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- For each medical discipline/specialism (for example: cardiology, neurology, orthopaedics etc) would the Minister advise the Assembly of the following information:
- the number of consultants employed on a full time and part time basis in each area
- (i) the number of non-private health insurance people on waiting lists to see a consultant in each of these areas; and
(ii) the average time they are waiting to see the consultant
- (i) the number of private health insurance people on waiting lists to see a consultant in each of these areas; and
(ii) the average time they are waiting to see the consultant.
- The total number of operations carried out in each discipline at the hospital during the last five years, starting on 1st January 2005 ending on 31st December 2009 stating:
- the number of private and non-private operations carried out in each discipline for each year;
- the cost of performing these operations in each area for each year for non- private health insurance patients and private health insurance patients.
- The number, disciplines and costs of locums and agency nursing staff employed by the hospital for each of the five years starting on 1st January 2005 ending on 31st December 2009.
For the purpose of clarity this question is answered in accordance with the subsections as identified. The research required to achieve the level of detail given in this response was significant and challenging in relation to the time period available. (See next page)
1 a – Chart 1 shows the number of consultants in each speciality area. Chart 1
consultants Locum Locum Consultants:- Consultants :- part time Consultants Consultants
Speciality number full time Part time from UK Full time Part time A+E 3
Anaesthetics 6
Community Dental 1
Oral Surgery 1
Orthodontics 1 1
General Surgery and Urology 3
Trauma and Orthopaedics 3 4
General Medicine all
specialities 8 1 Obstetrics and Gynaecology 3 1
Ophthalmology 2
Paediatrics 3 7
Pathology 4
Psychiatry 4 2
Radiology 4 1 1
Rheumatology 1
Oncology 1 1
Plastic Surgery 1
Vascular Surgery 1
Cardiac Surgery 1
TOTAL 46 3 18 4 1
For 1b (i) and (ii) see Chart 2 which shows the total number of patients waiting to be seen for public consultation in out-patient clinics as at the 3rd January 2010 and also the average
waiting times for that speciality in weeks waiting.
The waiting times are calculated from the date of receipt of the referral at the hospital. Clinically urgent patients, as determined by the receiving consultant, are fast tracked through the system. (See next page)
Chart 2
Speciality Numbers on waiting list Average waiting
as at 3rd January 2010 time in weeks Anaesthetics 6 6 Breast Surgery 8 2 General Surgery 344 18 Plastic Surgery 9 7 Urology 178 22 Orthopaedics 376 11 Paediatric
Orthopaedics 6 2 Sports Injury 173 28 ENT 164 4 Ophthalmology 397 27 Pain 236 17 Back Pain 60 2 Gynaecology 155 9 Infertility 73 20 Well Woman 12 2 Community
Contraceptive Clinic 6 1 Ante-natal 121 0 Oral Surgery 147 5 Orthodontics 146 12 Community Dental 83 10 Diabetes 168 23 General Medicine 24 4 Bariatric 105 156+ Endocrinology 11 4 Nephrology 26 12 Gastroenterology 205 48 Medical Micro-
Biology 13 6 Neurology 269 31 Cardiology 121 7 Respiratory Medicine 57 21 Dermatology 535 34 Rheumatology 5 1 Clinical Haematology 23 11 Paediatrics 123 14 Clinical Oncology 7 4 Medical Oncology 3 2 Geriatric Medicine 6 2 Adult Mental Illness 2 3 Old Age Psychiatry 10 2
1 c (i) and (ii) Health and Social Services do not manage the lists of private patients waiting to see consultants as out-patients. These patients are seen in consultants' own private rooms from where the lists are managed
For Question 2 a, please refer to Chart 3 below. This shows activity relating to the number of public and private operations by speciality. It should be noted that a proportion of the private work is undertaken in dedicated private lists on Saturdays. Furthermore the number of operations performed is not directly comparable between columns i.e. some are short procedures whilst some are much longer and this chart cannot, therefore, be used for direct analysis purposes as it only represents patient numbers.
