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States Greffe
Connétable Andy Jehan , Minister for Infrastructure BY EMAIL
6 December 2024
Dear Minister,
St Helier Youth Facility
In the Budget 2025 – 2028[1] (recently debated and approved as amended by the States Assembly) the project to develop a new St Helier Youth Facility is referred to on pages 51 and 56, respectively, as follows.
The Common Strategic Policy recognises the need to revitalise St Helier and this priority is given life through new initiatives in this Budget including a bold new Youth Facility project the preferred site for which would support the wider redevelopment underway at Ann Street and give a new lease of life to the derelict Ann Street Brewery.
New Schools and Educational Developments [head of expenditure] provides funding for a town-based school at Gas Place in later years and also features new funding for a youth facility proposed for the Ann Street Brewery site.
The Panel would be grateful if you could provide information on the current status and timeline for this project, to include the following:
- The current delivery point the project has reached on the Capital (Infrastructure) Project Delivery Framework as outlined by the Corporate Portfolio Management Office.
- The next anticipated steps for the project in Q1 and Q2 of 2025.
- The status of any change of use application for the preferred site.
- The anticipated timeline to completion.
- Whether the project has been included on the Island Construction and Engineering Programme (ICE).
We look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely,
Deputy Hilary Jeune
Chair, Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel