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Education and Home Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 30 June 2008

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Education & Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel

PUBLIC MEETING Record of Meeting

Date: 30th June 2008 Meeting 78



Deputy D.W. Mezbourian , Chairman Deputy J. Gallichan, Vice-Chairman Connétable G.F. Butcher

Deputy S. Pitman





In attendance

Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The Panel agreed one minor typographical amendment to the record of its meeting on 16th June 2008 and approved the record as amended.


[16/06/08, Item 2]

2. Customs and Immigration

The  Panel  considered  the  current  status  of  the  Customs  and Immigration Review, noting that no public submissions had been made and that information remained to be received in response to some of the Panel's requests. The Panel recalled its previous agreement that Members would consider the evidence received and submit comments. It was subsequently agreed that the Chairman would meet the Lead Scrutiny Officer for the review to consider the next stages. It was noted that the Panel might need to meet specifically to consider the review.


[16/06/08, Item 3]

3. Social Inclusion – Mont-à-l'Abbé

The Panel considered its subsequent course of action for the Social Inclusion – Mont-à-l'Abbé Review following its Public Hearing with the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture (ESC) on 24th June 2008.

The Panel recalled from the Public Hearing the advice received that the spending pressure of £370,000 facing Mont-à-l'Abbé School had been addressed; it had been unclear from whence the funding had been provided although the Panel had been informed that the funding had come from outside the cash limits of the Department of ESC. It was noted that correspondence had been despatched to the Minister for Treasury and Resources with questions on this matter.

The  Panel  also  recalled  the  advice  that  a  broad,  all-encompassing review of Social Inclusion was due to be undertaken by the Department of ESC in 2009. Noting the Minister's comment that he would welcome Scrutiny's involvement, consideration was given to what involvement, if any, the subsequent Education and Home Affairs Panel might have in the  review. It  was  noted  that,  on  the  basis  of  the  work  it  had undertaken, the Panel could potentially recommend areas that should be included within the review.

It was agreed that correspondence would be despatched to the Minister for  Health  and  Social  Services  regarding  the  liaison  that  occurred



between his Department and the Department of ESC.

The Panel agreed that, beyond those actions which had already been agreed, it would not continue to gather evidence for this review. It was further agreed that the Panel would produce a brief report on the work that had been undertaken.

The Panel noted that Deputy S. Pitman had other questions regarding provision for children with special educational needs. It was agreed that it would be most appropriate at this juncture for the Deputy to put these questions to the Minister for ESC in the States Assembly.


[16/06/08, Item 4]

4. Annual Business Plan

The Panel considered its subsequent course of action in relation to the 2009 Annual Business Plan (ABP). The Panel noted the comments of the Vice-Chairman that a disproportionate amount of time could be spent working on the 2009 ABP and that this could divert the Panel's attention from other more significant topics. It was further noted that scrutiny  of  the  ABP  was  contained  in  the  Terms  of  Reference  for Scrutiny Panels but that Panels maintained control over their own work programmes.

The Panel recalled the work it had undertaken in April 2008 on the draft proposals  and  provisional  cash  limits.   It  was  agreed  that correspondence would be despatched to the two relevant Ministers as a follow-up to the Panel's report that had been submitted to the Council of Ministers in May 2008. It was noted that questions regarding the cost of students who fail to complete higher education courses in the United Kingdom would be included within the correspondence to the Minister for ESC.

The Panel considered the draft capital programme for the 2009 ABP and agreed that questions on the programme would be despatched to the relevant Ministers.

It was recalled that the Panel had set aside specific areas within the two relevant Departments to be covered within its work on the 2009 ABP, namely culture for ESC and the Fire and Rescue Service for Home Affairs.   It  was  noted  that   Deputy  F.J.  Hill  BEM  was  due  to  ask questions regarding the maintenance of St. James at the States sitting of 1st July 2008. Consideration was given to the Panel's previous agreement  that  the  Public  Hearings  be  held  on  25th  July  2008. Subsequent  to  its  consideration  of  the  work  programme  for  the remainder of 2008, the Panel agreed that it would not proceed with these Public Hearings and noted that questions regarding culture and the Fire and Rescue Service could potentially be put in writing. It was also agreed not to seek a site visit to Fire and Rescue Headquarters. It was agreed to inform the relevant Ministers of the cancellation of the Hearings.

