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States Greffe
Deputy Tom Binet
Minister for Health and Social Services
BY EMAIL 24th July 2024
Dear Minister,
Hospital Review Panel: Public Hearing follow-up questions
Thank you for attending the Public Hearing on Friday 12th July with respect to the Panel's review of the New Healthcare Facilities Programme. The Panel has considered the responses provided during the Public Hearing, and should be grateful if you could provide responses to the following additional questions:
Maintenance of the existing hospital/healthcare estate:
- In response to questioning about the management of risks within the General Hospital, it was advised that approximately £5m per year is allocated to managing risks within the General Hospital. Please can you provide details about the processes that are followed to manage these risks and the allocation of funding to various risks?
- The Panel heard that Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete is an area of focus regarding risk management within the current General Hospital. Please can you provide more information about the various risks identified within the General Hospital and how these risks have been prioritised?
- Please can you provide an overview of the refurbishment works' undertaken to date within the General Hospital, following approval of funds for the Health and Community Services Estate in Government Plan 2024-2027?
- Please can you specify how much has been spent on renovations within the General Hospital?
- The Government Plan 2024-2027 specified the renovation of In-Patient Ward s' and that up to £749k could be spent in 2024. Please could you describe the works undertaken to renovate In-Patient Ward s'?
o How much of the £749k held in Charitable Funds has been utilised for renovation of the In Patient Ward s'?
- Please can you outline any priority maintenance or refurbishment works to take place in the General Hospital for the remainder of 2024?
Strategies informing the development of the Programme:
- During the Public Hearing on 12th July, the Panel was informed regarding the recent Government consultation on the Programme that "about 1,700 people who went to visit the virtual exhibition itself, and we received over 200 responses from that questionnaire. The really good news for us was that the majority of those returns agreed with the strategies that we had set out at the virtual exhibition". Please can you provide detail about all of the strategies that are currently informing the Programme works?
- Please can you provide information about how the strategies that inform or impact on the Programme are being managed?
- How are the strategies being used in practice to inform the projects within the Programme?
- Please can you provide a breakdown of the costs associated with each of these strategies?
- During the Public Hearing, the Panel learned of a "landscaping strategy", please can you provide more information about this?
- The Ministerial Response to the previous Panel's Interim Report stated that "work is underway to develop the workforce strategy for Health and Community Services" and that this "will inform the work being done for the Outline Business Case in summer 2024". Please can you provide an update on the status of the workforce strategy for Health and Community Services?
- To what extent are strategies currently informing works to deliver a healthcare solution that meets the needs of Islanders?
- Please can you provide an update on the works to develop a health strategy?
- How is this work informing the development of projects within the programme of works?
- If a healthcare strategy is not informing current works, how are you measuring the delivery of the Programme of works against a healthcare solution that meets the needs of Islanders?
Phases of the New Healthcare Facilities Programme and Project Dependencies
- The Strategic Outline Case for the Programme set out that the Programme would adopt a phased approach to delivery of new healthcare facilities, and set out the dependencies within the Programme. Please can you provide an update on the status of these dependencies?
- Please can you advise how often these are reviewed?
- Please can you advise how these project dependencies are being managed with a phased approach to the Programme?
- Will the phased approach to the Programme create interdependencies between projects that sit within the Programme?
- How will these be managed as the Programme transitions into the next phase?
- Please can you confirm whether any additional dependencies have been identified following publication of the Strategic Outline Case in July 2023?
The Panel would be grateful if you could provide confirmation of your position in relation to this matter as soon as possible, but by no later than Wednesday 31st July.
Yours sincerely,
Deputy Steve Ahier Vice-Chair
Hospital Review Panel