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Chairmen's Committee - Approved Committee Minutes - 2 May 2012

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Chairmen's Committee

Record of Meeting

Meeting held by electronic mail

Date: 2nd May 2012



Deputy T.A. Vallois, President Deputy S.G. Luce , Vice-President Senator S.C. Ferguson

Deputy J.M. Maçon

Deputy J.H. Young

Deputy K.L. Moore





In attendance

 Mrs. K. Tremellen-Frost, Scrutiny Manager


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Agenda matter



1.  Housing Transformation Programme – scoping document for review by Health, Social Security and Housing Scrutiny Panel

The Committee noted the above scoping document and also noted the full total estimated budget for this review and for the review into the Health  White  Paper.  Noting  that  as  these  were  two  important  and substantial pieces of work, the Committee agreed to the substantial estimated budgets.


