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Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel
Date: 12th March 2021 Time: 10:00am
Venue: Teams
The meeting is closed to the public under Standing Order 138(6) of the States of Jersey
- Records of Meetings
There were no records of meetings to approve
- Covid-19 Response: Support for businesses
To discuss the findings and possible recommendations and the next steps for the review [attached p.1]
- Medicinal Cannabis
To note the Panels upcoming meeting with Cicada Woodside on 16th March at 11.30am and discuss potential areas for questioning
- Quarterly Public Hearing
To discuss the action points from the recent Public Hearing with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture and discuss possible topics for review [to follow]
- Draft Interim Retail Strategy
To discuss the recently circulated Draft Interim Retail Strategy
- Upcoming Propositions
- R.31/2021 - Director of Civil Aviation: Annual Report 2020
Lodged by the Minister for External Relations and Financial Services [attached p.15]
- P.16/2021 - Draft Intellectual Property (Unregistered Rights) (Amendment –Disability and Rights in Performances) (Jersey) Regulations 202-
Lodged by the Minister for External Relations and Financial Services [attached p.17]
- Panel Work Programme
To note and approve the updated work programme [attached p.40]
- Any Other Business
To note the Island Identity Reports previously circulated on Microsoft Teams (EIA non review work channel) and the upcoming briefing (date tbc)
To note the upcoming Public Hearing with the Minister for External Relations and Financial Services on 26th March and discuss potential areas for questioning
To receive an update on the status of the Regulation of Jersey Estate Agents
To discuss the GST Personal importation review being completed by the Minister for Treasury and Resources
- Future Meetings
The Panel's next scheduled meeting is due to take place at 10am on Friday 19th March via Teams
Office Contact 01534 441080