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Education and Home Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 18 April 2006

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Social Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Date: Tuesday 18th April 2006 Location: Trinity Parish Hall

Present Deputy F.J. Hill, B.E.M., Chairman

Deputy J.A. Martin, Vice Chairman Deputy D.W. Mezbourian

Deputy A.E. Pryke

Deputy S. Pitman



In attendance Mr. C. Ahier , Scrutiny Officer

Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Minutes

The Panel approved the minutes of the meeting of 3rd April 2006.



2. General Matters Arising

The Panel was informed that letters of thanks had been sent to all parties that had met the Panel on 3rd April 2006.


[03/04/06, Item 2]

[20/03/06, Item 2b]

[03/04/06, Item 2]

3. HMP La Moye

The Panel noted it had not received a copy of the 2006 Business Plan for HMP La Moye. It was advised that the Department of Home Affairs had begun work on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) rather than on a Business Plan.

The Panel noted correspondence (dated 11th April 2006) from Senator W. Kinnard, Minister for Home Affairs, in response to the Panel's request for information relating to Report on an Announced Inspection of La Moye Prison, Jersey (27 June – 1 July 2005) by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons. The Panel agreed to invite Senator Kinnard to a Public Hearing on 11th or 12th May 2006 to discuss the report. It further agreed the invitation would include Mr S. Guy- Gibbens, Governor of HMP La Moye. The Officers were requested to clarify whether the Council of Ministers would meet on 11th May 2006 and whether a Hearing on that date involving Senator Kinnard was therefore unfeasible. The Panel agreed it would request a copy of the draft Performance Improvement Plan in preparation for its Hearing.

The Panel considered the potential benefit of consulting with Mrs A. Owers, HM Chief Inspector of Prisons. It requested the Officers to verify whether Mrs Owers would be available to come to Jersey and to establish the potential cost of such a visit.

The Panel noted it would visit HMP La Moye at 2:00pm on 21st April 2006. It further noted correspondence (dated 13th April 2006) from Mr Guy-Gibbens regarding the purpose of the Panel's visit. The Panel agreed the purpose was for the Panel to familiarise itself with the operation of the Prison.



[20/03/06, Item 4]

The Panel noted it had not received responses to its requests for information on the number of prisoners in HMP La Moye for drug- related crimes and the amount spent by the Prison on unsubsidised prescriptions. It agreed that a follow-up request would be sent to the Department of Home Affairs.


[03/04/06, Item 2]

4. Sexual Offences

The Panel noted a list provided by the Department of Home Affairs of those parties the Department had consulted with in relation to Sexual Offences (Jersey) Law 200- (P.196/2005). It agreed to request a copy of the consultation received by the Department.

The Panel agreed to defer its decision on whether it would seek to have Sexual Offences (Jersey) Law 200- referred to it for review.

The Panel noted correspondence from Mr D. Pipon that had been sent to all States members. It was advised that Mr Pipon had been in contact with the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel during that Panel's review of Sexual Offences (Jersey) Law 200-.


[03/04/06, Item 12]

5. Strategic Plan

The Panel agreed it would meet at 10:30am on 21st April 2006 to consider its response to Strategic Plan 2006 to 2010 (P.40/2006). The Officers were requested to make the necessary arrangements.

The Panel agreed it would seek to meet Mrs J. Marshall, Strategic Planning Manager, Chief Minister's Department, in the afternoon of 27th April 2006 in order to discuss the Panel's response to the Strategic Plan.


[03/04/06, Item 15a]

[03/04/06, Item 14]

6. Topic Proposals

  1. Legitimacy Law

The Panel was advised that work had been undertaken on Wills and Succession (Jersey) Law 1993 that would potentially address the concerns expressed in this proposal. It was noted that the Proposer had been advised of this work. The Panel agreed to write to the Proposer to enquire whether his concerns had been addressed.

  1. Education for Democracy

The Panel agreed it would not undertake a review based on this proposal. It agreed to write to the Proposer advising that the concerns expressed would be addressed in comments made by the Panel on Strategic Plan 2006 to 2010 (P.40/2006). It further agreed to advise the Proposer of the existence of the Scrutiny website and the decision by the Chairmen's Committee to hold Scrutiny road-shows' every six weeks.

  1. Poverty in Jersey

The Panel agreed it would not undertake a review based on this proposal. It agreed to inform the Proposer of the existence of the Scrutiny website and to advise the Proposer to contact the Overseas Aid Committee.

  1. Speed Cameras




The Panel agreed to defer a decision on this Proposal pending advice from the Department of Home Affairs on the validity of CA/WM claims contained within the Proposal.

  1. Quality of Life for the Elderly

The Panel agreed the concerns expressed in this proposal would be addressed during the Income Support Review thereby negating the need to undertake a separate review. It further agreed to advise the Proposer accordingly.


  1. Social Housing and First-Time Buyer Property

The Panel noted Point 1 of the Rationale behind this Proposal as

listed below. It considered whether the Public Accounts Committee

would be reviewing this area and requested clarification of the CA/WM situation:

Freeze the sell-off of Social Housing to Trusts and Association until housing policy has been examined by Scrutiny

The Panel noted Point 2 of the Rationale, as listed below, and further noted that this concern would be addressed during any future review of proposals originally contained in Housing Trading Organisation: establishment (P.211/2005):


Item 7] To get a proper costing of the maintenance budget to

upgrade public social housing

The Panel noted Point 3 of the Rationale, as listed below, and agreed this matter lay within the remit of the Environment Scrutiny Panel. It agreed to advise the Environment Panel accordingly:

Evaluate affordable first time buyer properties, achieved CA/WM through States sponsored shared equity and / or interest free

deposit loans

  1. Income Support Scheme and the Nordic Social Security model

The Panel agreed the concerns raised in this proposal would be addressed during the Income Support Review thereby negating the need to undertake a separate review. It further agreed to advise the Proposer accordingly.


  1. Early Years

The Panel noted that it had received nine Topic Proposal Forms in [06/02/06, relation to this topic. It was advised that a further Proposal Form Item 4g] on this subject was awaiting consideration.

The Panel considered with Senator M.E. Vibert , Minister for Education, Sport and Culture, the current situation with regard to Early Years. The Panel was informed that the Department of Education, Sport and Culture intended to implement a strategy in 2009 for Foundation Education of 3 to 5 year olds. The Minister expressed his opinion that people erroneously believed the Department would be addressing concerns relating to Early Years Care of 0 to 5 year olds but that such people had misinterpreted the Department's work. The Minister further advised the Panel that


he would be requesting the Social Policy Sub-Group of the Council of Ministers to consider the question of Early Years Care.

The Panel was advised that a follow-up paper to the consultation undertaken for Investing in our Future: A Vision for Early Childhood Education and Care for Children in Jersey (R.C.54/2005) would be ready in June 2006. It was further advised that the Department would be likely to identify a number of options relating to Foundation Education. The Minister advised that he would welcome the input of the Panel in the Department's work and undertook to provide the Panel with a time-table indicating the work to be undertaken in this area.

Following discussions with the Minister, the Panel agreed concerns raised in Topic Proposals relating to Early Years would be addressed during the Early Years Education and Care Review thereby negating the need to undertake a separate review. It further agreed to advise the Proposers accordingly.

i) Youth Provision

The Panel agreed the concerns raised in this proposal would be addressed during the Youth Service Review thereby negating the need to undertake a separate review. It further agreed to advise the Proposer accordingly.




[03/04/06, Item 10]

7. Income Support

The Panel was informed that the Chairman would resign from the Income Support Sub-Panel. It agreed that Senator P.F. Routier, Minister for Social Security, would be informed of this development.

The Panel noted the Sub-Panel would next meet at 9:30am on 24th April 2006.


[03/04/06, Item 9]

[06/03/06, Item 7c]

8. Out-of-Hours

The Panel was advised of correspondence (dated 7th April 2006) from Mrs D. Minihane which indicated that Age Concern had not received a letter from the Department of Health and Social Services requesting its view on the new out-of-hours scheme.

The Panel was advised that Deputies A.E. Pryke and D.W. Mezbourian had met to identify potential lines of enquiry for the review.

