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Letter- EHI to the Minister for the Environment re Marine Spatial Plan Review Launch - 19 July 2024

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States Greffe

Deputy Steve Luce Minister for Environment

BY EMAIL 22nd July 2024

Dear Minister,

Environment, Housing, and Infrastructure Panel Marine Spatial Plan Review

I write to inform you that the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel has agreed to undertake a review of the Marine Spatial Plan, lodged on 19th July 2024 and due to be debated on 22nd October 2022.

The Terms of Reference of the review are as follows:

  1. To investigate whether the Marine Spatial Plan achieves the correct balance between commercial activity, leisure activity, the Island's cultural heritage and the needs of the natural environment. To include:
  1. Evaluation of the validity of the consultation process undertaken and the weighting and assessment of feedback received.
  2. The impact on the fishing and marine leisure industries.
  3. The impact on the marine environment.
  4. The impact on Jersey's marine heritage and culture.
  1. To assess the decision-making process and rationale in reducing the percentage of the Marine Protected Areas and the impact of this decision on Jersey's ambition to meet international obligations and standards.
  2. To examine whether the Marine Spatial Plan has been developed in accordance with best international practice.
  3. To determine whether the Marine Spatial Plan works in alignment with those developed by and for neighbouring jurisdictions.
  4. Whether political and international pressure had an impact on how the Marine Spatial Plan was developed.
  5. To examine the structures developed for monitoring the successful implementation of the Marine Spatial Plan and whether successful implementation will provide the information required to inform the next Island Plan.

Our  Officers  will  liaise  with  your  Private  Secretary  in  due  course  to  request  relevant documentation and to arrange a Public Hearing on this matter. The Panel will put out a public call for evidence and will be inviting stakeholders and members of the public to submit their views.

Should you need any further information please contact the Panel's Committee and Panel Officer Anna Thorne at

We look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely,

Deputy Hilary Jeune

Chair, Environment, Housing, and Infrastructure Panel