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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 12 October 2009

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel


Date: 12th October 2009 Meeting 37

Present Deputy M.R. Higgins, Chairman

Deputy C.F. Labey , Vice-Chairman

Deputy D.J.A. Wimberley

Deputy S. Pitman

Deputy J.M. Maçon

Deputy G.P. Southern (Depositor Compensation Scheme Review only)



In attendance Mr. T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer

Miss. K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter


08/10/09 Item 1


1. Depositor Compensation Scheme

The Panel received hard copies of the report as re-drafted by the Chairman. The Chairman acknowledged concerns raised by the Panel over the late distribution of the report by him so close to the scheduled date of debate of 20th  October, and  agreed that  it would have been advantageous for the Panel to have received the full report earlier.

Concerns  were  raised  over  the  tight  timescale  for  making amendments to the report, but the Panel agreed to consider the draft and submit any comments to the officer by the end of the day. The Panel agreed specifically that Deputy S. Pitman would submit her detailed comments and suggested amendments to the Openess, Transparency and Honesty' Section of the draft report and circulate them to the Panel for comments.

The Panel noted that in addition to any amendments that may be required to be made to it, the report would also need to undergo proof reading and formatting, and that two days would be required to  complete  these  tasks.  The  Panel  agreed  that  given  the timeframe left it would not be able to meet the provision of the Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and the P.A.C. to send the draft report to contributing stakeholders for comment on factual or technical accuracy.

The Panel noted the updated draft Amendments to P.86/2009 that had been worked on by the Chairman with the Law Draftsman. The Panel agreed to read the Amendments and to email the officer and Chairman with comments.

It noted that with the States debate on Depositor Compensation scheduled  for  20th  October  2009,  it  would  be  lodging  the Amendments very close to that date, but would continue to aim to


do so and request the States to take the Amendments during that debate despite having missed the lodging deadline of 6th October. The Panel further noted that the Chairman would write the report to accompany the Amendments.

The Chairman advised the Panel that due to family commitments he would be required to travel to the UK that week and would not be returning until the following week.

The  Panel  agreed  that   Deputy  J.M  Maçon  would  attend  the Chairman's Committee meeting on Thursday 15th October 2009.

2. Rural Economy Strategy

The  Panel  agreed  to  request  an  update  from  the  Economic KB/TO Development Department on the progress of its internal review of

the Rural Economy Strategy.

Signed Date: ..


Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel