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Letter - Chief Minister to Corporate Services Panel re Delivery Plan 2023 Progress Report - 22 December 2023

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19-21 Broad Street | St Helier Jersey | JE2 3RR

Deputy Sam Mézec

Chair, Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel


22 December 2023 Dear Chair

2023 Delivery Plan Progress Report

Earlier this year, I committed to providing an end-of-year progress report on Delivery Plans to Scrutiny.

As you will see from my report, many of the items have been delivered (11) or are on track to be completed shortly (27). Some items, however, have encountered unexpected delays (7) and only a single item has been withdrawn.

Overall,  good  progress  has  been  made,  demonstrating  this  Government’s commitment to deliver change for Islanders in line with the Common Strategic Policy 2023 – 2026. As we look ahead to 2024, our next iteration of Delivery Plans will build on this work in order to maintain a focus on improving the lives of all Islanders.

If convenient to the Panel, I would be content to provide a private briefing on the Report in the New Year.

Yours sincerely

Deputy Kristina Moore Chief Minister



CM P1.1

Leading and co-ordinating the work of the Council of Ministers.

We will support the Chief Minister to drive change on her relentless cross- cutting priorities, in particular:

- Improving recruitment and retention, especially across health, social care and schools, and

so creating a more stable workforce that is supported and can deliver good public services

- Supporting the Housing Minister to address the causes and effects of the housing crisis

- Helping Islanders to cope with the rising cost of living

Ensuring political and executive leadership of the Island’s recovery from recent major incidents,

placing the deceased, affected family and friends, and displaced people at the heart of all decision making.

We will continuously review administrative support to the Council of Ministers and ministerial groups, to facilitate the smooth running of agendas, meetings and underpinning administration, as well as interactions with the States Greffe.

As set out in the Engagement and Improvement Review (see P1.3 below), we will also improve how Ministerial Support, Policy and Communications coordinate as a team around each Minister.


CM P1.2

Creating positive opportunities for Ministers and Government to listen to and engage with Islanders and stakeholders, including a series of open evenings in each of the parishes to engage with parishioners.

A full communications plan will be developed and delivered in support of Ministerial Delivery Plans and in line with the Engagement and Information Review (see below) – with a clear focus on creating opportunities for positive open engagement.

We will attend events in community locations where people already are – going to them, rather than expecting them to come to us.


CM P1.3 100 Day Plan Action 2

Supporting the Engagement and  Information Review to ensure the appropriate communication arrangements are in place.

 An action plan will be developed to improve the range and accessibility of data and information across Government and make a formal and structured process for better inclusion of minority and less heard groups in policy development processes.

We will implement the 37 actions from the review through collaboration across Statistics Jersey, the Communications Directorate, and other parts of the Cabinet Office. Immediate actions were completed within 2022, with more complex actions by June 2023.

We will also work to embed use of the policy inclusion framework developed as a 100-day action.

Q2 2023

CM P1.4 100 Day Plan Action 17

Opening constituency offices in each voting district.

We will work with the PPC (Privileges & Procedures Committee) to support investment in the facilities and infrastructure to meet the recommendations of the Democratic Accountability Group and to enable States Members to be more accessible within their constituencies.


CM P1.5 100 Day Plan Action 18

Drawing on Jersey’s unique heritage, progress the development of a cultural diversity centre to provide advice and information;

 and encourage Islanders from all backgrounds to come together and celebrate their unique identities, promoting diversity and inclusion in the Island.

The Cultural Network, supported by Jersey Library, was launched in 2022 by the political oversight steering group. The steering group, supported by Cultural Engagement Officers, will produce proposals and a business case for a long-term model for an International Cultural Centre. Progress will be reviewed after 6 and 12 months, alongside public consultation.

Q2, Q4 2023

CM P2.1

Holding monthly meetings with the President of Scrutiny Liaison Committee.

We will hold monthly meetings with structured agendas, clear action points, and monitoring of implementation, in order to facilitate effective processes between government and scrutiny panels.


CM P2.2

Holding quarterly meetings with Scrutiny chairs to discuss progress on ministerial work programmes.

As part of monitoring and communicating the progress of work, we will meet quarterly Scrutiny Liaison Committee to support them in focusing their resources.



December Status

vs By When

December Revised

date if delayed

December Commentary Update

On Track


Support continues to be given around the organisation of the Council of Ministers - such as with their ongoing work, work in response to the areas of relentless focus, and recovery work.

However, business relating to the areas of relentless focus to the Council of Ministers has limitations, not least, due to competiting priorities.

A principal focus of the interim CEO, with ELT, is the prioritisation and focus of work programmes. This will be discussed at a meeting of the Council of Ministers in January 2024.