The Panel agreed it would no longer seek to hold Public Hearings relating to this review on the following dates:

11th May 2006

12th May 2006

19th May 2006

The Panel agreed to set aside the following dates for Public Hearings:


25th May 2006

26th May 2006

The Panel agreed that invitations would be sent to the following CA/WM parties to attend a Public Hearing on one of the above dates:

  • Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority (JCRA)
  • Dr B. Perchard
  • Senator S. Syvret, Minister for Health and Social Services

The Panel noted correspondence (dated 7th April 2006) from Mr M. Littler, Directorate Manager of Medicine, which indicted that fees for the Out-of-Hours service had been increased.

[03/04/06, 9. Jersey Youth Service

Item 3] The Panel met Senator M.E. Vibert , Minister for Education, Sport

and Culture, and Mrs S. Costigan, Principal Youth Officer, to discuss the Jersey Youth Service.

  1. Personal Information

The Panel was informed that Mrs Costigan had been in the Island for approximately eleven months and had previously worked in a number of regions in the United Kingdom.

  1. General Matters Relating to the Youth Service

The Panel was informed the Youth Service reached approximately 40-50% of Jersey's 12 to 18 year-olds. It was noted the target for youth services in the United Kingdom was to reach 25% of this age group.

The Panel was informed that Jersey would host the UK Youth Work Conference in May 2006. It was advised that local Youth Workers would be able to attend the Conference.

The Panel was informed that Jersey Youth Service was linked to the South-West region in England. Mrs Costigan expressed her opinion that Jersey's Youth Service was in less upheaval than youth services in the United Kingdom.

The Panel was advised that Jersey Youth Service differed in operation from the Youth Service in Guernsey and that no joint conference would be held in 2006 with the Guernsey Youth Service.

The Panel was advised that the Youth Service was coming to the end of the strategy outlined in Jersey Youth Service: A Three-Year Development Plan (R.C.8/2004) and that some objectives outlined in the Plan had not been achieved due to the early deaths of the two previous Principal Youth Officers. The Panel was informed that Mrs Costigan would develop a new three-year plan for implementation in 2007 and that a draft version of the new plan was likely to be ready for the Minister's attention in September 2006. The Panel was advised that there would be consultation in regard to the new plan but that no decision had been taken on how this would occur.

The Panel was informed that annual plans would be produced for the Youth Service and that plans would also be produced for individual Youth Service projects.

The Panel received copies of the following documents. It was advised that the report by Fidelma O'Neill was confidential and not for public viewing:

Report of the research into sources of pressure, support systems and structures of Jersey Youth Service by Fidelma O'Neill

Poster for Jersey Youth Service

The Panel requested a copy of the 2001 BMI Stress Report. The Minister undertook to provide a copy to the Panel and advised that MV the document would be confidential and not for public viewing.

  1. Staffing Matters

The Panel was advised of the recruitment process that had occurred when the post of Principal Youth Officer had last been vacant. It was further advised that the post could be filled by a local resident.

The Panel was advised the Youth Service received sufficient funding to fill all its posts but that it faced problems with recruitment and some larger Youth Centres were consequently understaffed. The Panel was informed of an increase in funding for sessional workers and further informed that a review of these posts was ongoing. The Panel considered the increase in the budget from 2003 to 2006 for part-time Youth Workers and agreed a question on this matter would be more appropriately asked in writing.

The Panel was informed of potential arrangements for the creation of new Youth Worker posts. It was advised of the intention to create half-time posts in certain centres that could potentially be used as training posts.

The Panel was informed that the objective was for 50% of work undertaken by Youth Workers to involve direct contact with young people. The Panel was advised of arrangements that had been implemented with regard to administrative support work that would help allow this objective to be met.

  1. Staff Development

The Panel was advised that Mrs Costigan would meet individually with Youth Workers to identify their personal concerns and ambitions.

The Panel was informed that National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) courses for sessional youth workers would be available at Highlands College from September 2006.

The Panel was advised of the training offered to volunteer workers

and young Youth Workers.

  1. Facilities

The Panel was advised that some Youth Service facilities were owned by the States whilst others were shared by the Service with other parties.

The Panel was informed that one member of the Senior Management Team would take lead responsibility for the management of Youth Service facilities.

The Panel was informed the Youth Service hoped to take out a twenty-one year lease on the facility at Gorey.

The Panel was advised that applications for financial assistance from non-States owned facilities were judged on an individual case- by-case basis.

The Panel was informed that a Youth Shelter had been established at Le Squez and that a second would be established in St Brelade. The Panel was advised that the inspiration for Youth Shelters had come from young people and that the initiative was intended to cater for young people who did not use Youth Centres as well as those who did.

  1. Quality Assurance (QA)

The Panel was advised that a QA framework would be developed during 2006 that would involve the collection of information and statistics for monitoring purposes. The Panel was advised that methods of data collection were being tested in the west of the Island.

  1. Partnership Arrangements

The Panel was informed the Youth Service worked in partnership with certain Parishes and was seeking to work in partnership with the Parishes of St Martin, St Clement, St Saviour and St Brelade.

The Panel was informed that Service Level Agreements were signed with Parishes although the nature of the Agreement would vary from Parish to Parish. Mrs Costigan undertook to provide a sample copy to the Panel. SC

The Panel was informed the Youth Service was working with Autism Jersey and Jersey Mencap on the Inclusion Project'. It was advised that a bid had been made by these two organisations for a full-time worker to undertake work with children with disabilities. The Panel was further advised that a Steering Group oversaw the work undertaken although workers were ultimately employed and managed by the Youth Service. The Panel was informed that children with disabilities were not obliged to access the specific services provided for such children. It was further informed of a scheme whereby sixth-form students from Hautlieu School were acting as buddies' to children with disabilities.

The Panel was informed that the Youth Service had approached the following uniformed groups and had arranged a meeting with the Scouting and Girl Guide Associations. It was advised that all five organisations were able to apply for funding:

St John Ambulance

Boys' Brigade

Girls' Brigade

Scouting Association

Girl Guides Association

  1. Prince's Trust

The Panel was advised of the intention to introduce the Prince's Trust to Jersey. It was informed that the Youth Service would manage the work of the trust and would organise the funding (although it would not fund the Trust itself). It was further informed that funding from a local charity had been arranged for a period of three years.

The Panel was advised that a pilot project involving fourteen people between the ages of 16 and 25 (of whom seven were male) had been implemented in January 2006. It was informed that all fourteen people were unemployed. The Panel was advised that advertising for the scheme had occurred, including a seminar, and that the Youth Service intended to run such a scheme twice yearly.

  1. Work in Schools

The Panel was informed that the Youth Service was to offer one session a week in schools of an alternative' curriculum for students in Years 10 and 11. The Panel was informed this curriculum would be delivered by full-time Youth Workers who would receive training for this work. The Panel was advised that sessional workers would possibly be used in the second year of this scheme.

  1. Youth Information Project

The Panel was advised that the Youth Service was taking a lead in this Project but that it involved a variety of agencies including the Departments of Housing and Health and Social Services. It was informed that an information booklet would be produced and external funding sought for the project. The Panel was advised that the target audience was 15 and 16 year-olds.

  1. Youth Participation Project

The Panel was advised this Project was currently on hold. It was advised the Youth Council comprised one element of the Project that involved a focus on good citizenship. It was informed that the Youth Council comprised approximately 12 members and that the Youth Service would look to re-launch the Council as a more representative body in September 2006. The Panel was advised the Youth Service was looking to adopt and adapt a document from the UK entitled Hear by Right.

  1. Boat Café

The Panel was advised that the Waterfront development would


include provision for Youth facilities in some form.

The Panel was informed that work on finding a replacement for the Move-On Café had led to a proposal to use a docked boat. The Panel was advised that a steering group had been formed to oversee this matter. It was informed that the boat would be set on a plinth and would therefore not rise and fall with the tide. The Panel was advised of the intention to run the café commercially that would involve employing young people and those on work experience.


[03/04/06, Item 3]

[03/04/06, Item 3]

10. Other Matters Arising from the Meeting with Senator Vibert and Mrs Costigan

The Panel noted that Mr J. Westwater was the Scrutiny Liaison Officer for the Department of Education, Sport and Culture. It further noted the request from the Minister that he and Mr T. McKeon be included in any correspondence requesting information from the Department.

