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"As the criteria precluding an individual from serving as a Jurat includes reasons as diverse as criminal convictions; holding a paid office with either the States or a parish and also being or being employed by a brewer and given that Jurats are sitting in judgment upon others and thus need both a commitment to justice and the law as well as sound and unsullied personal judgment, to what degree does evidence of such individuals putting the welfare of minors at risk of abuse by failing to comply with legislation also preclude election to the role of Jurat, and if such actions do not, why not?"
The factors that prohibit someone from being elected as a Jurat are contained in Article 3 of the Royal Court (Jersey) Law 1948 and are:
- the person holds any paid office or other place of profit under the Crown or the States or any administration of the States;
- the person is a paid officer of any parochial authority;
- the person has a curator of his or her person or property;
- the person has an attorney without whom he or she may not act in matters real or personal;
- an application made by the person to the Royal Court to place his or her property under the control of the Court (de remettre ses biens entre les mains de la Justice) has been granted;
- the person's property has been declared en désastre;
- an application made by the person to the Royal Court to make a general cession of his or her property (de faire cession générale de tous ses biens-meubles et héritages) has been granted;
- the person's property has been adjudged by the Royal Court to be renounced (adjugée renoncée);
- the person has made a composition or arrangement with his or her creditors;
- the person has, within the 12 months immediately preceding the day of his or her appointment, received poor relief;
- the person has, within the 7 years immediately preceding the day of his or her appointment, been convicted anywhere in the British Commonwealth of any offence and ordered to be imprisoned for a period of not less than 3 months without the option of a fine;
- the person is the holder in his or her own name of a licence for the sale and consumption of spirituous liquors granted by the Assembly of Governor, Bailiff and Jurats, or is in the employment of any person to whom any such licence has been granted by the said Assembly;
- the person is conducting in Jersey the business of a brewer or is in the employment of any person by whom the business of a brewer is conducted in Jersey
Anything other than that are matters for the electoral college which can take all relevant matters into account.