In addition, it should also be noted that budgets have been reallocated to deliver a new position to drive agendas and progress on behalf of Ministers, including so that the Council of Ministers is better linked into existing Ministerial Groups.

On Track


Each Minister has dedicated communications support to drive forward communications campaigns in support of their Delivery Plan.

Ministers regularly attend events in the community, such as Closer to Home events, Financial Services industry events, Chamber of Commerce and Institue of Directors' events, as well as specific launch events, e.g. the Violence Against Women and Girls Taskforce.

In addition, the Council of Ministers meets monthly in the Parishes, providing an invaluable opportunity for engagement with members of the public. Furthermore, a programme of industry-specific 'roundtable events' continues to be discussed.

Community and industry outreach remains an integral part of the work of the Council of Ministers.



Implementing the 37 actions of the Engagement and Information Review is ongoing and is subject to regular cross-department progress meetings.

Recent progress includes consideration of a proposal by the Assistant Chief Minister with responsibility for Communications on the introduction of regular polling of Islanders' views, and focus groups with 'harder to hear' communities.

On Track


PPC have included funding within the proposed Government Plan 2024 - 2027 for offices in selected constituencies as a pilot exercise.



This work has now progressed and is being led by the International Cultural Centre in 2024.

On Track


Monthly meetings with the Chair of SLC are taking place, but they remain focused on administerative matters.

On Track


Given competing priorities, only one meeting has taken place in 2023 which was on the subject of transparency.



CM P2.3

Developing and publishing an annual programme of Ministerial priorities and associated legislation.

Each Minister will provide an annual progress report to the relevant Scrutiny panel in December each year.

An annual progress report on the 2023 Ministerial Plans will be published to the relevant Scrutiny panel in December 2023.

The next set of annual Ministerial Plans will be produced to cover Ministerial Priorities and the Legislation Programme for 2024, with the context of the Government Programme and statutory timelines.

Q4 2023

CM P2.4

Council of Ministers (CoM) meeting once a month in each of the parishes across the year. This will provide the Connétable , parish officials and parishioners the opportunity to meet with Council of Ministers to discuss parish issues.

Once a month the Council of Ministers will meet in a parish, with advance publication and notice to encourage engagement.



Building strong partnerships across the whole of government, the private sector and charitable and community organisations to deliver real benefits for Islanders, by:

We will work closely with public interest entities through the Arm’s Length Bodies Oversight Board programme of work. We will continue to work together to identify and address any challenges and develop strong partnerships, both between government and organisations and inter- organisations.

We will build on existing partnerships with private sector organisations individually, but also collectively by engaging with representative and membership organisations such as the Institute of Directors and Chamber of Commerce.

We will continue to work in partnership with charitable and community organisations through our existing thematic cluster and network groups to improve services for Islanders. In addition we will continue to lead the Financial Impact Action Group, a partnership between Government and Charities to support vulnerable Islanders. Through our Closer to Home programme we will bring services together across the Island in Parishes. Through the distribution of lottery funds we will further develop our relationship with the Association of Jersey Charities and the Jersey Community Foundation as well as engage with different funding groups and organisations.



December Status

vs By When

December Revised

date if delayed

December Commentary Update



As committed to, high-level progress reports on 2023 Delivery Plans have been provided to scrutiny panels this month.

Ministerial Plans and the Legislative Programme for 2024 were published in September. Delivery Plans are currently being drafted and are on track to be published in early 2024.

On Track


The schedule of Parish meetings continues and which plays an important part in maintaining engagement between the Council of Ministers and the Parishes.

The 3/4 Parish meetings not covered in 2023 (due to a small number of meetings being moved back to 19-21 Broad Street) will take place in Q1 2024 as part of the continued programme of these meetings.

On Track


A 'think piece' was presented to the Arms-Length Bodies Oversight Board (ALBOB) on 1 August and meetings have taken place with representatives of Arms-Length Bodies to discuss the outcome of the work of the Oversight Board, and next steps.

Ministers continue to build on existing partnerships, such as with the Institute of Directors and the Chamber of Commerce. The Minister for Sustainable Economic Development has monthly meetings with the Chief Executive Officer of the Chamber of Commerce and both the Minister and the Chief Minister are regular guest speakers at Chamber of Commerce and Institute of Director events.

Most recently, the Minister introduced the Future Economy Programme in a speech to the Chamber of Commerce on 14 June 2023. Members of the Chamber of Commerce and Institute of Directors were involved in a Future Economy Programme workshop, held on 21 June, demonstrating continued liasion.

In addition, both the Chamber of Commerce and the Institute of Directors were involved in the most recent Future Economy Programme event, which was held on 4 December.

