training or productivity improvements, as well as businesses that provide social and environmental benefits, should be given priority over other businesses that do not. The Board's recommendations suggest that all of the criteria used to determine applications should be regularly reviewed and should be published. There is an urgent need to provide clarity to the decision-making process, to simplify the process for businesses and facilitate effective and speedy decision making by officers.

The Board agrees with the P.70 recommendation to include some form of criminal record check in respect of all new migrants. P.70 proposes photographs on registration cards. The Board considers that digital ID technology is likely to be available to support a revised CHW process, but if not, agrees that photographs on registration cards would improve the administration of CHW controls.

The main change proposed by P.70 relates to the provision of 9 month and 4 year work permits for new registered workers. The Board makes a similar recommendation to P.70 in respect of workers needed for short periods. Under P.70, the 4 year permission would be specific to one employer and one worker, requiring a separate application in respect of each new worker and requiring the worker to remain with that particular employer during their stay in Jersey. This would require significant administration per worker, and could lead to processing delays at busy times of the year.

Since the publication of P.70, plans for a combined employer return have progressed. This will combine ITIS, social security contributions and CHW manpower information into a single monthly return from the employer. Collecting information on a monthly basis will ensure that the employment of 9 month and 4 year workers can be effectively tracked. The government has also launched a digital ID app. The Board does not include named permissions in its recommendations for 4 year workers and considers that sufficient controls can be maintained through the use of monthly reporting and digital ID.

P.70 acknowledges that limiting permissions to 4 years does have some downsides and suggestions are put forward to allow some workers in this category to continue to work in Jersey beyond 4 years and to move to entitled to work status (ETW) after 5 years. The transfer of registered workers to ETW status has been identified by the Board as the principal area where current migration rules fail to provide sufficient control to the government. P.70 does not provide a detailed explanation of the manner in which workers would be given permission to remain for five years. The Board's proposals include a new decision point at 4 years which would require named workers to apply for permission to remain in Jersey to allow them to remain for up to ten years. The Board proposes that long- term permission to remain would not be achieved until 10 years of continuous employment has been completed.

P.70 suggests a review of the impact of government policies on migrants and children to increase consistency and enhance social inclusion. The Board's remit includes a similar objective and the Board makes some specific recommendations, including access to health services from day one.

P.70 suggests that long-term modelling should be undertaken to support strategic planning. The remit of the Board does not extend to the commissioning of a new long-term modelling tool but the Board has reviewed a number of existing models which have been of great help in understanding the current situation and the impact of possible options.  

 Permissions - Applying CHW controls to businesses

How should the government use the CHW Law to control the way in which businesses require and are given permission to employ staff?

Chapter 3 – Summary of main recommendations

R.3.1 (Majority recommendation) Business permissions to employ 9 month and 4 year migrant workers should have an expiry date. A block of permissions would be allocated for a 3 year period. The government should issue clear parameters on the provision of new and renewed permissions in line with overall government policy.  

R.3.2 Business permissions to employ 10 year workers should only be issued for named individuals. The business would need to apply for each new migrant worker individually. The government would issue clear parameters on a regular basis on the availability of permissions in line with overall government policy.

R.3.3 The Board recommends that CHW fees should be reviewed on a cost-neutral basis to take account of the cost of administering the revised system including sufficient resources to undertake regular checks on businesses and landlords to ensure compliance with the CHW law and to maintain ongoing policy development. The Board recommends that annual fees to hold permissions should be charged at the start of each annual period.

R.3.4 The Board recommends further work could be undertaken to consider whether a change in minimum wage levels could assist with the control of net migration in specific sectors.

  1. Business permissions

Under the CHW Law, every business operating in Jersey requires a CHW licence. Licences are usually granted by CLS officers working under delegated authority. The main condition applied to business licences is in terms of the number of migrant workers that can be employed by the business. There are no controls on the number of ETW workers employed by a business, who constitute approximately 80% of the total labour market.

The main function of the business licensing process is therefore to assess applications from new and existing businesses that wish to increase the number of migrant workers in their organisation. For example, in 2018, applications were received and assessed as follows:

Figure 10: CHW applications for additional staff permissions 2018 (Internal)

The distribution of permissions across businesses is based on a variety of historical factors. Some businesses have permissions that are not currently being used. These permissions can be retained by the business and used to recruit a new licensed or registered worker in the future. To discourage businesses from holding on to empty permissions, an annual fee is now applied to each registered permission, at £50 per registered permission per year, and licensed permissions at £225 per year.

Business licences are now issued with a 3-year review date. The number of migrant workers is actively managed by the Business Hub as part of the licence review process. Businesses' need to retain vacant permissions is challenged and where possible, vacant permissions are removed in line with the average proportion of permissions held by other businesses in the same sector. In 2018, 745 registered permissions were removed and 113 licensed permissions were removed.

Despite these steps to improve the balance of permissions held by local businesses, they can hold licences which enable them to retain vacant permissions. There are still many vacant permissions within the system and an uneven distribution of permissions within and across sectors. New businesses can struggle to obtain additional permissions whilst more established businesses may be holding vacant licences. In some situations this could distort the market.

At the end of December 2018 of the 5,896 permanent registered permissions issued to businesses, 4,279 were filled, meaning 1,617 registered permissions were vacant (27%).

Overall, the total number of licensed and registered permissions has only risen slowly over the last few years as permissions have been kept under tight control. In total 5,606 permissions have been granted and 4,876 permissions withdrawn between 2013 and 2018. Annual totals are shown in the two graphs below.

Changes in registered permissions 2013 - 2018

1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

added removed net

Figure 11: Registered permissions agreed and removed 2013 – 2018 (internal)

Changes in licensed permissions 2013 - 2018

350 300 250 200

150 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

added removed net

 Figure 12: Licensed permissions agreed and removed 2013 – 2018 (internal)

The recent growth in Jersey's population has been driven in the main by the graduation' of migrant workers, who arrive in the island to take up registered employment and who, when they become entitled to work (ETW) after five years, leave their registered employment and move into the wider job market – freeing up registered employment permissions that employers use again for new inward migrants. Statistics Jersey estimate that 16% of registered staff graduate each year, and are subsequently replaced by new migrants with registered status. This annual and automatic graduation has led to an increase in the population of approximately 600-700 each year, including dependents. This explainer video by Statistics Jersey offers a more detailed explanation:

There are currently no additional controls at the 5-year point. The Board's proposals in respect of graduation are dealt with in section 4. The Board also proposes a tightening of the system in respect of the number of permissions held by businesses. The Board has considered two main options:

  • All business permissions are for named individuals. The business would need to apply for each new migrant worker individually. In this option, the worker would be specifically linked to one employer and a change of employment would require a new application. Every new worker and every change of employment would be known to and approved by government. This would give very clear control over the employment of migrant workers but would require additional administration as each job start would need permission. Under this option the government would need to provide explicit guidelines to businesses on a very regular basis as to the current areas in which migrant job starts are being approved. The use of individual permissions allows businesses to expand/contract gradually and gives the government very fine control over the composition of the migrant labour force.
  • Businesses can apply for a number of permissions for migrant workers. Permissions would be granted for a set period and would then expire. The business would then reapply if it still needed to employ migrant workers. In this option, the permission associated with any existing migrant worker would be protected while that worker continued to work for that employer. Workers could move between businesses subject to the business holding the appropriate permission. This is similar to the current process. Under this option the government would again need to provide clear guidelines to businesses on a regular basis as to areas in which permissions are being approved and/or renewed. The fixed end date gives a planning framework for the business to work within and gives the government overall control over maintaining appropriate numbers of permissions to reflect the changing need for migrant labour.

Both options could form part of a system of strengthened controls, by being applied to different parts of the labour market or by being applied separately to different types of migrant worker.

In line with the Board's recommendations in section 3 the majority of Board members consider that 9 month and 4 year permissions should be provided to businesses with fixed expiry dates, and that 10 year permissions should only be available on a named individual basis.

Improved online processing should be implemented to administer the revised system. The employer and worker (as appropriate) should be able to apply and receive a prompt decision using an online process.


R.3.1 (Majority recommendation) Business permissions to employ 9 month and 4 year migrant workers should have an expiry date. A block of permissions would be allocated for a 3 year period. The government should issue clear parameters on the provision of new and renewed permissions in line with overall government policy.

R.3.2 Business permissions to employ 10 year workers should only be issued for named individuals. The business would need to apply for each new migrant worker individually. The government would issue clear parameters on a regular basis on the availability of permissions in line with overall government policy.

  1. Business fees

The CHW legislation[11] allows for fees to be charged for the granting and holding of permissions. Current fees are:

£50 per year per registered business permission held at November 1st each year £225 per year per licensed business permission held at November 1st each year

To implement a more responsive control system, resources will be required to provide for a strengthened governance function to oversee the operation of the Law. In line with the 2020 Government Plan, the Board agrees that a permanent policy officer should be allocated to maintain the CHW law so that it remains responsive to government policies and external factors. As far as possible, the processing of applications should be an online process, minimising the need for additional administrative staff.

The Board considers that overall the new system, even when managed efficiently, may cost more to operate and these additional costs should be covered by the CHW fees received from employers and migrants. To encourage businesses to apply and hold permissions responsibly, the Board considers that annual fees should be charged in advance, in respect of every permission held at the start of the period.

The possibility of including charges to cover health costs is considered in section 5.  Recommendation:

R.3.3. The Board recommends that CHW fees should be reviewed on a cost-neutral basis to take account of the cost of administering the revised system including sufficient resources to undertake regular checks on businesses and landlords to ensure compliance with the CHW law and to maintain ongoing policy development. The Board recommends that annual fees to hold permissions should be charged at the start of each annual period.

  1. Minimum wage

The Board has identified that some employment sectors include migrant workers earning at or just above the minimum wage level. Minimum wage levels in Jersey and neighbouring jurisdictions are shown in the table below. (Jersey is the only jurisdiction to apply the same minimum wage to workers of all ages).


Hourly minimum wage rates

Effective from


(£ per hour)


(£ per hour)


(£ per hour)


(£ per hour)































Figure 13: Minimum wage rates across jurisdictions 2020 (internal)

Information on the number of minimum wage jobs was collected as part of the 2019 average wage survey. Overall around 5% of private-sector jobs were paid at the minimum wage with a total of 11% paid no more than 5% above the minimum wage. Sectors with a higher reliance on registered migrant workers recorded much higher percentages:

24% of jobs in agriculture and fishing were paid at the minimum wage, with a total of 41% paid at no more than 5% above minimum

13% of jobs in hotels restaurants and bars were paid at the minimum wage, with a total of 32% paid at no more than 5% above minimum

These two sectors make up more than half of all workers in Jersey being paid at this level:


June 2019

Number of workers at minimum wage

Number of workers just above minimum wage

Number of workers paid at least 5% above minimum wage

Agriculture and fishing




Hotels, restaurants and bars




All other sectors




Figure 14: Minimum wage workers across sectors June 2019 (internal)

Where accommodation is included in the remuneration package the minimum wage regulations restrict the deduction that can be made for accommodation and or meals:



October 2019 (£ per week)

April 2020 (£ per week)

Maximum weekly offset against minimum wage for accommodation



Maximum weekly offset against minimum wage for accommodation & food



Figure 15: Minimum wage offsets 2019 and 2020 (internal)

The evidence gathered by the Board suggests that migrant workers often move out of their minimum wage jobs once they have achieved ETW status, and the employer is reliant upon a new wave of migrant workers to maintain their workforce at this wage level. These jobs are often unattractive to local residents owing to the low wage rate, the working hours and the use of tied accommodation.

The Board considers that there is merit in reviewing the level of the minimum wage.

It notes the analysis undertaken by Oxera in 2017[12] on the impact of an increased minimum wage and the conclusion of that analysis that there would be little overall fiscal or economic impact. The report noted that a significant increase in the minimum wage would be likely to result in job losses in the agriculture, hospitality and retail sectors.


R.3.4 The Board recommends further work could be undertaken to consider whether a change in minimum wage levels could assist with the control of net migration in specific sectors.

  1. Permission to set up a new business

Under the current CHW Law there are no restrictions on local residents setting up new undertakings and employing workers with at least 5 years residence. The number of businesses registered in Jersey has grown over the last five years as follows:

This chart shows the number of private sector undertakings December 2014 – June 2019[13]:


Undertaking size

Dec- 14

Jun- 15

Dec- 15

Jun- 16

Dec- 16

Jun- 17

Dec- 17

Jun- 18

Dec- 18

Jun- 19











Single person






















Two or more persons






















Total private sector undertakings






















Figure 16: Private sector undertakings 2014 to 2019 (Statistics Jersey)

Since December 2014, the total number of private sector undertakings has increased by 1,310; of this increase, 1,200 (92%) were single-person undertakings.

Prior to the CHW Law, the Regulation of Undertakings and Developments (RUDL) Law controlled the ability to set up new businesses, and required permission for developments with reference to the size of those developments. In practice, the RUDL was administered to restrict the total number of employees with less than 5 years residence that a business could employ, and to prevent residents with less than 5 years residence establishing a new business, unless the best interests of the community could be demonstrated. The policies underpinning the RUDL Law did not limit either developments, the number of local'

employees with more than five years residence, or the number of businesses that could establish themselves (except where the owner was resident and had less than 5 years residence, or in very specific circumstances where a business posed a reputational risk to the Island).

The Board has not considered the re-introduction of a RUDL type control in detail but suggests that this could be reviewed before any final decisions are taken on amendments to the CHW Law. For example, it would be possible to restrict the ability of an individual with less than 10 years' residence to start a new business.

 Permissions - Applying controls to individuals

How should the government use the CHW Law to control the way in which individuals apply for and are given permission to work (and or rent/buy property) in Jersey?

Chapter 4 – Summary of recommendations

R.4.1 All new residents will be required to have digital ID to apply for CHW permission. Where registration cards continue to be used, they should include a photograph of the holder. The Chief Minister is also asked to consider: that all existing residents are required to set up a secure digital ID before applying for a CHW card (i.e. on changing job or moving home) and that the use of a secure digital ID to access Government services (e.g. health care, education etc) is expanded.

R.4.2 A person should be required to make a self-declaration of their unspent criminal convictions when applying for a CHW Law permission. The presumption being that anyone with a serious criminal record' would have their application refused, unless in exceptional circumstances. A false declaration on the CHW application should be a criminal offence in Jersey and would automatically remove the individual's current CHW permission.

Criminal record checks will continue to form part of the immigration process (for non- EEA citizens requiring permission to enter Jersey).

A conviction leading to a serious criminal record whilst working in Jersey on any migrant permission should lead to the removal of the individual's current CHW permission, except in exceptional circumstances.

R.4.3 The Board recommends that the existing CHW categories of registered, licensed and entitled are amended to reduce the impact of graduation on the local market place. The amended CHW permissions should apply to CTA and non-CTA workers.

R.4.4 The Board recommends that a new category of a 9 month worker permission is included in the CHW law. This permission is limited as follows:

Permission is granted to a worker for a fixed time period of no more than 9 months

Worker is not permitted to work again under a new 9 month permission until a gap of at least 3 months has elapsed.

Worker is only permitted to rent "unqualified" accommodation.

The 9 months can start at any time of the year.

R.4.5 The Board recommends that the current immigration controls that restrict the entry of non-EEA relatives and dependants to Jersey should be maintained for migrant workers working in Jersey under a 9 month permission. The Board recommends that further work should be undertaken to identify the position of EEA migrant workers holding 9 month permissions who wish to bring children to Jersey for short periods.

R.4.6 The Board recommends that a new category of 4 year worker status is included in the CHW law.

Permission to work is granted for one fixed time period, suggested at 4 years.

Worker is not permitted to work again under a 4 year permission until a gap of at least 1 year has elapsed.

R.4.7 The Board recommends that a new category of 10 year worker status is included in the CHW law.

A worker holding a 4 year worker status can move to a 10 year status on a named worker basis on the application of the business.

Permission to worker is granted for one fixed time period, to give a total period of 10 years (including the time spent working under the 4 year status).

Worker can continue with this status for up to 10 years in total, leading to full access to labour and housing markets and long-term status.

Worker must continue to work in 10 year permission role to maintain status (subject to caring responsibilities as set out below) and not being subject to a serious conviction.

R.4.8 The Board recommends that the current category of licensed permission is maintained in the CHW law with some minor amendments:

A 10 year permission is granted for one fixed time period of no more than 10 years.

The permission is granted on a named individual basis to a worker in respect of an agreed job in a named business.

Worker can continue with this status for up to 10 years in total, leading to full access to labour and housing markets and long-term status.

Worker must continue to work in 10 year permission role to maintain status (subject to caring responsibilities as set out below) and not being subject to a serious conviction.

R.4.9 The Board recommends that the current category of entitled permission is maintained in the CHW law with some minor amendments:

The term "entitled" is replaced with "long-term".

A long-term permission is granted after a person has been ordinarily resident in Jersey for at least ten years.

It gives full access to the local labour and housing markets.

  1. Identity validation

All adults working, buying or renting property, or who are new to Jersey and intend to remain for three months or more are required to have a registration card under the current CHW Law.

Applications for registration cards or changes in CHW status are processed by the Customer and Local Services Department. A fee of £80 is charged the first time that a card is issued to a registered' or licensed' individual. The registration card does not have a photograph and therefore it can be difficult to ensure that the person who presents it is the rightful holder.

The migration policy lodged by the previous Council of Ministers (P.70/2018) proposed the introduction of a photograph to enhance compliance and to prevent the fraudulent use of someone else's registration card. This report noted that " [while] a minority of Islanders have said that they feel that photographs on registration cards interfere with civil liberties, and are resonant of the Occupation and excessive government control, most believed it to be acceptable and appropriate. The 2008 Annual Social Survey found that 88% of respondents felt it would be highly acceptable' or acceptable' to include a photograph on a new registration card".

During the Board's stakeholder engagement there was universal agreement that the registration card should contain a photograph of the holder and/or a form of digital identification. Using a secure digital ID to access services would improve the person's service experience by allowing for on-line changes or cancellation and quicker updating of a residential and work status, as well as affording government more accurate records.

Following the introduction of YOTI as a digital ID to access government services [14] the Board recommends that a secure digital ID is required for all new applications and for the issuance of future cards, and that in due course steps are taken to introduce the registration card in an electronic format that can be stored on a person's smart phone. In the meantime, the Board recommends that a photograph is included on any physical registration card and that this is required to access Government services, access work and buy/rent property.


R.4.1 All new residents will be required to have digital ID to apply for CHW permission. Where registration cards continue to be used, they should include a photograph of the holder. The Chief Minister is also asked to consider that all existing residents are required to set up a secure digital ID before applying for a CHW card (i.e. on changing job or moving home) and that the use of a secure digital ID to access Government services (e.g. health care, education etc) is expanded.

  1. Criminal record checks

The impact of harm caused by crime can be significant in a smaller community such as Jersey. Crime also brings associated costs for law enforcement agencies, courts, prison and the probation service.

There was universal agreement from stakeholders that the criminal record of a migrant should form part of the decision-making process to issue a CHW Law permission in order to restrict the ability of anyone with a serious criminal record to live and work in Jersey. Some businesses expressed concerns regarding the time that such checks might take.

Guernsey and the Isle of Man give consideration to a migrant's previous criminal record when they apply for permission to live or work in their islands. Non-EU citizens looking to live and work in Jersey have any previous criminal record taken into account as part of their

application for the relevant immigration permission. No consideration is currently given to the possible criminal record of EU and British migrants looking to live and work in Jersey for permissions under CHW Law.

There are some challenges to introducing criminal record checks for new migrants. The constitutional arrangements of being a member of the Common Travel Area means that Jersey cannot prevent a British or Irish citizen from living in Jersey, and EU citizens presently enjoy rights to travel freely to Jersey. It is expected that the rights of EU citizens to free movement will be withdrawn after Brexit, and this might give Jersey a greater ability to restrict access to those EU citizens with serious criminal records.

Further constraints include restrictions in accessing the relevant databases, the time taken to receive checks, and the veracity and reliability of any information provided.

It is important to ensure that any controls on those with a previous criminal record are fair and proportionate, and to give account for those migrants with strong family links to the island. Guernsey operates a system based upon the self-declaration of unspent' criminal convictions when applying for permission to work on the island. The Board recommends that a similar system is utilised in Jersey when considering applications for a CHW Law permission.

The Rehabilitation of Offenders (Jersey) Law 2001 sets out the rehabilitation period after which a person's convictions are considered spent'. A sentence of imprisonment for life or for more than 30 months never becomes spent. The Board recommends that a migrant is required to make a self-declaration of their unspent criminal convictions when applying for a CHW Law permission, that any false declarations should be a criminal offence which will automatically remove the individual's current CHW permission, and that anyone with a serious criminal record' would have their application refused, unless in exceptional circumstances.

Article 45 of the existing CHW Law allows for any person found guilty of knowingly providing false or misleading information under any article of the Law to be imprisoned for a term of up to 2 years and to receive a fine.

A person would be considered to have a serious criminal record' if they have:

one Category 1 conviction; or

two Category 2 convictions.

Category 1:

a conviction for any offence resulting in a sentence of more than 30 months' imprisonment; or

an unspent conviction for a serious crime of violence; or

an unspent conviction or caution for a sex offence; or

an unspent conviction for a money laundering or terrorist financing offence; or

an unspent conviction for a fraud offence.

Category 2:

An unspent conviction for:

an offence involving violence which is not a "serious crime of violence", or

an offence with a sexual element which is not a "sex offence", or

a public order offence (such as affray), or

an offence against property (such as theft or criminal damage), or

a drugs-related offence, or

an offence of dishonesty (such as tax evasion), or

an offence that could endanger the lives of others, whether through intent or recklessness (such as possessing an offensive weapon; dangerous driving; or driving whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol).

Should a person be refused a CHW Law permission due to a certain level of sentence or for a particular crime, it seems logical that should a person be sentenced for a similar crime during the period in which they hold a time-limited CHW Law permission then consideration should be given to the removal of that permission.

The Board recommends that, unless there are exceptional circumstances, an individual with a non-permanent CHW permission should lose that permission if they are found guilty of a relevant conviction' during their time in Jersey. If that conviction results in the person having a serious criminal record' then a new CHW Law permission will not be issued in the future.


R.4.2 A person should be required to make a self-declaration of their unspent criminal convictions when applying for a CHW Law permission. The presumption being that anyone with a serious criminal record' would have their application refused, unless in exceptional circumstances. A false declaration on the CHW application should be a criminal offence in Jersey and would automatically remove the individual's current CHW permission.

Criminal record checks will continue to form part of the immigration process (for non-EEA citizens requiring permission to enter Jersey).

A conviction leading to a serious criminal record whilst working in Jersey on any migrant permission should lead to the removal of the individual's current CHW permission, except in exceptional circumstances.

  1. Permission to work

One of the Board's key findings is that the current CHW Law does not provide any specific control in respect of the "graduation" of migrant workers to entitled to work (ETW) status. The regular supply of extra ETW workers into the local labour market has fuelled the expansion of many business areas over the last five years.

The next set of tables covers the private sector, and some of the changes are as a result of businesses merging, splitting or of movements between categories, e.g. transfer from legal services to trust or fund administration, as law firms have divested themselves of their Trust company sections.

Comparing labour market statistics between December 2014 and December 2018 shows an increase of 2,770 private sector ETW jobs in the following areas:


Employment sub sector

Additional private sector ETW jobs recorded in Dec 2018 compared to Dec 2014

Electrical installation


Joinery installation


Retail sale in non-specialised stores


Unlicensed restaurants and cafes


Computer consultancy activities


Trust administration, trustee and fiduciary services


Fund administration


Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy; regulatory and compliance activities


Management consultancy activities


Combined facilities support activities


Other human health activities


Residential care activities


Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled


Other social work activities without accommodation


Figure 17: Growth in private sector ETW jobs 2014 to 2018 (limited to sub sectors showing a growth of at least 100 jobs) (internal)

The table only shows areas where an increase of more than 100 jobs was recorded. In total, an additional 4,050 ETW jobs were recorded in December 2018, compared to December 2014. Over the same period the total number of licensed jobs in use increased by 230 and the total number of registered jobs by 470.

Whereas many of the extra ETW jobs may be in areas where an expansion in employment would be well aligned to government policy and where an application to approve migration to satisfy the need for skills in these areas would have been approved, in reality no specific government control was exercised to provide for this growth.

Over the same period, some employment sectors have seen a reduction in ETW jobs. The areas listed below have reduced ETW job numbers by more than 50 in the last four years.


Employment sub sector

Loss of private sector ETW jobs recorded in Dec 2018 compared to Dec 2014

Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco


Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet




Legal activities


Activities of employment placement agencies; temporary employment agency activities


Figure 18: Loss of private sector ETW jobs 2014 to 2018 (limited to sub sectors showing a decline of at least 50 jobs) (internal)

Contraction in these areas will have been driven by economic and market factors. Again, the government played no active part in this shift between employment sectors.

Where the CHW law does control numbers, in the current registered and licensed categories, the overall growth in job numbers has been much lower. The next table shows all the job sectors where the number of licensed jobs has increased between 2014 and 2018, also showing change in ETW over the same period.


Job sub sector

Change in no of Licensed jobs

Change in no of ETW jobs

Construction of commercial buildings; unspecified construction of buildings



Retail sale in non-specialised stores



Air transport, and warehousing and support activities for air transport



Telecommunications activities



Trusts, funds and similar financial entities



Trust administration, trustee and fiduciary services



Fund administration



Legal activities



Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy; regulatory and compliance activities



Management consultancy activities



Residential care activities



Figure 19: Growth in private sector licensed jobs 2014 to 2018 (limited to sub sectors with an increase in licensed jobs) (internal)

And the table below shows all the areas where the number of registered jobs has increased (also showing change in ETW) over the same period (2014 – 2018):


Job sub sector

Change in no of

Registere d jobs

Change in no of ETW jobs




Manufacture of bakery and farinaceous products



Construction of commercial buildings; unspecified construction of buildings



Construction of domestic buildings



Civil engineering



Demolition and site preparation; Quarrying of stone, sand and clay; other mining and quarrying



Electrical installation



Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation



Joinery installation






Specialised construction activities (other than scaffold erection) n.e.c.



Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialised stores



Retail sale of flowers, plants, seeds, fertilisers, pet animals and pet food in specialised stores



Air transport, and warehousing and support activities for air transport



Hotels and similar accommodation



Licensed restaurants



Unlicensed restaurants and cafes



Take away food shops and mobile food stands



Event catering and other food service activities



Beverage serving activities



Computer consultancy activities



Activities of holding companies



Legal activities



Management consultancy activities



Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy



Activities of employment placement agencies; 9 month employment agency activities



Combined facilities support activities



Landscape service activities



Medical and dental practice activities; Hospital activities



Residential care activities



Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled



Sports activities



Figure 20: Growth in private sector registered jobs 2014 to 2018 (limited to sub sectors with an increase in registered jobs) (internal)

The tables clearly indicate that the current CHW controls are effective in controlling the number of jobs available in the licensed and registered categories but there has been a significant growth in the number of ETW jobs.

The following table gives an overview of the number of public sector workers by CHW status. There has been a small increase in licensed workers (up 40) and a small decrease in registered workers (down 20) between December 2013 and December 2018.

It should be noted that there has been some transfer of jobs (150 as at December 2018) from the public sector to the private sector over this time.

In July 2014, the States of Jersey Housing department was incorporated as Andium Homes; from December 2014, jobs at Andium Homes are included in the private sector.

Visit Jersey commenced operations in March 2015; from June 2015, Visit Jersey are included in the private sector.

Jersey Sport Limited was created in June 2017; from June 2017, Jersey Sport are included in the private sector.

Prior to these dates, jobs in these entities were included in the public sector.

Figure 21: Public sector jobs 2013 to 2018 showing CHW status (Statistics Jersey) The Board has considered a range of options to improve the CHW controls in this area.

  1. Extend the CHW law to control the number of ETW jobs in addition to the existing controls on licensed and registered jobs. This would require every business in Jersey to seek permission for every job. The existing system manages approximately 7,000 jobs, this would need to expand to 60,000 jobs. The Board does not support this option on the grounds of significant bureaucracy and interference in business activity. However, the Board does suggest that a review of the previous system of regulating the growth of new businesses (RUDL) could be considered before any final decisions are taken on CHW amendments (see section 3.4).
  2. Amend the CHW law to prevent migrants from graduating to ETW status. This option would allow businesses to bring in migrants on 9 month and 4 year permissions but without any prospect of settling permanently in Jersey. This would provide an effective control on overall population numbers. However, feedback from a wide range of stakeholders has identified the need for the system to allow some migrants to remain

permanently. There would be little incentive for employers to train or promote staff if there was no prospect of the staff member remaining in the longer term. It may be difficult to recruit workers with specific skills if they are not allowed to settle. With a strong government commitment to create a skilled workforce, a complete ban on permanent settlement would be counter-productive. The Board does not support this option.

  1. Amend the CHW law to prevent automatic graduation. This option would allow businesses to bring in 9 month and 4 year migrants to cover labour and skills shortages. Businesses would also be able to apply for permission to transfer a migrant to a 10 year status in light of the investment made by the business in the worker and the additional skills and responsibility that the migrant has acquired during their employment in Jersey. This would incentivise businesses to invest in talented migrants to wish to pursue a career in Jersey while allowing a much higher level of control over the number of workers entering the local labour market. Some workers with specific skills would be allocated a 10 year status on arrival in Jersey. This option is the preferred option of the Board and is explored in more detail in the following sections.


R.4.3 The Board recommends that the existing CHW categories of registered, licensed and entitled are amended to reduce the impact of graduation on the local market place. The amended CHW permissions should apply to CTA and non-CTA workers.

 9 month seasonal workers

The Jersey labour force has included seasonal workers for many years. In particular the traditional industries of hospitality and agriculture create the need for more workers at certain times of the year. These workers are often provided with accommodation by their employer and typically are needed for a number of months at a time. Some workers will return to Jersey over several seasons, building a relationship with one employer.

Under the current CHW system, employers can apply for permissions for seasonal and contract registered staff. These permissions last for 8 months and are typically issued for March to October, but can also span different periods during the year (e.g. September to April). In June 2018, 1,865 jobs were recorded as filled by seasonal or contract workers. This figure is likely to be below the summer peak and is about 1,000 above the figure recorded in December 2018.

For CTA and EEA workers, the worker is issued with a "Registered" card and is free to move from a seasonal job to seek employment in a job that has permanent registered status, or to an employer that holds an un-used permanent' or seasonal' Registered permission and wants to employ the seasonal worker for the 4 months where they are not engaged by their principal employer. In this way, CTA and EEA seasonal workers can currently build up residency rights. As they enjoy free movement, they can also build up residency rights by providing evidence that (although not working) they were still continuously living on the island. For a 3rd country worker, their immigration permission is linked to a specific employer and they must remain with that employer and leave Jersey at the expiry of the immigration permission. Partners and children of 3rd country workers are not usually granted immigration permission to accompany a seasonal worker. The withdrawal of the UK from the EU will mean that in future, it is very likely that EU citizens will shift to 3rd country status and accordingly be subject to immigration controls as well as CHW controls.

Taking account of the evidence received from stakeholders, the Board suggests that a 9 month worker permission should form part of the overall migration control system.

The Board considers that a specific category of 9 month worker permission should be included in the CHW law, with businesses able to apply for and hold a number of these permissions. Any worker who meets the general CHW requirements and has the legal right to be in Jersey can then request a 9 month worker card to allow them to take up a position with the business. The worker is not considered to be ordinarily resident in Jersey for the duration of the permission. At the end of a 9 month permission, the worker must wait for at least three months before applying for another 9 month worker card

9-month permissions will have a fixed end date. If the worker is employed by the business beyond the stated end date, the CHW law should enable both the worker and the business to be prosecuted for committing a criminal offence.

The Board has identified forthcoming improvements in technology which will assist in the control of 9 month seasonal migrant workers. The government has already launched a digital ID system and new migrants could be required to register for a secure digital ID before they can make a CHW application. As part of the development of the new Revenue Jersey service, employers will use a single monthly return to submit details of ITIS, social security contributions and CHW manpower information; this will allow 9 month migrants to be clearly identified during their agreed permission period.

The Board has focused on improving controls through access to the labour market. However, the CHW law provides for controls across both employment and housing. Seasonal workers currently do not have access to rent or buy "qualified" accommodation and the Board agrees that 9-month workers should not have access to the local housing market in the short-term. However, this is an area which requires further investigation, beyond the remit of the Board. In particular the Board is keen for specific consideration to be given to the provision of "registered" accommodation in the new Island Plan.

As the residency rights of 9-month workers are very limited and the holding of a 9 month worker card does not give the worker the right to work in Jersey beyond the expiry date of their permission, this group of workers does not add to the overall population of the island and the Board does not consider that strict controls need to be imposed on the number of 9- month permissions available to businesses.

A CTA worker using a 9 month permission could transfer to a 4 year or 10 year permission during the 9-month period. However, the time spent working in a 9 month permission post would not be included in the continuous residence of the worker in respect of other CHW permissions.

To improve the overall understanding of the CHW system, the Board considers that the number of workers in Jersey on 9 month permissions should be identified separately from the overall population as these workers do not form part of the permanent population.


R.4.4 The Board recommends that a new category of a 9 month worker permission is included in the CHW law. This permission is limited as follows:

Permission is granted to a worker for a fixed time period of no more than 9 months

Worker is not permitted to work again under a new 9 month permission until a gap of at least 3 months has elapsed.

Worker is only permitted to rent "unqualified" accommodation.

The 9 months can start at any time of the year

R.4.5 The Board recommends that the current immigration controls that restrict the entry of non-EEA relatives and dependants to Jersey should be maintained for migrant workers working in Jersey under a 9 month permission. The Board recommends that further work should be undertaken to identify the position of EEA migrant workers holding 9 month permissions who wish to bring children to Jersey for short periods.

 4 year short term workers

Under the current CHW system a large number of migrant workers hold "registered" status and can only work in businesses where the business licence includes a number of registered permissions. At the end of 2018 approximately 9,000 registered permissions were in force, with the largest number allocated to the hospitality sector.

Figure 22: Number of registered permissions held by sector 31 December 2018 (

Under the current CHW system not all permissions are filled and at the end of 2018 there were registered workers in 5,166 jobs identified as part of the periodic manpower return. This figure includes 887 with seasonal or contract permissions.

One of the key findings of the Board is that the large number of registered migrant workers leads to an annual increase in the number of ETW workers as these workers reach their five- year anniversary in Jersey. Statistics Jersey estimate that each year around 600 registered workers remain in Jersey after 5 years leading to an increase in the resident population of 780 (including non-working partners and children).

As noted above, the number of workers in registered jobs has only increased by 400 in total between December 2014 and December 2018; the existing controls within the CHW law are helping to maintain the size of the registered workforce with little additional growth.

The Board considers that there is a valid need for migrant workers to undertake a wide variety of jobs in the local economy to support labour shortages but the automatic transfer to ETW status must be addressed in order to give the government more responsive control over the total population. The options explored by the Board included increasing the remit of the CHW law to require all jobs, including ETW jobs to be approved or creating fixed term permissions for all registered workers with no route through to permanent residence.

The preferred option of the Board is to provide businesses with permissions, similar to the current registered permission, which allow a migrant worker to live and work in Jersey for up to 4 years. These workers would be ordinarily resident in Jersey. In this option the worker can work as a 4 year migrant for up to 4 years at a time. At the end of the four-year period, the worker cannot continue to work under the same permission. The Board considers that many workers will use the opportunity to work in Jersey for 2 or 3 years before moving on to a new job elsewhere. Employers could provide fixed term contracts including financial bonuses for completing the contract period to attract and retain good staff in this way.

As noted above, the remit of the Board does not extend to a detailed examination of housing qualifications but the Board met many stakeholders who felt that the government should move away from a two-tier housing system and seek to allow these workers access to the local housing market in the future. This change would need to be carefully planned for.

As 4 year permissions do not lead directly to long-term residence in the island, the government can allow a certain leeway in the number of permissions held. However, a significant increase in 4 year workers would have an impact on island resources and would lead to the expectation of a larger number of workers seeking to remain in Jersey on a more permanent basis. As such, the number of permissions will still need to be subject to controls and monitoring as part of an overall policy.

In respect of both 9 month and 4 year permissions, changes will also be needed to the Employment Law to clarify the position of employer and employee at the end of a permission period. The Employment Law previously provided for the termination of employment at the end of a "J" category permission and a similar provision would need to be re-introduced to provide for the end of a 9 month and 4 year permission.

R.4.6 The Board recommends that a new category of 4 year worker status is included in the CHW law.

Permission to work is granted for one fixed time period, suggested at 4 years.

Worker is not permitted to work again under a 4 year permission until a gap of at least 1 year has elapsed.

 10 year medium term workers – transfer from 4 year status

Feedback from stakeholders has identified that many registered workers gain valuable skills during their first few years in Jersey or take on more responsible positions within their industry. For these workers, the Board considers that a new category of permission could be created within the CHW law. A business would apply for this permission on a named individual basis. This would allow the worker to transfer from their 4 year status to a 10 year status, similar to the existing licensed permission. Subject to continuing to work in the same job or transferring to another 10 year permission post with a different employer, the worker would have permission to live and work in Jersey for up to ten years at which point they would be able to become a long-term resident with full access to the labour and housing market.

This option would allow the number of workers moving to long-term residence to be carefully monitored and controlled as necessary. The number of 10 year permissions could be restricted as required to reduce the growth in the overall population. Granting permissions in this category could be closely linked to government policies. Published guidelines would give clear information to businesses and workers as to the areas where medium-term permissions would be available.

The impact of this mechanism will be to require businesses to apply for 10 year permissions when they wish to employ additional staff who have lived in Jersey for no more than 4 years. This will place an additional administrative demand on these businesses but allow the government to exercise more responsive controls on overall migration levels.

The guidelines and decision making in this area could take account of the extent to which the employer and the employee have taken steps to address employment related factors such as:

Alignment with government strategic direction

Alignment with government economic policy

Economic value of job (GVA, salary, tax status of employer)

Social value of job (healthcare, social care, community inclusion)

Environmental value (benefit to island ecosystem, climate change agenda)

Investment already made by business in training and productivity improvements

Steps already taken by business to optimise overall staffing requirements

Link to future productivity improvements (providing additional skills to introduce new techniques or automation to reduce overall need for staff)

Link to future training capability (providing additional skills to train staff)

R.4.7 The Board recommends that a new category of 10 year worker status is included in the CHW law.

A worker holding a 4 year worker status can move to a 10 year status on a named worker basis on the application of the business.

Permission to worker is granted for one fixed time period, to give a total period of 10 years (including the time spent working under the 4 year status).

Worker can continue with this status for up to 10 years in total, leading to full access to labour and housing markets and long-term status.

Worker must continue to work in 10 year permission role to maintain status (subject to caring responsibilities as set out below) and not being subject to a serious conviction.

 10 year workers - day one status

Under the current CHW system a number of migrant workers hold "licensed" status and can only work in businesses where the business licence includes a number of licensed permissions. At the end of 2018 approximately 3,000 licensed permissions were in force, with the largest number allocated to the finance and legal sectors. Licenced permissions are provided to businesses that can demonstrate the need for a worker with specific skills that are not available in the local labour market. In general terms licensed posts are expected to carry a salary of at least £60,000 and to require the worker to be highly skilled and professionally qualified e.g. Nurse, Teacher, Solicitor, Group Executive Head Chef, Chief/Senior Construction Engineer, Accountant, Managing Director, Senior Fund Manager.

Figure 23: Number of licensed permissions held by sector 31 December 2018 (

Under the current CHW system not all permissions are filled and at the end of 2018 there were licensed workers in around 2,000 jobs identified as part of the periodic manpower return.

There has been a gradual increase in the number of licensed jobs filled over the last 5 years, with 380 extra licensed jobs recorded at the end of 2018 compared to 2013.

A migrant entering Jersey today with a licence permission has free access to the local housing market whilst they continue to undertake a licensed job. The graduation to ETW status after five years has less relevance to licensed workers. Whereas ETW status gives them access to the local labour market, they would lose their housing rights if they transferred to a non-licensed post at that time. As such, most licence workers will remain in their licence occupation until they have completed 10 years residence, at which point they can access both the local housing and labour market without restriction. The "graduation" of licensed workers is on a smaller scale than that seen for registered workers as the graduation runs to a 10 year timetable, rather than five years. Many workers are likely to stay working in their original sector if they have a work-based qualification that they continue to use (e.g. teaching qualifications, chartered accountant).

Statistics Jersey estimate that each year around 100 licensed workers remain in Jersey after 10 years leading to an annual increase in the resident population of 260 (including non- working partners and children). Under the current system, if a licensed worker moves onto a new position, the business retains the licence which can be used to recruit a new worker to undertake the same job. The new worker receives licensed status through that job, whether or not they previously occupied a licensed post. This provides flexibility to the business but it also means that the government has no direct control over the individual taking up the licenced position.

The evidence received by the Board indicates that the provision of licensed permissions works well and allows workers to move to Jersey to fill a specific skills gap and remain here on a permanent basis. As such, the Board considers that this part of the CHW law needs little amendment and should continue to operate much as now. However the Board considers that the control can be made more responsive by requiring permissions to be issued on a named individual basis for both the original and any subsequent appointments to the same post. In line with the Board's recommendations in respect of a simple and transparent system, the Board considers that the term "licensed" should be replaced by a name that more specifically describes the permission being provided.

The Board recommends that a new 10 year worker status should apply to jobs which would currently attract a licensed permission.

The transfer of existing migrant workers to each of these new categories is considered in section 7.

R.4.8 The Board recommends that the current category of licensed permission is maintained in the CHW law with some minor amendments:

A 10 year permission is granted for one fixed time period of no more than 10 years.

The permission is granted on a named individual basis to a worker in respect of an agreed job in a named business.

Worker can continue with this status for up to 10 years in total, leading to full access to labour and housing markets and long-term status.

Worker must continue to work in 10 year permission role to maintain status (subject to caring responsibilities as set out below) and not being subject to a serious conviction.

 Long term residents

Under the CHW law, individuals acquire entitled status after 10 years of ordinary residence. This gives them access to the local housing and job market without restriction. The CHW law includes some detailed rules as to this status, depending on the place of birth of the individual and the age at which they first moved to Jersey. These rules reflect the previous rules established under the previous Housing Law and the Board has not undertaken any investigation into possible changes in this area.

The Board has noted the lack of transparency within the current CHW system and considers that the naming of the different statuses within the law could be improved by providing more descriptive titles. In this case, "entitled" status could be replaced by "long-term resident" status.

The Board has received no evidence to suggest that changes are needed to the 10 year period required to gain full access to local housing and job markets.

Under the current CHW Law entitled status can be lost in certain situations. A further category of "permanently entitled" is provided to individuals who can never lose their residency status. The Board considers that this category should be maintained and named appropriately.


R.4.9 The Board recommends that the current category of entitled permission is maintained in the CHW law with some minor amendments:

The term "entitled" is replaced with "long-term".

A long-term permission is granted after a person has been ordinarily resident in Jersey for at least ten years.

It gives full access to the local labour and housing markets.

 High net worth residents

The focus of the Board has been on the migration of working age migrants who come to live in Jersey to support the demand for labour and skills shortages.

The CHW Law also provides for individuals to move to Jersey if they are of significant economic and social value to the Island (previously "(k)", today "2/1/e" permissions). A small number of individuals and families are granted this permission each year. The Board has not undertaken any detailed investigations into this group but its overall recommendations to publish clear information on migrants' rights and ensure that family life is taken into account within the decision making process applies equally to this group of migrants.

 Inclusion and family life

Chapter 5 – Summary of recommendations

R.5.1 A worker's valid CHW card should give a right to free / subsidised healthcare from day 1 in Jersey. This is extended to civil or married partner and dependent children (up to 25 if in education) living in Jersey. The Board recommends further research to establish the cost implications and whether a health premium to be levied as part of the CHW application process would be appropriate.

R.5.2 The Board recommends that Social Security contributions should be recognised after the first 6 months with future contributory benefit eligibility taking account of seasonal work patterns.

R.5.3 The Board recommends a review of all government funded services that include residency requirements and that access to services is aligned across all areas.

R.5.4 The Board recommends that the CHW law should provide for the spouse or civil partner and older children of a worker to be allocated a permission at least equivalent to the permission of the worker. The Board recommends that in general the CHW law should not recognise partners who are neither married nor in a civil partnership. Further detailed work should be undertaken to identify any areas where exceptions should be provided for.

R.5.5 The Board recommends that data sharing protocols are updated to allow the sharing of relevant information across government departments in respect of migrant children.

R.5.6 The Board recommends that the CHW Law, and associated guidelines, should provide flexibility to 10 year migrants who want to work part-time whilst caring for a young family. The Board recommends that further research is undertaken to identify the overall impact of a relaxation in this area, and to develop detailed guidelines to cover the age of the child, the extent and duration of the flexibility that could be achieved whilst balancing the need to limit additional migration.

R.5.7 The Board recommends that the CHW law, or associated guidelines, should clarify the status of a worker, their spouse / civil partner and any dependent children following the breakdown of a relationship.

R.5.8 The Board recommends that a separate workstream is set up to consider the detailed impact of the proposed CHW changes on children

Whilst looking to control net inward migration Jersey must be mindful that migrants' skills are in demand globally. For the most sought-after migrants factors such as business environment, income and opportunities, and settlement prospects play an important role.

Beautiful as our island is, Jersey should not presume that every migrant wants to live and work here. The Honorary Consuls of Poland and Portugal reported to the Board that the numbers of Polish and Portuguese nationals moving to the island for work was decreasing. The reasons given were predominantly due to the decreasing value of the pound and the improved economy in Poland[1], but also the lack of roles available in Jersey that don't require 5 years' residency. They also reported confusion amongst migrants around access to services and benefits, and a lack of communication to migrants on these matters.

Both Honorary Consuls raised concerns of overt and covert racism of their nationals in Jersey. They noted a perception amongst their nationals that Polish and Portuguese migrants were only in Jersey to carry out certain type of roles and that this had impacted upon the promotion prospects of some of their nationals in the island.

The Honorary Polish Consul informed the Board that large numbers of Polish nationals are being encouraged to return to Poland by their government, and there was evidence that a number of those in Jersey had taken up this opportunity. The Honorary Polish Consul urged the Board to not just consider how it might continue to attract Polish nationals to Jersey but also what it would do to keep the ones that were already here. The Honorary Portuguese Consul did not feel that Portuguese nationals were looking to leave Jersey in the same way as they consider Jersey to be their home, as many families had been living here since the 1950s.

Both consuls reported that migrants needed to hear that they are welcome in Jersey and felt that the way in which migrants are treated and the access they have to health and benefits are important.

The UK's withdrawal from the EU will likely mean that EU citizens will no longer have a right of free movement to Jersey. Whilst the future relationship between the UK and EU is unknown it is likely that EU citizens will be less inclined than previously to consider working in Jersey, at least in the short-term.

  1. Welcoming migrants

Migrants form a valued part of the island community. New residents and businesses help to drive our economy, diversify our community and provide a range of opportunities for all of those living in Jersey.

Migrants are predominantly brought to Jersey by a vacuum of required skills and/or labour shortages which are not met by the domestic workforce. Currently the labour market in Jersey is one of low unemployment and high vacancy rates. Even when all domestic and resident workers are trained to the top of their skills potential Jersey is still likely to have skills gaps and labour shortages which will be required to be filled by migrants.

The Common Strategic Policy agreed by the States Assembly includes a commitment (4.2.2) to "provide clear rights to new residents as part of an agreed migration policy" and recognises that the failure to support the integration of new migrants into Jersey society can exacerbate income equality and hinder economic growth, as it hampers people achieving their full potential.

The Board believes that Jersey would be a financially, socially and culturally poorer place without migrants, and that migrants should feel welcomed as valued members of the Jersey community.

  1. Access to services for migrants

Migrant access to services such as healthcare, education and benefits is currently complicated and confusing with different rules operating in different parts of government.

Figure 24: Access to public services and benefits by length of residence (internal)

The table on the preceding page illustrate the journey of a new migrant in gaining access to a range of publicly funded services and rights. For example, Jersey has a unique set of rules for accessing healthcare. Access to some services can depend on time spent in the island, the payment of financial contributions to government, and/or a CHW Law status.

When first moving to Jersey migrants must pay for most of their healthcare, including visits to the GP, non-emergency treatment at the hospital, and other related costs, including travel costs. After six months a migrant can apply for a Health Insurance Fund card, which gives discounted GP visits and free community prescriptions; it does not give access to free or discounted healthcare at the hospital or elsewhere.

The Health & Social Care Department's residents & non-residents charging policy' is a non- statutory scheme which governs access to free hospital services. It aims to ensure the best interests of Jersey residents and taxpayers, and places significant emphasis on the expectation that those receiving free care and treatment are making an ongoing social and /or economic contribution to the island. This policy is based upon a person's CHW Law status, with some exceptions, and is complicated.

Many workers in the hospitality and agricultural sectors come to Jersey over many years but only work for periods of 6-9 months at a time. Each time they return to the island their 6- month qualification period for hospital services starts again. These migrants may therefore have paid more than 6 months' income tax payments on previous trips, but are only able to access emergency hospital treatment for the first 6 months of each return stay. Those migrants that have completed a 6-month qualifying period previously and have a Health Insurance Fund card can, however, access discounted GP visits and free prescriptions during subsequent periods working on island.

The Board is concerned as to the potential impacts on migrants who become ill or injured during periods where they are not able to access free or subsidised health care. Currently those workers who do not qualify for non-emergency treatment but do receive free emergency care if admitted to hospital as an emergency. However they are required to pay for the non-emergency' portion of their treatment and stay in hospital and are presented with a bill for that amount.

The Board considers that an important feature of a civilised society is that health care should be accessible to those that are working in and for that society. The Board recommends that migrants who come to Jersey for work should be able to access healthcare from their first day in Jersey. The Board recommends that this healthcare is extended to civil or married partners and dependent children (up to 25 years old if in education) who are also living in Jersey.

The Board considers that it is right to ensure that those accessing public services have paid/or will pay a fair amount of contributions in to the system that they are using. The Board recommends further research to establish the cost implications of allowing access to working migrants and their dependents from day 1, and whether a health premium to access this service as part of the CHW application process would be appropriate.

The Board considers that those who have paid a fair amount of contributions into the system should be able to access public services appropriately. The Board recommends that Social Security payments be recognised after the first 6 months and that previous periods of employment are taken into account during subsequent periods of work in the island for benefit purposes, provided there is a limited gap between individual periods of residence.

The Board recommends a consistency of approach for accessing government funded services and that a review of government services that utilise residency requirements should take place to achieve this.


R.5.1 A worker's valid CHW card should give a right to free / subsidised healthcare from day 1 in Jersey. This is extended to civil or married partner and dependent children (up to 25 if in education) living in Jersey. The Board recommends further research to establish the cost implications and whether a health premium to be levied as part of the CHW application process would be appropriate

R5.2 The Board recommends that Social Security contributions should be recognised after the first 6 months with future contributory benefit eligibility taking account of seasonal work patterns

R.5.3 The Board recommends a review of all government funded services that include residency requirements and that access to services is aligned across all areas.

  1. Family life

Throughout its considerations the Board has given much deliberation to the family – spouse, civil partner and children - of those who come to work in Jersey.

The Board recognises that the benefit of partners and dependents accompanying working migrants stretches far beyond the purely financial, and that those migrants who bring essential skills and benefits to Jersey should be able to bring their families (spouse, civil partner and children) with them.

The Board recognises the value of family life and recommends that the spouse or civil partner of a migrant worker and older children should be allocated a CHW Law permission equivalent to the permission of the worker under the new proposals. This reflects the current law where the partner of a licensed worker is allowed to seek employment in the ETW market. Recent changes have relaxed the restrictions on the employment of older children still living at home.

The current CHW Law requires migrant children to be registered[2], either at the time the adult applies for a registration card; or no later than 3 months after the date the child starts a period of 3 months continuous ordinary residence in Jersey. The details of Jersey-born children are updated on the same database via daily reports from the Maternity Unit.

The Board recommends that the relevant data sharing protocols are updated to allow this database to be shared and utilised by the relevant Government of Jersey departments and Statistics Jersey for long-term planning analysis, and to ensure that all children living in Jersey are allocated the care and services to which they are entitled.


R.5.4 The Board recommends that the CHW law should confirm that the spouse or civil partner and older children of a worker can be allocated a permission at least equivalent to the permission of the worker. The Board recommends that in general the CHW law should not recognise partners who are neither married nor in a civil partnership. Further detailed work should be undertaken to identify any areas where exceptions should be provided for.

R.5.5 The Board recommends that data sharing protocols are updated to allow the sharing of relevant information across government departments in respect of migrant children.

  1. Caring responsibilities

As the CHW law is based on providing business licences in terms of the number of migrant staff to be employed, in almost all cases migrant workers are employed on a full time basis. A business would need 2 licences if it chose (and was allowed to) cover one full time post with 2 part-time workers. The Board acknowledges the importance of family life and the need for the workplace to support flexible working practices to allow workers to fulfil caring responsibilities within the family as well as maintain employment. In most cases, licensed workers do not have the option to choose to stay at home with a young baby or to move to reduced hours or into a job-sharing role.

The Board recommends that the CHW, or associated guidelines, should provide additional flexibility to migrants holding 10-year permissions who want to work part time whilst caring for a young family.


R.5.6 The Board recommends that the CHW Law, and associated guidelines, should provide flexibility to 10 year migrants who want to work part-time whilst caring for a young family. The Board recommends that further research is undertaken to identify the overall impact of a relaxation in this area, and to develop detailed guidelines to cover the age of the child, the extent and duration of the flexibility that could be achieved whilst balancing the need to limit additional migration.

  1. Family breakdown

The Board has been mindful of the Government's pledge to put children first' and has sought to consider this alongside the CHW Law's intent for controlling the availability of work and housing in Jersey for people with strong connections or associations with Jersey and, more generally, in such a way that is in the best interests of the community in Jersey'.

It is inevitable that some migrant families living in Jersey will find themselves in positions where the family unit breaks down. This may lead to a part of the family – spouse, civil partner or children – wishing or needing to live separately from the working' migrant. The existing CHW Law allows a licensed' person's family to live in qualified accommodation with them. However, should the licensed person's family seek to live apart from the licensed person then they are only able to occupy registered accommodation. Finding affordable registered accommodation for a family is often difficult.

The Control of Housing and Work (Residential and Employment Status) (Jersey) Regulations 2013 do allow for a person to be issued with early entitled' status in certain hardship circumstances. No two cases are identical and each request on hardship grounds is considered on its own merits. In 2018 26 individuals were granted entitled status on hardship grounds and 18 applications were approved in 2019.

These will include cases such as those struggling to access housing, victims of domestic abuse, and families who have taken shelter at the Women's Refuge. All these cases find the partner and/or children in difficult circumstances and the CHW law requires a balance to be made between on the one hand, the hardship caused by refusing any such application, and the fact that the granting of early entitled status will reduce the accommodation available for those persons who already have entitled status. A difficult balance must be achieved between showing compassion for individual cases and taking into account the overall needs of people and families who already have entitled status and may also be living in far from satisfactory housing conditions.

The Board feels that the families of those who come to the island to provide their essential skills should be supported where relationships and families breakdown. However, this support must be in the context of protecting the limited resources, including housing, available to all residents. The Board notes that these difficult issues are aggravated by the ability of a licensed migrant to access the local housing market whilst this housing market is not available to a registered worker. The Board considers that the two-tier housing market should be reviewed, to assess the impact of allowing all 4 year and 10 year workers to access the local rental market in the future. A more targeted option would be to associate the right to occupy local housing with the children of a licensed worker, to allow the children to remain in the family home, even if the parent holding the licence is no longer a part of the household.

The Board recognises that issues regarding broken relationships are very difficult to resolve and are often exacerbated by the current restrictions upon housing and work. The Board is especially mindful of the impact this can have upon children. The Board recommends that a separate workstream is set up to establish how best to support the needs of children in these circumstances.


R.5.7 The Board recommends that the CHW law, or associated guidelines, should clarify the status of a worker, their spouse / civil partner and any dependent children following the breakdown of a relationship.

  1. International conventions

In its considerations of more flexible migration controls the Board has been committed to respecting and upholding the fundamental rights of all Jersey residents, including migrant workers.

It is important to recognise that it may be necessary, in a small community with limited resources, to impose controls that limit population growth by making Jersey less attractive for some migrant workers. A failure to do so appropriately would impact adversely upon current and potential islanders. However, the Board has been mindful to use any controls in a proportionate manner.

The Board has given due regard to the Human Rights (Jersey) Law 2000 and to the ratification by Jersey of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

The Board has noted that systems of migration control, including controls on the ability of migrant workers to be joined by relatives and dependents in a host country, have regularly been found to be lawful by the European Court of Human Rights. This is not only the case in relation to Jersey, but in relation to many other jurisdictions as well.

The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families has not been extended to Jersey, nor ratified by the UK or by any country in the European Union. As such, the Board has not felt it necessary to take its terms into account alongside the commitments Jersey has entered into under ECHR and UNCRC.

The Board recognises the importance of continuing to develop policy in this area in a manner that respects human rights and gives due regard to the UNCRC.

The Board observes that the objective of controlling migration to Jersey should go together with ensuring that migrant workers are provided with clear and consistent access to public services.


R.5.8 The Board recommends that a separate workstream is set up to consider the detailed impact of the proposed CHW changes on children

  1. Housing restrictions

As noted above, the remit of the Board does not extend to a detailed examination of housing qualifications but the Board met many stakeholders who suggested that the government should move away from a two-tier housing system and seek to allow migrant workers access to the local housing market in the future. This change would need to be carefully planned for.

In particular, the Board notes the difficult issues that arise when the family of a licensed worker is subject to a family breakdown. At present, the licensed migrant can access the local housing market whilst this housing market is not available to a registered worker.

The Board acknowledges the pressures in the housing market at present and considers that this subject should be revisited in the medium term to assess the opportunities for change at that point.

The focus of the Board has been on working age migrants. Any relaxation of housing restrictions could allow older migrants to settle in Jersey. This is not the intention of the Board. If there is a future relaxation of housing rules for migrant workers, this relaxation should be limited to individuals who hold a valid permission to work in Jersey. The existing 10 year restriction on access to rental and owner occupied property should remain.

 Government structure to support population and migration policy

Chapter 6 – Summary of recommendations

R.6.1 The Board recommends that the States of Jersey Law should be amended to include an explicit requirement of the Council of Ministers to establish a common policy on population.

R.6.2 The Board recommends that an independent expert population panel is established to take evidence from local businesses, and environmental and community groups and provide advice to the Council of Ministers to support the maintenance of a common population policy.

R.6.3 The Board recommends that the current statutory responsibilities of the Home Affairs Minister for immigration controls and the Chief Minister for migration controls should be reviewed to consider combining these legal powers to give one ministerial lead across all immigration and migration controls.

R.6.4 The Board concludes that the recent level of population growth has created pressure on island resources and recommends that the government should seek to impose additional controls on the number of people settling permanently in Jersey.

R.6.5 The Board strongly recommends that these additional controls should be co- ordinated with actions taken across all areas of government to optimise the existing labour force and other resources available on the island.

R.6.6 The Board concludes that previous attempts to set a numeric population limit or annul target have met with little success and the Board recommends that the government should focus on the positive measures it can take in aligning all government policies that affect the overall population level.

R.6.7 The Board recommends that the existing CHW law should be retained and amended to provide more responsive and simple controls to allow the government to expand or restrict the ability of businesses to employ migrant staff and the ability of individuals legally present in Jersey to work and/or occupy property.

R.6.8 The Minister responsible for the CHW Law should publish full written guidelines setting out the current policy parameters. Decision-making within the CHW Law should be undertaken by officers in all but the most unusual cases. The Minister should take advice from the independent population panel before issuing the guidelines. The Minister may take advice from a group of politicians in setting out these guidelines. These guidelines should be reviewed regularly and should be reviewed and endorsed by each new COM in line with their common population policy. For example, this might include government support for industries to utilise fintech to improve productivity.

R.6.9 Where applications genuinely fall outside published guidelines or are subject to appeal, decision making should be undertaken by a committee of 3 States members, elected for that purpose.

  1. Government oversight – population policy

Difficult decisions will need to be taken if the government is committed to reducing the rate of population growth. The health of the economy will always play a major role in determining the demand for and level of inward migration and the limits to the power of the government need to be clearly understood. At the same time, government policies to control population growth will have consequences across many areas; for example, a reduction in population may preserve green fields but may also have a negative impact on tax revenues. Public services are paid for by the economic activity of islanders: fewer people and the same level of public service provision is likely to lead to an increased tax burden on those already here.

Some of these tensions are already being explored by government and are illustrated in the diagram below.

Figure 25: Interplay between government policy areas and policy development boards (internal)

All government policies should take account of their potential impact to increase the population of the island. In its research the Board has identified a number of policies that are not fully aligned with the objective of controlling the rate of population growth and restricting net inward migration. For example:

Government currently supports organisations such as Jersey Business, Digital Jersey and Visit Jersey to develop new businesses, encourage new skills to the island, and to increase the annual number of visitors to the island to 1 million by 2030. At a time of almost full employment in Jersey the supporting skills and labour to achieve these aims and expansions are only likely to be achieved through inward migration.

Decisions to issue a limited number of immigration work permits to support agriculture and hospitality industries have been made without consultation with HAWAG.

The Board has noted the tensions that exist between the government's pledge to put children first and the administration of the CHW Law in cases where family relationships breakdown (this is discussed further in section 5.5).

Truly reducing the island's reliance upon net inward migration in order to slow population growth requires a joined-up approach across multiple policy areas. For example, an economic framework to identify the businesses and sectors that the island requires, the identification of the skills required to fill these roles, whether these skills can be sourced from the resident population, and how these skills might be developed in local residents if they are currently absent. Where all local skills and labour are utilised any expansion would require the importation of migrant skills and labour. Government must then decide if the importation of those skills or labour is in the best interests of the island.

Figure 26: Example of relationship between government policy areas and sustainable population (internal)

Population policy extends across all areas of government activity, including:

benefit policy - Minister for Social Security

digital policy - Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport & Culture

economic policy - Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport & Culture

environment policy - Minister for the Environment

health policy - Minister for Health and Social Services

housing policy - Minister for Children & Housing

infrastructure – Minister for Infrastructure

skills policy - Minister for Education

taxation policy – Minister for Treasury & Resources

as well as

immigration controls - Minister for Home Affairs

migration controls - Chief Minister

The interplay between population policy and all areas of ministerial responsibility is so wide that the Board considers that this should be specifically referred to in the responsibilities of the Council of Ministers. Article 18[1] of the States of Jersey Law currently includes a specific

function of the Council of Ministers to discuss and agree their common policy in relation to external affairs. A similar requirement could be added for the Council of Ministers to discuss and agree their common policy in relation to population.

A requirement for the Council of Ministers to agree a common policy on population would also provide a focus for discussion with environmental, business and community leaders as to the policy direction being taken. The Board notes that consultation with stakeholders can be inconsistent across different ministerial areas and feedback to one minister may not be shared effectively across other relevant ministers.

There are many complex policy issues to be considered in drawing up a common policy on population with multiple connections and dependencies between the different areas. The Board considers that an independent panel of experts should be established to take evidence and provide recommendations to the Council on the impact of their agreed population policy and proposals for changes to policy as needed.

A model for an independent panel can be seen in the UK Migration Advisory Committee (MAC). MAC describes itself as :

"an independent, non-statutory, non-time limited, non-departmental public body that advises the government on migration issues. We are responsible for providing transparent, independent and evidence-based advice to the government on migration issues".

The MAC is made up of a chair and 5 other independent economists plus a Home Office representative. Similar independent bodies that provide expert advice in Jersey include the Fiscal Policy Panel (FPP), a panel of 3 economists who provide independent economic advice to the Council of Ministers and the Employment Forum, made up of employee, employer and independent members who advise the Social Security Minister on Employment law issues.

The expert population panel would take evidence from local business, environmental and social groups as well as collecting statistics and examining international factors. It would report to the Council of Ministers on a regular basis to ensure that the overarching population policy can be developed and adapted to take account of emerging issues. Given the breadth of the subject matter, the panel may also use sub groups to investigate specific topics such as skills development or specific sectors such as tourism.

There are two areas of legal responsibility that will always sit at the heart of any population policy. Currently, the Chief Minister holds responsibility for the CHW law which controls access to employment and housing for people who are legally present in Jersey; the Home Affairs Minister is responsible for immigration matters[1]. Following the exit of the UK from the EU, it is likely that many more migrants will require immigration permission as well as CHW permission to enter and take up employment in Jersey. This provides an opportunity to consider the consolidation of the current split ministerial responsibilities between immigration and migration controls. The Board considers that the separate roles of the Home Affairs Minister and the Chief Minister should be reviewed to identify whether one of these ministers should hold overall responsibility for all the legal controls that provide access

into, and employment and housing in, Jersey. The Board notes that recent changes to immigration rules may facilitate this move.

R.6.1 The Board recommends that the States of Jersey Law should be amended to include an explicit requirement of the Council of Ministers to establish a common policy on population.

R.6.2 The Board recommends that an independent expert population panel is established to take evidence from local businesses, and environmental and community groups and provide advice to the Council of Ministers to support the maintenance of a common population policy.

R.6.3 The Board recommends that the current statutory responsibilities of the Home Affairs Minister for immigration controls and the Chief Minister for migration controls should be reviewed to consider combining these legal powers to give one ministerial lead across all immigration and migration controls.

  1. Should there be a population target?

Discussions on population levels often seek to assess the overall "carrying capacity" of the island - in other words, are there physical constraints present in the infrastructure, natural resource availability or size of the island which would limit population to a particular figure?

In some instances, such as electricity supply, it is possible to mitigate against a rising population with added infrastructure to support demand for the resource. It must be recognised that there are often significant investment requirements which need to be funded. However, for some finite resources, meeting increased demand has additional impact on- island e.g. increased water storage will result in land take for the construction of a new reservoir.

