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The sale of Field 790 St. Peter to the Jersey Rugby Club

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  1. D u ring the recent States debate on Field 790, St. Peter , followingwhich it was agreed that the field would be sold to the Jersey RugbyClub for £11,000and the public would be responsible for supplying and building a fencealong the westernboundary,thePresidentwas unable to provide details ofthe cost of the fence at the time.

W il l the President inform members of the cost of supplying and erecting the fence and whether or not the

funding is to come from the Committee's budget. If not, from which source will the funding be provided?

  1. W ill the President inform members if Field790had been independentlyvalued and when, or if not, will he give the reason why this was not carried out?
  2. W ill thePresident confirm whether any officer from the Airport Administrationor Planning or Property Services Departments,who were directly or indirectly involved inthe negotiations regarding the saleof Field 790, had been a member of, or player for, the Jersey Rugby Football Club at any time since negotiations beganin 1993?
  3. W ill thePresidentgive details of the sale ofField 790, St. Peter, indicating whether the land will be sold to the Jersey Rugby Club or the Jersey Rugby Club Limited, and will he also give details of any provisions in the eventof the dissolution of either the Jersey Rugby Club ortheJerseyRugby Club Limited goingoutof business, and what will happen to the assets of the Club insuchcircumstances?


  1. I w rote toallMemberson this subject lastweekand I reaffirm that the Committee has nowishnor requirement to create an additional fence.
  2. T h e valuation of the field wasmadeby the States' Property ServicesDepartmentwhich exists tooffer such advice toStates'Departments.TheDepartment provided professional advice and the Harbours and Airport Committee has noreason to employ outside consultants to do the same job.
  3. N o officer in Airport Administration has been involved directly or indirectly in the negotiations regarding the saleofField790.

I a m not aware of the social arrangements or sporting prowess of officers of the Planning and Property

Services Departments. However, I am advised that an officer of the Property Services Department who was a member of and a player for The Jersey Rugby Football Club until 2001, has been involved but was not responsible for making any decision in respect of the sale.

  1. T h e land is being sold toThe Jersey Rugby Football Club Limited.

A r e strictive covenant is included in that sale agreement which prevents, in perpetuity, any form of

development other than that associated with its permitted use as a sporting facility associated directly with the requirements of The Jersey Rugby Football Club. Should the ownership of the land change, the covenant would remain and could only be removed with the agreement of the States.

I a m not aware what would happen to the assets of The Jersey Rugby Football Club Limited should it go

out of business.