The Closer to Home events, six of which have been held throughout 2023 across the Parishes, have been meet with some success. The number of attendees at these events are visibly growing, and there is good feedback from participating agencies, who find these events useful for outreach purposes. At each event, success stories are shared, drawing on first-hand accounts from Islanders.

Work is ongoing to develop a plan for Closer to Home events into 2024.

Further, the Financial Impact Action Group continues to meet on a regular basis, most recently to discuss the impact of Storm Ciaran. Meetings of the Group are also scheduled into 2024, and they will continue to discuss relevant trends, and share information, in order to support those Islanders in need. It should also be added that members of the Group also participate in the regular 'Cluster' meetings, held by Corporate and Local Services, and also attend the Closer to Home events to ensure maximum coverage of their work.



CM P4.1

Supporting departments to improve delivery and engender a culture that is customer focused and strives for continuous improvement in productivity and reliability of its services.

We will ensure departments have resources and leadership to improve delivery.

We will improve the indicators and performance measures we use to manage service performance, with workforce / HR measures a high priority (coordinating with those used by the States Employment Board), alongside further improvement to service performance measures most important to customers. These insights will inform strategic decision-making and improvement.

This ongoing improvement will take place alongside continuing refinement of the overall governance framework, enabling timely action on corporate policy, performance, budgets and expenditure, and risk management. [See also 8, below.]

We will continue to account for how public money is spent and demonstrate value for money through liaison with, and responding to, requests and challenges from the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel and Public Accounts Committee. We will improve corporate sustainability reporting, so that the government is increasingly transparent about action on decarbonisation in particular.

We will continue to improve our risk management approach and culture. We will mitigate risks and issues identified, and audit corporate and local systems of risk governance.

As required by the Public Finances Law, Internal Audit will work to a Risk Based Audit Plan, affording independent assurance on key systems and controls as well as making recommendations for improvements.

[See also 7.5 below on ‘our values’.]

Q4 2023

CM P4.2

Tasking officials to develop intelligent integrated government data insights to support robust decision making, and adoption of the Statistics Code of Practice to build a culture of trust, quality and value in the production and release of government data.

Statistics Jersey will link data already held by government to provide insights to support Public Health colleagues as part of Public Health Covid recovery. Initial insights will be published and shared with Public Health colleagues from mid-2023.

In addition, the Chief Statistician is leading work across departments to roll- out the Jersey Code of Practice for Statistics. During 2023 priorities will be broader adoption by public authorities of release schedules for upcoming statistics; separation of statistical releases from policy or ministerial comment on those statistics; and changes to to make it easier for users to find published statistics.

Q4 2023

CM P4.3

Ensuring use of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Tracker model to report progress on Scrutiny Panels’ recommendations on a quarterly basis and to monitor key States Assembly decisions and reviews.

We will work closely with the Comptroller and Auditor General and the Public Accounts Committee on areas of corporate governance that could be improved. We will also work with all departments to deliver and demonstrate continuous improvement through the action planning, action tracking and performance reporting cycle.

Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 2023

CM P4.4

Establishing an Assistant Ministers forum to support the work of the Council of Ministers and enable cross-cutting working work.

Assistant Ministers will meet at least once a month with the Deputy Chief Minister, focusing on forthcoming business in the Assembly, Council of Ministers activity, and any other topical issues, as part of ensuring the whole of government is included in the delivery of the government’s agenda.


CM P4.5

Improving the trust and accountability of Government

As noted above, we will continue to work closely with the Comptroller and Auditor General and Public Accounts Committee, to demonstrate improvement across the organisation in order to promote trust and accountability in Government.



December Status

vs By When

December Revised

date if delayed

December Commentary Update

On Track


A new Internal Audit process, uploading to SharePoint, is near completion.

It should also be added that a sustainabilty report was published in May 2023, as part of the Annual Report and Accounts 2022, with an emissions report published as an addendum in October 2023.

We have also appointed a sustainability manager to lead on this work going forward.

On Track


The publication of Public Health Covid-19 Insights had been delayed by the Jersey Office of the Information Commissioner (JOIC) commissioning a 14 week review of the associated DPIA (which has prevented further processing).

JOIC provided 97 comments on the DPIA on 13 September; the Chief Statistician updated and responded to all comments on 27 September.

The JOIC provided the 'all clear' on 14 October. We pre-announced publication of these Reports and published this month.

A new webpage - Statistical publications - has been created to make it easier for Islanders to find around 800 already published data sets.

The Chief Statistician has been working with departments to encourage publication of data held, but not published. The Chief of Police, for instance, has committed to this in principle.

Similar conversations are taking place with Corporate and Local Services and Children, Young People, Education and Skills.

