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Letter - HSS Scrutiny Panel to Minister for Health re Public Quarterly Hearing Follow up Items - 11 September 2023

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Deputy Karen Wilson

Minister for Health and Social Services


11th September 2023

Health and Social Security Panel Quarterly Hearing - Residual Questions

Dear Minister,

The Health and Social Services Scrutiny Panel would like to thank you for attending the Quarterly Hearing held on 7th September 2023. There were a number of items identified during the Hearing that required further information to be given to the Panel:

The number of recommendations that have been undertaken to date in respect of the previous HSS Panel's review of Maternity Services, and the details of those from other reviews.

Summary of results of dementia consultation.

In addition, we would be grateful if you could answer the following questions, which were not asked during the Hearing due to time constraints.

Fee Increase for Private Patients

  1. Please can you explain how an adjustment of 1% to “allow for the underlying higher rate of medical inflation” was calculated?
  2. Please  may  you  advise  on  why  a  retrospective  increase  of  2.5%  has  been recommended for 2021, when no increase was implemented at the time following a detailed costing review?
  3. Given the current problems with waiting lists for services, in particular for MRI and ultrasound, do you think increasing fees by 6% will leave patients with less choices which could have a detrimental impact on their health?

a)  What data has been collected that shows how many patients who have attempted to access public health care have ended up accessing private health care, without health care insurance, due to waiting lists?

Substance Use Strategy

  1. During the publication of the Strategy, the Panel was disappointed with the lack of accompanying promotion, including no social media posts. Can you explain why this was?
  1. Have the Substance Use Service Forum and Substance Use Strategic groups been set-up yet? If not, when do you expect this to happen?
  2. Given that Jersey Tobacco Strategy ended in 2022, what is the rationale for not including smoking or vaping in the Strategy?
  3. In the most recent Public Hearing of the CEHA Scrutiny Panel, the Minister for Home Affairs said that the Public Health Jersey team will be able to monitor the impact of the Strategy from a health perspective.
  1. Please may you explain which health outcomes will be monitored by Public Health Jersey?
  2. Will you be prescribing any specific success milestones for the Strategy?
  3. How often will these outcomes be published?
  1. Will you be involved in the in-committee debate on the potential decriminalisation of illicit substances? If so, are you able to share your thoughts on how Island health could be impacted by decriminalisation?

Electronic Patient Records

  1. Have any issues been raised by Consultant Staff or others in regard to the new system?

a)  If so, what are these?

Delayed Discharges

  1. Has you and the Health CEO and Executive Team given any more thought about reopening the 12 beds on Samares and the 12 beds on Oak Ward based at Rosewood house? If not, what are these areas being used for now and going forward?

Please could you provide your response within five working days of receipt of this letter. In line with usual procedure the response will be published on the States Assembly Website.

Yours sincerely,

Deputy Rob Ward

Chair, Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel