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Agenda - Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel - 1 April 2021

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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel


Date:  1st April 2021 Time:  10:00 Venue:  Via Teams

The meeting is closed to the public under Standing Order 138(6) of the States of Jersey


  1. Minutes

To note and approve the records of the meetings held on 8th and 11th March 2021 [attached p.1]


  1. Review of Maternity Services
  1. To receive an update on the review to date.
  2. To consider the survey responses to date.
  3. To discuss the focus groups to date.
  4. To note that the Panel is due to receive the Minister for Health and Social Services for a Public hearing on at 10am Tuesday 13th April.
  5. To discuss areas of questioning/key themes for the Public Hearing.
  1. Government Plan Review

To consider possible public hearing dates for its review of the Government Plan 2022- 2025 (14th October and 21st as potentials)

  1. Jersey Care Model
  1. To consider the outstanding recommendations from the Panel's review of the Jersey Care Model [attached p.4]
  2. To decide how the Panel wishes to address the outstanding recommendations and any further follow up questions
  1. Follow-up review of Mental Health Services
  1. To note the Panel's agreed work programme for this year and the timeframe for the Panel's follow-up review [attachedp.6]
  2. To consider Terms of Reference for the Panel's review.


  1. Safter Travel Policy

To note the Panel's decision to hold a joint Public Hearing with the Safer Travel Policy Review Panel and to discuss any progress in respect of arrangements.

  1. Assisted Dying Citizens' Jury

To consider a future meeting with the Independent Advisory Panel for Assisted Dying (if not already arranged)

  1. Future meetings

To note that the Panel's next scheduled meeting will take place at 2pm on 8th April 2021 via Teams.

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