Recent conversations with Health and Community Services focused on publishing more sex-disagregated data (in response to a query from the Diversity Forum of the PPC).

On Track


Work is ongoing to review C&AG and PAC recommendations across all years to prioritise implementation activity to manage capacity to deliver and to identify older recommendations that have been superseded by more recent events and for which the audit observation context has changed.

On Track


Assistant Ministers meet before every States sitting to discuss forthcoming business, which is then fed back to Ministers.

On Track


Work continues to consolidate C&AG and PAC recommendations to properly reflect improvement and accountablity across the Government.



100 Day Plan Action 10

Establish a public service ombudsperson

See Legislation Programme below. There will be continuing engagement with the public, including when the law has been drafted, prior to lodging it in the States Assembly. The draft Law will be lodged for States debate by the end of Q3 in 2023.

Q3 2023

CM P4.6

Examining the current structures and procedures under the States of Jersey Employment Law to determine what reforms are needed to the Jersey Appointments Commission, the States Employment Board and the role of the Chief Executive and Executive Leadership Team.

This work will be progressed as a priority in 2023. See Legislation Programme below.

Q2 2023



Supporting the Minister for Housing and Communities to confirm long-term funding for the Strategic Housing and Regeneration Team in the proposed Government Plan 2024-2027.

Staffing and wider resources to support housing policy initiatives in-year will be kept under close review.

Continuing to support the Housing Minister to increase the use of modern methods of construction.



Support survivors to realise legacy recommendations of the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry.

Continue to engage children and young people in developing policy and services that affect them.

We will:

- continue to support survivors to establish a place to remember, a permanent apology and a local network of survivors who can provide help and advice

- bring forward a lasting solution for the Haut de la Garenne site

- amend Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 2019 and appoint a new Children’s Commissioner

- prioritise making our safeguarding approach and underpinning relationships increasingly effective, to protect children now and into the future.

More broadly, we will draw upon the new toolkits developed in response to the 100 day actions, as well as dedicated forums, to better engage Children and Young People with key legislation that affects them.

Q4 2023 Q4 2023 Q2 2023 Ongoing Ongoing

CM P7.1

Undertaking a programme of departmental site visits, webinar and staff leadership development events.

We will deliver an internal communications strategy that supports Ministers, senior leaders, and colleagues supporting improvement and organisational development to inform, champion and drive forward the organisation’s progress.


CM P7.2

Undertaking an employee engagement “Be Heard” staff survey in Spring 2023 and communicating the results to staff the results by the end of quarter 2 (2023).

We will conduct an organisation-wide employee engagement survey, ‘Be Heard’ in Spring 2023 (all Ministerial and Non-Ministerial departments).

Following employee feedback received through the survey results, we will deliver a consolidated Employee Engagement Report for the whole organisation by the end of quarter 2 together with departmental specific reports. These will detail progress made, together with, recommendations for areas of continued improvement.

Q2 2023


December Status

vs By When

December Revised

date if delayed

December Commentary Update



The draft law was discussed by the Council of Ministers on 21 November. Subject to the changes required by CoM, the draft law should be lodged in Quarter 1 of 2024.

In October, SEB agreed not to recruit the Ombudsperson in advance of the legislation.



The SEB reviewed the urgent requirements needed to recruit a CEO and determined that primary legislation was not required to achieve the policy intent of performance management.

The C&AG recommendation tracker has also been updated to class this item as no longer required.

On Track


Increased funding for housing initiatives is set-out in the draft Government Plan (£300,000 between both the Strategic Housing and Regeneration Team (Cabinet Office) and the Housing Advice Service (Corporate and Local Services).

Plans to establish a Construction Hub are being developed, in-line with both the commitments made in the Modern Methods of Construction Housing Delivery report (100 days publication), and the recently published Economic Strategy.

A project team in Jersey Property Holdings is continuing to review options for a public site to accommodate prefabricated homes.

We are committed to ensuring a responsive and enabling approach to the assessment and delivery of Modern Methods of Construction, through enhanced pre-application advice and support to applicants where required.

More widely, initiatives related to housing have been considered in the context of regeneration at the Future Places Ministerial Group, including progressing the St Saviour Hospital Site (with work on securing a delivery partner and new planning guidance nearing completion); cycle and walk ways and public realm in St Helier (including development of a Coronation Way); the continuing work of the States of Jersey Development Company; key decisions on public infrastructure including schools; and collaboration with Ports of Jersey aroud the masterplanning for the harbour areas.

On Track


Recruitment of the Children's Commissioner has been finalised and recruitment of the Safeguarding Chair is also underway.

Work continues to establish a premanent apology, a legacy recommendation of the Jersey Care Inquiry. The Chief Minister discussed this recommendation with PPC on 18 December and agreed to propose an in-committee States Assembly debate in February 2024 to progress this item.

On Track


Ministers regularly feature on internal communications channels and this forms part of the internal communications plans for each department.

The Chief Minister undertakes visits to departments. A schedule of departmental visits is currently being devised for 2024 as part of the Chief Minister's regular engagements.



This item was completed earlier in the year.



CM P7.4

Growing our talent through training and development programmes and increasing the number of apprentices employed by the Government year on year.

We will launch a talent attraction campaign in early spring 2023 to increase the number of Apprentices to at least 50, offered across at least 20 professional areas.

We will deliver an engaging paid Internship programme for Jersey graduates and graduands in Spring and Summer 2023 to inspire them and ultimately to increase the number of applicants and placements offered. We will also develop and deliver internal talent development programmes for the existing workforce.

We will use the outcomes of the ‘Be Heard’ employee engagement survey, and particularly the new functionality that provides insight into manager capabilities, to inform corporate learning and skills development.

Increase access to training and development for our workforce and ensure that the support is given to encourage people to take up these opportunities.

Ensure that departmental heads fully implement the ‘Connected Performance’ approach to performance management and ensure annual appraisals for every member of their team that is due to have one.

Q1 2023 Q2 2023

Q2 and Q3 2023

Ongoing Q4

CM P7.5

Ensuring that the public service values are demonstrated in everything we do.

All new organisational policies will have our values embedded. A new Code of Conduct will be launched in Q1 of 2023.

We will continue to foster an inclusive and caring environment, informed by the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory and Steering Group.

We will continue to embed People and Culture Plans in departments.


CM P7.3

Increasing the number of key worker housing units by at least 100 by the end of 2023.

We will work with Andium Homes and colleagues in Jersey Property Holdings and across a range of government departments, to identify and bring on- stream at least 100 additional key worker homes throughout 2023.

Q4 2023

CM P8.1

Prioritising, through the States Employment Board (SEB), the delivery of strategic workforce planning (across departments), with a particular focus on recruitment and retention of staff in critical frontline services for example Children’s Social Care, Education and Healthcare.

We will ensure each department has an effective Strategic Workforce Plan in place. We will assist departments with key resulting actions (e.g., succession planning, staff development, employee engagement).

Recruitment actions include, but are not limited to:

- launch of a dedicated education microsite and campaign in Q1 to attract qualified teachers and people into teacher training

- a long-lasting children’s social care campaign to start in Q1

- Improving the recruitment process to attract more high-quality candidates, and ensure we retain them

- Improving the way key worker accommodation is accessed, reducing bureaucracy and improving the hiring experience for permanent and agency recruits

Q1 2023 Q1 2023 Q3 2023 Q2 2023

CM P8.2

Assuring that we enhance our cyber security maturity.

Through the Cyber Security Programme, we will deliver:

- Anti-Virus Enhancements

- Certificate Management (Public Key Infrastructure)

- Device and System Hardening

- Ethical Hacking Framework

- Departmental Information Security Officer (DISO) Support Model

- Privileged Access Management

- Compliance Management

- Third Party Risk Management

In parallel, the Information Security Target Operating Model will be reviewed to ensure the Government of Jersey can adequately manage cyber risks; and a business case will be developed for the next phase of the cyber security maturity journey (2024-2026).



December Status

vs By When

December Revised

date if delayed

December Commentary Update



We succesfully increased the number of paid interns across the Government to 68, attracting over 100 applications. This superceded the apprenticeship launch which was re-planned for 2024.



The planned activity to embed values in the initial Connected Performance System, as well as within recruitment and induction processes, has now been completed.



This item has been completed with an additional 100+ units of key worker accommodation available since the beginning of 2023.



The Strategic Workforce Plan was presented to the States Employment Board in November 2023 and an accompanying plan, for 2024, was set out for departmental and profession-specific workforce development plans.

On Track


Recruitment to key roles to start by year end with the expectation to appoint in early 2024. Plans are featured within the 2024-2027 Government Plan to continue activity to maintain levels of security across the organisation.

We have descoped projects from the Cyber Programme, Privileged Access Management (PAM), Compliance Management (CM) & Third Party Risk Management (TPRM), which have been moved to 2024-2027 Government Plan.

At present, Certificate Management is planned to commence in Q1 2024 and Privileged Access Management is due to commence in 2026. The Third Party Risk Management programme will commence in 2026, along with additional initiatives to improve our maturity.



100 Day Plan Action 7


We will review key functions within the newly- formed Cabinet Office for opportunities to increase productivity within and across its services, engaging staff in the process.

