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Promotion of Political Education

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Lodged au Greffe on 7th January 2025 by Deputy M.B. Andrews of St Helier North Earliest date for debate: 4th February 2025


2025  P.1


THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

to request the Privileges and Procedures Committee to organise a timetable of political education visits to schools to be undertaken by Members of the States Assembly, to commence from September 2025.



I have always recognised the importance of engaging young people in politics insofar as I contacted Deputy Alves before the election, who was a member of the then PPC, to discuss ways to engage Jersey's young people in Jersey politics. At the time, attempts were made to invite me to a meeting however this meeting never materialised. Despite this, the lack of political engagement remains a concern of mine, and this has led to me discussing this precise issue with officers.

To support this proposition, I have requested data from the States Greffe Education Manager on the number of recorded political education visits that Members have attended over the past 2 academic years to schools, and those that are planned for the current academic year, this is detailed in the table below. The data shows that there were only 16 "other States Assembly visits", outside of the pre-planned year 5 visits and democracy week activities. This number includes the number of political education visits undertaken to schools but does not include events such as the Youth Assembly or the Rotary Peace Debate which Members also attend. Note, this number reflects the number of times Members have attended visits and does not reflect all visits offered. There are also a number of instances where Members arrange their own visits that the States Greffe were not made aware of.


Member involvement  with education activities




Year 5 visits to the States Chamber




Other  States Assembly visits and visits to schools




Democracy  Week visits








I  believe  Members  of  the  States  Assembly  can  enhance  outreach  and  political engagement further with an increase in the amount of formal political education visits to schools that we attend. To further support these visits, the Education Manager in the States Greffe could provide age relevant materials for each visit, providing the ability to cover an array of different age groups. I am hopeful Members of the States Assembly will be willing to engage in political education visits to schools in order to promote the work of the States Assembly and increase engagement with political affairs from a young age. To achieve this, we must adopt a coordinated and formal approach to political education visits across the States Assembly. I am proposing that the Chair of PPC work in conjunction with the States Greffe Education Manager to provide to Members a timetable of formal political education visits to begin the new school year of September 2025. If targeted at the correct age groups, 16 and over, we may also see an increase in voter turnout in the 2026 election.

If this proposition is adopted there could be safeguarding implications. In order to ensure that these visits are undertaken safely Members will have to be accompanied by staff of the schools they are visiting, or the Education Manager from the States Greffe. PPC may want to consider as part of the creation of a timetable for visits a requirement to undertake an enhanced DBS check.

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Financial and staffing implications

There will be a staffing requirement with the States Greffe Education Manager to undertake the work to arrange political education visits to schools for States members. This is expected to be funded through their budgeted salary as it will be part of BAU work.

Children's Rights Impact Assessment

A Children's Rights Impact Assessment (CRIA) has been prepared in relation to this proposition and is available to read on the States Assembly website.

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