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Agenda - Scrutiny Liaison Committee - 24 January 2023

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Scrutiny Liaison Committee


Date:  24th January 2022 Time:  2pm – 4pm

Venue:  Blampied Room/Teams

The meeting is closed to the public under Standing Order 138(6) of the States of



Deputy Sam Mezec Deputy Steve Luce


  1. Records of Meetings

To  note  and  approve  the  records  of  the  meeting  held  on  28th  November  and  6th December 2022.

To also note and approve the private file note from the meeting on 28th November.

  1. Work Programmes and Activity Reports

To  note  the  work  programmes  and  activity  reports  for  the  various  Scrutiny  Panels (including Review Panels).

Children Education and Home Affairs – WP AR Corporate Services – WP AR

Economic and International Affairs – WP AR Environment, Infrastructure and Housing – WP AR Health and Social Security – WP AR

Public Accounts Committee – WP AR

Future Hospital Review Panel - AR

  1. Privileges and Procedures Committee

To note the activity report and work programme on the work of PPC.

  1. Training for Scrutiny Members

Verbal update from Assistant Greffier on the status of member training

  1. Government Plan 2023 - 2026

To reflect on the recent approach of Scrutiny Panels to the Government Plan overall and consider what, if any, changes could be made to the approach in future.

  1. Meeting with SLC President, Vice President and Chief Minister

To discuss areas of concern to raise at the upcoming meeting with the President, Vice President and the Chief Minister.

  1. Formation of new Health Board

To discuss the recent appointment of Hugo Mascie- Taylor as a consultant to initiate the formation of the new health board and discuss the next steps, if any. [Vice President to provide verbal update]

  1. Bilateral Investment Treaty (BITs)

To discuss the briefing recently received by PPC and discuss any areas of concern. [Vice President to provide verbal update]

  1. Future Meetings

To note the Committee’s next scheduled meeting will be on 14th February 2023 at 2pm in Blampied Room, States Building