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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 23 May 2012

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   23rd May 2012 Meeting No:  31



Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Connétable D.J. Murphy

Deputy S. Power [Absent for Item 1] Deputy R.J. Rondel





In attendance

Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer Miss S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the public records of its meetings held on 12th, 19th and 23rd April 2012 and the private records of its meetings held on 2nd, 11th and 19th April 2012. The records were signed accordingly.


11/05/12 Item 1


2. Housing Capital Projects

Consideration  was  given  to  draft  comments  on  Social  Housing Schemes: Funding (P.40/2012). The draft comments were amended and approved, as amended. The Panel agreed that, ahead of their presentation to the States, a copy of the comments would be sent to the Department of Treasury and Resources.


02/05/12 Item 2


3. Population and Migration

The Panel noted receipt of correspondence from Senator P.F. Routier, MBE, Assistant Chief Minister and Chairman of the Migration Advisory Group  (MAG).   It  was  noted  that  implementation  of  the  Control  of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law was expected to occur in September 2012.

The Panel evaluated the course of the review to date. The Panel considered  that,  whilst  the  review  had  progressed  reasonably  well, changes could be made to the manner in which the Panel approached public hearings. It was noted that the number of hearings scheduled for one day should be limited and that it would be beneficial for the Panel to discuss the implications of information received during hearings on a given day at the end of the day (and not to leave such consideration until a later date). The Panel further noted that it would be beneficial to invite written submissions from people or bodies due to appear at a public hearing and, indeed, that the Panel should endeavour to cover more areas in written format in order that public hearings could be undertaken more effectively.

During the course of the Panel's discussions, it was noted that Mr. C. Swinson OBE, Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) had previously



produced material on the collation and analysis of evidence. The Panel requested that the C&AG's material on the matter be circulated.

Consideration was given to the appointment of expert advisors and it was agreed that the Panel should have clear expectations as to what it expected from any advisor that it engaged. It was noted that a view on the Terms of Reference for a review could potentially be sought from an advisor engaged for that review.

Consideration  was  given  to  the  work  to  be  undertaken  during  the subsequent parts of the review and it was agreed that it would be beneficial to consider the corresponding situations in Guernsey and the Isle of Man.

The  Panel  noted  that  the  Ministerial  Response  to  Population  and Migration   Part  1  (SR1/2012)  would  be  received  in  due  course. Consideration  was  given  to  how  the  Panel  would  follow  up  the recommendations  it  had  made. It  was  advised  that,  in  other circumstances, the Panel could feasibly hold a public hearing with the relevant  Minister  in  order  to  follow-up  a  report;  however,  in  this instance, the Panel would be able to follow-up matters during Part 2 of the review.

Consideration  was  given  to  whether  to  establish  a  Sub-Panel  to undertake Part 2 of the review. It was agreed that the Panel itself would undertake Part 2.


16/05/12 Item 1


4. Tourism Development Fund

The Panel received an update from Deputy S. Power, Chairman of the Tourism Development Fund (TDF) Sub-Panel. It was noted that Terms of Reference for the review had been agreed and that arrangements had been made for public hearings to be held. The Panel was advised that  the  Sub-Panel  had  invited  written  submissions  from  States Members  and  from  members  of  the  Jersey  Hospitality  Association (JHA).


22/05/12 Item 1


5. Medium Term Financial Plan

The Panel recalled the briefing it had received on 22nd May 2012 from Ms. L. Rowley, Treasurer of the States, on the draft Medium Term Financial  Plan  (MTFP).   The  Panel further recalled  that  provisional Terms  of  Reference  would  be  circulated  amongst  the  Panel  for confirmation  that  they  could  subsequently  be  forwarded  for consideration by the Chairmen's Committee.

Consideration was given to the appointment of expert advisors. It was noted that advice would be required in relation to the economic context of the MTFP and on the mechanics by which the MTFP would operate. It was further noted that, in relation to the latter area, assistance could potentially  be  gleaned  through  calling  expert  witnesses  rather  than through the appointment of an expert advisor. The Panel was advised that  it  would  be  necessary  to  follow  the  requirements  of  Financial Directions in seeking and engaging an advisor.

The Panel recalled that scrutiny of the MTFP was intended to involve each of the Scrutiny Panels and, for subsequent work, a Sub-Panel comprising Members from each of the Panels. It was noted that the Panel itself would examine the MTFP from the perspective of the Chief



Minister's Department and the Department of Treasury and Resources.


25/04/12 Item 9


6. Work Programme

In light of the decisions made at the meeting, the Panel requested that an update on its work programme be placed on the next agenda.


25/04/12 Item 8


7. Gigabit Jersey

The Panel noted that papers relating to Gigabit Jersey requested from the Department of Treasury and Resources had yet to be received and the Scrutiny Officers were therefore requested to follow-up the matter. In light of the Panel's other commitments, it was agreed that, upon receipt of the papers, the Panel would undertake no further work on this topic until such time as there was sufficient capacity within the work programme.



8. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 6th June 2012.


08/02/12 Item 1


9. Quarterly Hearing with the Chief Minister

The Panel noted that it was due to receive Senator I.J. Gorst , Chief Minister, for a Quarterly Public Hearing on 6th June 2012. The Panel requested that a draft question plan be put together and circulated for Panel  consideration. It  was  agreed  that the plan  should  take  into account  the  previous  Quarterly  Public  Hearing  held  with  the  Chief Minister  and  the  2012  Departmental  Business  Plan  for  the  Chief Minister's Department.


25/04/12 Item 11


10. International Relations

The Panel was advised that the Chairman had been invited to meet the Chief  Minister  on  29th  May  2012  to  discuss  matters  relating  to international relations.