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Agenda - Public Accounts Committee - 7 June 2021

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Public Accounts Committee Agenda  

Date:  Monday 7 June 2021 Time:  12:30 – 16:30

Venue:  Le Capelain Room

The meeting is closed to the public under Standing Order 138(6) of the States of Jersey ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS

  1. Minutes

To approve the public minutes of 24th May 2021.

  1. Actions Log

To note the actions on PAC matters.

  1. Declaration of Interests

To declare interests in accordance with the Code of Practice.  


  1. Audit Plan Update

To receive a presentation on the Audit Plan including the C&AG's Annual Report and Accounts 2020.

  1. Executive Response

To note the Executive Response to the C&AG's second Report on Covid-19 Response (Healthcare Management) and approve its presentation to the States, pending further comments by the PAC.


  1. Private Briefing with Director of Risk and Audit

To welcome Mike Thomas, Director of Risk and Audit, to a private briefing.


  1. Public Hearing with Chief Executive Officer and Treasurer of the States  

To welcome the Chief Executive Officer and Treasurer of the States to a public hearing.


  1. Estate Management
  1. To note the questions to the SOJDC Managing Director following the subgroup meeting of 18th May 2021 and that a response is expected on 21 June 2021.
  2. To note that the Corporate Asset Management Board (CAMB) Chair has been invited to the next subgroup meeting on 15th June.
  3. To note a response from Director of Estates regarding the approach to disability legislation compliance.
  1. To note the responses to follow up letters to Directors General are due on 21 June 2021.
  2. To note that responses have been received from all non-Ministerial Departments.
  3. To approve the Heads of Report.
  1. Performance Management
  1. To note the next subgroup meeting is on 10th June.
  2. To note the responses to follow up letters to Directors General are due on 2 July 2021.
  3. To note the response from the Chief of Staff on the Recommendations Tracker.
  1. States Annual Report and Accounts 2020 To approve the Heads of Report.


  1. Citizens' Panels

To note the interim Chief Executive's response to the Committee's letter, dated 12th May 2021 and to consider next steps.

  1. To consider a draft Comments paper on the Spend Local £100 voucher scheme and to consider issuing it as a short report or attaching it to the relevant C&AG Report.
  2. Next meeting

To note that the PAC's next meeting will take place at 12:30pm on Monday, 28th June 2021, in Le Capelain Room, to include a public hearing with the Director General, Health and Community Services.