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Question 1
Would the President inform members –
( a ) w h e ther the Committee has a policy relating to the provision of pavements along main roads where
none currently exist, and, if so, what this policy is?
( b ) w h e ther the Urban Renewal fund could be drawn on by the Parish of St. Clement, and not just by the
Parish of St. Helier as has been the case in more recent years, for such matters as improved road safety, given the increasing urbanisation in St. Clement? If so, would the President state what process is required to access those funds?
- Both the Sustainable Island Transport Policy and the Jersey Island Plan 2002 share the objective of improving pedestrian routesthroughout the Island. MyCommittee requires developments on main routes to provide a roadsidefootpathwhere none currently exists, throughtheuseof planning obligations where this is appropriate. Therearealso a numberof ongoing minor schemes, toacquire land and constructroadside footpaths .Howeverthere are currently no plans to establish footpathsonevery main route,asmyCommittee does not have the substantialresources required to do so.
- Although the majorityoftheurban issues facing the Island are most evident in the town area, the funding of projects from theUrbanRenewalProgramme has never been limited toSt. Helier, for examplefundshave previously been allocated forimprovementsat Les Quennevais and StAubin.
T h e main priority of the Urban Renewal Programme is to invest in the public realm of the town centre to
enhance the safety, ease of use, vitality and viability of St. Helier . This benefits the retail, service and tourism sectors of the economy, in reducing pedestrian accidents and in enhancing the quality of life for all Island residents who use town.
T h e Environment and Public Services Committee seeks to secure added value and has sought to invest the
States capital funding through partnership. This approach will achieve greatest benefit with increasingly limited resources. Any road safety scheme would need to be considered relative to its contribution to urban regeneration. The Committee would consider any such proposal from urban parishes against existing commitments and programmes.
W here new developments generate the requirement for associated elements of public infrastructure, such as
pavements and footpaths, my Committee will seek to secure these as an integral part of the development, for example Field No. 378/379 Deloraine Road. This may be achieved through the use of planning obligations, where this is appropriate.
Question 2
Would the President inform members whether the Environment and Public Services Committee has any plans to split itself back into two Committees in advance of the split back into two Ministries already agreed by the States, and if so, when will this occur?
The Committee has no such intention at the present time. The mandate given by the States to the Environment and Public Services Committee in P.70/2002 requires the integration and/or rearrangement of services between departments reporting to the former Planning and Environment and Public Services and other Committees as appropriate. This also requires consolidation of organisational arrangements, streamlining of processes and a fuller delegation of authority to produce two fully efficient, effective and economic departments. The object is to complete this task in advance of the ministerial system being introduced.
It would be premature to reach a conclusion before the Committee is satisfied that this task has been completed. Once the task is completed, if the Committee considers that there is the opportunity for a short period to revert to two Committees, we will want to discuss this with the Policy and Resources Committee before a recommendation is made to the States.
I therefore anticipate being in a better position to answer the Deputy 's question during the middle of next year. However, I remain open to this possibility at this time.