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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 7 December 2009

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

PUBLIC MEETING Record of Meeting

Date: 7th December 2009 Meeting 41

Present Deputy M.R. Higgins, Chairman

Deputy C.F. Labey , Vice-Chairman Deputy S. Pitman

Deputy D.J.A. Wimberley

Deputy J.M. Maçon



In attendance Mr. T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter


23/11/09, Item 4

1. Work Programme

The  Panel  further  considered  potential  topics  identified  at  its previous meeting for inclusion on its Work Programme for 2010. It agreed that Members would read through the Tourism PPP review files ahead of consideration at its subsequent meeting of the  next  steps  for  the  review.  The  Panel  further  agreed  the following actions on the potential review topics:

  • Rural Economy Strategy:

A meeting was to be sought with the lead Departmental Officer to update Deputy Labey and Deputy Wimberley as to the progress of the draft strategy. The Panel agreed that a Sub-Panel would be established to include Deputy Labey and Deputy Wimberley. The Deputies would identify other non-Executive Members to be invited  to  join  the  Sub-Panel  and  liaise  accordingly  with  the Scrutiny  Officer.  Scoping  of  the  Sub-Panel's  work  would  be progressed after the meeting with the Departmental lead Officer and confirmation of the Sub-Panel's Membership.

  • Airport and/or Harbours:

The Chairman advised the Panel that he had received confirmation from Deputy Egré and Deputy Rondel that they would join him for a Sub-Panel review. The Panel agreed to the establishment of the Sub-Panel and its Membership and was advised by the Chairman that the Sub-Panel would begin scoping its review. The Panel noted the wide remit of the Sub- Panel and was advised by the Officer that the scoping would need to establish a clear, policy based review.

  • Youth Unemployment/Highlands College/Skills and Training:

The Panel noted and welcomed correspondence from Mr D

Panel TO



Webber. The Panel agreed that this was an important topic and MH would like to see further work undertaken on it. It noted that this

matter was also covered in part by the remits of the Education

and Home Affairs, Corporate Services and Health, Social

Security and Housing Panels. With a view to establishing a Sub-

Panel with a cross section of Members from those Panels, the Chairman agreed to speak the relevant Members to seek a

meeting to work out a suitable way forward. The Panel was

advised that if this meeting was not possible the matter could be

raised at the Chairmen's Committee meeting scheduled for 17th TO December.

  • Intellectual Property

The  Panel  agreed  to  continue  preliminary  work  to  identify possible expert advisers to assist its determination of any work it

may undertake. The Panel noted that a request for background documents had been made to the Department and a response TO

was awaited.

  • Jersey Finance

The Panel recalled that it had undertaken follow up work to the previous  Panel's  review.  It  requested  that  this  work  be  re- circulated to the Members to assist consideration of any further

work that it may pursue.


  • JCRA (role in relation to utility companies)

The  Panel  noted  that  the  Corporate  Services  Panel  was considering undertaking a related review. The Chairman agreed to speak to the Chairman of the Corporate Services Panel to establish  the  scope  of  its  review  in  order  to  help  inform  the Panel's decision on any future work it may undertake.

  • Jersey Enterprise and Economic Stimulus

The Panel agreed that it would continue to consider a possible review.

  • JFSC

The Panel agreed that it would continue to consider a possible


23/11/09, 2. Bag Limits

Item 4

The Panel considered the draft report, and in particular its draft findings and recommendations. The Panel agreed to continue TO drafting the report in line with its discussions. The Chairman would liaise with Officer regarding the Introduction. MH 3. Future Meetings

The  Panel  agreed  that  it  would  request  a  Quarterly  Update hearing with the Minister for Economic Development on either TO Monday 14th December 2009 or Wednesday 16th December 2009.

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place  on  14th  December  2009,  Le  Capelain  Room,  States Building.

Signed Date:



Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel