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19 March 2025 - Personal Statement - Deputy P.F.C. Ozouf of St. Saviour

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I wish to make this personal statement and to offer a sincere and unreserved public apology to this Assembly, to my constituents, and to the people of Jersey.

I recently appeared before the Magistrate’s Court in relation to a speeding offence. Unfortunately, there was a missed opportunity to have resolved the matter through the Parish Hall Enquiry system, an appointment which I failed to attend. As a result, the case proceeded to court. The subsequent appearance of an elected member before the Magistrate has, understandably, attracted public attention and caused embarrassment. I gave a full apology to the Magistrate’s Court, as should have been the case, as this matter should not have occurred. It was the result of an administrative oversight on my part, for which I take full responsibility.

Members will kindly recall, these events have coincided with the anniversary, in February 2023, of a series of profoundly difficult events which changed my life dramatically.

Since then, I have also come to a clearer understanding of how certain long-standing challenges have affected my ability to manage the pressures and administrative demands of public life.

I am now much more able to recognise what is required to navigate life with the structure and clarity such public responsibilities demand.

I have been able, upon advice, to secure the additional support and guidance necessary to avoid falling short of the standards required.

I regret that, at times, I have not been able to serve as effectively as I would wish. I will continue to actively put in place the required support and systems needed to meet the necessarily high standards and public expectations of elected office as a deputy in the future.

This apology is offered without reservation, and it is my sincere hope that I may continue to serve this Assembly and the parishioners of St. Saviour with focus and commitment.

Thank you.