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From TRM re Procurement and Commercial Services

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19-21 Broad Street | St Helier Jersey | JE2 3RR

Deputy Steve Ahier

Vice Chair – Hospital Review Panel BY EMAIL

31st July 2024

Dear Deputy Ahier ,

RE: Hospital Review Panel: Procurement and Commercial Services

Thank you for your letter dated 24th July 2024. Please see the below in answer to the Panel's questions:

  1. Please can you provide details about the approvals process for the procurement of Programme services?

The approvals process for the procurement of Programme services is managed within the overall Programme governance which comprises three tiers; Political, Programme and Project, with escalating levels of financial approval as shown within Diagram 1.0.

Diagram 1.0 - NHF Programme Governance Structure

The Programme Level group determines the overall direction and approach to procurement activity  considering  market  engagement  and  readiness,  specific  technical  commercial requirements and preparation of procurement strategies.

Commercial Services is a member of the Commercial Management Group (CMG), which meet monthly.The CMG is an advisory function within the FMG and FMG is accountable to the SROB. All Programme procurements are subject to publicised Commercial Services guidance and compliance with the Public Finances Manual (PFM).

The overall governance framework is set out in the Programme and Project manuals which are enclosed as Appendices 1- NHF Programme Manual and 2, NHF Project Manual. Approvals are in line with the Programmes delegated Scheme of Authority (SoA).

  1. Please can you provide details about engagement between Commercial Services and the Programme Team to date?

Commercial Services and some members of the New Healthcare Facilities Programme (NHFP) Team meet monthly at the Programme CMG and informally, as required. The CMG Group focuses upon compliance with the Public Finances Law (2019) and the Public Finances Manual to advise where this is being followed and to ensure that procurement practice and governance is followed.

Commercial Services assists the Programme with document templates for use within NHF procurement exercises. It provides best practice advice regarding value for money and contract terms and conditions to ensure adequate contingency in alignment with industry norms, performance measurement, contractual protection and flexibility.  

In addition, the Interim Director Commercial Services is an attendee at a Senior Principals meeting. This is a monthly, strategic meeting chaired by the Chief Officer of Infrastructure, or the Programme Director where the Principals of each of the key contractors on the New Healthcare Facilities Programme discuss future direction given UK and International context. It is not a decision-making forum.

There has been some need to establish timings between the Programme and Commercial Services to ensure adequacy of review and input. The Programme is developing its pipeline to ensure this occurs.

a)  Please can you provide details about any planned engagement between Commercial Services and the Programme Team?  

Recent engagement has become more formal with the addition of a draft TOR (attached as Appendix 3- CMG TOR) .

Commercial Services shall be engaged appropriately for advice as the programme undertakes any formal market engagement.

  1. During its Public Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services on 12th July 2024, the Panel was informed that contractors had been encouraged to look for

 pp i i s d k w ks h , i h 's is online portal. Please can you provide an overview of the Programme opportunities that have been listed on the Proactis online portal to date?

Previous (i.e. completed) and Current Projects Published:


Project ID

Project Title

Process Start Date


Overdale Reprovision Project (FLQS) (Started under OHP programme and concluded under NHFP Programme)



GoJ-Q-HCS Topographical Survey



GI Survey St Saviours Hospital



GOJ HCS Utilities Survey St Saviour's Hospital



Overdale Topographical Survey



Overdale, Kensington Place & St Saviours GI Survey



Kensington Place Hoarding Requirements



NHF Cost Management Advisory Services



GoJ-NHFP-T Phased asbestos removal and demolition of the healthcare facilities on the Overdale Hospital site



GoJ-NHF-T Condition Surveys



GoJ-NHF-T-New Healthcare Facilities Utility Surveys



GoJ-NHF-T-New Healthcare Facilities - St Ewolds Refurbishment Works - Health & Safety Project Coordinator (HSPC)



Samares at St Ewolds Refurbishment works



GoJ-NHF-T-New Healthcare Facilities - Acute Hospital and associated works/areas - Health & Safety Project Coordinator (HSPC)



GoJ - NHF - FM Hub (reconfiguration of Mulcaster House, formerly Jersey Water) – Architectural, Civil and Structural Services, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Services and Quantity Surveyor/Cost Engineering Services – 4 separate tenders



GoJ - NHF - Westmount Terrace Apartments - Architectural Services



GoJ - NHF - Westmount Terrace Apartments - Structural & Civil Engineering Services




GoJ - NHF - Westmount Terrace Apartments - Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Services



GoJ - NHF - Westmount Terrace Apartments - Quantity Surveyor/Cost Advisor Services


Table 1.0 Completed and Current Projects Published

Methodology for Proactis information: (Search using NHFP and individual team member details 29/7/24). Note – there would have been previous Proactis entries relating to previous schemes that are not included in this list.

Please note: The NHF Programme succeeded the Our Hospital Project, where previous procurements were held on the Proactis platform. For clarity, the listed procurements above were specifically undertaken under the NHF Programme only.

a)  Please can you provide timescales for upcoming Programme projects that will be made available through the Proactis online portal?

The following is a list of projects within the NHF and target dates, for which procurement strategies  are  currently  being  considered  within  the  overall  objectives of  the  programme, including value for money and optimising opportunities for local companies. How each of these will be advertised to markets will be confirmed after more work has been done on the individual procurement strategies, as well in some circumstances, the development of briefs, initial concept designs and regulatory approvals. Further informal market engagement will also take place to inform the procurement of the Overdale Acute main works.

Some works may not require individual procurements. Note also that this list is subject to further development

Please note table has been redacted due to commercial sensitivity. Yours sincerely

Deputy Elaine Millar

Minister - Treasury and Resources

D +44 (0)1534 440215 E

Appendices –

Appendix 1 – New Healthcare Facility Programme Manual.

Appendix 2 – New Healthcare Facility Project Manual

Appendix 3 – New Healthcare Facility Commercial Management Group Terms of Reference