The Panel noted that briefings on the 2009 ABP would be held at 9:30am on 14th July 2008 and in the afternoon of 24th July 2008.




[04/06/08, Item 2]

5. Work Programme

The Panel considered its work programme for the remainder of 2008, taking into account work that was ongoing and other topics that had recently come to light. It was noted that account would need to be made for the potential impact of the summer recess and the elections due to be held later in 2008.



Notwithstanding its work on the Customs and Immigration and Social Inclusion – Mont-à-l'Abbé Reviews (for which work was ongoing), the Panel agreed the following list of priorities for the remainder of 2008:

  1. Draft Police Force (States) (Jersey) Law 200-
  2. Draft Firearms (Amendment No.2) (Jersey) Law 200-
  3. Prison Board of Visitors
  4. Annual Business Plan


[31/03/08, Item 7]

6. Prison Board of Visitors

Recalling  its  earlier  decision  not  to  proceed  with  further  evidence- gathering for the Social Inclusion – Mont-à-l'Abbé Review, the Panel noted that work on the Prison Board of Visitors could effectively be brought forward. The Panel considered the benefits of a visit to the United  Kingdom  in  order  to  gather  information  on  Independent Monitoring Boards. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to undertake preliminary enquiries with a view to identifying potential locations for a visit.

The  Panel  recalled  that  the  Chairman  and   Deputy  S.  Pitman,  as Members of the former Social Affairs Scrutiny Panel, had previously undertaken work on the Prison Board of Visitors. The Officer was requested to collate the information that had been gathered by the former Social Affairs Panel.




7. Firearms Law

The Panel noted receipt of Draft Firearms (Amendment No.2) (Jersey) Law 200- and recalled that reference had been made to the amendment during question time at the States sitting of 17th June 2008. The Panel was advised that a copy had also been sent by the Department of Home Affairs to the Department of ESC for comment. It was noted that the draft law made provision for police searches on school premises.

The Panel considered what action it should take with regard to the draft law. It was agreed that the Panel would most likely despatch written questions to the Minister for Home Affairs with a view to presenting comments  on  the  draft  law,  once  lodged. To  assist  the  Panel's consideration, the Scrutiny Officer was requested to circulate copies of the principal law, Firearms (Jersey) Law 2000, to Members. The Panel also agreed it would be beneficial to ascertain what legislation was in force in other jurisdictions and the Officer was therefore requested to obtain a copy of the relevant legislation that applied in Guernsey.



[23/07/07, Item 6]

8. Draft Police Force Law

The Panel noted that Draft Police Force (States) (Jersey) Law 200- had been circulated to States Members for comment and that the Minister for Home Affairs intended to lodge the draft law in time for the debate to occur on 9th September 2008.

The  Panel  was  advised  that  the  Chairman  had  been  contacted  by Deputy J.G. Reed regarding the draft law and the apparent need for it to be debated on 9th September 2008. The Panel recalled the provisions of Standing Order 72 and questioned what impact the imminent election period would have on the application of that Standing Order. The Officer was requested to seek clarification regarding this matter.

The Panel considered its approach to the draft law and, considering it to be a high priority, agreed to review it. It was agreed that, in the first instance, Panel Members would consider the  draft law and identify




questions but that further, more detailed work would be necessary for this review. It was agreed that an expert advisor would be required and the Officer was therefore requested to make preliminary enquiries with a view to identifying potential candidates. It was also agreed to advise the Minister for Home Affairs that the Panel intended to review the legislation and to ask for clarification of the implications of not debating the draft law on 9th September 2008.


