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"Would the Minister provide full details regarding how the Education budget has been allocated on a school by school basis, including fee paying schools receiving grants, together with details of the average number of students attending each of these schools, ensuring that the cash figures reconcile with the total budget that his department has allocated to Education, and that the pupil numbers reconcile with the average total number of students in full time education during the period (using figures for the educational year September 2010 to August 2011 rather than the financial year if he so wishes)?"
The proportion of the Education, Sport and Culture budget allocated to Education is shown in Appendix A, attached. It shows that over 86% of the total ESC budget is directly related to students, whether in pre-school, primary, secondary, tertiary or fee-paying education establishments.
As can be seen from the details on student numbers, Education, Sport and Culture funds more than 13,000 students in full time education in schools and over 11,000 in various other areas, such as further and higher education, pre-school provisions, special schools, instrumental music and adult education.
Tables showing the funding to each provided school are shown in Appendix B. Student numbers are based on the September 2010 pupil census which is used to determine the funding for each school for 2011.
Tables showing the allocation to grant funded private schools can be found on the second page of Appendix B.
Reconciliations to the figures contained within the 2011 Annual Business Plan are included in Appendix B showing any adjustments for changes in student numbers, staffing terms and conditions and overhead allocations as required for the business plan.
Overhead allocations, such as central departmental services, including directorate; finance; insurance; long term sickness and maternity cover; training, development and monitoring; ICT replacement and wide area network costs etc are allocated to schools and other areas of the service based on various factors, including total budget, staff costs, premises areas, financial transactions processed and student numbers. Details of the amount allocated to each area are shown in Appendix A, reconciling the direct budgets provided to each are to the total figures shown in the 2011 Business Plan.
Education, Sport and Culture Appendix A Analysis of Budget - 2011
Primary Education - £21.7m
Pre-School Education - £3.5m
Other Support Services - £2.1m
Other Front Line - £1m
Sport - £4.3m
Secondary Education - £22.2m
Heritage & Culture - £4.2m
Youth Service - £1.4m Public Libraries - £1.6m
Educational Support Services - £4.6m
Instrumental Music - £0.7m
Higher Education - £8.4m Fee-Paying Schools - £9.7m
Further & Vocational - £8.3m
Direct Costs
Education Non-School
£ £
Special Education - £7.7m
Allocation of Overheads As per 2011 ABP Education Non-School Education Non-School
£ £ £ £
Schools and Colleges
Non Fee Paying Provided Schools
Pre-School Education 3,523,600 - 159,200 - 3,682,800 - Primary Education 21,677,000 - 1,790,700 - 23,467,700 - Secondary Education 22,222,500 - 1,844,700 - 24,067,200 - Fee-Paying Schools
Provided Schools 4,710,000 - 976,000 - 5,686,000 -
Non-Provided Schools
Special Educational Needs and Special Schools Instrumental Music Service
Culture and Lifelong Learning
Further, Vocational and Tertiary Education Public Libraries
Youth Service
Higher Education (Student Finance)
Careers Jersey
Child Care Support
Day Care Services
Jersey Child Care Trust
Heritage (Grant to the JHT)
Culture (including the Grant to the JAT)
Sports Centres
Playing Fields and School Sports Facilities Sport Development
Grants and Advisory Council
Playschemes and Outdoor Education
Minor Capital Expenditure
Support Serv - Schools and Colleges
Support Serv - Culture and Lifelong Learning Support Serv - Sport Division
Policy and Planning, including ICT
Finance, Staff Services and Insurance
Long Term Sickness / Maternity
Savings to be Identified Grand Total
5,005,000 - 7,694,200 - 723,600 -
8,255,400 -
- 1,641,000
- 1,405,800
8,385,200 -
- 678,400
- 192,200
- 171,800
- 2,439,200
- 1,754,500
- 1,179,800
- 1,101,100
- 511,900
- 316,000
- 183,900
- 100,000
- 182,400
1,587,400 -
- 181,400
- 950,000
1,609,300 917,600 300,000 789,700 1,062,500 -
(1,295,000) 86,755,700 13,401,700 100,157,400
86.6% 13.4%
128,500 - 368,800 - 34,100 -
571,600 -
- 76,300
- 71,700
290,700 -
- 10,800
- 6,800
- 4,600
- 56,500
- 43,400
- 748,600
- 263,700
- 97,000
- 12,900
- 23,700
- -
- (182,400)
(1,587,400) -
- (181,400)
- (950,000)
(1,609,300) (917,600)
(300,000) (789,700) (1,062,500) -
1,605,100 (1,605,100)
5,133,500 - 8,063,000 - 757,700 -
8,827,000 -
- 1,717,300
- 1,477,500
8,675,900 -
- 689,200
- 199,000
- 176,400
- 2,495,700
- 1,797,900
- 1,928,400
- 1,364,800
- 608,900
- 328,900
- 207,600
- 100,000
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
(1,295,000) 88,360,800 11,796,600 100,157,400
88.2% 11.8%
Education, Sport and Culture Appendix B School Funding Summary
Actual Funding - 2011 - overheads excluded States of Jersey Schools
Fixed and Less : Total Pupils Pupil Related Premises Total Budget Corporate States (exc Nursery)
School Funding Costs Allocation Funding Ratio Savings Funding
Primary - Non Fee Paying - Excluding Nursery Classes
Bel Royal 586,843 241,994 828,837 100% (8,870) 819,967 159 d'Auvergne 1,017,468 298,739 1,316,206 100% (14,364) 1,301,843 317 First Tower 1,124,400 303,243 1,427,643 100% (15,607) 1,412,037 362 Grands Vaux 602,627 230,362 832,989 100% (8,707) 824,281 148 Grouville 1,129,397 286,395 1,415,793 100% (15,527) 1,400,265 351 Janvrin 1,149,891 294,517 1,444,408 100% (15,711) 1,428,697 331 La Moye 1,034,819 274,011 1,308,830 100% (14,385) 1,294,445 315 Les Landes 539,332 223,106 762,438 100% (8,370) 754,068 159 Mont Nicolle 568,952 227,864 796,816 100% (8,702) 788,114 167 Plat Douet 1,101,629 299,462 1,401,091 100% (15,252) 1,385,839 320 Rouge Bouillon 1,237,142 378,993 1,616,135 100% (17,668) 1,598,467 353 Samares 794,514 266,445 1,060,959 100% (11,287) 1,049,672 211 Springfield 622,547 210,865 833,411 100% (8,983) 824,429 179 St Clement 591,606 228,531 820,137 100% (8,952) 811,185 175 St John 565,658 223,499 789,157 100% (8,675) 780,481 169 St Lawrence 563,631 223,578 787,209 100% (8,638) 778,571 167 St Luke 609,219 220,461 829,680 100% (8,963) 820,717 170 St Martin 562,784 232,418 795,201 100% (8,664) 786,538 182 St Mary 569,301 214,589 783,891 100% (8,586) 775,305 147 St Peter 556,710 237,159 793,870 100% (8,719) 785,151 174 St Saviour 580,600 231,299 811,899 100% (8,868) 803,031 171 Trinity 521,699
748,665 100% (8,228)
740,437 158 16,630,770 5,574,496 22,205,266 (241,726) 21,963,540 4,885
Fixed and Less :
Pupil Related Premises Total Budget Corporate States Total Pupils
Funding Costs Allocation Funding Ratio Savings Funding
Secondary - Non Fee Paying
Grainville 3,188,807 720,352 3,909,159 100% (40,142) 3,909,159 554 Haute Vallee 3,654,256 611,773 4,266,029 100% (44,287) 4,266,029 712 Hautlieu 3,808,203 663,027 4,471,229 100% (48,917) 4,471,229 672 Le Rocquier 4,483,821 700,210 5,184,032 100% (54,013) 5,184,032 900 Les Quennevais 4,007,788
4,576,927 100% (48,425)