The Panel was informed that a review of funding for Higher Education was imminent.

The Panel was advised that a report relating to the Youth Service budget which had appeared on the BBC Jersey website on 16th March 2006 had inaccurately reported the amount of money being put into the Youth Service.


[20/02/06, Item 4]

11. Work Programme

The Panel agreed it would undertake reviews of both the Youth Service and Early Years. It further agreed that work on its review of the role of Centeniers in the Magistrate's Court would begin immediately. It further agreed that its proposed review of Housing Trading Organisation: establishment (P.211/2005) would be deferred.

The Panel agreed that the Chairman would act as Lead Member for the Centeniers Review with Deputy Mezbourian as Assistant Lead Member.

The Panel agreed to inform the Ministers for Education, Sport and Culture and Home Affairs of its decisions relating to the Work Programme. It further agreed that all States Members would subsequently be informed of the decisions.



12. Communication from the Chairmen's Committee

a) General Matters

The Panel endorsed the following proposal for the dissemination of information from the Chairmen's Committee to Scrutiny panels:

A briefing paper would be produced as soon as possible after the Chairmen's Committee meeting that would include the main points discussed at the meeting and highlight any specific Panel action areas

The Panel considered future meeting dates of the Chairmen's Committee and requested that a list of these dates be sent to it.


[20/02/06, Item 2]

[20/02/06, Item 2]

The Panel noted the Chairmen's Committee's request for Panel members with appropriate experience of information technology to make themselves known. The Panel further noted that no member of the Panel had such experience.

b) Split of the Social Affairs Panel

The Panel was advised that a paper regarding the potential split of the Social Affairs Scrutiny Panel would be considered by the Chairmen's Committee at its meeting on 20th April 2006. The Panel requested that it receive a copy of this paper.

The Panel was advised that the Chairmen's Committee had previously agreed a split of the Social Affairs Panel would only occur if the appropriate funding and manpower resources had been secured. It was further advised of the proposal that a split would lead to two panels with the following remits:

Panel 1: Departments of Education, Sport and Culture and Home Affairs

Panel 2: Departments of Health and Social Services, Housing and Social Security

The Panel was advised that a split of the Social Affairs Panel would need the agreement of the States.



[20/02/06, Item 3]

13. Social Policy Sub-Group

The Panel noted the Sub-Group, as established by the Council of Ministers, had met for the first time on 12th April 2006. It requested that enquiries be made for the Panel to receive a copy of the Sub- Group's agendas prior to their meetings as well as a copy of the Sub-Group's minutes.



14. Forthcoming Propositions

The Panel agreed that it would not seek to have the following Propositions referred to it for review:

P.21/2006 – Draft Restriction on Smoking (Vending Machines) (Jersey) Regulations 200-

P.22/2006 – Draft Restriction on Smoking (Public Transport) (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 200-

P.23/2006 – Draft Restriction on Smoking (Sales of Cigarettes to Children) (Am. No.2) (Jersey) Regulations 200-

P.26/2006 – Draft States of Jersey (Transfer of Functions No

  1. (Home Affairs to Transport and Technical Services) (Jersey) Regulations 200-

P.28/2006 – Draft Restriction on Smoking (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 2006 Appointed Day) Act 200-

P.36/2006 – Draft Social Security (Television Licence Benefit)(Jersey) Law 200-

P.37/2006 – Draft Social Security (Television Licence Benefit) (Jersey) Regulations 200-

P.39/2006 – Draft Restriction on Smoking (Amendment No.

  1. (Jersey) Law 200-



15. Questions to Ministers

The Panel noted the Chairman would ask an oral question of the


Minister for Health and Social Services relating to the provision in Draft Restriction on Smoking (Amendment No.2) (Jersey) Law 200- (P.39/2006) for a Tobacco Control Officer and the consequent funding requirement of £50,000.

16. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that the next meeting would take place at 9:30am on Tuesday 2nd May 2006 in Le Capelain Room, States Building.

Signed Date ..

Chairman, Social Affairs Panel