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Gas network and actions

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"In the context of a number of recently reported and ongoing concerns relating to the gas network, will the Chief Minister, in coordination with those Ministers with relevant responsibilities, provide details of the specific steps the Government has taken during this term of office to reassure Islanders and particularly residents of St. Saviour of the safety, sustainability and reliability of the Island's gas infrastructure, and what further actions, if any, are planned in the coming months?"

Answer Specific steps

Government teams have completed a new Gas Emergency Measures Plan, which has been informed by learning from recent incidents, to ensure coordination across all relevant agencies and improved preparedness for a range of scenarios.

Ministers and officers have significantly improved communication with the new management of the gas company, Island Energy. This has ensured a better the flow of key information in relation to the safety and reliability of their network together with their plans for investing in upgrades. This information assists in monitoring safety aspects and in the formulation of policy.

The Infrastructure Department have undertaken more than 1,000 tests in the sewer network, and data relating to gas has been shared with Island Energy for immediate response. Liaison between the Infrastructure and Environment Department, the Emergency Planning team and the Gas Company has been improved in respect of day-to-day operations where gas leaks are detected and remediation work is required. This has resulted in better multi-agency coordination and clearer communications to the public.

To underpin this, the Government has brought forward legislation to update the Jersey Gas Company (Jersey) Law 1989, which was lodged on 11 March. The amendment will provide greater powers for the Minister for Justice and Home Affairs, particularly in relation to calls for information and it introduces a requirement that the company informs the Government of incidents. The new legislation also makes provision for future changes to the law as required so that the Government can be more responsive.

The Government has established a Ministerial Group to focus specifically on gas issues and provide regular oversight. Membership comprises the Chief Minister, as Chair, together with the Ministers for Environment, Infrastructure and Justice and Home Affairs. Ministers are supported by a senior level Officer Group that monitors the workstreams and any issues arising.

Further actions

This remains a highly important matter for the Government and all workstreams are ongoing and closely monitored. The Chief Minister recently wrote to the CEO of Island Energy to request further information in key areas which will inform the next actions of the Government:

Detailed information and conclusions arising from recent incidents, including those at Clos Mourant and Le Geyt.

Further details in relation to the risk assessment for the Island's gas network.

An understanding of the company's investment and implementation plans for the network upgrade program, including the amount of pipe to be replaced and progress to date.

Plans, timing, and costs for the capping remediation program.

Details of the company's planned communications plan for the capping and disconnection program.

In addition, a new series of regular meetings is being scheduled with the management of Island Energy to ensure regular updates, oversight and coordination.

Ministers have arranged for the CEO of Island Energy to brief States Members on 4th April and the new legislation is scheduled for States debate on 22nd April.