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Agenda - Corporate Services Panel - 11 July 2023

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“Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel” Agenda

Date:  11th July 2023 Time:  10:00am – 12.00pm Venue:  Blampied Room

The meeting is closed to the public under Standing Order 138(6) of the States of Jersey


  1. Records of Meetings

To note and approve the record of the meeting held on 27th June 2023. SCRUTINY REVIEWS

  1. People and Culture Follow-up Review
  1. To welcome Deputy Feltham to the Panel as a co-opted Member for the review.
  2. To agree the draft Scoping Document and Terms of Reference.
  3. To agree meeting dates and times for the review.
  4. To receive an Officer update on the progress of the review.
  5. To agree any actions to follow.
  1. P.41/2023   Draft  Income  Tax  (Amendment   Stage  2  Independent  Taxation) (Jersey) Law 202-
  1. To note and discuss the Minister for Treasury and Resource’s response to the Panel’s letter dated 28th June 2023 regarding the submission from Citizens Advice Jersey.
  2. To discuss and agree draft Comments on P.41/2023.


  1. Advisory Group Records of Meetings

To discuss and agree any actions on the Advisory Group records of meetings regarding the CEO role.

  1. Correspondence: Minister for Treasury and Resources

To note and discuss the Minister for Treasury and Resource’s response to the Panel’s letter dated 28th June 2023 on the Minister’s position regarding recommendation 18 - Government Plan 2023-26 review - S.R.20/2022.

  1. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources

To note and agree the draft question plan for the upcoming hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources on 21st July 2023.


  1. Briefing: Progress update on Public Services Ombudsperson (PSO) Legislation

To note and confirm the PSO briefing in private with the Chief Minister scheduled for Tuesday 15th August 2023 at 10am.

  1. Any Other Business

To note and discuss areas of any other business.

  1. Next Meeting

To note that the Panel’s next scheduled meeting is at 10:00am on 25th July 2023 in the Blampied Room, States Building.