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Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel
Date: 28th May 2021
Time: 10.00am
Venue: Le Capelain Room, States Building
The meeting is closed to the public under Standing Order 138(6) of the States of Jersey
- Records of Meetings
To approve the records of the meeting held on 30th April [public and private] 7th [public and private] 10th [public and private] 12th, 13th, 14th and 17th, [public] and 19th May [public and private] [attached p.1]
- Medicinal Cannabis
To receive a verbal update on this review and to discuss and agree the next steps.
- Covid-19 – Support for Small Business
To receive a verbal update on this review and to discuss and agree the next steps.
- Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority (JCRA)
To receive a verbal update on the status of this review and to discuss and agree the next steps. To note the public hearing with the Minister for EDTSC and the briefing from departmental officers which are due to be arranged
- Regulation of Jersey Estate Agents
To review the briefing paper following the recent meeting with members of the Jersey Estate Agents Association (JEAA) and discuss the next steps, if any [attached p.20]
- P.53/2020 – CI Lottery Proceeds
To discuss the lodged proposition and to discuss the Panel's next steps, if any [attached p.22]
Filming of Meetings
To note the possible filming of the Panel's next scheduled meeting in line with an ongoing project for PPC [attached p.26]
- Public Hearing with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture
To welcome the Minister for EDTSC to a Public Hearing at 11am
- Future Meetings
The Panel's next scheduled meeting is due to take place at 10am on Friday 4th June 2021 in Le Capelain Room, States Building
Office Contact 01534 441080