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Letter - CSSP to Minister for Treasury and Resources re Central Reserve Allocation - 2 April 2024

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States Greffe

Deputy Elaine Millar

Minister for Treasury and Resources

BY EMAIL 2nd April 2024 Dear Minister,

Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Teachers Pay Award: Allocation of Reserve Funding for 2024

The Panel met earlier today and discussed the recent Ministerial Decision (MD) - MD-TR-2024- 217 - made by you on 20th March 2024 to approve an allocation of up to £7,556,000 to the Children, Young People, Education and Skills Head of Expenditure from the Central Reserve to cover the  budget  allocation  of the  2024  teacher’s  pay  award.  The Panel  requests further information on the decision-making process in reaching the decision, particularly in relation to allocating the funds from the Central Reserve Fund.

The Panel recalled the following statement from the Government Plan 2024-27 in respect of allocating funds from the Central Reserve:

The Central Reserve is held outside of operational expenditure limits, and can be used to meet unforeseen pressures, or to provide advance funding for urgent expenditure in the public interest. In each year, amounts are held to manage fluctuations in benefit expenditure due to economic changes, and to allow one-off funding for emerging issues.

Therefore, the Panel is keen to understand the policy and process for allocating funds from the Central Reserve, and requests clarification on the following:

When the decision to allocate the funds from the Central Reserve was taken and by whom.

Who was involved in the decision-making process and how it was recorded.

The criteria used for justifying the allocation of funds from the Central Reserve for the circumstances as outlined in the MD.

The balance of the Central Reserve prior to the allocation being made as well as the current balance of the Fund.

The policy for allocating funds from the Central Reserve and the governance process in that regard.

The Panel would appreciate to receive a formal written response detailing this information by no later than Wednesday 10th April 2024. Please be aware that it is the Panel’s intention to publish the response it receives on the States Assembly Website.

Yours Sincerely,

Deputy Helen Miles


Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel