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19-21 Broad Street | St Helier Jersey | JE2 4WE
Senator Kristina Moore
Chair, Corporate Services Scrutiny Board
11 May 2021
Dear Chair,
Thank you for your letter dated 20April 2021.
As Chief Minister, I confirmed that a review would be undertaken of the sequence of events related to the release of a statement on the former Chief Executive's non-Executive Directorship. That review has now been published, in the form of timelines covering the initial media queries, and a general context timeline, as per the following link:
As a result of this review, we have made some practical changes. We now require all media statements and press releases to have approval by an individual Minister, which is a tightening of government communication practices. The Press Office and Ministerial Office support this controlled process, and I am considering whether to also include it as an update in the ministerial code to make this process clearer. There are no other completed or official reports or reviews of which I am aware on this matter. However, we will be keeping this matter under review.
I hope the above is welcome confirmation, and for myself, while it can absorb a reasonable amount of ministerial time, I do feel it absolutely proper that elected Ministers approve all media statements and press releases.
If you have any questions, please let me know. Yours sincerely,
Senator John Le Fondré Chief Minister