A second priority will be to esnsure the overall cost of the Cabinet Office is reduced over the course of this government programme.

Q2 2023

CM 8.3


The Cabinet Office will actively support better delivery across government by:

- Coordinating improvement activity, developing systems that support and ensuring consistent focus on efficiency, effectiveness and value for money

- Improving corporate performance indicators and performance management, increasing focus on delivery and simplifying reporting demands on departments

- The new Delivery Unit providing improvement expertise to support delivery of key Council of Ministers priorities (e.g., children’s social care, recruitment, key worker accommodation)

- The Corporate Portfolio Management Office embedding the Government of Jersey’s Programme and Project Delivery Frameworks, in accordance with the Public Finances Manual, to support successful change delivery, the realisation of benefits and outcomes


CM 9.1

Developing the Council of Ministers’ Common Population Policy for presentation to the States Assembly, in line with the requirements of the States of Jersey, by end June 2023.

See Legislation Programme below

Q3 2023

CM 9.2

Re-structuring operational systems to effectively manage responsive migration controls.

Implementation of the new Migration IT support system will be completed in Q1. Digital registration cards will be implemented in Q3.

Q3 2023

CM 9.3

CM 9.4

Providing resources to collect accurate and timely statistics on populations trends including migration and immigration volumes and analysis.

Leading the Population and Skills Ministerial Group which will provide a central political forum for matters relating to population policy, the employment market and the skills needs of the Island.

Statistics Jersey will revise the population estimates back to 2011 to be consistent with the change in population between the 2011 and 2021 Censuses. It will also produce updated population projections.

Drawing on Covid Recovery funds, Statistics Jersey will also produce some experimental population statistics based on data already held by government.

The Chief Statistician will review all the above, to provide more robust

This Gl rtioup widll mieet triegulatrltyi tthirouighfotut 2023 to support co-ordinated, balanced, and sustainable government policy on population and skills, and to

monitor implementation.

Q4 2023


CM 9.5

Updating the 2(1)(e) policy to enhance the economic, social, and benefits to the Island from a fewer number of 2(1)(e) applicants, while valuing our high value resident community. This will include a review of available performance data and industry-engagement.

Industry engagement will be completed and policy and legislation changes for a new and enhanced 2(1)(e) regime will be brought forward.



December Status

vs By When

December Revised

date if delayed

December Commentary Update

On Track


The Council of Ministers has established a Value For Money programme to ensure that the Government is delivering 'value for money', and focusing spending on areas that matter most, ensuring that the right services are being delivered efficiently and effectively. The Cabinet Office is on track to deliver £273,000 savings as committed in the 2023 Government Plan, with a further £975,000 of savings committed to in 2024.

The objectives agreed for the Interim Chief Executive Officer include identifying five pragmatic and deliverable options to simplify public service delivery with material efficiencies by the end of 2025. This includes the review of key functions within the newly- formed Cabinet Office, and identifying opportunities to increase productivity within and across its services.

On Track


  1. Focus on efficiences and effectiveness of activities and systems has been achieved through:

- Implementation and update of the internal Government system Connect, delivered by the Integrated Technology Solution Programme, to provide a better quality of data and information.

- Participation in the BeHeard employee engagement staff survey, supporting continuous improvement where needed.

- Coordinating the Government Plan for 2024, detailing how public funds will be used in a prudent and effective way.

  1. Performance reporting and management:

- during the year work has taken place to improve the Annual Report and Accounts, to deliver Delivery Plan Progress Reports;

- to improve service performance measures and other corporate performance indicators and

- to support the Interim Chief Executive Officer in respect of the setting of performance objectives for Chief Officers.

- further improvements to performance reporting and management will remain a focus into 2024.

  1. The Delivery Unit supports multiple departments to deliver Council of Minister priorities. Completed work includes:

- A cross-departmental project to define, test and propose a centralised service to allocate and oversee access to government key worker accommodation, realising significant cost savings (c. £80k pcm for HCS)

- Piloting a cohort recruitment model which supported improvements to the Government of Jersey recruitment, focussing on teaching assistants, teachers and social care workers.

- Support to HCS recruitment, which afforded a clear improvement approach and plan.

The work of the Delivery Unit will continue into 2024 with support having been provided to Children’s Social Care and the Housing Delivery Function.

  1. The Corporate Portfolio Management Office (CPMO) have been continuing work to embed and iterate the project delivery frameworks with input from end users. This has included conducting assurance and gap analysis reviews of 'in-flight' projects and making recommendations for improved governance and project management practices. The CPMO has led activity to confirm the projects to close at the end of 2023 and have been working with departments to confirm lessons learned from these projects to include in the lessons register. In preparation for 2024, the CPMO has met with each department to confirm their 2024 projects and to prepare for their initiation once approved. A further review of framework compliance will be undertaken in Q1 2024.



The annual Common Population Policy report was published in June 2023 and further reports will be published annually.


Q1 2024

The Digital Registration Card capability has been developed and is technically ready to be included in an Alpha release of the new Online Services Hub, although there is ongoing delay to the project due to some additional work required.

On Track


The admin data linkage work has enabled Statistics Jersey to publish revised population and migration estimates for 2011 to 2021.

Subject to States Assembly decisions, the 2024 - 2027 Government Plan provides ongoing funding for the admin data linkage work, which will give Statistics Jersey the opportunity in 2024 to further develop population estimates (for example, cohort analyses).

On Track


The final meeting of the year is scheduled for 19 December, focusing on population projections for the medium term and identifying solutions to labour shortages against an ageing population trend.



New legislation approved in July and policy statement issued in November 2024. The work priority is now on encouraging entrepeneurs to relocate (including progressing inward investment criteria and strategy) and philanphropic giving.




Supporting the organisation to become more efficient, accountable and responsive through use of information technology

Key improvements will include:

- Updating the Digital Strategy to deliver real improvements to services for Islanders, building on the Online Services Hub, Digital identification, and expansion of Digital Services.

- Development of an Integrated Data Strategy to bring together common data from across the organisation, as key to better digital services.

- Ongoing process improvement including rollout of an IT Delivery Framework, an M&D Programme Management Office (PMO), Service Digitisation, Digital Health and Records Transformation.

- Development of appropriate metrics to enable close progress monitoring.

- Ensuring that appropriate training is provided to enable users to take advantage of new technology when it is deployed.

- Significantly reducing the amount of paper and ink used by the organisation.

Further improve resilience of our systems through the Microsoft (MS) Foundations Programme (Major Project).

Migrating remaining mailboxes to Microsoft 365.

Implementing security, cloud standards, and a secure, scalable cloud platform and environment.

Migrating unstructured data to SharePoint online and decommissioning legacy content management systems.

Rebuilding the GoJ Active Directory.



Maintaining and improving Corporate Services

Key improvement actions will include:

- The Integrated Technology Solution (ITS) will modernise and integrate systems, and support online services for citizens. .

- Introducing a new audit process to provide assurance to the States Employment Board (SEB) and Executive Leadership Team (ELT) on the effectiveness of Health & Safety risk management. Work with departments on H&S will continue too

- Enhancing Business Continuity Impact Assessments, and testing Recovery Plans to ensure effective mitigations are in place to prevent service disruption

- Supporting planning for the move to a new Headquarters

- Progressing decarbonisation plans for the organisation, including proposals for fleet electrification and heating transition



Maintaining and improving People Services

Key improvement actions will include:

- Targeted assistance and wellbeing support (e.g., lower earners)

- A new careers portal

- New reward strategy, and revision of offers for key areas of expertise including teachers,

teaching assistants, social work and healthcare.

- Improvement, and standardisation where appropriate, of terms and conditions across key workforce groups



Maintaining Policy, Strategy and Planning Services for Ministers

Key improvement actions will include:

- Supporting Ministers in prioritisation of the Legislation Programme, where resources are constrained, or new priorities emerge

- Continuous focus on staff wellbeing and development to underpin productivity


MTR P7.1

Publishing the National Strategy for Combatting Money Laundering, the Financing of Terrorism and the Financing of Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction 2022-2026 and associated action plan.

The National Strategy for Combatting Money Laundering, the Financing of Terrorism and the Financing of Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction 2022-2026 and associated action plans was published in December 2022. It contains 33 Actions which are deliverable by agency and time bound for delivery. These will be measured during 2023.


MTR P7.2

Chairing the Financial Crime Political Steering Group, which takes strategic policy decisions, ensures national cooperation between all agencies and monitors the delivery of the national action plan.

Regular Financial Crime Political Steering Group meetings will take place, ensuring national cooperation between all agencies and monitors the delivery of the national action plan and progress towards the 2023 MONEYVAL evaluation. The National Financial Crime Workplan will continue to detail all current projects and is integrated with the National Financial Crime Strategy and the preparation for MONEYVAL.

Q4 2023


December Status

vs By When

December Revised

date if delayed

December Commentary Update

On Track


Work is underway and on track for delivery by January 2024 for a Proof of Concept for a Data Services Platform. The Data Services Platform is a key enabler for executing the data strategy which connects government services together and faclitates better analytics and decision making.

In Digital Health the Electronic Patient Record programme has focussed on an embedding/optimisation phase and is now working on Release 3 which provides additional functionality for the hospital that will deliver the following benefits:

- Reduction in paper and a move to electronic clinical noting

- Improved efficiency by reducing duplicated tasks and better integrations between systems, e.g. GP referrals to HCS

- Increased clinical IT devices e.g. tables and Computer on Wheels

- Integration of clinical devices into IMS Maxims (EPR)

M&D PMO has further improved portfolio reporting for digital programmes and projects, working alongside the CPMO.

Microsoft Foundation is reaching conclusion at the end of the year having delivered upgraded Microsoft services to everyone working in Government of Jersey.

The Online Services Hub is currently in 'Alpha phase' and is being tested internally within Government.



Corporate and People Services have transitioned business continuity services to a new platform and alert system. This has been tested and activated during the recent storm. More assurance around workforce data has taken place, however, alongside consulting Statistics Jersey on a publication schedule. The new accomodation for key workers service is live. Connect People is now live and due to be rolled out across the Public Service in stages.

On Track


Work is underway and on track for delivery by January 2024 for a Proof of Concept for a Data Services Platform. The Data Services Platform is a key enabler for executing the data strategy which connects government services together and faclitates better analytics and decision making.

The Online Services Hub is currently in 'Alpha phase' and is being tested internally within Government.

On Track


Quarterly updates are provided to Chief Minister and updates are also provided to the Council of Ministers. The legislative programme for 2024 was agreed and published in September.



Competent Authorities provided updates against the Actions in September and progress has been noted at the PSG. The aggregated upate of the Action Items has also been published in November 2023.



Meetings of the PSG are undertaken on a monthly basis and progress of the workplan is being monitored.



MTR P7.3

Implementing measures to ensure that, from 2023, all financial crime agencies will regularly report data on their effectiveness which drives national policy.

The Government has build a national financial crime statistics database which will drive evidence based policy making concerning financial crime risk in Jersey. During 2023 this will be populated along with analysis and recommendations will be considered in the National Financial Crime Structure.

Q4 2023

MTR P8.1

Implementing and overseeing an effective national structure to prepare for and to conduct the upcoming evaluation.

The MONEYVAL Preparation Group ( - the “MPG” made up of technical officials - as MONEYVAL is a technical assessment) will continue to meet and manage the process of preparing thorough written material, along with planning preparation for the on-site visit, briefing authorities and industry and liaising with the MONEYVAL Secretariat. The MPG will report to the Political Steering Group on this work.

Q4 2023

MTR P8.2

Delivering the strongest possible result for the Island, and quickly reacting to findings of what will be a critical evaluation for Jersey’s international reputation.

Officials will thoroughly prepare for the evaluation by working on the required mutual evaluations documents and evidence in working groups and co- ordinating a whole island response to the evaluation. Officials will continue to engage with the MONEYVAL Secretariat, other MONEYVAL countries and in the FATF to ensure that best practice in evaluations is adopted from all available sources. After the on-site, and upon receipt of the draft Report, officials will work to look to prioritise and schedule the responses to the Recommended Actions, for effective delivery after the report is adopted in Summer 2024.


MTR P10.1

Developing and implementing a strategic roadmap for sustainable finance.

Develop, consult, publish and commence implementation of a roadmap for sustainable finance.

Q4 2023

MTR P10.2

Enhancing industry’s ability to take advantage of the opportunities created by fintech.

 Implement outcomes of digital ID consultation, work with industry to develop implementation of Open Banking, review virtual assets from a conduct & market opportunities perspective

Q4 2023

MTR P10.3

Enhancing consumer protections through implementing a consumer lending legislation and a comprehensive framework for pension regulation.

Consult over and lodge legislation for consumer lending.

Q4 2023

MTR P10.4

Updating Jersey’s financial regulatory framework, including a new memorandum of understanding.

 Update Jersey’s financial regulatory framework, including a new memorandum of understanding with Jersey Financial Services Commission and annual letter of expectations for the Commission.

Q1 2023


December Status

vs By When

December Revised

date if delayed

December Commentary Update

On Track


The database is expected to go live this month (December 2023).



MPG meetings are undertaken on a weekly basis and preparations to respond to the draft MER are being made.

On Track


As part of the MPG, working groups along the different IOs have been established in order to ensure a timely and effective response to the draft MER and the proposed Recommended Actions.

On Track


An initial draft of a roadmap for Sustainable Finance has been provided. However, work is required to ensure accessibility.

On Track


The legislative change has been delivered. Scoping work continues on open banking/virtual assets wich are longer term projects.



The intention remains to lodge primary law in January 2024. Changes to pensions legislation is also being finalised.



It was agreed that this matter would be deferred to post-MONEYVAL assessment to enable a fully informed decision around both the regulatory framework and overall relationship with the regulator.