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Letter - Minister for Sustainable Economic Development to Economic and International Affairs Panel re Events Regulations - 03 September 2024

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19-21 Broad Street | St Helier Jersey | JE2 3RR

By email

3rd September 2024 Dear Chair,

Events Regulation

Further to the States Assembly's adoption of P.24/2024  Draft Unlawful Public Entertainments (Jersey) Regulations 202- ("the current Regulations") I am writing to provide an update on the work developing  new  legislation  for  the  regulation  of  events  and  progress  against  the  Panel's recommendations.

I would like to again thank the Panel for its work in this area and particularly for reviewing the current Regulations in a reduced timeframe to allow them to return to the Assembly in July.

I have set out below the progress made against each of the Panel's recommendations to date: Recommendations

  1. Definition of public entertainment

Further to the Panel's recommendation that a definition of a public entertainment be agreed upon, I have written to the Bailiff to propose the below definition taken from the UK Licensing Act 2003.

"Covering entertainment provided solely or partly for members of the public, or exclusively to club members and their guests, or for which a charge is made, which is provided for profit (which will include to raise money for charity). It also covers the provision of entertainment facilities for participating in entertainment."

I would also welcome the Panel's views on this definition before it is published on the relevant pages. It should be noted that this definition is intended to provide clarity to the current events licensing system but does not prejudice the definition to be used in the new primary legislation to be developed.

  1. Content of public entertainment applications

The Panel will be aware that the events page currently provides a summary of what should be included in an event plan, namely details on:

the type of event

how the event is organised

a risk assessment, including the measures taken to make sure any potential and foreseeable risks are being addressed for those taking part or watching the event

how the organiser will seek to lessen any effects that their event may have on other people, such as noise or other nuisance

a site map and event layout

This webpage further provides links to an application form and a link to public health and safety guidance for events. I have written to the Bailiff to ask that he consider how this information might be better presented and disseminated amongst prospective events organisers.

  1. Revision of penalties for breaches

I can confirm that the revision of penalties for breaches in public entertainments legislation is indeed within scope of our new legislation. As this new legislation will be based on Primary Law rather than Customary Law the indefinite fees will be revised to a fixed maximum penalty.

  1. and 5. Timeline for legislation

I can confirm that I remain committed to delivering the Primary Law during this term of office, likely to be in early 2026, and will be pushing for the Regulations to be lodged, or at least provided to the Panel in a mature format, at the same time. I have set out below a timeline for this work, and at this stage this is only indicative since timings will be contingent on law drafting time amongst other factors.

Q3/Q4 2024 identify, secure and appoint project management resources

Initial scope of works for the delivery of the Events Framework, including proposed drafting instructions for a new draft events law, and other affected legislation.

Q4 2024, Formation of Events Project Board who will oversee the development and delivery of the Events Framework

i. Form Project Board and Appoint Project Board Members

ii. Prepare/Agree Strategic Plan

iii. Appoint Working Group Leads

iv. Appoint Working Group Members

v. Agree Working Groups Terms of Reference and Objectives

Q4 2024, Ongoing engagement with stakeholders including events organisers, Parishes, Scrutiny and emergency services, amongst others. This will build on the events workshop held in April 2024.

Q4 2024, identification of preferred events regulator model – for example consider whether the future regime would be better managed from within Government, via an established regulator etc.

Q1 2025, initial law drafting instructions issued to LDO and shared with EIA Panel.

2025 Law drafting process for legislation in coordination with the LDO and LOD.

  • This process will also include drafting on the secondary legislation (Regulations) albeit this may need further time.
  • The time needed for this process will determine the remaining indicative dates in this timeline.

Q3 2025, public consultation on draft legislation with subsequent updates to the draft legislation.

  • This consultation is also likely to include reference to the Regulations (albeit the latter will not be in their final form).

Q4 2025, Final draft legislation prepared and taken to the Council of Ministers – if possible, this should also include a final draft of the Regulations.

Q1 2026, Primary (and if possible secondary) legislation lodged and debated by the States Assembly,

Q2 2026

  • Primary legislation sent to Privy Council for Royal Sanction
  • Events Law registered in Royal Court
  • If not already complete, Secondary legislation (Regulations) brought before the States Assembly by the end of 2026.
  • Q4 2026 onwards, following adoption of secondary legislation, we anticipate a brief "hand-over" period to allow for events organisers to move over to the new regime with minimal disruption.

 If it is decided that a new regulator should be established, then this period would need to include the establishment of this body.

Overall, good progress has been made and I would like to thank all officers within the Department for the Economy for their work this year.

Yours sincerely,

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Minister for Sustainable Economic Development E