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Letter - EIA to MSED - Quarterly Hearing Follow Up

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States Greffe

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Minister for Sustainable Economic Development


21st November 2024 Dear Minister,

Public Hearing

Thank you for your attendance upon the Panel at our Public Hearing on 20th November 2024. As discussed, there were a number of questions that the Panel was unable to ask during the scheduled time and would be grateful if information on the following points could please be provided:

Agricultural Loans Scheme

  1. The Panel notes that the Agricultural Loan scheme re-opened earlier this month, can you confirm how many expressions of interest have been submitted thus far?
  2. The Panel notes that Jersey Business is managing the application process, please can you specify its duties and confirm what oversight is in place?
  3. Is it your intention to collect feedback on the application process? And, if so, how will this be reviewed and implemented moving forward?
  4. When do you expect the first loan to be issued?
  5. How will the outcome of loan decisions be communicated to applicants?
  6. Will there be an appeals or reapplication process available?
  7. Can you confirm when the independent board members will be appointed to the Advisory Board?
  8. Do you know when the Advisory Board is due to meet to review the first round of applications?
  9. Is it still your intention to revise the primary legislation to include fish farming in your legislative programme for 2025 and can you provide more clarity on the timeframe for this workstream?

Cyber Defence (Jersey) Law

  1. Can you update the Panel on the current status of the amendment to the Cyber Defence (Jersey) Law?
  1. Can you confirm that the planned third consultation has taken place and provide any detail on the responses received to date?
  2. Is it still your intention to lodge the amendment by the end of the year, as committed to in our previous hearing?
  3. When can the Panel expect to receive the final draft?
  4. Can you confirm whether a final decision has been made regarding the timeframe for the reporting of incidents?
  5. Has progress been made on the definition of the operators of essential services?
  6. When can businesses impacted by this amendment expect to receive educational support or additional related information?
  7. How do you anticipate the staffing and resourcing of the Jersey Cyber Security Centre to be affected by the Law's implementation?

Furthermore, the Panel kindly requests the following additional information offered during the hearing:

Jersey  Business  guidelines  and  governance  procedures  for  the  Social,  Environment Economic Enterprise Pathway

A copy of the Digital Economy Strategy and an updated actions list identifying progress made

Any information on the number of Jersey retail businesses that have opened and closed in the past 12 months

Purpose of ambulatory referencing in regard to the implementation of the International Maritime Organisation's Instruments.

We would be grateful if you could respond no later than Thursday 28th November 2024 in line with the 5 working days approved for responses between Scrutiny Panels and Ministers.

If you have any questions regarding this or our work in general, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please note that unless otherwise stated, all letters will be uploaded to the Scrutiny website as a matter of course.

Yours sincerely,

Deputy Montfort Tadier


Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel