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Letter - MSS to CSSP - People and Culture Follow up Review - Department specific response - 18 August 2023

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19-21 Broad Street | St Helier Jersey | JE2 4WE

Deputy Sam Mézec States Assembly Morier House

St Helier


18th August 2023

Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel People and Culture Follow-up Review

Thank you for your letter dated 2nd August 2023. As requested, please see below responses to the Panel’s queries with specific reference to my department, Customer and Local Services.

  1. The internal processes and procedures in your department which can be used by employees  to  address  complaints  and  grievances  including  for  inappropriate behaviour, bullying and harassment. We are aware that there are set States of Jersey policies relating to these matters, however we would like to know the specific process that would be followed by employees within your department.

Employees can raise concerns with their Line Mangers or their Line Manager’s Line Manager. A concern may also be raised via the helpline or from information received directly into People and Corporate Services. We expect Line Mangers to act swiftly to resolve concerns, to benefit all those involved. We place a strong emphasis on resolving concerns informally to give the best opportunity for a successful outcome to all parties. If the matter cannot be resolved an investigation may be required and the Government of Jersey policies and procedures relating to the specific matter would be followed.  

  1. Whether  any  internal  employee  processes  and  procedures  followed  in  your department differ from those within other departments and, if so, how and why. For example, we note that there is a Freedom to Speak Up Guardian in the Health and Community Services Department to ensure that the voices and concerns of staff are heard and acted upon.

The processes followed by the Department for Customer and Local Services are in line with the overall Government approach.

  1. The relevant officer(s) in your department available to employees as a first point of contact to raise concerns or grievances.

The Line Manger or the Line Managers Manager or a member of People and Corporate Services. If the employee does not wish to raise their concerns with their Line Manager, they can contact HR Case Management or contact the dedicated speak-up line.  

Customer and Local Services also facilitate regular HR drop-in sessions within the department, providing employees with the opportunity to participate in in-person discussions with HR representatives on various subjects.

  1. What management information is available to your senior leadership team to enable you to gauge or measure the numbers of informal or formal concerns, grievances or disciplinary actions and how your management information is gathered and recorded.

All Members of the Leadership Team have access to an Operational Dashboard. Due to the nature of the information relating to grievances and disciplinary action details are held on a separate Case Management dashboard which is the subject of monthly meetings between the Business Partner and the Case Management team which is then fed into the departmental senior leadership team as and when required.  

Line Managers have a responsibility to act swiftly to resolve any informal concerns. Any formal concerns relating to Disciplinary and Grievance matters are recorded by the Case Management Team. The HR Business Partner provides management information to their Senior Leadership Teams and report on the outcomes and any learning from the specific cases.  

  1. The challenges, if any, within your department in improving and maintaining a satisfactory workplace culture.

Customer and Local Services have no unique challenges however would encounter challenges that are in line with those faced by other government departments such as high-level organisational change and high turnover.

  1. Whether your department has any trade union shop stewards or representatives and, if so, the type of relationship held with those people to assist with resolving employee matters that are brought to the department’s attention.

Customer and Local Services have a Union representative who engages in quarterly meetings with the Chief Officer and HR Business Partner. In instances where necessary, either party will arrange ad-hoc meetings. The rapport between the Union Representative and the department is constructive, serving as a strong tool to address employee issues and matters. It's important to note that the Union representative's involvement in individual grievances is dependent upon their inclusion as part of a case management process and upon specific request.

  1. Specific actions taken within your department to improve staff wellbeing and morale.

Customer and Local Services have a wellbeing team who as part of their role will help organise regular work and social events. They also arrange regular "back to the floor" sessions, during which a member of the Senior Leadership Team visits specific areas and engages in discussions with employees about their tasks and potential improvements that could be implemented.

There is a new Colleague Support Network which is due to be implemented within the department shortly. As Customer and Local Services deal with a wide variety of situations and circumstances, this network will assist if a colleague experiences a difficult or upsetting situation where they feel they require some support. In addition to this network, there is a number of mental health first aiders within the department.  

Customer and Local Services place significant emphasis on acknowledging excellent contributions by their employees, facilitated through monthly awards and recognition aligned with the core values. A dedicated People Culture Plan, overseen by a board, including employee representatives, convenes on a monthly basis to discuss potential modifications, adjustments, or innovations in actions and processes aimed at further enriching the departmental morale.

  1. The creation or improvements of strategy, policy, and procedures in your department for the benefit of employee welfare and workplace culture implemented since the start of the new States Assembly term.

A key focus of the P&CS function has been on the review and update of key policies in line with the six published States of Jersey Codes of Practise.  

The policy suite has been rewritten from the start to reflect modern, clear, and good management practice.  

The first toolkit of the policy suite is completed and published and is focussed on:  

Dignity and Respect at Work  

Resolving Grievances  



These have been rolled out, with the support of the SLT to the Customer and Local Services workforce.  

The overall GoJ People Strategy has led the work of the Customer and Local Services Strategic Workforce plan and the People strategy. The findings from the recent Be Heard survey will be used to refine current plans as necessary

  1. Whether any routine internal department-specific surveys or polls are undertaken

regarding people and workplace culture and the frequency and impact thereof.

Customer and Local Services conduct yearly “pulse” surveys. These are a similar format to the Government wide BeHeard survey, however, using the core question set only.  

  1. Whether when an employee leaves the department, they are automatically offered an exit interview and, if not, why.

The People Hub offer all employees when leaving an exit interview. These are on-line exit interviews. The employee is asked if we can contact them to discuss in more detail any of the answers they have given. This process is currently under review by the People and Corporate Services Policy Team.  

  1. Whether there are any emerging themes that can be taken from previous exit interviews?

Exit interviews are reviewed to establish any emerging themes, by the People and Corporate Services Policy Team. Any emerging themes and or concerns are escalated to the departments HR Business Partner and or escalated to the relevant Chief Officer. There are none to report presently.  

  1. Whether the Minister or Chief Officer works with the HR Business Partner to resolve

concerns, the process that is followed and whether you have identified any challenges or concerns with the process that you have identified.

The Chief Officer of Customer and Local Services will work with the HR Business Partner to resolve high-level concerns. They will also involve any other team or individual who would be considered specialists relevant to the concern, such as the case management team. The approach will adhere to the established policies and protocols of the Government of Jersey pertaining to the particular concern.  

  1. Any  historic  concerns  or  issues  in  relation  to  any  of  the  above  within  your department.

There has been no documented historic concerns or issues in relation to any of the above within Customer and Local Services.  

  1. Any other issues that the Panel should consider as part of its review in line with the Terms of Reference for the review, which can be found on the review page.

At present, not aware of any relevant issues.

I trust that the above responses are of use to the Panel as part of its review. Yours sincerely,

Deputy Elaine Millar Minister for Social Security