There are a number of other factors, as outlined below:

the type of economic growth and any requirement to support this with land changes and new buildings. This may be mitigated by technological change and increased homeworking;

the implications of increased population for other infrastructure requirements related to the provision of public and other services such as schools, healthcare facilities, retail and other service provision, as well as open space (playing fields, parks, access to green space); sports, leisure and recreation facilities (halls, swimming pools and arts/ cultural facilities); transport infrastructure (parking and public transport facilities); and waste management and disposal facilities (recycling and waste separation).

the impact of further population growth on the perceived environmental carrying capacity of the Island's environment and the impact of this on the quality of life for Islanders, and the desirability of Jersey as a place to live and work;

the impact upon the Island's protected heritage assets and habitats from increased

development pressure and visitor numbers;

A carrying capacity study is currently being undertaken for the Island Plan Review.

The island has a number of core utilities, including:

Electricity: Jersey Electricity has invested in 3 subsea cables which meet demand and provide energy security and resilience in the short to medium term. Additional demand can be met through the provision of an additional subsea cable to the European grid, and so the overall provision of electricity to the island is not considered to be an absolute constraint. Modest capacity upgrades may be required to the grid to ensure electricity is transferred across the island or to assist with efforts to further electrify Jersey (i.e. a move away from LPG/oil, or towards electric vehicle fleets).

Solid waste: the current energy recovery plant is due for replacement at the end of its design life, currently estimated at 2041. There are no issues with capacity of the current plant. Efforts to meet more ambitious recycling targets (and therefore reduce the proportion of waste being directed to the energy recovery plant) would also assist with available capacity at the plant. Aside from the energy recovery plant, there are some existing capacity constraints for inert waste at La Collette; these might be dealt with through additional land reclamation and/or additional site(s). Other types of waste (e.g. most recycling) is dealt with through waste transfer off-island, and therefore capacity of Jersey is less relevant.

Liquid waste: A new plant will be operational in 2022 with a design life of 20 years – 2022 – 2045. The new plant is based on 118,000 plus capacity for up to 142,000 (a 20% buffer, which includes an assumption around population growth plus an allowance for demand from tourism etc). An increase in population may require additional capacity upgrades within its design life.

Mains water: The Island is facing longer, drier periods (associated with increased water consumption), coupled with less predictable rainfall. Phase 1 of Jersey Water's Water Resource and Drought Management Plan (2019) has quantified up-to-date projections of future water supply availability and demand over the next 25 years. It found that, using a +700/year migration assumption, by 2040 there could be a significant shortfall in water storage capacity during severe drought conditions. Higher population growth would lead to a larger deficit. Jersey Water is currently assessing a series of supply-side and demand-side options for dealing with this deficit.

Transport: There are likely to be significant changes in transport, specifically the aim to reduce single occupancy car use over next 10 years, driven by sustainable transport and

active travel policies.

The island's response to climate change is likely to have a significant impact on the type and amount of energy used over the next 20 years, as well as the volume and disposal of

waste. The sustainable transport policy published in December 2019 sets out a strategic vision for a future transport network that promotes active travel and the use of public transport over the use of single occupancy car journeys.

Overall, the core utilities do not indicate any specific or absolute population limits that create significant break points in population terms that would need to be addressed in the next 20 years. Some of them may require additional investment in infrastructure (in terms of increased capacity and ongoing maintenance) to meet the needs of a larger population; however, there is no evidence that this evidence is not realistic or deliverable. All infrastructure needs regular maintenance and replacement and future governments will need to plan carefully for future demand.

Housing: One area where there are significant concerns as to the current level of population growth is in the provision of housing. There has been significant inflation in the cost of both renting and purchasing property over the last five years.

Figure 27: Jersey House Price Index 2008 – 2018 (Statistics Jersey)

The Island Plan published in 2011 included provision for 4,000 new homes over a ten-year period and this increase in capacity has been achieved with an average of approximately 400 homes built each year. However, the population has grown much faster than anticipated in the plan, leading to the current pressure on housing resources. At the same time, the average number of people sharing a home is decreasing (more people live alone, more older people surviving their partner) and so there is a need for extra homes in the next 10 years, even if migration were to be kept at net nil.


Migration scenario

New homes[1] needed over 2021-2030

Net nil








Figure 28: Summary of housing needs under various migration scenarios (Objective assessment of housing needs report)

The Board acknowledges the parallel work being undertaken by the Housing Policy Development Board which is investigating policies to improve the supply and affordability of new homes.

Education and health: Statistics Jersey has produced population projections under a range of migration scenarios. In all scenarios the proportion of children aged 0-15 remains relatively constant at around 16% of the total population. There are more children in the higher migration scenarios, who will require additional school facilities. Evidence from the Children, Young People, Education and Skills (CYPES) department suggests that these are likely to be accommodated mainly through extending existing facilities, rather than by building new schools.

In all scenarios the number and proportion of older people increases steadily throughout the period. The design of the new hospital will take account of this increase in demand, which is not strongly affected by the choice of migration scenario. The cost of providing health care will increase as this sector of the population grows.

The size of the working age population shrinks in the net nil scenario, is roughly constant in the +325 scenario, and sees an increase in the higher migration scenarios. In all scenarios the proportion of working age people reduces over time. See Section 2.3 for more detail.

Pensions: The Social Security Fund (SSF) provides benefits in old age, and on death and incapacity to those who have paid the required contributions. The SSF is financed by a combination of social security contributions from individuals and employers and a States grant.

An actuarial review of the SSF as at 31st December 2017[2] (published March 2019) includes projections over the period from 2017 to 2077. The review considered the impact of a range of populations scenarios in projecting the health of the Fund over the next 60 years. The next graph shows the total value of the Fund as a multiple of annual expenditure, assuming that the current rates of contribution remain unchanged

Figure 29: Total Social Security Funds balance as multiple of annual expenditure under various migration scenarios 2017 – 2077 (SSF actuarial review 31 December 2017) With net migration remaining at +700 over the 60 year period, the Fund remains stable at just under 6 years' worth of expenditure, based on the current contribution rates. If net migration is experienced at a higher level, the projections show that the Fund would increase significantly over time.

With net migration at +325, the Fund is exhausted towards the end of the 60 year period, assuming that social security contributions do not increase. To maintain an old age pension, it would be necessary to increase contribution rates at some point to maintain a viable Fund. For example, if the Fund was allowed to reduce to zero, the contribution rate would need to increase from 10.5% to 13.1% to maintain the current level of benefits (in real terms).

Economic modelling: The Economics Unit has used a range of migration scenarios to create high level forecasts of public sector costs up to 2050. These show annual budget deficits under each migration scenario based on the current economic structure and government income.


Modelling scenario

Net change in government annual budget position at 2050 (real terms)

Population projection for 2050

+325, no productivity growth, no sectoral change



+700, no productivity growth, no sectoral change



+1,000, no productivity growth, no sectoral change



+325 with 10% shift to low- productivity jobs



+ 325 with 10% shift to finance sector jobs



+700 with 0.5% productivity growth and 8% shift to finance sector jobs

Broadly unchanged from current balance


Figure 30: Summary of economic modelling under various migration and economic scenarios 2050 (Economic Advisor)

The increase in overall public sector costs is principally driven by the increasing cost of healthcare. As noted above this is strongly linked to the number of older people in the island, which grows over the next 30 years in all migration scenarios. These high-level figures show that even significant ongoing migration based on our current job mix is not sufficient to fully cover the increasing costs of an ageing population, at current tax levels.

The economic modelling also includes additional scenarios based on improvements in productivity and changes in the job mix across the economy. For example, a combination of some migration, sustained productivity growth across all economic sectors and a transfer from lower paid sectors to the finance sector would all be needed to support the increasing cost of public services without leading to an annual budget deficit. If the proportion of lower value jobs increases in the future, this would lead to larger annual deficits.

Summary: The island faces many challenges over the next 20 years. Ongoing inward migration will increase the pressure on existing infrastructure but key facilities such as the energy recovery plant and the liquid sewage treatment plant will need replacement in the 2040s in any event. However, a higher population will lead to the need for the replacement plant to have a higher capacity. Keeping migration at a higher annual rate will help to support some of the additional cost of pensions and healthcare for the growing number of older people in the island. These costs could also be met by increases in taxes and contributions. Even with continued migration, it is likely that there will be some increase in taxation levels or a reduction in the scope of public services as the population ages. At the same time, the impact of new technologies will change the way we live and work, in ways we are only just beginning to understand as a society, irrespective of the level of inward migration.

Previous attempts to set a numeric population limit or annual target have met with little success and the Board considers that the government should focus on the positive measures it can take in aligning all government policies that affect the overall population level.


R.6.4 The Board concludes that the recent level of population growth has created pressure on island resources and recommends that the government should seek to impose additional controls on the number of people settling permanently in Jersey.

R.6.5 The Board strongly recommends that these additional controls should be co- ordinated with actions taken across all areas of government to optimise the existing labour force and other resources available on the island.

R.6.6 The Board concludes that previous attempts to set a numeric population limit or annul target have met with little success and the Board recommends that the government should focus on the positive measures it can take in aligning all government policies that affect the overall population level.

  1. IslandPlan - Planning assumption

The Board understands that the Island Plan Review requires a planning assumption to be included, based on the likely population levels over the coming decade. The planning assumption, along with other aspects of the Island Plan evidence base, will be subject to independent review by a Planning Inspector.

It is not within the formal remit of the Board to make a specific recommendation about the planning assumption. However, evidence collected by the Board suggests that this planning assumption will need to take into account the actual levels of net migration experienced over the last ten years, and should also consider the impact on future migration of a range of policies such as: immigration controls following Brexit; investment and improvement in the productivity of Jersey's economy; and the removal of automatic graduation of registered workers.

The Board also considers that it will take time for the impact of any agreed government actions to be seen in overall inward migration levels and this should be taken account of in the planning assumptions.

  1. Migration controls

Australia, New Zealand and Canada are often quoted as exemplars of immigration selection systems. In the main this is because they invest heavily in their immigration systems, continually evaluate their economic and skills shortages, assess how well migrants integrate, and frequently adjust their systems and policies accordingly.

These systems control the immigration of foreign migrants who make up the vast majority of migrants into their countries. Little account needs to be given to the free movement of citizens from outside of their own countries.

In Jersey the free movement of EEA nationals, the continued (regardless of Brexit outcomes) free movement of British and Irish citizens within the CTA, and the reliance upon the UK's immigration system would make the implementation of a Jersey immigration system' to control inward migration problematic in Jersey.

In order to stay within the CTA, which allows free travel for islanders across the UK and Ireland, and is highly valued by businesses as well as many families, Jersey cannot introduce immigration controls on British and Irish citizens.

In the absence of an autonomous immigration system, the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law (CHW law) was introduced on 1st July 2013 with the intention of controlling:

  1. The overall population density of Jersey; and
  2. The availability of work and housing in Jersey for people with strong connections or associations with Jersey and, more generally, in such a way that is in the best interests of the community of Jersey.

Due to the terms of membership of the Common Travel Area (CTA) and the desire to prevent citizens of the CTA from having free and open access to living in Jersey, the Board recommends that controlling access to work and housing continues to be the most effective way of controlling the overall population density of Jersey.

The CHW Law provides a framework for the registration of Jersey residents and makes provision for controls on who can access work and housing. It is a relatively new, accepted and sound piece of legislation that provides the legal basis and powers to control access to housing and work in Jersey. With some amendments and simplification the CHW Law can be used to create a more responsive migration system, that is easier to understand. Drafting a new law from scratch would duplicate much of the existing CHW Law and require major investment and law drafting time.


R.6.7 The existing CHW law should be retained and amended to provide more responsive and simple controls to allow the government to expand or restrict the ability of businesses to employ migrant staff and the ability of individuals legally present in Jersey to work and/or occupy property.

  1. Oversight of CHW law

Looking in more detail at the structure of the current CHW law, political responsibility is delegated in primary legislation to an Assistant Chief Minister, who has decision-making powers in respect of giving permission to businesses to employ migrant workers and giving permission to individuals to acquire CHW status. A wide delegation of powers (R.92/2018) provides for a number of government officers to take decisions under the CHW law.

Within the current CHW law, the Housing and Work Advisory Group (HAWAG) is established with ex officio membership of an Assistant Chief Minister, the Minister for Children and Housing and the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture. In addition, the law allows for other politicians and/or lay members to be included in the group; at present, the Minister for Social Security, Deputy Judy Martin is a member of HAWAG.

The role of HAWAG is to provide advice as requested to the Assistant Chief Minister in respect of his/her powers under the CHW Law and possible changes to the law. The Board notes that Deputy Perchard has lodged a proposition (P.1/2020) which, if approved, would give HAWAG legal powers of decision-making in specific areas.

A large majority of decisions are taken by officers applying the CHW law and the published guidelines to each application. Officers also make use of internal guidelines to help with decision making and use the experience they have built up to decide each individual case.

The following guidelines have been published under the CHW Law.

R.69/2013 – Control Provisions

R.70/2013 – Temporary Absence

R.124/2015 - Business Licensing

R.60/2019 – Residential and employment status

These guidelines are published individually as Reports on the States Assembly website but there is no central guide to this information. Internal guidelines provide additional guidance as follows:


Qualifying questions - the business must meet all these criteria before an application is assessed in detail.


There are no live CHW compliance cases currently underway

The application does not relate to the same individual that had been previously refused by HAWAG

The business has no spare permissions in this category

There are no current Registered/ Licensed staff are about to gain 'Entitled for work' / Entitled status

The role has been well advertised within the past 3 months

The applicant has given the number of Entitled/Entitled for work applicants that applied and satisfactory reasons why they were not suitable

There are no suitable candidates for the role with the Back to Work recruitment team


Main questions – these are the criteria used by the officers to base their decision on. A successful application will provide positive answers against most of these areas.

The role is vitally important to the successful running of the business

The annual salary is :

Registered: £30,000+ (this can include expected taxable bonuses). Lower limits are set for:

Chefs and kitchen staff above kitchen porter level £25,000

Digital technical roles £25,000

Health care assistants £20,000

Licensed: £60,000+. Lower limits are set for:

Qualified teachers: £35,270

Qualified nurse/ social worker/ allied health professional £37,000

Qualified accountant – I year PQE £40,000

Religious minister £40,000

Police constable £35,000

The applicant has a smaller proportion of licensed / registered permissions than the average percentage for similar sized businesses in the sector

Does the role have outstanding social value equivalent to teaching vital skills to islanders and local businesses to improve their lives/businesses or providing specialist healthcare?

Does the role have a formal professional qualification requirement (licensed) ? /

NVQ2 level or above (registered)?

Has the business given evidence to show they have multiple strategies in place to attract, develop and retain staff?


Figure 31: Officer guidelines for business licensing (Internal document)

Overall statistics for 2018 show the total number of applications made, granted and rejected.






Permanent Registered


536 (56%)

417 (44%)

Seasonal Registered


149 (92%)

13 (8%)

Contract Registered


104 (89%)

13 (11%)



252 (90%)

29 (10%)

Figure 32 Volume and outcomes for business licensing staff permissions 2018 (Internal document)

Evidence received by the Board indicates that individuals and businesses find the decision- making process difficult to understand. Although some written guidelines are provided, businesses often put considerable effort into making applications which will be automatically rejected. The internal guidelines set out above have not been previously published. Both officers and businesses have expressed frustration at the current process.

On 08/11/2019 the Board met with the Chamber of Commerce and representatives from the committees for retail & supply, transport & tourism, Young Chamber, finance, digital, building & development, and employment & skills. The attendees were asked to give their thoughts on the current migration policy:

Figure 33: "Word cloud" generated at Chamber of Commerce workshop (Internal document)

Following discussion, it was apparent that these thoughts stemmed, in large part, from the attendees' experience of applying for business licences through the CHW Law. Numerous comments were received that the current systems are difficult to understand, that decision making processes are not clear and obvious, and that there is limited published guidance to inform applicants of the Government's policy intent.

These thoughts were echoed by the majority of stakeholders the Board consulted.

The evidence received by the Board demonstrated that a number of applications for business licences are being received, and processed, by CLS for roles where internal policies will always recommend a refusal. As these policies are not communicated publicly applicants will submit applications unaware that these will always be refused. This process uses up CLS resources and causes frustration for applicants who are spending time putting together applications which have no possibility of being authorised.

The Board considers that while the current framework of the CHW law is sound, there is an urgent need for more detailed written guidance across each area of decision-making within the law. Comprehensive written guidance would allow potential applicants to fully understand the decision-making process, reduce the number of abortive applications and allow officers to provide a better service.

The Minister responsible for the CHW law should issue regular updates on the written guidance in line with the overall population policy of the Council of Ministers and taking account of the advice from the expert population panel. These regular updates would ensure that decision-making is responsive to changing external conditions and agreed local policy.

For example, a new Council of Ministers may set a population policy that includes encouraging business activity in a particular sector and the guidelines would be amended to allow more permissions to be approved in that sector with permissions for other sectors tightened to maintain an overall balance. The Board would expect the main guidelines to be reissued with minor adjustments on an annual basis with a more thorough review following the election of a new Council of Ministers.

Where salary levels are included these should be increased each year in line with average or average sectoral increases. Salary levels should also be informed by the work undertaken by Statistics Jersey on the level of government receipts and expenditure to and from Jersey households.

Other areas where guidelines could be expanded to inform decision making include:

The profitability of the business

The business is 'high value' to Jersey (GVA per worker of £60,000+)

The business is important to the social or environmental wellbeing of the island in line with the Government Plan

The business makes significant tax/social security contributions to Jersey through staff payments, payments for goods and tax paid on profits - this could include a differentiation in respect of companies owned on and off island.

The skills of the individual job holder will help to upskill other staff in the business or across the sector

The job will encourage further innovation in the sector, creating an environment that encourages future investment

The job will lead to a reduction in the need for additional workers through productivity or automation and digital innovations.

The proposed expert population panel should provide input into the annual review of guidelines. This could be in areas such as identifying skills or labour shortages in particular areas; reflecting a shift in business activity; and responding to external pressures.

The drawing up and regular review of guidelines should be undertaken under the direction of the responsible Minister who may wish to maintain an advisory group of politicians to support that function. This group could replace the current HAWAG.

Under current practice, HAWAG meets on a regular basis to consider applications and appeals from businesses and individuals in respect of complex cases or appeals following an unsuccessful application. This usually involves meeting representatives in person with the Assistant Chief Minister making the final decision. The table shows the proportion of decisions that were referred to HAWAG in 2018.








Registered Permanent Granted

Licensed Granted

Registered Permanent Refused

Licensed Refused

Referred to HAWAG





Decided by officers under delegated powers





Percentage decided by ACM following HAWAG consideration










Figure 34: HAWAG business licensing decisions 2018 (Internal document)

The Board notes that the opportunity to appear before a political panel could be perceived as allowing personal preferences to play a part in decision-making. To avoid any perception of bias, decision-making within the CHW should be undertaken by officers in all but the most unusual cases. The Board considers that a small committee of three elected States Members could be established to rule on those unusual cases. This committee would operate in a similar fashion to the Planning Committee, with officers making a recommendation but with the committee being responsible for the final decision, by majority voting.

Formal appeals under the CHW Law are currently made to the Royal Court. This can be time consuming and expensive for applicants. The Board considers that a review should be undertaken to determine a more appropriate external appeal process.


R.6.8 The Minister responsible for CHW should publish full written guidelines setting out the current policy parameters. Decision-making within the CHW Law should be undertaken by officers in all but the most unusual cases. The Minister should take advice from the independent population panel before issuing the guidelines. The Minister may take advice from a group of politicians in setting out these guidelines. These guidelines should be reviewed regularly and should be reviewed and endorsed by each new COM in line with their common population policy. For example, this might include government support for industries to utilise fintech to improve productivity.

R.6.9 Where applications genuinely fall outside published guidelines or are subject to appeal, decision making should be undertaken by a committee of 3 States members, elected for that purpose.

 Implementation of proposed changes

Chapter 7: Summary of Recommendations:

R.7.1 The customer facing operations of the Jersey Customs and Immigration Service and Customer and Local Services should be combined to provide a single service to all individuals seeking to move to Jersey to live and/or work. Further work should investigate the possibility of combining IT systems and providing legal rights for data sharing across the two processes.

R.7.2 The Board recommends that additional functionality is included in the CHW IT systems to facilitate the automatic collation of data. The Board recommends that statistics relating to all CHW and immigration applications and current permissions are collated and published on a regular basis. The data should provide information by sector and nationality.

R7.3 The Board recommends that relevant information from all areas of government activity should be collated into a regular, comprehensive report that gives sufficient information to plan ongoing immigration / migration control policies and to inform government activity in other areas (e.g. skills, economy). The database should support the provision of forecasts, modelling and what-if analysis to support future population and migration policies.

R.7.4 There should be clear information, publicly available and subject to regular review, on the policies and operation of the CHW law. Published guidance should be provided in main languages for businesses and individuals, stating their obligations and rights, and how these change depending on CHW categories.

R.7.5 The Board recommends that accessible information and advice on tax, benefits, health access, education, rights as a worker, employers' obligations, etc. should also be provided to new migrants and their employers

R.7.6 The Board recommends that all existing licences are transferred to 10 year permissions and granted on a named worker basis to the existing worker on day one of the new controls. Vacant licences will not be transferred to the new control system. The Board recommends that all existing registered workers are given transitional rights to continue to work in Jersey for up to 5 years, and remain able to access the local labour market at the 5-year point (ETW status).

R.7.7 The Board recommends that detailed guidelines are drawn up in advance of new migrant workers being able to apply to transfer from a 4 year permission to a 10 year permission.

R.7.8 The Board recommends that consideration is given to restricting the number of registered permissions provided in 2020 under the current CHW controls.

R.7.9 The Board recommends that businesses or sectors that may be subject to unintended consequences of changes to the CHW Law should be identified and consideration given to providing appropriate support.

  1. One application process ("one front door")

Throughout the Board's considerations and consultation processes we have encountered much confusion, across multiple business sectors, surrounding the processes for migration and immigration.

At present immigration permissions for non- European Economic Area citizens to live and work in Jersey are submitted to UK Visa & Immigration, and referred to, the Jersey Customs and Immigration Service. Permissions to access work and housing for all residents of Jersey are submitted to, and processed by, Customer and Local Services (CLS)[3]. Whilst there is liaison between the two departments to ensure consistency of decision making, an individual and their employer need to make separate applications to each department to secure all the required permissions to live and work in Jersey.

For example, currently a non-EEA citizen wishing to work in Jersey may require a visa to enter the UK and Jersey (application through UK Visa & Immigration portal)), and to get the required registered or licensed permission to access housing and work in Jersey (CLS). Whilst their employer must apply separately for an immigration work permit (JCIS) - which is required by the individual in order to apply for their visa - and to have secured the relevant business permission to employ them under CHW Law (CLS).

Current processes are difficult to understand, especially for those who do not have English as their first language. These application processes should be clear and not require prior knowledge of the CHW Law or Jersey's immigration rules to complete.

The Board recommends that applications should be made through a single point that provides a service to all individuals seeking to live and/or work in Jersey and their prospective employers. The remit of the Board does not extend to a detailed review of operational processes, but the Board considers that this review should be undertaken. In particular, a review of how the CHW law and immigration rules could be amended to allow for the lawful sharing of application data between the two application processes, so that information can be gathered just once by the government.

Whilst the outcome of the UK's negotiations with the EU are not yet known, it is expected that from 01 January 2021 EU citizens will lose the right to live and work in Jersey without an immigration permission to do so. This is likely to considerably increase the number of applications received by JCIS considerably.


R.7.1 The customer facing operations of the Jersey Customs and Immigration Service and Customer and Local Services should be combined to provide a single service to all individuals seeking to move to Jersey to live and/or work. Further work should investigate the possibility of combining IT systems and providing legal rights for data sharing across the two processes.

  1. Performance management

An important aspect of improving migration controls and creating a more responsive system is the provision of regular statistics to keep politicians and the public informed of the overall population, and the number of new permissions granted. These will provide accurate and regular performance management information to Ministers responsible for setting policy guidelines, ensure that businesses have an accurate picture of the ongoing impact of the controls across business sectors and give reassurance and transparency to the general public. The independent population panel will require detailed statistics to assist with their regular reviews.

A range of reports relevant to migration and population are currently provided by Statistics Jersey and CLS.

Statistics Jersey is independent of government but have confirmed that they intend to continue to publish estimates on the number of people working in Jersey and the overall population. Statistics Jersey are also responsible for the conducting of the Jersey census, the most recent being conducted in 2011. At present, some planning assumptions are based on the 2011 census, which predates the current CHW Law. Statistics Jersey are anticipating conducting the next census in March 2021 with results becoming available the following year. Longer term Statistics Jersey also aims to create a rolling e-census which will allow more accurate and more detailed estimates of the population.  

CLS publishes quarterly statistics on application numbers and the total number of permissions in respect of business and individual permissions. CLS also administers the 6- monthly manpower survey, which Statistics Jersey utilise to produce their estimates of the working age population. Some additional internal reporting gathers additional data. Other government reports provide statistics on immigration, housing, benefits, health and education. At present, these reports are not routinely co-ordinated to provide an overview of the levels of recent migration or to give a holistic picture of population issues.

From 2021 it is planned that manpower information will be collected monthly (rather than 6 monthly) and this will help to maintain accurate and up to date migration statistics for working age people. The Board has considered the possibility of providing additional reporting on all movements in and out of Jersey to assist with monitoring population levels. This could provide valuable information but would need appropriate resources to implement.

Statistics Jersey also produce other relevant reports on business tendency trends, average wage levels and GVA figures. CLS publishes quarterly statistics on application numbers and the total number of permissions in respect of business and individual permissions. Some additional internal reporting gathers additional data. Other government reports provide statistics on immigration, housing, benefits, health and education. At present, these reports are not routinely co-ordinated to provide an overview of the levels of recent migration or to give a holistic picture of population issues.

To enable the Council of Ministers to maintain a coherent population policy across government as a whole, and to allow the Minister with political responsibility in this area to maintain meaningful guidelines on immigration and migration controls, further work is needed to create a regular, comprehensive report that brings data together from all areas of government activity to give a more accurate view of immigration, migration and population issues.


R.7.2 The Board recommends that additional functionality is included in the CHW IT systems to facilitate the automatic collation of data. The Board recommends that statistics relating to all CHW and immigration applications and current permissions are collated and published on a regular basis. The data should provide information by sector and nationality.

R.7.3 The Board recommends that relevant information from all areas of government activity should be collated into a regular, comprehensive report that gives sufficient information to plan ongoing immigration / migration control policies and to inform government activity in other areas (e.g. skills, economy). The database should support the provision of forecasts, modelling and what-if analysis to support future population and migration policies.

  1. Public information

Evidence received by the Board indicates that individuals and businesses find the CHW Law and decision-making processes difficult to understand. There is limited information available to help residents and businesses understand the system. There are some public guidelines available but many areas of decision-making are based on internal documents.

The Board recommends that guidelines are agreed and published to cover every area of CHW decision making. To aid understanding of the CHW Law processes clear information on the operation of the CHW Law should be publicly available in the main languages for businesses and individuals.

The Board believes that the services that a migrant can access, and the obligations that they have for themselves and their dependents in Jersey, need to be well communicated, so they do not have any misconceptions or misunderstandings. Moreover, where migrants are openly shown the rights and services available to them they are more likely to feel a valued member of our community.

The CHW Law requires that a migrant who expects to be ordinarily resident in Jersey for 3 months or more to have a valid registration card, and this includes a requirement to register children not born in Jersey. This point of first registration is the ideal opportunity to provide new migrants with this information, and to make them aware of the. For example, a simple 2 page leaflet could be provided to every new migrant setting out all key information in one short document.

R.7.4 There should be clear information, publicly available and subject to regular review, on the policies and operation of the CHW law. Published guidance should be provided in main languages for businesses and individuals, stating their obligations and rights, and how these change depending on CHW categories.

R.7.5 The Board recommends that accessible information and advice on tax, benefits, health access, education, rights as a worker, employers' obligations, etc. should also be provided to new migrants and their employers

  1. Transition

Changes to the current CHW system will need to be planned carefully, taking account of the existing permissions held by businesses and the current cohort of migrants working under CHW permissions.

Under the Board's recommendations, existing licensed permissions would be converted to 10 year permissions on a named worker basis. Every existing licensed worker would be allocated a new 10 year permission linked to their current employer on the implementation date of the amended law. The 10 year period would include the time already spent in Jersey

- i.e., the licensed worker would reach the ten year mark at the same point as under the current system. Businesses would no longer hold vacant licensed permissions and would start to apply on a named individual basis to recruit an additional worker or replace an existing worker. Within the transitional arrangements, account should be taken of a post that has been vacated just before the change-over date, to allow the business to complete any ongoing or planned recruitment.

The evidence collected by the Board has not suggested the need to significantly review the range of jobs that receive licensed status and the Board does not envisage that there would be any major additional restriction on the issuing of 10 year permissions under the amended law.

Registered workers already in Jersey currently have the right to graduate to entitled to work status after five years continuous residence.

The Board recommends that these workers should retain the right under the new law to move to ETW status. This option would remain in place for the five years following the introduction of the new rules and then fall away. At the same time, all the existing business permissions for registered workers should be converted into the new categories of 9-month permission and 4-year permission, based initially on the current split between seasonal and permanent registered permissions. Following the introduction of the new CHW rules, new workers would only be recruited under the new categories.

Under the Board's proposals, there would be no automatic graduation from a 4-year permission to a permission that would give you the right to remain in Jersey in the long-term. However, there will be a process to allow an employer to make a named worker application for a transfer from a 4 year permission to a 10 year permission. This process does not currently exist and detailed work will be needed to identify the parameters that will be used to determine the success of this application. These will need careful design: providing a large number of transfers will have little impact on the current levels of graduation; providing too few transfers may lead to additional skills gaps in existing businesses.

Although it is too soon to make firm recommendations, it is likely that a transfer from a 4 year permission to a 10 year permission would not be considered until the worker had been in Jersey for at least two years. This initial period when businesses are transitioning to the new rules will allow detailed data to be collected on the employment and skills status of current registered workers transferring to ETW status. From this evidence, guidelines can be drawn up to control the transfer process, which could be undertaken with support and guidance from the expert population panel recommended by the Board and subgroups working in different areas.

The Board considers that migrants who have already attained ETW status should have full rights to continue to work in Jersey until they have acquired 10 years residence and can move to the current entitled status.

The Board suggests that consideration should be given to applying the existing CHW controls very strictly during 2020 with further existing permissions removed wherever appropriate. This could help to reduce the number of new registered workers within the system in advance of the changes being implemented.

There has been a significant supply of migrant labour willing to work in Jersey in recent years. The Board is well aware that there is a global employment market today and workers will have a range of destinations eager to attract additional workforce. The Board considers that regular and detailed monitoring of migration numbers over the next few years will be essential to ensure that the amended controls are working as planned, and that Jersey remains able to attract high quality candidates at all levels.


R.7.6 The Board recommends that all existing licences are transferred to 10 year permissions and granted on a named worker basis to the existing worker on day one of the new controls. Vacant licences will not be transferred to the new control system. The Board recommends that all existing registered workers are given transitional rights to continue to work in Jersey for up to 5 years, and remain able to access the local labour market at the 5-year point (ETW status).

R.7.7 The Board recommends that detailed guidelines are drawn up in advance of new migrant workers being able to apply to transfer from a 4 year permission to a 10 year permission.

R.7.8 The Board recommends that consideration is given to restricting the number of registered permissions provided in 2020 under the current CHW controls.

  1. Unintended consequences

In line with the terms of reference for the Board, the intention of any changes to existing controls should aim to deliver a more responsive and consistent system which will help to reduce the island's reliance upon net inward migration. This is likely to limit the opportunities for growth to certain businesses or sectors. Some businesses will need to become more productive or to find new ways of working to adapt to these changes. Businesses that that are unable or unwilling to adapt may contract or even close.

The intentions of the CHW Law include the provision for controlling the availability of work in Jersey for people with strong connections or associations with Jersey, and in such a way that is in the best interests of the community in Jersey. It is not the intent of the CHW Law, nor of the Board's recommendations, to provide a safety net for poorly performing or unproductive businesses.

There is a risk that there may be unintended consequences of any changes to the application of the CHW controls, and they will need to be monitored carefully to avoid unintended negative impacts on the economy and society.

The future relationship between the UK and EU remains uncertain and is likely to remain so for some time. The consequences for Jersey are unclear.

The recommended lead-in time before the full introduction of changes to the CHW Law is likely to mitigate some of these risks. The Board recommends that all changes to the CHW Law are communicated at the earliest opportunity in order to give businesses time to adapt as necessary, and that the need for financial or practical support is considered to those businesses and sectors where unintended negative consequences may be experienced.


R.7.9 The Board recommends that businesses or sectors that may be subject to unintended consequences of changes to the CHW Law should be identified and consideration given to providing appropriate support.

  1. Indicative timetable

An indicative timetable for the agreement of new rules is set out below




Gaining political agreement


Board presents report to Chief Minister

January 2020

Chief Minister reviews findings and publishes policy paper

April 2020

States Assembly debates policy paper

June 2020

Law drafting in respect of agreed changes to CHW law

July to December 2020

States Assembly debates CHW law changes

Early 2021



Stage 1 Planning for first stage of implementation of CHW changes

July to December 2020

Stage 1: CHW law changes in force; first stage of implementation operational

Early 2021

Stage 2: Planning for second stage of implementation of CHW changes


Second stage of changes operational


A two-stage implementation is proposed to take account of a number of factors, including the possibility of significant changes to IT systems and the need to respond to the outcome of Brexit and resulting changes to the UK immigration system.

Appendix A:

Migration Policy Development Board

Interim Report 24th October 2019

Migration Policy Development Board

Interim Report

24th October 2019

Foreword by the Chair of the Migration Policy Development Board

In order to advise all parties of the work of the Migration Policy Development Board and to help inform the debate on this emotive, yet complex issue, I have pleasure in publishing this interim report of the Migration Policy Development Board.

The Migration Policy Development Board is an advisory panel for the Chief Minister on policies relating to a more responsive control over who can live and work in Jersey, it is not a decision making body.

This report summarises the Board's research surrounding migration controls and how any changes could be used to help reduce the island's reliance on inward migration.

I would like to thank all of the Board members for their hard work and dedication in discussing and researching these matters.

The Board continues to gather evidence from the island's business sector as well as wider stakeholders in the community as part of its ongoing work.

The Board publishes details of its meetings and evidence online.

Anyone who wishes to provide additional evidence or comments to the Board is welcome to make a written submission to  

Connétable Christopher Taylor

Migration Policy  Development Board


Interim Paper __________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Introduction

The Migration Policy Development Board (MPDB) was established on 7th March 2019. Its purpose is:

To develop comprehensive migration policy proposals which will deliver more responsive controls over who can come to live, work and access public services in Jersey, improving consistency wherever practical and helping to reduce the Island's reliance on inward migration.' (see Appendix 2).

The MPDB acts as an advisory panel for the Chief Minister on policies relating to a more responsive control over who can live and work in Jersey, it is not a decision making body.

The initial background and context of the MPDB is covered in the document. Project Scope – Developing a New Migration Policy Development Board' (see Appendix 3)

To date the MPDB has considered a number of factors which impact upon, and which are impacted by, amendments to the controls of migrants to Jersey. The matters considered by the MPDB are summarised below, are published at:, and are included

in the appendices to this report. The home page of this site also contains a full list of the Board members.

  1. Brexit

The future effects of Brexit on the island's economy are not yet known.

The UK Government intends to remove the right of EU nationals to live and work freely in the UK, and require EU nationals to apply for immigration permissions to do the same. These changes will be mirrored in Jersey. The impact of these potential changes upon the flow of EU migrants to Jersey is not yet clear.

Future migration controls will need to have flexibility within them to adapt to changing circumstances.

  1. Summary of MPDB research
  1. Jersey Customs & Immigration Service (JCIS) & Immigration Controls (Appendix 4)

The Common Travel Area (CTA)[1] is established as a matter of law to facilitate free movement of British and Irish citizens between the UK, Republic of Ireland and the Islands. There are no formal immigration border controls in the CTA.

The UK set the primary legislation for Immigration matters and to maintain the legitimacy of the CTA Jersey needs to follow the UK's Immigration Rules. Jersey can amend these to some degree through secondary legislation in some areas, e.g. in relation to work permits, but must not have weaker border controls than elsewhere in the CTA.

EEA[1] citizens are currently allowed free movement to Jersey and do not require Immigration permission to work.

 JCIS uses various Immigration laws to control the access to the island and work for all persons who are not British or Irish citizens or members of the EEA.

3rd country citizens (those who are not EEA nationals) are required to have immigration permission to enter and work in Jersey.

Following Brexit it is expected that EEA nationals will be treated in the same way as 3rd country nationals, and will require Immigration permissions to enter Jersey and to be able to work.

Immigration' work permits are issued to employ 3rd country nationals

where the employer can demonstrate and provide evidence that the vacancy cannot be filled from within the permit free UK and EEA labour market; and

for up to 9 months for unskilled seasonal employment in the hospitality (150/year quota) and agricultural sectors (130/year quota).

This scheme is on a trial basis for a 2 year period until the end of 2020.

  1. Population Office and Migration controls (Appendix 5)

The Population Office administers controls on residential and employment status through the Control of Housing & Work (Jersey) Law 2012 (CHWL), whose purpose is:

To enable Jersey to preserve and maximise the benefits of its resources. To further those aims, the Law aims to control the overall population density of Jersey and the availability of work and housing for people with strong connections or associations with Jersey, and, more generally, in such a way that is in the best interests of the community'.

The controls apply to housing and work, recognising that British and European (EEA) nationals do not require immigration permission to live or work in Jersey. This approach of restricting housing and work is similar to that adopted in Guernsey and the Isle of Man.

This legislation applies to all people looking to live and work in Jersey regardless of their nationality.

The CHWL controls population by delimiting access to employment and to certain categories of housing.

The Chief Minister is responsible for the Law and delegates those responsibilities to the Assistant Chief Minister, who chairs the Housing and Work Advisory Group (HAWAG). This Group currently includes the Ministers for Housing and Social Security, and the Assistant

Minister for Economic Development. HAWAG meet approximately every two weeks to consider applications, and to develop polices in support of the Law.

Officers have delegated powers to make decisions under the Law, but may refer applications to the Assistant Chief Minister - in particular, where there is a concern about Jersey's reputation in commercial or financial matters; or where an applicant appeals a decision; or for larger applications where there may be a significant impact.

Guidelines are published under CHWL in some areas but decision making is not transparent under the current system. This leads to a significant volume of enquiries from businesses, as well as the need to refer a high proportion of individual cases to HAWAG.

The current application of the CHW system allows for graduation' from registered to entitled to work status after five years in Jersey. In 2017 it is estimated that 16% of registered staff graduated, and were subsequently replaced by new migrants with registered status. This annual and automatic graduation has led to an increase in the population of approximately 600-700 each year, including dependents. The link gives a more detailed explanation.

The current application of the CHW system allows businesses to hold licences for registered and licensed staff that are not being utilised. At the end of December 2018 of the 5,896 permanent registered permissions issued to businesses, 4,279 were filled, meaning 1,617 registered permissions were vacant (27%).

Whilst some businesses hold spare' permissions to ease recruitment, in some cases the holding of registered permissions can form an unintended competitive advantage. Some of these permissions have no expiry date.

  1. Estimating government receipts and expenditure for Jersey households (Appendix 6 & 7)

Statistics Jersey has published a report that provides theoretical estimates of the level of government receipts and expenditure to and from Jersey households (i.e. the revenues from and the costs of such a Jersey household), calculates a tax break-even point' for specific households, and compares the differences in these figures between recent residents (migrants) and a theoretical 5