2 b The level of detail required to answer this sub section is not currently available, it would take approximately 5 months to develop this information. Our current practise is to use the UK Health Resource Group tariffs with uplift for Jersey, when this is required for individual patient costs. We plan to develop this area further after the implementation of the new IT system which goes live late 2010. (See next page)
Chart 3 :- Analysis of operations taken place in Endoscopy and Main and Day surgery theatres 2005-2009
Speciality Anaesthetics General Surgery Plastic Surgery Urology Trauma and Orthopaedics ENT Ophthalmology Pain Gynaecology Obstetrics Oral Surgery Community Dental Nephrology Cardiology Gastro-Enterology and Endoscopy Respiratory Paediatric Medicine Psychiatry | 2005 2005 2005 Private Public Total 5 19 24 511 1113 1624 34 25 59 18 522 540 721 2400 3111 322 664 986 230 688 918 248 367 615 433 1074 1507 2 242 244 195 738 933 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 86 97 606 1610 2216 15 76 91 0 1 1 0 53 53 | 2006 2006 2006 Private Public Total 1 14 15 556 1102 1658 45 22 67 12 577 589 664 2287 2951 320 625 945 244 566 810 248 460 708 398 1070 1468 0 272 272 171 632 803 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 66 70 587 1632 2219 16 74 90 0 2 2 0 8 8 | 2007 2007 2007 Private Public Total 3 11 14 552 1370 1922 47 26 73 15 546 561 547 2353 2900 305 677 982 221 659 880 253 468 721 390 1032 1422 0 341 341 153 491 644 0 195 195 0 9 9 10 76 86 583 1686 2269 8 69 77 0 4 4 0 30 30 | 2008 2008 2008 Private Public Total 7 10 17 533 1478 2011 59 26 85 12 661 673 635 2389 3024 364 665 1029 263 938 1201 259 483 742 365 1080 1445 1 364 365 161 560 721 0 236 236 0 12 12 8 58 66 565 1445 2010 10 82 92 0 2 2 0 18 18 | 2009 2009 2009 Private Public Total 2 6 18 513 1340 1853 69 28 97 15 638 653 687 2074 2761 305 694 999 271 1039 1310 293 550 843 396 1065 1461 3 324 327 169 532 701 0 179 179 0 21 21 21 80 101 550 1782 2332 11 73 84 0 0 0 0 6 6 |
In response to Question 3: Agency Nursing
In 2009 a total of 64 Registered Nurse Agency staff were used.
The table below provides data on the number of shifts covered by Registered Nurse Agency staff.
Shifts covered lasted between 5hrs (minimum day shift) and 12 hours (maximum night shift).
A total of 34 Registered Nurse Agency staff were paid at a UK Band 6 pay rate (approx Jersey Grade 5)
A total of 30 were paid at a UK Band 5 pay rate (approx Jersey Grade 4)
The HSSD finance department calculation on Registered Nurse Agency cost for 1st Jan – 30th Sept 2009 was £560,788 providing a projected full year cost of £747,717.
The year on year spend for Registered Nurses, Health Care Assistant prior to 2009 was calculated as part of a total annual Agency, Bank and Overtime spend of approx £3.3 million.
Table 1. Agency Nursing Staff shifts covered
| UK Agency Registered Nurse (RN) | UK Agency Operating Dept Practitioner (ODP) | Local Agency Health Care Assistant (HCA) |
Year | Total no of shifts/days | Total no of shifts/days | Total no of shifts/days |
2005 | Accurate data not available | Accurate data not available | Accurate data not available |
2006 | 65 – approx 23.3 days | 0 | 6 approx 2 days |
2007 | 63 - approx 22 days | 0 | 11 approx 3.6 days |
2008 | 116 approx 38.6 days | 8 approx 2.6 | 26 approx 8.6 days |
2009 | 290 approx 96.6 days | 35 approx 11.6 days | 24 approx 8 days |
The increase number of Registered Nurse Agency used in 2009 reflect year long vacancy factor in areas such as Theatres, Critical Care, Older People Mental Health and mirrors UK trends of market competition due to global shortages.
Increasing number of Specialist Registered Nurse Agency staff were also required to back fill to release HSSD staff to up skill to support clinical areas such as Paediatrics and Critical Care in relation to the contingency planning for Pandemic Flu.
Locum doctors
The information relating to locum doctors is not readily available in the format requested. It is currently being compiled and will follow once it is available.