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Lodged au Greffe on 3rd March 2025
by the Minister for International Development Earliest date for debate: 1st April 2025
2025 P.18
THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion
to re-appoint Therese Morel as a non-states Commissioner of the Jersey Overseas Aid Commission, effective immediately for a three year period until April 2028, in accordance with the Jersey Overseas Aid Commission (Jersey) Law 2005.
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The Jersey Overseas Aid Commission (Jersey) Law 2005 requires the Chair, in making nominations, to use his or her best endeavours "to ensure that the Commissioners shall be a diverse and balanced group of people in terms of gender, age, experience and skills, who share a commitment to the promotion of the objects of the Commission". In meeting that statutory requirement, non-States Commissioners with a range of backgrounds and professional qualifications were appointed when the Commission was first established.
Ms. Morel has served as non-States Commissioner since March 2019 in accordance with the Jersey Overseas Aid Commission (Jersey) Law 2005.
The present States Commissioners are, in addition to Deputy C.F. Labey of Grouville as Chair – Connétable P.B. Le Sueur of Trinity and Deputy S.M. Ahier of St. Helier North ; and the non-States Commissioners are Mr A. Calvert and Ms. Julia Yun Hulme .
Therese Morel was born and educated in Jersey. After taking a law degree, she began her career as a probation officer in London before transitioning to humanitarian aid and development, where she spent 34 years making a significant impact. Her first role in the sector was in Mexico City as a translator with the Guatemala Human Rights Commission. She then dedicated nearly three decades to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), working extensively on refugee and displacement issues across conflict and humanitarian settings in Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Therese has comprehensive knowledge of the humanitarian system both at the policy and operational levels, and extensive experience working on complex multi-sectoral operations in conflict and humanitarian setting, including emergencies, in partnership with UN agencies and non-government organizations. Her most recent positions with UNHCR were at Country Representative and Director level, the last being Director of Human Resources for a global workforce of some 16,000 people.
The Non-States Commissioners all serve in an honorary capacity and give many hours of their time freely to assist the work of the Commission. We would like to thank Ms. Morel for agreeing to continue to offer her considerable expertise to the Commission for a further term.
Financial and staffing implications
There are no additional financial or staffing implications arising from this Proposition. Children's Rights Impact Assessment
A Children's Rights Impact Assessment (CRIA) has not been prepared in relation to this proposition as a CRIA is not required, in accordance with Schedule 2 to the Children (Convention Rights) (Jersey) Law 2022.
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