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Economic and International Affairs Panel Agenda
Date: 15th September 2022 Time: 11am to 1pm Venue: Blampied Room
The meeting is closed to the public under Standing Order 138(6) of the States of Jersey
- Records of meetings
To review and approve minutes of Panel meetings held on 1st September and 8th September 2022 [Teams folder 1].
- Mini Budget
To note the delay in the Panel’s submission of comments due to the postponement of States business.
- Seasonal Workers and the Rural Economy
To note the upcoming private briefing with the Minister for Social Security on 29th September at 11am [briefing paper to follow].
- Regulation of Estate Agents
To note the Minister’s response to the Panel’s follow up on the recommendations of this review and discuss the next steps, if any. [Teams folder 4].
- Briefing with Ministers re Ministerial Objectives
To discuss the recently held briefings with the Minister for External Relations and the Minister for EDTSC and discuss areas of follow up, if any.
- Upcoming Briefings
To note the upcoming joint briefing with the EHI Scrutiny Panel on the Rural Economy and Marine Strategy on 7th October and to discuss areas of questioning.
- Lodged Propositions and Reports/Upcoming States Business
To note the following lodged reports and propositions and to discuss the next steps, if any [Teams folder 7].
• R.112-2022 Jersey Bank Depositors Compensation Board re-appointment of member
• R.118 - 2022 Jersey Gambling Commission Annual Report and Accounts
• R.121-2022 Jersey Overseas Aid Annual Report 2021
• R.113-2022 Jersey Finance 2021 Annual Accounts and Financial Statements
- Work Programme
To note the Panel’s work programme until the end of 2022 and as previously shared with SLC and to discuss the next steps for the topics below, if any [Teams folder 8].
• Climate Change and Energy
• To receive an update from the Chair on the possible formation of a Climate Change and Energy Review following discussion of this as a possible Review Panel at the recent SLC meeting.
• Outline Economic Strategy
• To discuss the Outline Economic Strategy and its possible alignment to the Finance Strategy and cross Departmental working.
• Technology Accelerator Fund
• To note the recent correspondence received from the Assistant Minister for EDTSC and discuss the next steps, if any.
• Economic Impacts of Remote Working
• To note and discuss the recently published report by the Economics Unit on the Impacts of Remote Working.
- Future Meetings
To agree that the Panel’s next scheduled meeting will take place at 10 am on the 29th September 2022 in the Blampied Room in the States Building and will include a briefing from the Minister for Social Security on Seasonal Workers and the Rural Economy.