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Will the Minister advise members of the name of every fund administered by the States of Jersey that is not recorded in the Annual Accounts giving, in each case, the balance in the fund together with the criteria, application procedures and mechanisms in place for the use of the fund.
The States administer a number of funds which permit expenditure outside of approved cash limits in the Annual Business Plan. These fall into a number of categories:
Separately constituted funds – these are detailed in the States' Annual Accounts;
Funds not reported in the States' Annual Accounts but published elsewhere – these relate to the Social Security department and are published in the Social Security Annual Report and Accounts;
Special funds – these are not reported in any published Accounts.
Further information on those funds not appearing in the States' Annual Accounts is provided below. For the sake of completeness details are also given of funds which do appear in the States' Annual Accounts but may not be easily identifiable as such. It should be noted that the accounting treatment and presentation for all funds will be reviewed as part of the project to move the States' accounts towards GAAP compliance.
- In c l u ded as expenditure in the States Annual Accounts
Safety Grants Fund – currently included in the Home Affairs Department's budget but due to be transferred to the Transport and Technical Services Department. Projects are considered by the Safety Grants Panel. Criteria for consideration are –
Beneficial to the community at large,
For one-off items of expenditure only,
For innovative ideas,
Not restricted financially, subject to the balance in the fund,
Island based,
For anything which would significantly enhance community safety and for which there is no or insufficient public funding,
Directly related to community safety.
The Panel has not met for some time. The balance on the fund at 31st December 2006 was £250,865. The existence of the fund is maintained through a ring-fenced carry forward of revenue budget.
Community Fund - to support Sport and Leisure Clubs and Associations on a £ for £ basis to develop facilities. Applications need to be supported by at least 2 tenders and the final decision is made by the ESC Minister.
Balance at 31st December 2006 was £123,400.
- N o t included in the States Annual Accounts but published elsewhere
The use of these three funds is governed by Laws and subordinate regulations and Orders - Social Security Fund – the means by which people insure themselves through the payment of contributions for periods when they are unable to work through ill-health, maternity or retirement. Net Assets at 31st December
2005 were £61 million.
Social Security Reserve Fund - this is the buffer fund contributing to the consequences of the ageing population
and is the means by which contributions rates are smoothed over time. The balance as at 31st December 2005 was £499 million.
Health Insurance Fund - this levies contributions on earnings to subsidise GP visits and prescriptions for residents. The balance at 31st December 2005 was £44 million.
- N o t included in any publishedaccounts
The States administer 154 "Special Funds". The majority of these are the result of gifts or bequests. 43 funds are
administered by Education Sport and Culture, 88 by Health and Social Services and 23 by the Treasury. As at 31st December 2005 balances on all funds totalled £34,679,577. However the six largest funds accounted for
£30,211,209. Brief details of arrangements for the largest funds are given below. A full list of Special Funds,
together with their balances as at 31st December 2005, is provided at the end of this written answer. Further details of smaller funds can be provided to States Members on request.
Rivington Travelling Scholarship - to facilitate any person, male or female, of any age, to visit such museums or art galleries out of the Island that would further his or her appreciation of art, crafts and/or history. Application is required to Education, Sport and Culture and approval is required from a panel which includes independent
representatives. Balance at 31st December 2005 was £465,172.
Lord Portsea Gift Fund - to help all young Jersey and Guernsey boys (of Jersey and Guernsey parentage) entering the Royal Navy, Army, Air Force and Civil Services who need financial help. The income of the fund is administered by a delegation of eight persons. Application is required to Education, Sport and Culture and
approval is required by a panel which includes Jurats and an Assistant Minister. Balance at 31st December 2005 was £334,415.
Sayers Bequest – a capital sum bequeathed under the Will of the late Henry William Sayers in the following manner: by payments in the form of scholarships or by additions to existing scholarships to assist promising scholars to proceed to Universities in England, including Provincial Universities, such scholars to be boys born in Jersey and educated at Victoria College Jersey, particularly to assist boys whose parents are not in affluent circumstances. Grants are based on recommendations made to the Governing Body by Victoria College
Headmaster following consultation with the College Executive Committee. Balance at 31st December 2005 was £162,226.
C.W.C Stevens - to give assistance either financially or in kind to boys and girls whether born in Jersey or having lived and been educated in Jersey for a minimum period of 10 years who have been accepted by and entered into any of the Colleges of the University of Oxford. There is automatic eligibility. Students who conform to
requirements are identified by Education, Sport and Culture and notified to the Treasury. Balance at 31st December 2005 was £161,760.
