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Education and Home Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 15 Decembr 2011

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Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 15th December 2011 Meeting No: 2



Deputy J. M. Maçon, Chairman

Connétable M. P. S. Le Troquer, Vice Chairman Connétable S. W. Pallett





In attendance

M. Haden, Scrutiny Officer

S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Minutes

The  Minutes  of  the  meeting  held  on  28th  November  2011  were approved as a true record.



2. Matters arising

Visit to UK Parliament - Members were informed that contact had been made with the Clerk of the Overseas Office at the House of Commons who had been suggested that a visit in March could be accommodated. Members  agreed  that  a  joint  visit  with  another  Panel  would  be appropriate.



3. Chairman's Committee

The Chairman reported on policy decisions taken at the Chairmen's Committee meeting held on 12th December 2011.



4. Departmental Briefings

Members received copies of the brief provided to the Minister and Assistant Minister for Home Affairs giving an overview of the Home Affairs Executive, an outline of the role of the services provided by the department and the significant issues currently facing the department.

Members noted the resourcing pressures faced by the Customs and Immigration Service and requested to be provided with copies of the report  published  by  a  previous  Education  and  Home  Affairs  Panel (SR14/2008) together with the ministerial response in order to review the findings and recommendations of the Panel.

Members  requested  the  Scrutiny  Officer  to  arrange  an  informal introductory meeting with the Minister for Home Affairs in the New Year.

Members  also  received  copies  of  briefing  papers  prepared  by  the Scrutiny Officer relating to Education Sport and Culture and noted that the Minister for Education Sport and Culture had agreed to meet the Panel informally after the Christmas recess.



5. Draft States of Jersey Police Force Law 201- (P.182/2011)

The Panel considered a briefing paper prepared by the Scrutiny Officer on the draft law which was scheduled for debate in the States on 31st

January 2012.

Having noted that a previous Panel had undertaken a review of the draft law in 2008, members agreed that it would be appropriate to approach the previous Panel's expert advisers to provide a briefing on the current proposals.

Members noted that the position with regard to the role of the Police Authority in relation to the Honorary Police remained to be resolved and that this would be reviewed at a later date once the Police Authority had been functioning for a period of time.

It was noted that the two Connétable s on the Panel might be conflicted in terms of scrutinising arrangements for oversight of the Honorary Police.



6. Succession Planning in the States of Jersey Police (SR7/2011) - Ministerial Response

Members  noted  the  Ministerial  Response  which  acknowledged  the important role of the new Police Authority in monitoring progress in succession planning. Members agreed to seek a progress report from the Minister in due course.



7. Topic proposal – Surveillance

Members considered a topic proposal received from Mr. Dun, having noted that the previous Panel had agreed to conduct a review on this issue but that other work priorities had intervened.

Members  noted  that  the  issue  covered  a  broad  range  of  activity including  electronic  surveillance  through  CCTV  through  to  police surveillance  operations.  A  review  could  examine  whether  local regulations and guidelines were sufficient in the light of technological developments in this field, assess how information gathered through surveillance  was  used  in  the  Island  and  evaluate  whether  public expenditure was well spent.

Members asked the Scrutiny Officer to prepare a paper defining the scope of a review.



8. Topic proposal – impact of CSR savings on services for young people

Members  agreed  that  they  wished  to  undertake  a  review  of  the implications of any savings cuts through the Comprehensive Spending Review on the provision of services for young people through the Youth Service and the Community Sports Development activity programme.

Members agreed to request information from the ESC Department on any proposed savings prior to developing the scope and formal terms of reference for this review.



9. Topic proposal – youth unemployment

Members agreed that tackling youth unemployment was a matter of critical importance in the current economic climate and noted that the Chief Minister had announced that this was one of his immediate key priorities. Members agreed that the Island's long-term strategies for dealing with this issue should be one of their own priorities for the work programme in 2012.



7. Future meetings

The Panel agreed to defer the meeting scheduled for 9th January 2012 to 24th January due to the absence of one of the members.