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States Greffe
Deputy Rob Ward
Minister for Education and Lifelong Learning BY EMAIL
10th May 2024 Dear Minister,
Follow-up matters from the Public Hearing on 2nd May 2024
Thank you for attending the quarterly public hearing last week, together with your Officers, your time is much appreciated.
The Panel had one further question in its planned list, that it was unable to ask during the time allocated for the hearing, namely:
1. Please can you summarise your top priorities for the remainder of this electoral term and, also advise if there are any other areas not already discussed with the Panel that you intend to focus on during your term of office?
During the hearing the Panel also heard that:
• updates could be made to the public information available on the keeping your child safe online' page on the Government's website. Please could the Panel be updated about any changes to that publicly shared information?
• work is underway to develop workstreams around' lifelong learning' for benefit in the short term. We'd be grateful if you could provide further details on this, for the Panel's interest.
• in relation to the changes made to student finance for four-year courses, it was confirmed that affected students were being contacted about the change. Please could you confirm how the affected students and families have been contacted about this.
Thank you in advance for your assistance. The Panel looks forward to your formal response and would request this is received by Friday 17th May 2024.
Yours sincerely,
Deputy Catherine Curtis
Children, Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel
Scrutiny Office | States Greffe | Morier House | St Helier | Jersey | JE1 1DD Tel: 01534 441080 | Fax: 01534 441077 | email: