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3.16 The Deputy of St. Mary of the Minister for Transport and Technical Services regarding the waste arisings model used as a the basis for calculating the size of the incinerator needed by the Island:
Could the Minister advise the Assembly what assumptions about population were built into the waste arisings model which predicted the amount of residual waste requiring treatment in the years up to 2035, which was used as the basis for calculating the size of the incinerator the Island was thought to need? Also could he advise what assumptions about domestic recycling rates were built into the same model?
The Connétable of St. Brelade (The Minister for Transport and Technical
In March 2008 the States Statistic Unit provided the department with updated net inward migration population figures for the Imagine Jersey scenarios. At the same time the Statistics Unit indicated the Housing Needs Survey 2007 data was being reviewed to determine the most accurate numbers of households that could be assumed to arise from the Imagine Jersey scenarios. As a result, the solid waste strategy model was revised to incorporate this latest information in 2000 in waste actual. The updated model, assuming a net inward migration of 250 people at a reduced number of households, 46,200 in 2035 to that assumed within the original solid waste strategy model; in subsequent annual revisions, 51,200 in 2035. The review of the updated solid waste strategy waste arising model in April 2008 confirmed that provided resources were made available a 36 per cent recycling target for non-inert waste from 2018 would be sustainable. The review of the model also indicated that a smaller capacity residual non-inert waste disposal facility of 105,000 tonnes per annum would be recommended. Thank you.
The Bailiff :
Thank you, Minister. I am afraid that concludes the time for oral questions.
The Deputy of St. Martin :
Sir, could I ask that the Standing Orders be suspended. There are 12-14 minutes to go until lunch and there are 3 questions unasked. I would ask, Sir, that the States agree that we have the full 3 questions and go on to lunch time with question time.
The Bailiff :
Are you making that proposition, Deputy , are you?
The Deputy of St. Martin : Yes, sir.
The Bailiff :
Can I just be clear, what is the Standing Order with suspending? Deputy , Standing Order 63(1) says: "Up to 90 minutes shall be allowed a meeting for questions of which notice has been given to be asked and answered." Then Standing Order 63
goes on to consider a number of different matters. The Greffier tells me that the
motion which you are proposing to put has been put in the past. Technically I am not sure that it is in order and I would ask perhaps the Privileges and Procedures Committee to consider the matter because it seems to me that if a Standing Order is going to be raised - that is Standing Order 63 is being raised - that would cause difficulties. But I will allow you to propose it on this occasion that Standing Order 63(1) be raised for the purpose of allowing that will, in fact, remove any time limit on questions and Members will be accepting that they go on into the afternoon if
necessary to ask [Interruption] I am sorry, you either suspend the Standing Order or you do not suspend the Standing Order. So Members must make up their minds what they wish to do. The proposal of the Deputy of St. Martin is that Standing Order 63(1) be suspended. [Seconded] May I take a vote forthwith or does any Member
wish to speak? Very well, those Members in favour of the proposition, kindly show? Those against? Very well, the proposition is approved and we then go back to the question of the Deputy of St. Mary .
- Deputy J.A. Martin:
The Minister implied or said in his answer that the model from Imagine Jersey 2035
was 250 people. I think that needs to be corrected. I think it was 250 heads of
households plus accompanying spouses and maybe children. Could the Minister also remind the Assembly when this was passed, when this actual amount of inward migration was passed in this House?
The Connétable of St. Brelade :
In my note I have the assumed net inward migration of 250 people but clearly stand to be corrected. I have not got the date when that was passed but I am quite happy to pass that information on to the Deputy when I have it.
- The Deputy of St. Mary :
The Minister referred to a reduced number of households, trying to confuse the issue I would suggest, but in fact the number of households is predicted to increase from 38,000 last year to 46,200 households in 2035. By any event that is a big increase. Is the Minister embarrassed the public opinion about growth and population was completely ignored in drawing up the model? Would he also like to comment, or does he agree that he and his department should work to increase recycling rates in line with jurisdictions elsewhere or is he going to allow Jersey to sink to the bottom of the league?
The Connétable of St. Brelade :
In my speech when I was elected Minister I alluded to the fact that I would like to increase the predicted recycling rate from the existing 31 per cent which we have at the moment to the proposed 36 per cent but above the 36 per cent proposed but to 40 per cent. That is my philosophy. I believe that in conjunction with the Parishes this can be achieved. There is no doubt about it that there is a willingness from the public to do this and my department must focus itself on doing this. In terms of my competence in the building of the energy from waste plant, which I understand is what the Deputy is alluding to, I am fully confident; I am not embarrassed in any way by the figures that are being put forward. They have been genuinely extracted from the statistics produced by the Statistics Unit and I have full confidence that those are true and correct.
- Deputy G.P. Southern :
The Minister does not appear to be aware that the figure of 250 heads of household has never been discussed by this House, let alone passed by this House. Will he support any moves to finalising or bringing to the House a proper fully developed population and immigration policy which has some figures in it that this House can support?
The Connétable of St. Brelade :
I think a lot of this is supposition. The figures produced by the Statistics Unit I think are as accurate as we can hope to achieve. Changing these figures is almost clutching at straws and I think we have to base our judgments on the best information available on the day. Today we have a completely changed scenario than that which pertained when the 2035 Imagine Jersey scenarios were discussed. Once again, we had to take these factors into account. We are basing our judgments on the best information available today and I see no point in changing that decision making process.
- Senator S. Syvret:
I accept that the world is a very much changed place since the Imagine Jersey 2035 was undertaken but nevertheless, using the Jersey 2035 figures, could the Minister inform the Assembly what the annual percentage growth in refuse production will be through the years, up to the year 2035? If he does not have that figure at this precise moment perhaps he could inform the Assembly later this afternoon.
The Connétable of St. Brelade :
I have a spreadsheet with significant figures running through to 2035 and am happy to let Members have that later on today.
- Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire:
I appreciate the Minister is new in the seat, having taken over from the previous Minister, however the Minister was in the Assembly when the States approved additional funds to his Ministry for recycling, increased recycling, which was needed in order to attain the functionality of this 105,000 tonne incinerator. Can the Minister update Members as to what has been done since this agreement was made in the States in relation to increasing recycling in Jersey and what initiatives are planned, please?
The Connétable of St. Brelade :
The department has a continual desire to increase the recycling rates as I alluded to before. In terms of funding Members will be aware that the value of recycled goods has much diminished of late with a result that it costs us more to take recycling through. The department has put through to the Council of Ministers a wish to increase funding levels in that vein and that application is being considered at present.
The Bailiff :
Final supplementary, Deputy Tadier .
- Deputy M. Tadier :
It is widely believed that the consultative programme for Imagine Jersey was a sham in some circles. Does the Minister acknowledge that it may have been politically motivated and not objective and therefore will he take the relevant steps to see if any erroneous judgments have been made regarding waste for up to 2035?
The Connétable of St. Brelade :
First of all I would disagree with the Deputy 's allegation that the 2035 exercise was a sham. That is not my opinion. In terms of monitoring the changing situation, the department regularly does this and will make any changes as it thinks necessary along the way.