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In a recent radio interview the President stated that the 2020 je Report' was being considered in policy discussions within various States departments. Will the President advise members whether this is the case given the criticism of the Report, its methodology and conclusions.
Although the interview to which the Deputy refers related primarily to the Budget, in response to this particular question I was replying more in my capacity as Vice-President of the Policy and Resources Committee. I do not recall the precise words used in my answer. I hope that Deputy Southern is also aware that previously the President of the Policy and Resources Committee had been asked by a radio interviewer whether the Report would be reviewed as part of the strategic planning process and he indicated that it would be taken into account alongside other reports.
At the Policy and Resources Committee meeting held in November 2003, the latest draft of the strategic plan was considered, as was the output from Imagine Jersey', a meeting which many States members also attended. The latter meeting produced a wealth of very sensible suggestions, many of which will be reflected in the strategic plan. However, it was clear that there were some fundamental issues to be resolved as we consider the Island's future. The public rightly aspire to a prosperous future with jobs, opportunities and houses for our young people; full employment; reducing States Expenditure whilst maintaining key services; all with sustainable population levels and a vibrant, green, rural economy. Whilst we would all agree with these aspirations we also know that there are major challenges ahead which we must overcome, various conflicting issues to consider, and some trade-offs to be made in order to secure our future.
It was agreed that there was a need to identify what really matters and then consider how different issues interact with each other. It was further agreed that the best way to bring all of these issues together was to identify a small number of realistic possible scenarios. We were aware that had produced three alternative scenarios for Jersey in the future, so these were reviewed to see if they could be used for this purpose. The Committee's conclusion was that, whilst interesting, they would not, by themselves, be sufficient for our needs. At this stage, the Policy and Resources Committee members and officers are reviewing and extending the range of possible and realistic alternative scenarios which would demonstrate the linkages between the key issues. Other States Departments have not yet been actively involved, although some Chief Officers may be asked from time to time for information relevant to their Department. These scenarios, when produced, will then be used in ongoing consultation with States Members and the public.
I hope that this answer, though long, helps inform Members of the progress being made. It is the Committee's intention that by the end of March 2004, there will be a practical and achievable vision for Jersey which can be used to prioritize the numerous matters which people have identified as needing to be included in the strategic plan. It will then be for us as States members to decide on the final outcome.