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The number of public sector staff employed by the States of Jersey and their salaries since 2005

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Would the Chief Minister please complete the following table relating to the number of public sector staff employed by the States of Jersey and their salaries during the period indicated:


Year/ Salary









2009 to Feb.  16*

Appointed but not yet in post**






































































































Under £25,000







Total number of employees







Total wage/salary bill for year







* E m  ployed at any point between 1st January to 31st December of any year except 2009 in which the numbers should be recorded between 1st January and 16th February.

** P e rsons offered a contract in 2009 and who have accepted but who have not yet taken up their post. Answer

To provide the information requested in the format asked for would incur considerable use of States manpower resources which, in the light of the information already available in the public domain, I am not prepared to sanction.

The States of Jersey regularly publishes information on States employees' earnings in the Financial Report and Accounts.  Information for 2005, 2006 and 2007 has been published and that for 2008 will be published in the 2008 report and accounts (likely to be June 2009). Extracts from the accounts are appended to this answer.

Whilst the information published relates to those employees on higher levels of earnings, it is important to note that over 90% of States employees' earnings are in the bands ranging from "under £25,000" to £70,000 per annum with the vast majority being towards the lower end of this scale.  It is also important to note that the information published refer to gross earnings, including Employer pension contributions, but excluding Employer Social Security contributions.

If the Deputy wishes me to arrange for him to meet with a senior human resources officer in my department, who

advises the States Employment Board on pay policy and practice, I would be pleased to do this.

Appendix 1 Extract from P41/2006 States Employees' Remuneration 2005 Notes to the Accounts


  1. E m  ployees

D e t a ils of the numbers of employees for whom their total remuneration including pension benefits,

buyouts  and  overtime  payments  exceeded £70,000  for  the  year  ended  31st  December  2005  are  as follows –

2005 2004

Non- Non-

Remuneration Traders Traders Traders Traders £70,000 £89,999 153 29 147 30 £90,000 £109,999 42 5 43 5

£110,000 £129,999 26 5 35 3 £130,000 £149,999 25 13 £150,000 £169,999 11 3 1 £170,000 £189,999 5 1 £190,000 £209,999 2 2 £210,000 £229,000 3 2

267 40 245 39

"T  ra d ers" includes employees of Jersey Harbours, Jersey Airport and Jersey Post.

T h e t able excludes the remuneration of senior staff of the Waterfront Enterprise Board Limited, which is

reported in that Company's published Financial Statements.

  1. S ta tes Members

D u r in g the year remuneration totalling £2.1  million including expenses (2004:£2.0  million) was claimed

by States Members.

Appendix  2 Extract  from  R63/2007  States  financial  report  and  accounts  2006  : Remuneration of States employees

Appendix 3 Extract from R61/2008 Remuneration of States Employees 2007

  1. D e partmentEmployees

Departmental employee costs and the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff at 31st December 2007 are analysed below

Salaries and Social Department Wages Pension Security FTE Chief Minister's Department 8,399,757 1,094,623 407,703 183.18 Economic Development 2,868,944 350,638 148,538 66.03 Education, Sport and Culture 60,030,447 8,040,458 3,387,625 1,485.80 Health and Social Services 88,039,235 9,946,634 4,783,888 2,289.57 Home Affairs 28,623,470 3,474,537 1,458,676 616.77 Housing 2,045,900 260,581 121,200 59.81 Planning and Environment 5,249,342 684,627 265,304 114.79 Social Security 1,869,413 242,675 99,280 123.88 Transport and Technical Services* 15,969,045 1,895,127 950,475 501.96 Treasury and Resources 9,772,765 1,245,043 509,391 239.05 Non Ministerial States Funded Bodies 8,459,260 1,145,625 380,361 170.73 States Assembly 1,208,069 162,819 67,300 29.52 Jersey Airport 8,467,955 1,039,898 422,924 198.73 Jersey Harbours 3,978,717 420,836 221,930 89.00 Other 91,572 8,710 3,935 - Total 245,073,891 30,012,831 13,228,530 6,168.82

Figures exclude costs associated with the PECRS pre-87 liability.

* Jersey Car Parking and Jersey Fleet Management figures are included in the Transport and Technical Services Figures.

  1. S e nior Employees

Details of the number of employees for whom their total remuneration including pension benefits, buyouts and overtime payments exceeded £70,000 for the year ended 31st December 2007 are as follows –

2007 2006 Remuneration Non-Traders Traders Non-Traders Traders

£70,000 - £89,999 270 38 155 26 £90,000 - £109,999 62 6 45 7 £110,000 - £129,999 36 2 29 - £130,000 - £149,999 19 - 30 - £150,000 - £169,999 22 - 9 - £170,000 - £189,999 2 - 1 - £190,000 - £209,999 1 - 3 - £210,000 - £229,999 1 - 5 - £230,000 - £249,999 5 - - -

418 46 277 33

Traders' includes  employees  of  Jersey  Harbours,  Jersey  Airport,  Jersey  Car  Parking  and  Jersey  Fleet Management. The table excludes the remuneration of senior staff of the Waterfront Enterprise Board Limited, which is reported in the Company's published Financial Statements.

  1. S tates' Members

During the year remuneration totalling £2.2  million including expenses (2006: £2.2  million) was claimed by

States' Members.