4,576,927 825 19,142,874 3,264,502 22,407,377 (235,785) 22,407,377 3,663
Fixed and Less :
Pupil Related Premises Total Budget Corporate 6th Form Net States Total Pupils
Funding Costs Allocation Funding Ratio Savings Bursaries Funding
Fee Paying Provided Schools
JCG Prep 1,272,158 294,023 1,566,181 25% (9,155) - 382,390 376 VC Prep 976,215 274,943 1,251,158 25% (7,221) - 305,568 294 JCG 3,571,599 683,903 4,255,502 50% (24,103) 32,428 2,102,871 713 Victoria College 3,505,971
4,130,141 50% (23,998)
730 9,325,943 1,877,038 11,202,981 (64,477) 4,865,733 2,113
Funding Summary and Reconciliation to ABP
NFP Primary FPP Schools Secondary
Funding provided to schools
add back : CSR Saving - Minor Works
less : Terms & Conditions - additional funding (TBC)
less : Pupil Number changes / distribution
less : Difference in Staff Grading funding
less : Property Occupancy Charge
Funding per 2011 ABP before overheads
"Overhead" allocation
Funding per 2011 ABP presented to States
21,963,540 22,407,377 4,865,733 55,000 105,000 - (500,000) - - 210,360 (277,077) (75,733) (51,900) (12,800) -
- -
21,677,000 22,222,500 4,710,000 1,790,700
976,000 23,467,700 24,067,200 5,686,000
Education, Sport and Culture Appendix B School Funding Summary
Actual Funding - 2011 - overheads excluded Private Schools
Add :
Pupil Less : "Central
Total Pupils Related Fixed and Total Budget Corporate Services" Net States
Funding Premises Costs Allocation Funding Ratio Savings funding * Funding
Fee Paying Non-Provided Schools
St George's 517,744 320,536 838,280 25% (4,191) - 205,379 177 St Michael's 997,790 382,719 1,380,509 25%+50% (6,903) - 413,328 324 Convent FCJ 893,987 280,561 1,174,548 40% (5,873) 26,460 490,406 294 Beaulieu Prim 583,752 258,145 841,897 25% (4,209) 17,370 223,635 193 De La Salle Prim 746,976 280,561 1,027,537 25% (5,138) 22,410 274,156 249 Beaulieu Sec 2,684,354 554,720 3,239,074 50% (16,195) 49,770 1,653,112 553 De La Salle Sec 2,765,268
3,334,958 50% (16,675)
567 9,189,871 2,646,933 11,836,804 (59,184) 167,040 4,961,850 2,357
Funding Summary and Reconciliation to ABP * Central Services funding represents the (pro-rata) additional FP NP cost of finance and payroll, building maintenance, insurance, ICT
Schools etc that may be provided to States schools free of charge, but which the Private schools have to make provision for themselves.
Grant Funding provided to schools 4,961,850 Pupil Number changes / distribution 43,150 Funding per 2011 ABP before overheads 5,005,000 "Overhead" allocation 128,500 Funding per 2011 ABP presented to States 5,133,500
Pupil Numbers Summary (as at September 2010 census date)
NFP Primary FPP Schools Total
Secondary Schools
Pupils used for 2011 ABP (estimated March 2010) 4,928 3,624 2,097 2,362 13,011 Actual Pupils in 2011 funding formula 4,885 3,663 2,113 2,357 13,018
Difference in Allocation (43) 39 16 (5) 7
Additional numbers in Secondary Education (including Fee Paying schools) mainly relate to higher than expected numbers of students continuing in education post 16.
In addition to the above numbers, Education, Sport and Culture also have students in the following sectors : Pre-School Education States 514
Private (NEF funded) 386
Primary Non Provided Schools Non Grant Funded schools 113 Special Education Schools 131
FTE students
Futher Education Full time 896 896 (Highlands) Part time (*) 2305 479.3 Higher Education 90 90
Full Cost Recovery (*) 1194 37.3 Adult Education (*) 3972 158.4
(*) Full Time Equivalent students represent the pro-rata teaching time compared to a full time student as determined by the funding formula for Highlands
Higher Education (in UK) 1253 Instrumental Music Service 963