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Letter – Hospital Review Panel re Phase 1 Funding Proposals – 30 May 2024

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States Greffe

Deputy Tom Binet

Minister for Health and Social Services

BY EMAIL 30th May 2024

Dear Minister,

Hospital Review Panel: Phase 1 Funding Proposals

Further to the Panel's letter dated 21st May 2024, the Panel recently considered and discussed the funding proposals for Phase 1 of the New Health Care Facilities Programme (NHF').

As part of the information gathering to inform its review work, the Panel has some additional questions and would be grateful if you could provide responses to the following questions by Wednesday 5th June 2024:  

  1. If the funding proposals for delivery of Phase 1 of the NHF are to be included within the Government Plan, as indicated in your letter to the Scrutiny Liaison Committee dated 26th April 2024, please can you confirm what information will be provided within the Government Plan in relation to the funding proposals for the NHF?
  2. Please can you provide more information about how the detail relating to the funding proposals for the NHF will be presented to the States Assembly within the Government Plan?

Yours sincerely,

Deputy Jonathan Renouf Chair

Hospital Review Panel