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States Meetings: Move to a three-week cycle.

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Lodged au Greffe on 30th July 2021

by the Privileges and Procedures Committee Earliest date for debate: 14th September 2021


2021  P.74(re-issue)


THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

to refer to their Act of 25th September 2020, which authorised the trial of a 3- weekly sitting cycle of the States during 2021, and to agree that meetings of the Assembly should in future follow a 3-weekly cycle, with meetings in 2022 to be held in accordance with the schedule of dates contained in Appendix A of this proposition.


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In 2020, the States Assembly agreed to enter into a trial period for a 3-weekly sitting cycle for States proceedings through the Proposition entitled States meetings in 2021: move to a three-week cycle' (P.106/2020).

Part (b) of the Proposition requested that, having monitored the impact of the trial, PPC would bring forward for debate, before September, any proposals to permanently alter the frequency of future States Meetings.

The Committee agreed to undertake a consultation exercise during the 6-month stage in order to ensure a sufficient period of time had passed for Members to take an informed view on the new model.

Consultation exercise

The Committee wrote letters to the following stakeholders requesting their views:

Council of Ministers [response received from Chief Minister]

Scrutiny  Liaison  Committee  [advised  that  a  collective  view  could  not  be determined but all Panels would be invited to respond]

Comité des Connétable s [response received]

Interim Chief  Executive Officer  [response received  jointly  with  the Chief Minister]

The Committee also sent out a survey to all States Members asking whether the 3-week cycle should become a permanent fixture and whether they wanted to add any further comments.

Consultation results

In terms of the survey results, 25 members responded in total, 14 were in favour of the 3-week cycle and 11 were against.

In addition, the Committee received a range of views, both for and against the 3-week cycle. These views were collected through the survey, direct correspondence from Members and in response to the Committee's letters. In summary:

For the 3-week cycle: Some Members believe that the 3-week cycle enables more time to prepare for sittings and for scrutiny and constituency work in the weeks between sittings. Some Members also commented that the 3-week cycle has become a more formalised event with Members blocking out the entire week, rather than attempting to work around debates and question periods.

Against the 3-week cycle: Some Members believe that the 3-week cycle has reduced the accountability of Government to both the Assembly and the public. Some Members commented that the time in between meetings has reduced the ability to raise important matters during question time and hold Ministers to account. From a Scrutiny perspective, one Panel commented that the 2-week

cycle  was  preferable  in  managing  its  work  programme  and  offered  more opportunity to call in propositions at a faster rate than under the 3-week cycle.

Permanent implementation of the 3-week cycle

Given the split results of the consultation exercise, PPC has lodged this Proposition asking Members to agree that the 3-week cycle should become a permanent fixture of States meetings. Should this be adopted by the Assembly, there is nothing to stop the next PPC from considering the frequency of States meetings again in the future.

The Committee has listed the proposed dates for 2022 in Appendix A in accordance with  Standing  Order  4,  which  requires  the  Committee,  no  later  than  the  end  of September in each year, to present a list of days for meetings of the States in the 1st and 2nd sessions in the following year.

In the event that the Assembly does not support this proposition, the Committee has also provided a list of dates for 2022 which represents the reversion back to a 2-week cycle (Appendix B).

When the Assembly adopted P.106/2020, changes to the systems of both Oral Questions and Written Questions were also agreed and amendments to Standing Orders were subsequently agreed; strictly speaking, simply for the period of the trial. If this proposition is agreed, those amendments to Standing Orders will automatically remain in place. If the proposition is rejected, however, and the Assembly reverts to a 2-weekly cycle, PPC will revisit those amendments to Standing Orders to consider whether or not they should nevertheless remain in place, or whether the systems for Oral Questions and Written Questions should themselves revert back to how they were before the 3-weekly cycle was trialled this year.

Financial and manpower implications

There are no financial or manpower implications associated with this proposition.

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Appendix A

2022 SESSIONS (3 weekly)

First Session

Continuation (if necessary)

Tuesday January 18th January 19th, 20th and 21st Tuesday February 8th February 9th, 10th and 11th

Tuesday March 1st March 2nd, 3rd and 4th

Monday 14th March Island Plan debate

(continuation if required, March 15th, 16th, 17th

 18th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th)

Tuesday March 29th March 31st, April 1st and 2nd

Tuesday April 26th April 27th, 28th and 29th

Monday May 9th

Tuesday July 5th Monday July 11th

Tuesday July 19th

Liberation Day meeting First Session - New States Assembly

election of Chief Minister

election of Ministers and Scrutiny Chairs (continuation, if required, Tuesday 12th July) election of Scrutiny Panels and Committee members (continuation, if required, July 20th and 21st)  

Second Session

Continuation (if necessary) Tuesday September 13th  September 14th, 15th and 16th Tuesday October 4th   October 5th, 6th and 7th Tuesday November 1st  November 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tuesday November 22nd  November 23rd, 24th and 25th Tuesday December 13th  December 14th, 15th and 16th

Appendix B

2022 SESSIONS (2 weekly)

First Session

Continuation (if necessary)

Tuesday January 18th January 19th and 20th

Tuesday February 1st February 2nd and 3rd

Tuesday February 15th February 15th and 16th

Tuesday March 1st March 2nd and 3rd

Monday March 14th Island Plan debate

(continuation if required, March 15th, 16th, 17th 18th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th)

Tuesday March 29th March 30th and 31st  

Tuesday April 26th April 27th and 28th

Monday May 9th

Tuesday July 5th Monday July 11th

Tuesday July 19th

Liberation Day meeting First Session - New States Assembly

election of Chief Minister

election of Ministers and Scrutiny Chairs (continuation, if required, Tuesday 12th July) election of Scrutiny Panels and Committee members (continuation, if required, July 20th and 21st)  

Second Session

Continuation (if necessary) Tuesday September 13th  September 14th and 15th Tuesday September 27th  September 28th and 29th Tuesday October 11th  October 12th and 13th

Tuesday November 1st  November 2nd and 3rd  

Tuesday November 15th  November 16th and 17th Tuesday November 29th  November 30th and December 1st Tuesday December 13th  December 14th and 15th  

Re-issue Note

This Projet is re-issued because the Appendix has been altered to accommodate the Island Bridging Plan debate on 14th March 2022.

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P.74/2021 (re-issue)

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Vote: Adopted 15 September 2021

