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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 19th December 2012 Meeting No: 63
Present | Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Connétable D.J. Murphy Deputy R.J. Rondel |
Apologies | Deputy S. Power |
Absent |
In attendance | Mr. W Millow , Scrutiny Officer Miss S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Records of Meetings The records of the meetings held on 28th and 29th November 2012 were approved and signed accordingly. |
28/11/12 Item 2 513/36 | 2. Population and Migration The Panel was advised that, subsequent to a request from the Corporate Services (Population and Migration) Sub-Panel, the debate on Regulations arising from the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law had been deferred to 5th March 2013. The Panel received an update from the Vice-Chairman of the Population and Migration Sub-Panel. The Panel was informed that public hearings had been held and that the Sub-Panel was on course for the presentation of its report to occur by the end of February 2013. The Panel was further informed that the Sub-Panel had not yet identified key findings and recommendations arising from the review. It was noted that a visit to the Isle of Man had taken place but that the Sub-Panel had no plans to visit Guernsey. The Panel was advised that the Sub-Panel had received information on the migration controls in operation in Guernsey. The Panel nevertheless agreed that the Sub-Panel should be asked to re-consider whether a visit to Guernsey would be beneficial. The Panel was informed that, consequent to the Panel's own agreement, the Sub-Panel had requested a copy of the report provided by HM Attorney General to the Privy Council for the Council's consideration of the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law. The Panel noted that HM Attorney General had responded to advise the Sub-Panel that the request could not be met. | Sub- Panel |
28/11/12 Item 4 513/35 | 3. Medium Term Financial Plan The Panel noted that the Corporate Services (MTFP) Sub-Panel had met to evaluate the Scrutiny Review of the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) and to consider the follow-up work that could potentially be undertaken. A copy of the Sub-Panel's review evaluation, as it |
| stood, was received and it was noted that the Sub-Panel would consider the matter further at a meeting arranged for 24th January 2013. It was agreed that the Sub-Panel should also consider further the matter of follow-up work and, in that regard, the Panel agreed to await the Sub-Panel's advice before deciding upon the scope for such work. The Panel noted that the Ministerial Response to Review of the Medium Term Financial Plan (SR18/2012) had been presented to the States on 5th December 2012 by Senator P.F.C. Ozouf , Minister for Treasury and Resources. The Panel was advised that the Ministerial Response followed the agreed template. The Panel noted that expenditure on the Scrutiny Review of the MTFP had amounted to £180 for work undertaken by the Panel itself and to £28,827.34 for work undertaken by the MTFP Sub-Panel. The Panel was informed that the budgetary limit for the Sub-Panel's work stood at £28,300 and it was therefore agreed to increase the budget to accommodate the additional expenditure. |
29/11/12 Item 1 513/37(1) | 4. 2013 Budget The Panel noted that comments on Draft Budget Statement 2013 (P.102/2012) had been presented on 3rd December 2012 in accordance with the process agreed by the Panel on 29th November 2012. The Panel evaluated the Scrutiny Review of the 2013 Budget Statement. It was noted that more work could have been undertaken than had been possible in the time available and it was therefore agreed that greater provision should be made in the 2013 Work Programme for a review of the 2014 Budget Statement. It was agreed that any review of the 2014 Budget Statement would most likely be undertaken by the Panel itself rather than any Sub-Panel. |
14/11/12 Item 4 513/1(41) | 5. Work Programme The Panel considered its Work Programme for 2013 and discussed a list of potential review topics. The Panel was advised that the Scrutiny Office was in correspondence with Executive Departments with a view to establishing a standardised document through which Departments could in future update Panels on the Executive's work programme. It was noted that provision would need to be made in 2013 for completion of Part 2 of the Population and Migration Review. The Panel subsequently agreed that provision would also be made in the Work Programme for follow-up work on the MTFP, a review of the 2014 Budget Statement, Part 3 of the Population and Migration Review and a review relating to External Relations. In respect of Part 3 of the Population and Migration Review, it was agreed that clarification was required as to the timetable for development of the Population Policy. The Panel confirmed that it remained minded to undertake a review in respect of the Legislative Process. It was agreed that further information from the Executive was required with regard to Human Resources, Information Services, amendments to the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 and the States of Jersey Development Company. In respect of Human Resources, the Panel noted that advice it had | SM / WM SM / WM |
| received on the Modernisation Programme made reference to a Lean Academy and it was agreed to request an explanation of what this would entail. It was noted that the Chairman had material in respect of Lean Academies which she offered to circulate. The Panel agreed that reviews could potentially be undertaken in the longer term in respect of social policy, public sector pension schemes and long-term strategic planning. In respect of social policy, it was noted that the matter also fell within the remit of the Health, Social Security and Housing (HSSH) Scrutiny Panel. The Panel agreed that it would not undertake a review in respect of the redemption of preference shares held by the States in JT. It was noted that the matter now fell within the remit of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and it was therefore agreed to suggest to the PAC that it consider reviewing the matter. The Panel subsequently agreed that it would not undertake a review in respect of corporate health and safety as this also now fell outside of the Panel's remit. The Panel noted that work in respect of the Taxes Transformation Programme and Property Taxation could potentially be built into a review of the 2014 Budget Statement. The Panel noted that the development of a housing strategy was described in the MTFP as falling within the remit of the Chief Minister. The Panel was advised that a Sub-Panel of the HSSH Scrutiny Panel was already due to consider this matter as part of a Scrutiny Review of the Housing Transformation Programme. It was agreed to request an update from the HSSH Sub-Panel on its work. | SM / WM SF SM / WM SM / WM |
| 6. GST De Minimis The Panel noted receipt of a proposal that it undertake a Scrutiny Review in respect of the GST de minimis level. The Scrutiny Officers were requested to research the matter and it was agreed to request from the Minister for Treasury and Resources an update on whether changes to the de minimis level had recently been, or would be, considered. | SM / WM |
| 7. Future Meetings The Panel noted its meeting schedule for 2013. The Panel was informed that the Council of Ministers would meet on Wednesdays in 2013 and that, as a consequence, the Panel would need to identify additional dates in order to accommodate Quarterly Public Hearings with the Ministers in its remit. The Panel requested that the Quarterly Public Hearings be arranged for Thursday mornings. Noting that provisional arrangements had been established by the Scrutiny Office for initial meetings with the Ministers, the Panel confirmed it would meet Senator I.J. Gorst , Chief Minister, at 3:30pm on 23rd January 2013 and the Minister for Treasury and Resources at 10:00am on 31st January 2013. The Panel noted that it would next meet on 9th January 2013. Noting that a meeting between the Council of Ministers and Chairmen's Committee was scheduled to take place at 9:30am that morning, it was agreed that the Panel would meet at 10:30am. | SM / WM |