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2.2 Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier of The Chief Minister regarding the 2007 pay offer to States' employees:
Would the Chief Minister inform Members when, and by whom, the decision was taken to set the 2007 pay offer to States' employees at the level of R.P.I. (Retail Price Index) and when this offer was notified to States' employees and to Ministers?
Senator F.H. Walker (The Chief Minister):
Decisions on pay awards are made by the States Employment Board under the Employment of States of Jersey Employees (Jersey) Law 2005. The decision to offer the public sector pay groups an award based on the Retail Price Index as at March 2007 for the pay year 2007/2008 as part of a 2-year agreement was made by the States Employment Board on 25th January 2007, after consultation with the Council of Ministers. It was made as part of the continuing negotiations and confirmed to the Transport and General Workers' Union on Thursday, 1st January 2007. It was communicated progressively thereafter as part of the negotiations with other public sector pay groups.
- Deputy G.P. Southern :
Could the Chief Minister inform Members at which meeting of the Council of Ministers was the pay offer discussed?
Senator F.H. Walker :
I have not got that date, but it would have been the first meeting after the States Employment
Board's meeting earlier in January, but I think the point of the question is, "Was there consultation with the Council of Ministers?" The answer is, "Yes".
- Deputy G.P. Southern :
Did that consultation take place at a meeting of the Council of Ministers?
Senator F.H. Walker : Yes it did.