[16/06/08, Item 11]

9. Ministerial Orders

The Panel noted a paper outlining the procedures relating to Ministerial Decisions and Ministerial Orders. It was further noted that, during the States sitting of 17th June 2008, the Minister for Home Affairs had reported that procedures appeared to have broken down in relation to R&O 69/2008,  Police Procedures and Criminal Evidence (Codes of Practice)  (Amendment)  (Jersey)  Order  2008,  and  that  she  would therefore review the procedures involved. The Panel agreed to write to the  Minister  to  ask  when  the  results  of  this  review  would  become available.

The  Panel  recalled  the  statements  that  had  been  made  on  R&O 69/2008,  both  by  the  Minister  and  H.M.  Attorney  General,  and  the questions that had consequently arisen. It was noted that Part 5 of Police Procedures and Criminal Evidence (Jersey) Law 2003 was of potential significance to the issues that had surrounded R&O 69/2008 and that Part 5 of the Law had not yet come into force. It was agreed to ask the Minister for an update on Part 5 of the Law.



[16/06/08, Item 7]

10. Matters Arising and Action Updates

The Panel noted the updates on actions requested at previous Panel meetings.

The Panel noted that the briefing notes of the Chairmen's Committee meeting of 20th June 2008 had been circulated by e-mail on 25th June 2008. It was noted that, in relation to the proposed Scrutiny Away Day, the Committee had identified five matters for discussion, including the Internal Review into Working Practices. It had also agreed that all Panels should consider these matters and add any other items for discussion to the list. The Panel noted that its concerns regarding situations in which Panels might be hurried to produce reports was potentially covered in the matters already identified. It further noted that 26th September 2008 had been proposed as the date for the Away Day.


[16/06/08, Item 9]

11. Early Years

The Panel noted that, following the presentation of the Panel's report, Early Years (SR5/2008), the Jersey Child Care Trust was due to hold a consultation evening on 3rd July 2008.

The Panel was advised that the Chairman had recently heard mention that  a  course  in  relation  to  early  years  was  offered  at  Highlands College. It was agreed to request details of this course.

The Panel considered the Ministerial Response to SR5/2008 that had been  received. It  was  noted  that  advice  had  subsequently  been received that the Minister and Department would appreciate the Panel's comments on the Response. It was agreed to advise the Minister of a potential misinterpretation of one of the Panel's recommendations.



[28/04/08, Item 8]

12. GP Out-of-Hours

The Panel noted that the Health, Social Security and Housing (HSSH) Scrutiny Panel had requested comments from the Panel on the 2007



annual report for the GP Co-Operative Out-of-Hours Service. It was advised that the Chairman had submitted some comments and that the HSSH Panel would pursue the matter through written questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services.


[16/06/08, Item 8]

13. Forthcoming Propositions

The  Panel  was  advised  that  the  Minister  for  Home  Affairs  had presented comments on Draft Marriage and Civil Status (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 200- (P.61/2008): amendments (P.61Amd/2008).



14. Ministerial Decisions

The Panel noted that the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture had made the following Ministerial Decision:

1.  Lord Portsea Gift Fund - revised rules and conditions (MD-ESC- 2008-0013)

The  Panel  noted  that  the  Minister  for  Home  Affairs  had  made  the following Ministerial Decisions:

  1. Minister - Delegation of Functions (MD-HA-2008-0030)
  2. Police  Procedures  and  Criminal  Evidence  (Codes  of  Practice) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 2008 (MD-HA-2008-0037)
  3. Repeal  -  Police  Procedures  and  Criminal  Evidence  (Codes  of Practice) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 2008 (MD-HA-2008-0038)



15. Questions to Ministers

The Panel noted that the Minister for Planning and Environment and the Minister  for  Education,  Sport  and  Culture  would  answer  questions without notice at the States sitting of 1st July 2008.



16. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place after the briefing on the 2009 Annual Business Plan on 14th July 2008. It was noted that the meeting would most likely begin at approximately 11:30am.


Signed  Date: ..  


Education & Home Affairs Panel