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Letter - HSS minister re maternity services and strategy - 18 April 2024

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Deputy Tom Binet

Minister for Health and Social Services

BY EMAIL 18th April 2024

Health and Social Security Panel Maternity Services

Dear Minister,

I am writing to you to invite yourself, Officers and the recently appointed Director of Midwifery and Nursing, Roslyn Bullen-Bell, to brief the Health and Social Security Panel regarding the previous recommendations from the Review of Maternity Services (S.R.9/2021), and an update on the achievement of each recommendation.

The Panel is aware that the Maternity Strategy is due to be published in June 2024 and a draft version is/nearly complete and being shared with key stakeholders and the Health and Community Services Leadership Team. The Panel would be grateful if you could also share, in confidence, a copy of the draft Strategy with the Panel ahead of the previously mentioned briefing taking place. In addition, I believe it would be beneficial to include a focus on the Maternity Strategy during the briefing so that the Panel can understand how the Strategy relates to any of the Review recommendations and any additional areas that may have been identified.

Moreover, the Panel would be grateful to understand how safety has been considered within the Maternity Strategy, ensuring that the Strategy appropriately safeguards women and ensures women are made to feel safe.

The Panel would be grateful for your written response within five working days of receipt of this letter, 25th April 2024.

We look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely,

Deputy Louise Doublet

Chair, Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel

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