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Agenda - Public Accounts Committee - 27 March 2024

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Public Accounts Committee Agenda

Date:  Wednesday 27th March 2024 Time:  12:30pm – 3:30pm

Venue:  Blampied Room, States Building

The meeting is closed to the public under Standing Order 138(6) of the States of Jersey



  1. Welcome and Introduction
  1. To welcome Members to the first meeting of the PAC and;
  2. Members will be asked to note the declaration of interests section in the Scrutiny and Public Accounts Committee Proceedings Code of Practice and consider declaring any relevant interests
  1. Procedural and Administrative Matters

To consider and make decisions, set out in the attached paper, regarding the following:

  1. Vice-Chair
  2. Day and time of regular meetings
  3. Oral and written evidence
  4. Individual matters
  1. Working Practices
  1. To  consider  and  agree  the  Committee's  future  working  practices,  including consideration of  Committee  communication, use of Microsoft Teams and the conduct of meetings.  
  2. To note the Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and the PAC and Code of Conduct for Lay Members of the PAC.


  1. Comptroller and Auditor General update

a)  To receive an update from the Comptroller and Auditor General on the Audit Plan for 2024.

  1. Annual Reporting

To note the executive response and associated comments to the C&AG report Annual Reporting' and to discuss any further comments or actions.

  1. Handling and Learning from Complaints

To  note  the  executive response  and  associated  comments to the  C&AG report Handling and Learning from Complaints' and to discuss any further comments or actions.

  1. Government Response to COVID-19 Pandemic – Economic, Social and Health Related Recovery

To  note  the  executive response  and  associated  comments to the  C&AG report Government  Response  to  COVID-19  Pandemic   Economic,  Social  and  Health Related Recovery' and to discuss any further comments or actions.

  1. Mid-Term Reflections

To note the executive response to the C&AG report Mid-Term Reflections and to discuss any further comments or actions.

  1. Major and Strategic Projects, Including Capital Projects

To note the executive response to the C&AG report Major and Strategic Projects, Including Capital Projects' and to discuss any further comments or actions.

  1. Electronic Patient Record

To note the executive response to the C&AG report Electronic Patient Records' and to discuss any further comments or actions.


  1. Performance Management – Follow Up

To note the final draft report of the previous PAC's review of Performance Management – Follow up and associated news release and to agree any further actions.


  1. Future Meetings

To note that the Committee's first full scheduled meeting will take place at 12:30pm on Wednesday 24th April 2024 in the Blampied Room, States Building.