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19-21 Broad Street | St Helier Jersey | JE2 4WE
Deputy Steve Ahier
Vice-Chair - Hospital Review Panel
15th August 2024
Dear Deputy Ahier ,
RE: Hospital Review Panel: Follow-up questions
Thank you for your letter dated 13 August 2024. Please see the below in answer to the Panel's questions:
Question 2:
- Your response highlights a monthly, strategic meeting that takes place to discuss the future direction regarding the New Healthcare Facilities Programme (Programme'), given the UK and international context'. Please can you provide more information about how these meetings are informed by the UK and international context'?
There is a monthly Senior Principals meeting which meets to discuss key elements of the programme, any blockers to the key teams and the UK and international context of the delivery of the Programme. Within the meeting there is an element of horizon scanning related to activity within the wider healthcare market which relates to main contractor acquisition and the general pricing of materials as examples of topics that might be covered.
In addition, the Commercial Management Group ("CMG") meets monthly to discuss current and future procurement activities. For example, at the meeting on the 12th of July, there was a discussion about the soft market engagement with UK and European suppliers and an update on the attendance at the European Healthcare Design Conference. It is the intention to continue with these activities within CMG and within the broader context of the Programme to ensure that there is sufficient understanding of market conditions.
- The Panel understands that the Programme team is developing a pipeline' to establish timings between the Programme and Commercial Services to ensure adequacy of review and input'. Please can you provide more information about this pipeline'?
The previous information that has been provided highlights the current and future activities as planning and input. The purpose of this is to ensure that there is sufficient resource available at the right time to deliver the Programme within the agreed timescales. There is work underway within the Programme to identify the correct wider team assembly for the period of the Programme and further work will be undertaken to ensure that other key departments such as Commercial Services can support the Programme where necessary.
a. Please can you confirm the timeframe that you are working to complete this?
The pipeline is derived from the Programme's detailed timeline which shows construction of the Acute facility being completed by the end of 2028 currently and other works commencing at Kensington Place and St Saviours and this is regularly reviewed. The timeline includes a critical path and key dependencies. Commercial Services are updated on this timeframe/pipeline and will continue to consider how best to support the Programme requirements and to assist in the provision of the correct resources.
Question 3:
- For each of the projects highlighted in Table 1.0 of the response to Question 3, please can you confirm how many contractors applied through the Proactis portal for each of these projects?
- Please can you advise how follow-up engagement with contractors that apply for opportunities through the Proactis portal is managed?
• The appropriate level of due diligence is undertaken as part of the ITT process which is identified in the previously submitted/approved Procurement Strategy.
• The responses provided by the bidders are independently assessed by an evaluation panel.
• Following this initial review, the project team prepares a schedule of clarifications for all bidders via the Portal and subsequently review once the responses are provided.
• Post tender clarifications meetings take place and responses are reviewed internally.
• The responses provided by the bidders are then loaded into an evaluation spreadsheet with weightings to score. Once this has been completed a report is written for audit purposes.
• All successful and unsuccessful bidders are then informed of the decision and offered feedback and a debrief. We use these meetings to help unsuccessful bidders to become more successful in future tenders.
The Programme team have recently held an engagement session for contractors and advisers locally and there will be a future discussion with Commercial Services regarding feedback that they received on the tendering processes and the associated documentation. Commercial Service will attend future Programme events of this nature.
Yours sincerely,
Deputy Elaine Millar
Minister - Treasury and Resources
D +44 (0)1534 440215 E