Criminal Offences Confiscation Fund – the use of this Fund is prescribed in the Proceeds of Crime Law 1999. Funds may be used by the Minister for Treasury and Resources to promote or support measures that prevent or suppress criminal conduct. A steering group comprising the Attorney General, Treasurer of the States, Viscount and Deputy Greffier of the States assess applications to the Fund. Criteria for applications are prioritised as follows –
payment of legal expenses incurred in asset-seizure cases;
discharging international obligations;
preventing criminal conduct;
dealing with the consequences of criminal conduct;
other requests.
The balance on the fund as at 31st December 2005 was £10,375,720.
Greville Bathe Fund – to provide monetary support to the sick and aged of the Island, and those who have served the Island. Fund administration is carried out by four Jurats. Applications are received, a sponsor is required.
Balance as at 31st December 2005 was £9,389,398.
Drug Trafficking Confiscation Fund – The use of this Fund is prescribed in the Drugs Trafficking Offences (Jersey) Law 1988. Funds may be used by the Minister for Treasury and Resources for preventing and suppressing drugs trafficking or the misuse of controlled drugs. A steering group comprising Chief Officers from Treasury, Education, Probation, Health, Customs, Prison and Police assesses applications to the Fund. Criteria for applications to the steering group are that they should aim to reduce the misuse of illegal drugs in Jersey or assist in dealing with the consequences of drug misuse, be for non recurring expenditure which would not normally be included in departments' operating budgets, not be for staff costs of more than 12 months and be supported by a Chief Officer. Bids which are in accordance with the Law but outside the above criteria - such as the States Building a Safer Society strategy which was a commitment to 5 years funding – are approved by the Minister for
Treasury and Resources. The balance on the fund at 31st December 2005 was £3,642,520.
Ann Alice Rayner Fund – for the purchase of equipment for the General Hospital. Also provides support for needy people of the professional classes resident in Jersey. Treasury & Resources are responsible for investment
of the fund. Fund is administered by four Jurats. Applications are received. Balance as at 31st December 2005 was £2,017, 960.
Le Don Le Faye – Annual income is distributed to the Rectors of the twelve parishes to help the sick and needy. The Treasurer has the authority to invest or make payments as directed by the Minister for Treasury and
Resources. Balance as at 31st December 2005 was £790,457.
Ecology Fund – Designed to promote and protect the environment and wildlife of Jersey. Five trustees are appointed by the States. Investment responsibility lies with the Treasurer. Balance as at 31st December 2005 was
Pilot Boat Reserve Fund – the fund pays boat pilots who dock boats visiting the island, and also provides money for the purchase of new boats, equipment, etc. The Economic Development Minister holds responsibility. Pilots
are paid monthly from the fund, which collects the docking fees of boats visiting the Harbour. Balance as at 31st December 2005 was £100,318.
Estate E.J. Bailhache – according to the documentation available the validity of the will was contested and a settlement was agreed in March 1984 on the basis of 60 per cent of the estate being retained by the public of the
Island; the consent order was made by an act of the Royal Court dated 25th January 1985. According to a Finance
and Economics Committee act of 18th February 1985 the properties and monies were to be held for "the general welfare of persons elderly and/or blind or sick at the General Hospital", these terms being in accordance with the
will. All funds administered by Health and Social Services have a designated fund manager and authorised signatory. The fund manager decides the most appropriate use of funds in accordance with the donor's wishes. Dependant on the amount expenditure must be approved by either the fund manager, the Chief Executive Officer
or the Minister. The balance on the fund at 31st December 2005 was £2,587,822.
Estate – H.E. Le Seelleur – under a will dated 28th December 1988 Mr Le Seelleur, who died on 22nd October 1996, devised the reversionary interest in two properties to the States of Jersey and bequeathed the remainder of
his immovable estate to the States of Jersey. In the will it states that; "the said States of Jersey shall consult my said executors of my movable estate upon the use of my properties with a particular view towards the use of such properties for the benefit of aged, infirm and needy residents of the Island." Responsibility for the estate was transferred to the Health and Social Services Committee by the States in June 1997. All funds administered by Health and Social Services have a designated fund manager and authorised signatory. The fund manager decides the most appropriate use of funds in accordance with the donor's wishes. Dependant on the amount expenditure must be approved by either the fund manager, the Chief Executive Officer or the Minister. The balance on the
fund at 31st December 2005 was £2,197,789.
Herbert Bidder Coppard – under a will dated 13th July 2000 Mr Coppard, who died on 20th September 2000, left one eleventh of the residue of his estate to; "The States of Jersey Public Health Committee for the specific
benefit of patients at the General Hospital, St Helier Jersey." All funds administered by Health and Social Services have a designated fund manager and authorised signatory. The fund manager decides the most appropriate use of funds in accordance with the donor's wishes. Dependant on the amount expenditure must be
approved by either the fund manager, the Chief Executive Officer or the Minister. The balance on the fund at 31st December 2005 was £253,944.
A.H. Ferguson Bequest – under a will dated 13th November 1980 Mr A H Ferguson, who died on 20th September 1982, left the residue of his estate "unto the Public Health Committee of the States of Jersey" stating;
"and I desire them to apply the same for the benefit of the Intensive Care Unit at the Jersey General Hospital". All funds administered by Health and Social Services have a designated fund manager and authorised signatory. The fund manager decides the most appropriate use of funds in accordance with the donor's wishes. Dependant on the amount expenditure must be approved by either the fund manager, the Chief Executive Officer or the Minister.
The balance on the fund at 31st December 2005 was £176,762.
Full listing of Special Funds
Administered by Education Sport and Culture
Name of fund
Rivington Travelling Scholarship
Lord Portsea Gift Fund
Sayers Bequest C. W. C. Stevens
P.D. Woods Bequest
Highlands College Donations
Rayner Training Scholarship Fund
Don Touzel
Denys Le Febvre Trust Fund
Social Science Research Centre Pauvres Honteux
Wimble Scholarship Fund
Rayner Travelling Exhibition Fund Rayner Junior Exhibition Fund A. C. Le Rossignol Medical Scholarship Rayner Exhibition Fund E. W. Martindell Prize Kenneth More Drama Prize
G. E. Croad Memorial Prize Multicultural Development Trust Dr H. C. Major's Science Prize
Huelin Public Speaking Prize
Diana Birch Reynardson Prize Fund Girard de Quetteville Gold Medal Fund St. Mannelier et St. Anastase
Richard Hutt Memorial Trust Fund W. Richardson Memorial Award Coll of Further Ed ~ Prize Fund
Arthur Hamptonne Barreau Mem Fund Rosa Brasford Memorial Fund
Thomas Wood Prize
Dr. Clifford Mortlock Memorial Fund Public Library Investments
Hudson Divinity Prize
Queens Silver Jubilee Activity Centre Farnell Prize
Hubert Prize for Music
Lerrier Prize
Beaufils Prize
Mauger Memorial Prize
Vocal Music Support
Balance (£)
4 6 5,172 3 34,415
1 62,226
1 61,760
5 7 ,837
4 6 ,583
4 2 ,003
4 0 ,475
3 2 ,802
2 3 ,036
2 2 ,196
2 1 ,775
1 4 ,041
8 ,3 2 4
6 ,0 2 9
4 ,7 3 9
4 ,1 9 4
3 ,1 1 5
2 ,7 7 0
2 ,3 9 2
2 ,1 5 6
2 ,1 3 5
2 ,0 4 1
1 ,5 9 3
1 ,4 9 3
1 ,4 7 1
1 ,3 4 9
1 ,1 8 8
1 ,0 8 5
9 8 0
8 0 3 7 2 3 6 1 7 6 0 9 5 8 4 3 6 3 3 2 2 1 0 4 6 8 4 5 3 2
Administered by Health and Social Services
Name of fund Balance (£) Estate E. J. Bailhache 2,587,822 Estate H E Le Seelleur 2,197,789 Hospital Gift Fund 3 1 6,990 Herbert Bidder Coppard 2 5 3,944 A.H. Ferguson Bequest 1 7 6,762 B. Skinner Travelling Fellowship 8 9 , 118 E K Robert Fund 7 6 , 520 Mrs C M H Crosthwaite Bequest 4 8 , 766 Westaway Fund - Ecoles Elementaires 4 0 , 606 Ronald George de la Mare 3 9 , 357 Mrs M. E. T. Warr en 3 8 , 312 Overdale Hospital - Mrs M Collin 3 2 , 574 LMA International SA - Anaesthesia 3 0 , 100 Mrs M O'Meara 2 9 , 960 Le Geyt Services 2 7 , 343 St. Saviour Hospital Welfare Fund 2 4 , 584 Children's Benefit Fund 2 1 , 964 Nat West Client Account ~ patients 1 9 , 264 Estate Mrs G. W. Hill 1 4 , 750 Crematorium Memorial Fund 1 2 , 548 Private Patient Service Training 1 1 , 990 The Owl Fund 1 1 , 792 Estate I Cresson-Hunter 1 1 , 131 Denis Gilpin 1 0 , 355 Community Alarms 9 , 5 1 7 General Hospital Fund 9 , 2 0 2 The Hollies (ZJRS04) 8 , 3 8 3 Quality Awards 7 , 9 6 7 Sandybrook Residential Home (ZJRS02) 7 , 7 9 8 Training & Employment Fund for Q.C. 7 , 6 6 4
Worshipful Company of Cordwainers &
Scholarship Fund 7 , 3 3 5 M. Seymour Fellowship 7 , 2 0 1 Grands Vaux 7 , 0 7 6 Legacy Don Chevalier 6 , 1 6 3 J Wilkinson - La Pref & O 5 , 5 2 4 Aviemore 4 , 6 1 8 Oakwell 3 , 4 1 2 Bone Density 3 , 2 9 7 The Limes 2 , 5 1 5 Secker House 2 , 5 0 6 Speech & Language Therapy 2 , 4 7 9
Occupational Therapy 2 , 4 7 0 CNT Client ALM 2 ,3 9 4 Nurses Amenity Fund 2 , 3 3 7 William Knott 2 , 2 9 0 Welcome Club 2 , 1 8 9 Heathfield 1 , 9 0 6 La Preference 1 , 7 3 9 William Knott Day Hospital 1 , 7 1 6 Wheel Chair Centre 1 , 607 Activities/Social/Leisure 1 , 4 5 3 Rheumatology 1 , 3 8 6 Hearing Resource Centre 1 , 1 7 6 Poplars Amenity Fund 1 , 0 1 8 Liaison MH Nurse Team 1 , 0 0 0 Blanche Pierre Nursery 9 6 4 Aubin Ward 9 4 9 Samares Ward 9 1 3 Mckinstry 8 0 3 Children's Toy Library 6 8 4 Organic Farm 6 3 8 Sandybrook (ZJON02) 6 3 3 Child & Family 5 7 8 Leoville Ward (ZJON03) 5 6 6 De St. George Bequest 5 3 1 Leoville Ward (ZJRS03) 5 0 2 Beech Ward Amenity Fund 5 0 0 Sandybrook Day Centre 4 1 4 Secker House 3 8 1 Mckinstry 3 7 2 Adult Social Work 3 6 6 Limes 3 6 1 Samares 2 9 8 Childrens Exec Amenity Fund 2 5 2 Hollies (ZJON09) 2 1 4 Overdale Nurses Amenity Fund 1 4 2 Psychology 1 0 3 La Chasse 9 9 Maison Du Lac 9 6 Community Stoke Team 8 2 Tevielka 6 7 Neways 2 4 Community Network 1 6 Health Promotion 1 3 Estate Mrs I. E. A. Warne 1 1 Willow House 6
Administered by the Treasury
Name of fund
Criminal Offences Confiscation Fund Greville Bathe Fund
Drug Trafficking Confiscation Fund Ann Alice Rayner Fund
Le Don de Faye
Ecology Fund
Pilot Boat Reserve Fund
T&TS - Florence Lady Trent Legacy
Jersey Asia Relief fund (cleared and closed 2006)
Estate E.B. Guinard - Suspense Account H.M.S. Jersey - Welfare Fund
Jersey SBS Earthquake Appeal
Estate Mrs M. D. Hewitt
Dummy Lane Acquisition C.P.O.
Estate Miss B. Reid
Compulsory Purchase
Churchill Award for Courage
All Saints Church New Endowment Fund Estate C. W. Mildren
Prison Board Life Line
Estate May Booker
Estate Mrs. P. Reed
Estate A Le Fessant
Balance (£) 10,375,720 9,389,398 3,642,520 2,017,960 7 9 0,457 4 8 1,579 1 0 0,318 2 9 , 522
2 3 , 861 1 5 , 766
1 4 , 675 1 2 , 385 1 1 , 284 7 , 9 4 3 7 , 2 2 3 5 , 0 7 8 4 , 9 5 0 3 , 5 7 5 3 , 3 0 4 1 ,985 1 , 2 0 3 2 6 9 7 1