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Question 1
As the Committee makes charges for redecoration/repair over and above "fair wear and tear" for States tenants when they move, would the President inform members -
- w h en thesechargeswere first introduced?
- h o w many tenants were billed for such charges for the years 2000, 2001and2002 – (i ) as total number? (i i) as a proportionofthosewhomoved?
- w h at the total amountchargedwas in eachyear?
- w h at proportion of the sumswere eventually added to rent arrears for the tenant?
- h o w many tenants have been prosecuted for non-paymentofsuchcharges? Answer
- R e charges to tenants for redecoration/repair over andabove fair wearandtear' have been applied forwell over 20yearsbutnotalways particularly strictly.
- I d o not have figures for2000butfor2001, 2002 and to date in 2003 the followingapplies:-
2 0 0 1 - a total of 222 were recharged for works, whether moving or not. It is estimated that about one third
(74) were moving out of the accommodation subject to repair.
2 0 0 2 - 55 tenants, about one tenth of the total who moved, were recharged for repairs.
2 0 0 3 to end September - 33 tenants, about one fourteenth of the total who moved, have been recharged.
- T h e total amount charged in each year for thosemovingwasasfollows:-
2 0 0 1 (estimated) £ 2 7 ,2 68
2 0 0 2 £ 3 1 ,1 31
2 0 0 3 to end September £ 2 4 ,8 22.
- I a m unable to report what proportionof the sums recharged for thosemovingbecomesrentarrears. Rechargesfor repairs are addedtotenants' rent accounts. If the charge puts their account into arrears they can either payitoff immediately ormakearrangementswith the Rents Section for a managedrepayment over timeat a rateappropriate to theirincome. If a tenant is movingon from their accommodationand they are recharged for work to the property, they must either pay the chargeimmediately,oritisaddedto their rent account and this will be carried forward totheir rent account for their newaccommodation.If the tenant is leaving States property they will beinvoiced for any outstanding charges, such as rent and repairs, still owed.
- O n e case is pending but the Committee hasnot in the lastthreeyears prosecuted anybody specifically for non-paymentof this type of charge.
Question 2
Would the President inform members whether the Committee is satisfied that such charges do not cause distress or hardship to the tenants concerned?
The tenant is responsible under the terms of the tenancy agreement to keep the interior of the property in a reasonable state of repair, fair wear and tear accepted. Where the tenant has failed to comply with the terms of the agreement the Committee has the right to carry out any necessary repairs and to recharge the tenant. Tenants faced with re-charges for not meeting their responsibilities may be distressed but the Committee's view is that they are the authors of their own misfortune. However, in cases of genuine hardship and where damage has not been caused wilfully the Committee has the discretion to write off the debt.